American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Don’t Be a Collaborator: Secede from the System

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 July, 2022

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BEFORE I BEGIN today, I’d like to clarify some things I said last week for which I was criticized.

I said last week that it is “valuable to consider also, in light of what is my main point today, how successful autistic people are at having and raising children.” Some misinterpreted my words as meaning that autistic people were quite successful at having and raising children. Well, no, that’s not what I meant, and no, they’re obviously not — and that was related to my main point, which was that the System which misrules us is actively hostile to the birth and successful raising of White children. With minuscule exceptions, profoundly autistic people do not form families or have children.

I was also making the point that neither the epidemic of autism nor the epidemic of sex perversion that our people are experiencing can possibly be genetic in origin, since gene frequencies don’t, and can’t, change as fast as the incidence of these diseases/defects have changed in recent years. I stand by my statement, which wasn’t speculation.

Yes, it has been proved that some family lines seem to have a greater susceptibility to autism. Yes, it has been shown that some inherited mental characteristics — such as inborn talent for mathematics or engineering — tend also to dispose their bearers to have an increased likelihood of autism. Yes, it is indubitably true that being male — a genetic characteristic, of course — vastly increases the chances of being stricken with the disease. But all that is not evidence that autism is a genetic disease. Not at all. It merely means that some people have a higher inborn, genetic susceptibility to whatever it is we are doing to our children now that has caused the near-vertical spike in autism cases.

Think of it this way. Suppose that some bureaucrat gets the idea that hitting the exact center of every single kindergartener’s skull with a three-pound hammer before classes every day helps “cure racism” or some such nonsense, and then proceeds to institute the policy. I am sure that some of the helpless children would die, and massive numbers of them would have their brains damaged and their personalities destroyed beyond all recognition. Concussive syndromes of all kinds, once nearly restricted to boxers and football players, would become more common. Amidst all the carnage, we would find that some children, say those with genes for somewhat weaker skulls, would suffer from these syndromes far more than others. Does this mean that these concussive syndromes would be “genetically caused”? Preposterous. They would be caused by hitting our children’s heads with hammers. The genes resulting in somewhat weaker than average skulls wouldn’t have caused a single problem in most cases, if the hammer-hitting had never caught on.

So it is also with autism and sex perversion. The near-vertical rises in these sicknesses indicates that it is something we are doing to our children which is causing them.

Yes, there are undoubtedly people who are genetically predisposed to an unnatural sexuality. But the incidence of perversion is rising too fast for that to be the explanation in most cases today. The Jews who control our media laud and praise sexual freaks. Being a freak, and coddling and promoting the freaks, gets you praise and recognition from the Jew-dominated academic and government and corporate establishments. Being pro-freak has been cast as unquestionably “moral” and “good.” It has all been made very fashionable. Opposing the freaks, even mildly, is cast as “immoral” and “wrong” and turns you into an instant outcast. This is intentional abuse of our children by Jews and their collaborators and is, I believe, the main “thing we are doing” to them that is causing them to become avowed and practicing perverts today. Don’t be a collaborator. Letting the TV or social media platforms babysit your children is being a collaborator. Sending your children to public schools is being a collaborator. Letting the System’s military or government, or some “woke” corporation, benefit from your time and talents is being a collaborator. The National Alliance is building a community in Upper East Tennessee which is free of such poisons. Soon, I believe, we will have reached the critical mass necessary to start our own school.

In the most recent issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN, we read:

As this issue of the National Alliance BULLETIN goes to press, our Tennessee Cosmotheist community is in the process of purchasing a very nice parcel of land in addition to the purchases already mentioned here in prior months. This new property is adjacent to the National Alliance’s 50 acres — and constitutes yet another outstanding expansion of our holdings. Details of this and other improvements to our property will follow in the July issue of our BULLETIN.

