Until We Stop Them
by Douglas Mercer
EVERY SINGLE TIME you say “every single time” you’re always amazed that it really is every single time. It’s always the Jews. Whenever the White race is being attacked, whenever crime is being fomented, wherever sickness is being fostered, wherever the youth are being corrupted, wherever order is being overthrown, wherever treason is being done, wherever immigrants are being shoveled in, wherever the country is being sold out, wherever the Ruling Elite plots, wherever our enemies congregate — it’s always the Jews, always has been the Jews, and always will be the Jews, until we stop them. Every. Single. Time.
Now a group funded lavishly by Jew George Soros is getting bucketsful of money from the Jew-ridden Biden regime (that is, money from you and me) in order to provide lawyers to illegal wetbacks so said wetbacks can stay in America and prey on you (thus fulfilling Jew designs) and suck on welfare money. When, on the off chance they get caught after they commit their crimes, a Jew-funded lawyer and Jew-funded prosecutors and Jew judges will let them off — and so the Jew circle will remain unbroken forever (until we stop them).
The group in question is called the “Vera Institute.” It is based, unsurprisingly, in Jew York City. It was founded by two old Jews (unsurprisingly), and it was named after the old Jewish bag who was the mother of one of the old Jews. I didn’t look it up, but here’s hoping she got sent up the chimney.
Every. Single. Time.
Go to the Vera Institute’s Web site, but be sure you have a pail nearby in case uncontrollable retching ensues. They claim that they fight for “human dignity.” In case you don’t know, both “human” and “dignity” are code words for White genocide, the fictional notion of “humanity” (one race, the human race) is one of the primary tools in the Jews’ arsenal of extermination, as in “crimes against humanity.” As for “dignity,” this is a hangover from the “all are equal in the eyes of God” nonsense peddled by weak-willed latter day followers of Jesus Christ and the chosen-approved, clueless, color-blind “content of your character” conservatives.
Not everything is human that seems to bear a human face.
This Jew “institute” specializes in “bail reform,” the “issues of mass incarceration,” and “racial disparities in criminalization.” They won their spurs (such as they are) and cut their teeth (gold fillings still in) on the issue of getting Black criminals out of jail. They were doing this starting back in 1961, which shows that the Jews play the long game when it comes to wrecking White nations.
Now they are going to make sure that no non-White ever gets deported. Not that they were really going to be deported anyway, but when it comes to even the remotest possibility of a wetback having to return to his godforsaken home country, the Jew will make double sure that that cannot happen.
It’s always the same sordid and sorry schtick with these Hebrews — burrow into White lands and, like termites, eat into the wood until the house collapses of its own weight. If you’re a sixteen-year-old Mestizo criminal, this “institute” is the greatest thing since sliced bread (sliced bread having been invented by White people); if you are a member of the White race, it’s a mortal threat.
Treat it accordingly.
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Way back in 1961, when White Americans figured the White paradise they lived in would last forever, two insidious Jews had a different idea. They claimed they felt sorry for the poor Blacks who were in jail — but what they really wanted to do was get them out of jail to kill as many White people as possible. It would take some sixty years for this idea to reach its full flower of evil in the Year of Fentanyl Floyd, but Jews are always working across lomg time horizons and finding novel ways to exterminate their mortal enemies.
Founded in 1961 to advocate for alternatives to money bail in New York City, Vera is now a national organization that partners with impacted communities and government leaders for change. We work to transform the criminal legal and immigration system so that money doesn’t determine freedom; fewer people are incarcerated; and everyone behind bars is treated with dignity.
What a crock: it’s to kill more White people. You can read all about it in the Protocols and a hundred other documents. Jews have always attacked “criminal justice” in the name of never giving criminals justice. Those White people aren’t going to kill themselves, are they?
The Jews at the Vera Institute say they want to “to end the overcriminalization and mass incarceration of people of color and immigrants.”
Actually they are all under-incarcerated. The immigrants have to go back forthwith, and the Negroes we need to keep under lock and key until a destination can be arranged (shouldn’t take long). “Human dignity” is a red herring; this is the survival of our race we’re talking about here.
But “setting the Negro free” like “Moses come down from the mountain” is a Jewish thing. Locked up, the Negro does them no good; he’s dead weight– but on the street, and out on the lam, they do the Jews’ work. When you see those “color of crime” stats, always remember Jews behind them. And the Jews’ work is killing White people. Anyone who tells you it’s more complicated than that is trying to bamboozle you.