The caption to the picture in the text version of this broadcast — which also graces page one of the new print BULLETIN, reads:

Everything beyond the asphalt entrance in the foreground and to the left of the hardtop road on the right, and back to the white house at the center, that we purchased in March, is in the prime parcel discussed below. A couple more wooded acres that adjoin the Alliance’s property are to the left, out of the picture. Note the prized spring-fed, stocked fish pond.

Did you know that the area where the National Alliance community is being built — where Chairman Williams has been adding to our property holdings several times in the last year alone — once seceded from North Carolina, declared itself the State of Franklin, and for a while in the 1780s was an independent republic, the Republic of Franklin? What was done once can be done again — and better next time.

Didn’t we fight a civil war once over the issue of secession? Well, today pollsters are learning that a plurality of Americans now believe a new civil war is coming. The Washington Times, the Daily Mail, and the Brookings Institution are all talking about it:

2021 national survey by pollster John Zogby found a plurality of Americans (46%) believed a future civil war was likely, 43% felt it was unlikely, and 11% were not sure….

The survey, taken in late April and covering 1,500 adults, also found a distressingly high level of support for assassinating politicians whom the respondents believed were “harming the country or our democracy.”

Young Democratic men were the most agreeable to the idea, with 44% saying they could countenance such an assassination. Younger Republican women ranked second, with 40% approving of the idea.

Nearly seven in ten agreed that left wing politicians were deliberately driving economic changes to gain power by ‘replacing more conservative white voters’ – terminology that suggests people are being ‘replaced’ by non-white voters coming into the country. 

The anti-White SPLC — who deny that replacement of Whites is happening in the face of overwhelming evidence that it is — even conducted their own poll and discovered that a huge percentage of both Republicans and Democrats disagree with them (and agree with the National Alliance) on the Great Replacement:

The group, founded in the early 1970s to combat hate against Black Americans, now serves as one of the chief critics of what’s known as “Replacement Theory” — a belief that there’s an intentional effort to shift demographics to alter the country’s culture or political power structure.

SPLC’s polling found widespread acceptance of the tenets of the theory, with 48% of respondents believing that “progressive and liberal leaders” are “actively trying to leverage political power by replacing more conservative white voters.”

That included two-thirds of Republicans, but also a surprising 35% of Democrats, and 42% of independents. Young Democrats were particularly inclined to believe the demographic changes are being orchestrated by liberal leaders for political power.

There are many, many White people in America who know that the federal government is a deadly enemy — many more, I believe, than in past decades.

In neo-Communist Third World California, there is a strong movement in the saner and Whiter parts of the state to secede from the central government.

All over America, thanks to the 2020 “election” that installed Resident Biden, many millions of Americans now know that there is no political solution — know that our elections are fake — and know that the media lie to us massively and without compunction. They also know that the legal system is now heavily used to persecute patriots, not prosecute actual criminals.

All over America, thanks to the draconian imposition and ceaseless promotion of the very questionable “Covid jabs,” millions upon millions of Americans now know that the System does not care about their lives and health and will risk both to enrich themselves and increase their control over us.

All over America, thanks to the rush to embrace and promote sexual perversion, millions and millions of Americans now know that the public schools are a cesspit of vipers preying on our helpless innocents.

All over America, thanks to the insane push to apostheosize feral, dangerous Negroes like George Floyd and sanctify Black rioters as “noble” and “good” and any opposition to them as “evil” and “racist,” many millions of White Americans now know that they are hated as a race and marked for persecution, torture, and extermination as a race.

The new poll results would have encouraged Dr. William Pierce:

…[A]bout one in five said they at least somewhat approved of assassinating a politician whom they believed was ‘harming the country or our democracy.’

… Republicans were more likely to agree that ‘some violence may be necessary to get the country back on track.’ 

These results would have encouraged Dr. Pierce, not because the National Alliance is planning to assassinate any politicians, that’s not happening, but because they indicate a great change for the better in the attitudes of millions of White Americans — a change to a more realistic view of the realities of modern American life. When I joined the Alliance in 1982, a very, very tiny percentage of Americans would have realized the federal government was in the hands of deadly enemies who want to kill us — now a large percentage realize that’s true. In 1982, only a minuscule fraction would have admitted that there was no political solution to our problems and secession is necessary, even if that secession means civil war — now a large percentage can see that truth.

What the National Alliance is doing is laying the groundwork for the survival of our people, building a successful community with core elements such as our own media, our own church, our own religion, our own leadership structure, our own businesses, our own marriage ceremonies, our own real estate holdings — both public, owned by the Alliance and the church, and private, owned by White families who come to the area to work with us — and all the rest of the things a growing community needs to project itself into the future successfully and without compromising its values.

If you’d like to be a part of our community, which we have every intention of making into a White racial state one day, please write to us today.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
16 July, 2022 10:48 am

The [Jewish “law center”], founded in the early 1970s to combat hate against Black Americans, now serves as one of the chief critics of what’s known as “Replacement Theory” — a belief that…“progressive and liberal leaders” are “actively trying to leverage political power by replacing more conservative white voters.” — At what point will White America notice that Jewish hate groups with their hundreds of millions, even billion dollar warchests, compliant mass media, DOJ and the court system, all used to replace our people with non-Whites can’t even bring themselves to capitalize the word White, while capitalizing Black? Anyone with eyes who can pull himself away from watching the niggers play ball can see Whites are being replaced by those who are incapable of making White babies. Racially responsible Whites… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
18 July, 2022 4:34 pm

An interesting fact about the historical State of Franklin is its area now almost exactly mirrors the 95% White 11 and 1/2 counties of Tennessee’s First Congressional District — a good place to start. — Compare Tennessee’s First Congressional District, below, with the map of the State of Franklin at the top of this article. &ehk=Hx4Cash4GWgAr5vYSZ99r46LtA2L9k07UZVfgTuijOE%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1 Rick Tyler, an East Tennesseean has written a good article, here: Tennessee Secession Now! | Rick Tyler For President ( Rick is a Christian, but has proven himself to be one we in the Alliance can work with on this issue. Rick has visited our National Ofice here in Upper East Tennessee a couple of times. Believe it or not Rick has 20 children! He plans on running for President of the U.S. in… Read more »

Anthony Collns
Anthony Collns
16 July, 2022 11:47 am

“The anti-White SPLC — who deny that replacement of Whites is happening in the face of overwhelming evidence that it is — even conducted their own poll and discovered that a huge percentage of both Republicans and Democrats disagree with them (and agree with the National Alliance) on the Great Replacement.” Kevin Alfred Strom’s reference to the SPLC and the Great Replacement reminds me of his remarks about Mark Potok in the ADV program of March 30, 2019: “The Jew Mark Potok, the longstanding chief spokesman for the group, left the SPLC under mysterious circumstances last year, but was located by Mr. Allen and as a co-defendant in that action had to respond to Allen’s iron-clad claim. No one on the outside knows why Potok left. It’s all been kept… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
16 July, 2022 1:45 pm

I am aware that sitting on the sidelines acting as a mere cheerleader is not helpful, but I will say it anyway…congratulations to the National Alliance for it’s expansion success, and also great job with another broadcast. I can only hope that the result of all the corrupt chickens coming to roost has truly awoken more and more of our silenced White people. You made a great comparison with 1982, because back then, and heck, even in 1992, I was young and naïve and still proud to be an American. But in those times, our demographics weren’t quite as out of our favor as they are currently. I now know that there’s been corruption in our government for generations, but the difference is that it was better covered up. At… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Nom De Guerre
17 July, 2022 11:41 am

Nom De Guerre: I am aware that sitting on the sidelines acting as a mere cheerleader is not helpful, but I will say it anyway…congratulations to the National Alliance for it’s expansion success… “you can’t fix stupid “? — Thanks NDG, but congratulations for NA’s difficult work, coming anonymously from the sidelines is next to worthless. We don’t try to fix stupid. You’re right stupid can’t be fixed. What we try to fix is selfish individualism, complacency, and “it may not be helpful to you but I’ll say it anyway”: cowardice. Much of what you call the Alliance’s “expansion success” has resulted from my wife and I investing our own meager savings, if the truth be known. At some point we figure our most serious, racially responsible kinsmen will move… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
16 July, 2022 2:13 pm

A great idea of course! However,
many working-class Whites find
themselves trapped in hostile
territory. They are trapped – not
because of choice – they are
trapped because of finance. A
lotto win would mean instant
freedom, but they are few and
far between.