Herb Sturz and Louis Schweitzer in 1961 founded the Vera Institute of Justice. The two Jewish men spurred a movement, including dozens of criminal justice advocacy groups, that had sweeping impact last year when multiple states, including New York, eliminated cash bail.
That’s right, something begun in 1961 came to its perfidious fruition 60 years later; 60 years is as nothing for Jews; they’ve been bloodsucking parasites for thousands. They’ve been trying to wipe us from the face of the Earth for thousands too, so if they miss by a decade or two it is of no consequence. And “sweeping impact” is an understatement — Blacks on the street have lost what last vestige of reticence they might once have had. That it’s open season on White people is no longer a closely guarded secret; you can read about it anywhere you go. Why just the other day in none other than Jew York City some Black female thugs attacked a White woman and said “all White people are going to get what they deserve.”
Expect more of this. Somewhere Herb Sturz is smiling.
Sturz was born in 1930 in Bayonne, New Jersey. He was the child of Jewish immigrants from Europe who recalled his saloonkeeper father crying only once, upon learning that members of his family had been murdered by the Nazis.
Every. Single. Time.
Every single time you say it, you know it to be true.
And 99.99 per cent. of the time these were filthy, murderous, criminal criminal Jews getting fully legal and fully justified punishment.
Trust me, they had it coming. And then some.
Sturz attended Hebrew school as a child but never considered himself religious, though he fasted on Yom Kippur. “I’m a Jew when Jews are under attack,” Sturz said.
In case you were wondering, the Jews always think they are under attack. So he’s always a Jew. Once a Jew, always a Jew. There are no exceptions to this important rule.
In 1961 Herb Sturz, a magazine editor, and Louis Schweitzer, a philanthropist, recognized the injustice of a bail system in New York City that locked people up simply for being poor. They believed that with research, evidence, and advocacy, they could help end the injustice of money bail.
By now, cash bail is a thing of the past, quaint as Hell really. If you think about it, if there’s no money at stake the only thing keeping anyone from absconding is honor. And Negroes are not known for their high sense of social duty or honor; they are known for shuffling, shucking and jiving, putting out lucrative and horrible rap songs, and stuffing a ball through a meaningless hoop — and of course endless crime and abandonment of their children. They are a million times more likely to be found knocking off another liquor store than showing up for their hearing.
The second study was called Racial Bias in Bail Decisions. Using the same core data as the first study, the second study concluded that judges making bail decisions tend to treat African Americans more severely than whites.
People who mindlessly spout this claptrap forget that Blacks are more criminal, the crucial factor. Blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime, and when they go up on charges (which will soon be dropped) the usual Jew suspects say, “Look! Look at all the Blacks being charged; it must be racism!” It would be ludicrous were it not so sinister.
The experiment — called the Manhattan Bail Project — resulted in dozens of similar projects in cities around the country and in landmark legislative reform of the federal bail system. It also led to the founding of the Vera Foundation — now the Vera Institute of Justice — named for Schweitzer’s inspiring mother.
“Our deeply flawed criminal legal system, with its roots in the enforcement of slavery, has devastated the lives of millions, particularly people of color, for centuries. Black people are far more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, convicted, harshly sentenced, and saddled with lifelong conviction records than white people. And the consequences of such minor infractions — like driving with a broken taillight or selling loose cigarettes — can be deadly, as they were for Philando Castile, Eric Garner.”
This is the baseline; just take note of all those Negroes who get shot by police resisting arrest or in the act of murder, and who are behind bars, and aver that the cause is “White racism.” Because of course (and this is their unstated premise) there’s no way that the sainted Blacks could be committing that much crime. For them to admit that they commit crime at the astoundingly high rate that they do would raise a lot of eyebrows among the racially uncommitted. Perhaps even some pesky questions would be asked, and that most certainly will not do.
And they do indeed commit that much crime. It’s a fact which, if widely and openly admitted and not rationalized away by faux “racism,” could really blow the lid off the lies that bind us.
At the Vera Institute of Justice, we work to end overcriminalization and mass incarceration, but our goal is not only to shrink and transform the criminal legal and immigration systems. We develop just, antiracist solutions that promote true public safety and help our communities thrive.
This, of course, is slapdash laughable on its face. In case they haven’t noticed, we currently don’t have a crime wave — we have a crime tsunami. Those calls for “defunding the police” fall on deaf ears when it’s your ox that’s being gored. Hell, even known simp and Jew Howard Schultz, who never saw a Black man’s shoes he didn’t want to shine, said we need more police — as his beloved Starbucks has had to close store after store in Black areas. Donald Trump didn’t do much, and much of what he did do (like the First Step Act) was harmful — but that “American carnage” line is aging well, like a fine wine, really.