16 July, 2022 2:22 pm

I’ve found in our White California lands, folks usually younger than 40, can more comfortably talk about the fact we’re being genocided and increasingly cornered. Many are deeply afraid of being open about it at first but then they start to know me they talk in one way or another a need for extreme measures.

The time is coming very soon.

Some good news
Some good news
17 July, 2022 4:05 pm

I wonder how it is that the Dutch want to give back the identity of an anonymous “Nazi aggressor”? Have they, surrounded by their “multiracial fellow citizens”, meanwhile changed their minds and freed themselves from their illusional fiction of “tolerance”? That would be an amazing step in the direction of Aryan fraternization!

Frederick Ford
Frederick Ford
17 July, 2022 4:58 pm

The fact that North America has been inhabited by many racial groups throughout the last three centuries of the US’s existence; it would have made more sense to create territories and nations for said racial groups for Whites &* Non-Whites with the Non-White territories being in the Caribbean Islands and Central America far from White territories but alas that didn’t happen because Black People weren’t willing to leave the place they have lived in since the days of slavery despite the efforts by Whites to do so. Now we have this mess of diversity which is especially beneficial to Non-Whites who have grown substantially to occupy the US government and dominate the demographics of the cities where most people live. So secession from the union should happen in order for… Read more »

Reply to  Frederick Ford
21 July, 2022 10:25 am

Thomas Jefferson favored relocation of blacks to Africa upon emancipation. Southern White businessmen had other ideas – about exploitation of sharecroppers for example. Northern White industrialists saw blacks as pawns they could use to divide and conquer the White working class, against unionists. Please correct or complete.

Some good news
Some good news
17 July, 2022 5:07 pm

“Liberator” was the name of one of the American carpet bombers designed to murder Germany’s civilian population. The question is who was to be “liberated” here? (Presumably Germany from its population. And the omnipotent freedom of action of the Jews.) Only one is certain: the white race with certainty not!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Some good news
17 July, 2022 10:29 pm

Excellent video of the brave Luftwaffe
fighters who bagged many USAAF
bombers! MOST EXCELLENT! I see
where they even knocked out a few
Mustangs! Again, most excellent!
Such a shame that their Jewish
overlords were not on board with
the USAAF bombers! Not to worry!
Their time will come…here on the
North American continent! I look
forward to that day when payback
time finally arrives for American

Reply to  Some good news
18 July, 2022 1:35 am

The “American” program for carpet bombing civilian Germany was an extension of the “British” program, where a certain Lindeman (if I got the right spelling) higher up officer in the RAF convinced everyone and drafted the plan. Lindeman was a Jew (surprise?), and the quotation marks above are mere indications of the said countries being lead by Jewish tools. We all know of the unimaginable genocide that followed. I am just going to add for other “Americans” that may stray to these pages that, under a certain Eisenhower, the US army marched into a shattered and incinerated Germany and, in one of many episodes, a military unit of some 2,000 Blacks rounded up in subway station all found German women and girls and mass raped them. My soul will never… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
21 July, 2022 8:51 pm

I agree with you. There are so many events of World War II that are horrifying.

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
Reply to  Some good news
19 July, 2022 4:26 pm

How to explain all the enthusiasm of young Anglo-
Americans (“wehraboos”) for the German military
struggle for survival against the Jewish world po-
wer of disembodying mindless consumerism?