The institute also launched the Motion for Justice campaign, in which they work with prosecutors’ offices and community-based groups to improve safety by creating diversion programs that focus on racial equity.
“Diversion” means they did the crime, but won’t do the time. Cash bail, diversion; all they want is these dangerous Negroes back on the street. “Criminal justice reform” is just a euphemism for more criminals and no justice.
The Board of Trustees of the Vera Institute of Justice has named Nicholas Turner as Vera’s next president and director. Mr. Turner, currently a managing director at The Rockefeller Foundation and previously vice president and chief program officer at Vera, was elected by a unanimous vote of Vera’s trustees following a national search. He is the first person of color to occupy the role.
The Rockefeller Foundation, did you say?
Indeed they did.
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When it comes to illegal aliens, American soil is like a Mexican fly trap: The Mestizos come in, but they never leave. Well, when Mexicans make it to our soil — and some 200,000 try every month — a vast “legal” machinery kicks in to keep them here; through a confusing array of bogus Supreme Court decisions, though bureaucratic malfeasance, though Jew perfidy, through endless tangles of treason, our law now stipulates that once here, they get lawyered up fast. And endless wrongly decided case law is cited; Justice Brennan in invoked; someone bloviates about how we are a “nation of immigrants”; the juvenile scrawl by that Jewess they added to the Statue of Liberty is solemnly invoked — and next thing you know, 200,000 invaders are out, and the murders and rape sprees targeting underage White girls can begin anew.
The Mexican Mestizos come in, but they never come out. The Squatemalans, the El Salvadoreans, and the Haitians too — everyone and his brother, and their cousins by the dozens. Whole villages have been known to be imported en masse, chickens and all.
American is now the Mexican fly trap. It’s international velcro to which all Brown and Black invaders permanently stick.
The Vera Institute has been using tax money since at least 2015 to stop the deportation of unaccompanied minors who just happen to be illegal aliens, could get as much $1 billion through the next few years to continue.
That’s good scratch if you can get it. So the Vera Institute started out touting for Blacks and ending cash bail, and now they’re branching out and funneling hundreds of millions of our money to Mestizo invaders; it’s a pincer movement of destruction. The Blacks form the steady drumbeat of crime, they can be counted on year after year and decade after decade to rob, rape, steal, and murder; they are the Jews’ bread and butter, you might say. But if race eradication is your goal, you have to have more than one iron in the fire. There’s a reason that Viktor Orban’s recent statement that condemned race mixing caused the Jews to blow a gasket, and caused the chief rabbi of Hungary to rend his garments, gnash his teeth, and get blue in the face — just like those memes of Jews who are blue in the face. The Jews learn with their mothers’ milk that immigration (alongside crime) is the key to undo White kingdoms. Flood historically White nations with enough race garbage, and everything will begin to totter precipitously; so the more race garbage, the better — and the faster it happens, the better; so to obtain a gig lawyering-up young immigrants to make sure no one ever even dreams of turning them away is a match made in heaven (or Hell): Jews and mongrelization.
Jews love to “welcome the stranger.” As they never fail to remind us, they “were refugees once.” They even claim “we were all refugees once.”
But it’s not true. We were settlers and conquerors, and that’s all the difference in the world.
A left-wing group linked to billionaire George Soros has won a nearly $172 million federal contract from President Joe Biden’s administration to help young border crossers avoid deportation, a report revealed this week.
Doesn’t “young border crossers” make it sound so innocent, like they’re babes in the woods? Their thought is, How can anyone be against young border crossers? Are you a monster?
Well, if that’s what it takes, yes sir — call me a monster. I don’t care what you call me. What I am is a man standing up and saving my people, my nation, and my family.
The Vera Institute of Justice, with financial ties to Soros, has won a federal contract for $171.7 million that will provide attorneys to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) to avoid deportation from the United States.
This Soros fellow really gets around. He procliaims himself an advocate of the “open society,” which sounds anodyne enough, I suppose — until you think about it and realize that in every respect (economic protection, immigration, cultural preservation, racial integrity) what you need, and need absolutely, is a closed society. Soros is the Jew who has infamously bankrolled all those District Attorneys who act like they are Nat Turner on a maniacal bender. It got so bad that when on Fox News Newt Gingrich mentioned Soros, a former Obama official and ruling class sycophant said “let’s not bring up George Soros,” as if the ruling class know if one probes the abscess that is George Soros they’ll find an infinity of running sores in the form of subversive Jews.
The federal contract could end up showering the Vera Institute of Justice with $1 billion in taxpayer funding.
Like I said, good scratch if you can get it.
The arrangement lasts until March 2023 but can reach as high as $983 million if renewed until March 2027, the agreement shows. This appears to be the largest federal contract Vera has secured for immigration-related services for any single year dating back to the mid-2000s. The Vera Institute of Justice was previously awarded $310 million by the Obama administration to help UACs avoid deportation. The group also takes taxpayer money via sanctuary jurisdictions.
Well well, it looks like the Jews, who are no slouches when it comes to raking in the dough, are going to be rolling in it like pigs in slop for the foreseeable future. They have those millennia-old plans they’re working out, step by step — so a half a decade is just the blink of an eye to them. But don’t blink your eyes, because if you do before you can say Jack Straw or John Bull, both Jack Straw and John Bull will be anathematized and proscribed; there will be be flophouses full of sixteen-year-old Cholos run by Christian groups right next to your house (the value of which will suddenly plummet); they’ll all be amnestied in the great big amnesty they have planned. Lawlessness will finally be fully legalized and the Great Replacement — and the real holocaust, of us and ours — will become complete.
In 2019, for instance, the Vera Institute of Justice worked with the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to create a program dedicated to helping illegal aliens avoid deportation specifically by providing them with free legal services.
Nothing should be described as “free” when it’s a result of Jews sticking their greasy mitts into our pockets.
The Vera Institute of Justice, a New York-based group that supports defunding police and views immigration enforcement agencies as a threat to civil liberties, was awarded a Health and Human Services-funded grant to provide legal assistance to unaccompanied minors, according to a federal database.
No, it’s the Jews and their endless anti-White organizations that are a threat to our civil liberties and to our very lives themselves, and a mortal threat at that.
Every. Single. Time.
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And those White men of 1961, who thought the future of their White paradise was all smooth sailing and clear skies ahead? Had they looked closer, they would have seen cracks and fissures emerging — more than cracks and fissures really, at times outright sinkholes. Think about “integration” at the point of bayonets, or the fact that both parties in their 1956 platforms called for the overturning of the 1924 Immigration Law.
Another widening crack was two Jews in New York City who were fomenting a an anti-White sea change in our criminal justice system.
Now those cracks and fissures have become miles-wide yawning chasms, chasms so wide you could drive an armada of every Mack truck ever made right through them — and those Mack Trucks will invariably have 100 or more non-White invaders in each one, packed in like rotting sardines. And, should they escape alive, you know that the Vera Institute will get the concession to represent them and lawyer them up with Jews, so they can remain here forever. Thus the Jewish circle remains unbroken.
So far.
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Source: Author
Well spoken, Mr. Mercer. I can see the question instantly entering the minds of your readers, “But but but, how do we stop them?”
There’s no lack of answers out there, “We must do this or we have to do that.” After reading this article and seeing the headline, the light bulbs are already going off among the commenting class here. There’s a very good answer, one that I believes trumps all others seen before. Read about it here: http://www.natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/
I had never heard of the Vera Institute but when explained it made perfect sense. We are led to believe that this organization got started spontaneously and innocently by two public-spirited individuals. “In 1961 Herb Sturz, a magazine editor, and Louis Schweitzer, a philanthropist, recognized the injustice of a bail system in New York City that locked people up simply for being poor.” A heart warming story but unlikely. The recent hire from the Rockefeller group gives the tale away. Herb and Louie are only fronts for the Rockefeller channel or similar group using big money, from the Federal Reserve no doubt, to continue the agenda of taking down the white male American and those who support him. You can bet that Herb and Louie had not the slightest idea… Read more »
As Der Stürmer once said, “When something is rotten, the Jew is the cause”. As true now as it was all those years ago.