They identify with it! They also want a strong
leader who will finally unite them and call them
to fight, instead of continuing to lead a meaning-
less dishonorable dreary existence as “consumers”
and watching helplessly as the Jews who have sei-
zed their countries destroy their entire future!

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Europe strangled by Jew rope
19 July, 2022 11:03 pm

If you want a leader who calls for Whites to step up for Our Cause, then listen. You can step up for our race’s goals and the Path we take. Unite with us today:

Your dreary existence doesn’t need to be characterized so, we have a Great Purpose you can partake of instead.

Tell the National Alliance when you send your membership application that Jim sent you.

18 July, 2022 1:19 am

So, let’s crunch some numbers towards our secession from this abominable cesspool once known as America. There are approximately 200 million people in the United States from European descent. From those, roughly 1/3 are older than 56, 1/3 are between the ages of 28 to 55 and the last third comprise of children all the way to young adults. Let’s begin with the older population first (almost 70 million). This is an age group where most have worked the majority of their lives to pay off their home and are now looking forward towards their retirement. They have been taught to comply with whatever has been shoved down their throat by their beloved politicians. It is highly unlikely that even a small minority would even contemplate entering into an idea… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Anonymous
18 July, 2022 2:40 pm

Convincing others to overcome lifetimes of brainwashing to act in their own (and our own) interests isn’t easy, but the men and women of the National Alliance need more such as yourself to get the moral courage to act and join with us to win over the rest of our people. It’s a slow process and we’re only looking for the kind of Whites who are willing to help get things done before attempting a mass movement, but it has to be done.

You said it’s no-brainer. Good, join us.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
18 July, 2022 10:09 pm

Jim, there would be nothing more fulfilling for my wife and myself than to head on down to beautiful Tennessee and become part of a national movement towards preserving our beautiful European people and heritage. At this point, the only thing keeping me here in the icebox of North America are my grandchildren. They are about the only ones left in my family that have yet to be poisoned by these pharmaceutical injections. I am trying my best to keep them out of harms way from their highly educated, but brain-dead parents. Although I did my utmost best, it appears that I failed as a parent with my own children. The system stole their mind before I could prevent it from happening. I certainly do not want to make that… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Anonymous
19 July, 2022 12:47 am

I never suggested that moving to Tennessee was a requirement for membership. No one else has, either. To say we in the National Alliance does not have a plan is absurd, please read about us more here:

18 July, 2022 1:56 pm

Mr. Williams and NA: your effort is heroic, while the lack of people following is concerning. There’s actually nothing new in the talk of our race and nation being on the brink, and of something being about to happen. If one reads Jew-wise articles of the 1950’s and 60’s, or even prior to that, they all warn of the same emergency. After 2020, however, I shockingly realized I was wrong to believe in the image of freedom-minded, strong, capable White men and women – the people who built this country – who then seemingly turned into flabby, 401k-minded consumers all puppettered by Jewry’s media and their Yahweh.______ Perhaps there’s still 1% of us who would rather struggle and live free than submit to such depraved existence. Of that, perhaps some… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
18 July, 2022 2:50 pm

Guest wrote, “is it not advisable for NA to put aside (but not renounce) some secondary elements of its structure or ideas (to give up some of that “individualism”, as you said about people) and forge a much needed union with the very scarce groups of very similar aspirations?”

You’ll find this very question has been addressed by none other than Dr. Pierce himself as found here: Long story short: binding together a collection of cripples does not make one effective fighting gladiator in the arena of life, and has more than once led to infighting, factionalism, and failure.