I consider myself an independent analyst, and after years of research, have come to realize humanities main problem is this international cult calling themselves jews. They have perfected both their collectivization while at the same time perfecting our atomization, which has been ruthlessly exploited. Individual freedom sounds good on paper but the praxis is everybody, not only going their own way, but competing against everyone else in a shark tank type society. This has left non-jews diffuse and unable to corral a collective response. Although their domination over us is very, very thin, and could be removed quickly, there is a long history of cultural disinfo in the way, as the jews control the zeitgeist through the media, courts, and political system. I think if we had a new political… Read more »
The political solutions you’ve mentioned don’t solve an even more fundamental problem: the White racial/spiritual Will to Live. Besides, those institutions and industry you’re talking about are now fully in the control of our enemies. They won control over them and have shown time and again they will not give any of them back to us. Not even if you somehow came up with trillions (of their money) to buy it back, they wouldn’t sell. Even if they did sell, all those employees would desert or wreck your plans as their racial spirit is that thoroughly corrupted. An example is someone like Trump. He came in with all these promises and got elected despite the intense campaign of hate they waged against him during election season. He got in, but… Read more »
Will to live? Damn son, what neighborhhood you living in? We ain’t got nothing here but 100% fight game and ready to go!!! This demoralization rhetoric doesn’t sound like the real Jim. Am I the victim of a MITM internet attack? Ok, assuming this is the real piss and vinegar Jim, I’ll bite. First off, the jews have followed the exact same “weimar republic” playbook here, almost to a tee, and the NSDAP team was able to flip Germany from ruin to “economic miracle” in less than four years, mostly by removing jews and reversing their damage. We are not going to ask the enemy to “sell” back property they stole from us. Lay off the moonshine JIm!! We are going to take it back, along with every penny they… Read more »
Douglas Mercer: [Y]es sir — call me a monster. I don’t care what you call me. What I am is a man standing up and saving my people, my nation, and my family.
Thank you, Douglas Mercer! We need more men like you
I am not sure who this Douglas Mercer is but I would suggest that you start portraying the perceptive thoughts of James Howard Kunstler. He would be a lively voice on this website.
Whet our appetites by giving us a few pithy quotes.
“News flash to Boston: Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine is all over except the shouting. Plus, nobody in the USA cares about it anymore, and if they do, probably for the wrong reasons. The right reason to care is that the “Joe Biden” regime’s insane campaign to destroy Russia has only brought Western Europe to the brink of collapse and ruin, thereby threatening the continuation of Western Civilization altogether.’ (KUNSTLER.COM)
Is that the best that Mr. Kunstler has? I was hoping for something more racially pertinent that Whites could sink their teeth into. It helps that writers that would influence our White audience to reference us by our race-name and not some euphemism like “Western Civilization” or whatever.
Ahem… Kunstler is Jewish, as he readily admits on his weblog, “Clusterfuck Nation.”
Thanks, Sally. This jerk who is unfamiliar with Mercer needs to leave NV and stay over there in Kunstler’s nation where he belongs.
I am grateful for this very informative article. This article is just another of plenty examples showing that the National Alliance got everything right. The only thing I would like to emphasize is that they are called “invaders” here a couple of times. And this is very important. We definitely must call them “invaders” first, not some “illegals”, “illegal refugees” or just “refugees”. Even “illegal aliens” might be a bit too soft a phrase here. Why am I talking about such a tiny detail? The reason for this is that in one article I have read here which was provided by an honorable man William Luther Pierce, I have found out that all of us have some Jewish influence on us. And the words and phrases like “illegals”, “refugees”, even… Read more »
I agree with your well put together thoughts regarding using the right words for the person, place, or thing. We see Jews and non-Whites as aliens among us, some having come without our approval thus making them invaders. You’re invited to join us. See http://www.natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ then if you are qualified then see http://www.natall.com/join-us/
Antanas: This article is just another of plenty examples showing that the National Alliance got everything right. — Thanks for noticing, Antanas. You must know that being right is not enough. Like General McArthur told pusillanimous President Truman, “There’s no substitute for victory.” You should join our Alliance and bring in as many supporters with you as you can. Together we will fight like Hell to make the Alliance’s program prevail. — I would like to emphasize that they are called “invaders” here a couple of times. And this is very important…. [C]alling things aligned with the truth is very important if we want to have a fighting chance… [S]omeone who invades your country… is an enemy of your country, he is a threat that must be dealt with. —… Read more »
Sometimes I think that the Nation of Islam is right in their assessment of White people—we are sick and diseased, an un-natural offshoot.
How else do you explain the low common-sense, the passivity, the outright insanity?
I don’t blame the Jews for wanting to conquer us; I blame us for being such easy conquests! We are all women!
The judgment of the Jews is clear: “Whites (Europeans) are potential murderers”.