If your desire is to “work shoulder to shoulder to withstand the assault on our race,” then join us and contribute meaningfully.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
21 July, 2022 2:27 am

Joining to send in donations might do as a form of support for some, while being a networking or foot-soldier to recruit and distribute promotional materials might be something that many would not be able to do. I think the bulk of the potential members would be people who are just anxious to physically secede from the JWO cabal and to live their lives in truth and among their own, somewhere. That type of commitment alone would be a very high form of contribution, with all the benefits that it brings to building the community. But how do you appeal to these precious, very few kinsmen of ours who escaped the “melting pot” and the brainwashing machine? There is, indeed, no specific plan or information about what these people could… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
21 July, 2022 1:20 pm

It appears you have answered your own question regarding how to appeal to our kinsmen and what can people do to join our community. No further comment from me seems necessary on that score. In your last line you wrote of your fear of having your life ruined as an excuse to not do the right thing. I see that as coming from a solipsist standpoint — where you (and only you) matter. We’re in a great struggle, among one of the greatest our race has ever faced as it is an existential struggle. As a race, we’ve faced them before and have overcome, but not without cost. As Ben Franklin once said, “We Must All Hang Together, or Most Assuredly, We Will All Hang Separately” and your last statement… Read more »

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
24 July, 2022 12:41 pm

A solipsist, as in the hypothetical concept, would believe being the only human consciousness in the Universe (the rest of people being mere information); I take it you’re referring to our real life though, where every man and woman can only matter the most to themselves indeed, as we’re simply born that way. To forgo his life for a cause, someone would necessarily find that cause supremely important, to him, in this life or an afterlife of his beliefs. While that is possible – and the current, “greatest struggle” calls for it – it is evidently very rare, also judging by the numbers here. We need the heroes and much admire them, but I don’t think we should shame and prod the other truth-seekers, those 1% or 0.5% of our… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Guest
24 July, 2022 3:43 pm

We are “born that way” — our beings concerned only with ourselves, I’ll agree with you on that Mr. Guest. Most are supposed to and do grow up and become participating members of a community and care for its well-being and advancement. Our Cosmotheist community is comprised of such men and women. We have been swayed by our plan to secede and continue forming our community for purposes stated above and often reach out to others that are healthy in the racial sense as well as being the kind that want to contribute their strengths to our community. You’re not swayed to help us help ourselves so I ask, why not? Why not join with us to save our race? Isn’t it worth saving? This question is what separates us… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Guest
19 July, 2022 11:57 pm

Guest: ...I was wrong to believe in the image of freedom-minded, strong, capable White men and women – the people who built this country – who then seemingly turned into flabby, 401k-minded consumers all puppettered by Jewry’s media and their Yahweh.______ Perhaps there’s still 1% of us who would rather struggle and live free than submit to such depraved existence. Of that, perhaps some have wellness or family or other restraining circumstances and can’t take a leap into a new space without some idea of its sustainability. Perhaps some would like to see more mass and unity, while there should be little doubt that the NA is the only unequivocally true community in the country. — Thanks for your welcome commentary, Guest. We need more of that here at NV… Read more »

Reply to  Guest
21 July, 2022 8:48 pm

Just a few thoughts about your comment. One, I think that the vast majority have still not been exposed to those Jew-wise articles dating back to before the 1950s. People do remain glued to the TV and radio. I feel somewhat more optimistic now that some smarter people, especially younger ones with longer futures, will be spurred to start searching for answers, because you can’t miss how intensely TV and movies have changed in a very short time towards excluding Whites, promoting POCs, race-mixing and LGBTQ, Life is feeling more dangerous as Black violence ratchets up and is excused by media and politicians. The history of the area I unfortunately live in has since the 1960s has been of White flight, first from public schools and then from neighborhoods and… Read more »

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
18 July, 2022 7:52 pm

Pathological russophile Cuntrew Cranklin sug- gests Jew-product “Yandex” instead of Jewgle. Btw., why is it that it’s always Jews who develop such “platforms” (and become filthy rich as a result)? I sus- pect that this is a well-devised tactic: first, they lure all the people there (especially with the promise of “unli- mited freedom”), then the content is increasingly cen- sored, restricted and replaced with their own content to dumb down and reprogram the general public. This happens quite insidiously and imperceptibly and is therefore not recognizable at first glance, on- ly through direct comparison over time. It’s their tal- mudic “frog in a boiling pot of water” method, always just a slice of the salami until there is nothing left… Compare original Youtube’s real freedom of… Read more »