They’re coming close to us everywehre and everytime with their “kind” (and and their millionfold imported invaders), as if they wanted to fulfill their prophecy that we all are murderers by all means. Why don’t they just go away and leave us and our way of life?
Where is in this illogic the alleged “Jewish intelligence”?
The only permissible conclusion is that “Jewish intelligence” consists of destroying others. How do they want to keep this irresolvable contradiction (and the constantly awakening knowledge about their true intentions) permanently under control?
According to Jewish way of thinking there can and must never be any justified reason for “anti-Semitism”. Although they themselves create it constantly, even provoke it with intention! Exactly in it their pathological hubris shows up. Nothing would be worse for the Jews than if they were no longer “world topic number one”! We all are supposed to take care of our own destroyers lovingly, we are supposed to sacrifice our lives for them. In truth this is already the fulfillment of the Talmudic slavery rule!
Only all of us together, wife and husband, father and daughter, mother and son, will survive this evil. We together form our race. Whoever divides us is the enemy of us all!
I’m all in.
Glad to hear you’re all in. To join us, begin here: http://www.natall.com/join-us/
We look forward to seeing your application in the mail soon.
I’m halfway in . . all in, after I am satisfied as to the literary and artistic credentials of your leadership. This Revlon Oliver seems to have the credentials, but he is the only one I have seen so far. I hate to be blunt, but in hierarchical organizations this is often the case, that there are just a few with artistic and literary sensibilities, and they are only acclaimed if ALL their ideas and output comports with the directives of the hierarchy. I am more of an independent thinker than that, as befits a writer/artist.
Oh really, Mr. Merde? It appears you may not be Alliance material after all; our aim is to attract men of action who can follow those whose words have given us great guidance to intelligent, far-sighted actions. Those who just want to sit behind their keyboards and ponder endlessly don’t suit us very well. After all, the words of those who think of things but do nothing about them are simply creators of dead letters– and the White race has too many dead and worthless letters as it is. Do continue to read the “literary and artistic credentials of our leadership.” We’re going to continue gathering those who want to actually pitch in and help us accomplish our goals along all the varied timelines. There certainly is too little time… Read more »
But, but, he thinks that Revlon Oliver seems to have the necessary credentials, Jim. Is that not enough for us to recognize his gift for independent thinking?
This gentleman is welcome to independently think (and misspell) about whatever or whoever he wants, including the comparison of his own greatness next to the giants past and present, alone. We’re all a part of the whole, but yet I’m detecting an ego that wishes to stand outside of that and march to the beat of his own drum. I’m glad he let this on sooner rather than later.
You are not Alliance material, Hamric. If you were, you would not be waiting for us to prove ourselves to you as the “perfect” organization. You would see the value in what we are doing, you would appreciate us for doing our best, and you would combine your strength with ours so you could help us make this organization even better than it already is. This comment that I just read from you makes it clear that you are not very dedicated to the cause. You sound like you are living in a fantasy world. You have no idea what kind of literary and artistic talent we have here in the National Alliance. We have some serious heavy hitters in this organization, whether representational artists or literary geniuses. You claim… Read more »
I wonder if this Hamric Merde guy knows what “merde” means in French.
He’s German and should know. I thought it was a rather ghastly name myself.
The hour is getting quite late. With wide open borders, time is working against us and will finish us all off before we garner the gumption and where with all to fight back
We won’t be finished off. Many of us already have the gumption and wherewithal to fight back, and quite frankly, I think we’re doing a pretty good job of it. Like Jim said, join us!
Nothing to stop the Alliance from forming a satellite counter-org that fights against everything Vera promotes. Has the Alliance solicited donations from rich Whites, starting with Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, on down, for such a purpose, along with countering the Prison Policy Initiative, ADL and SPLC? Donations could be made anonymously.The org would need IRS registration and annual audits, and start small in order to gain credibility (and notoriety). Expenditures would be on lobbying elected officials for White rights, closed borders, ending of non-White legal immigration, ending PC, Affirmative Action, CRT and institutionalized wokeness, etc. It’s boring, difficult and time-consuming, and divergent from Alliance goals of not working within the system or aligning with conservatives. Probably much easier to have a complaint website that solicits money.
If you’re offering to join the National Alliance to assist us in building the kind of organization that will create and run ad hoc organizations useful to our purposes and goals, then you’re invited to apply to join: http://www.natall.com/join-us/
Your post did indicate you want to actually do more than comment, am I right?
Danke for the blog post on WTV, Myself as the owner couldn’t agree more. Fantastic Blog