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
18 July, 2022 7:56 pm

I’ve found an upload of Overgames with Engl. subs: Among others, it mentions a certain Richard Max Brickner, of Jewish origin and coming from Alsace. When “Doctor Brickner” diagnoses the structural paranoia and the delusion of chosenness of the Germans, he slyly undercuts the same character traits in the Jewish people, may they mani- fest themselves there even in different ways and expressions. He says that Heine foresaw the barbarism of the Germans, who would “one day smash the cathedrals with Thor’s hammer”. As far as I know, however, Germany’s cathedrals were eventually leveled by Allied “bomb-dropping rescuers”. Moreover, from the Jew Heine such quotations are known as “Ringing bells sound in the ears of Jews like pig grunting”. The “great replacement theory” has meanwhile also… Read more »

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
18 July, 2022 8:04 pm

Better be a Jewshredder than a “Jewrope” for Euro-
pe! “Germoney in the Auschwitzkasten of ze Jews!”

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
18 July, 2022 8:43 pm

Just followed the latest excretions of the millionaire Canadian pinstripe “philosopher” with the castrato voice. He complains of being defamed as a “Nazi,” but places immense value on demonizing all “racism.” How is it possible that people let themselves be fooled and misled by this heini in such a way! Either this idiot has completely “zero checking”, or he runs his infamous game with intention, I claim the second. How can someone as a “philosopher” not realize the simple fact that the deprivation of sexual identity means only the “logi- cal” consequence of the deprivation of national identity! He says, the bad “leftists” are to blame for everything, but the “leftists” are now times eternal component of the so-called “democratic” society after Jewish-American model, which he wants allegedly, they… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Europe strangled by Jew rope
19 July, 2022 1:25 am

So secede from them, all of them. Not just the shills for the System, but the false prophets and unwise men who claim to oppose the System.

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
19 July, 2022 9:48 am

A very wise advice, Jim, which I, by recognizing these guys in their deceitfulness, already apply inwardly for years. The last time I took this guy seriously was 5 years ago or so. The problem is just not me, but their millions of “followers” (with which they also still boast, as if this is owed to them).

20 July, 2022 10:13 am

What are your recommendations on what to do with money/savings? Is having a bank account a necessary evil for now? What are the alternatives for someone who secedes from the system?

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Zemma
20 July, 2022 6:18 pm

An interesting post. I look forward
to a sensible response from anyone
who addresses that question.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
24 July, 2022 1:57 am

I’m not even sure it’s worth paying your credit card, for instance… I still have a vague idea of the impact on this following the imminent collapse of the system. I’m not sure the banks can do you much harm apart from closing some doors by bad credit name, but I don’t think it’s anything much obstructive apart from that, which anyone resourceful can deal with. To depend on a system that will eventually collapse, of course, encourages some planning.

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
20 July, 2022 5:48 pm

Interest in women is (the only!) evidence of healthy masculinity. Some of these emotional cripples like Anglin (I’ve come to despise pro- nouncing his name) will retort, “Hey, do you want to be at the feet of all these sick females?” Hey, I’m talking about real women here! Today I wan- ted to get on the bus, but a young and pretty oriental woman (Georgian?) insisted on letting me go first. She even enlightened me that the bus driver said (when I was long gone that the journey did not lead to my destination, and sat down right next to me. Before getting off the bus, I told her, “You are such a pretty lovely diamond, I wish you a long life, only the best man shall have you!” She… Read more »

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
20 July, 2022 7:14 pm

A real man enjoys the company of a woman and knows how to gallantly resist her subtle attempts to “test” you.

In the end, people like Anglin confess to being no match for the natural power of women. A pathetic testimony that they even proudly “celebrate.”

Of course, no man of decency and dignity would ever take this incomprehensible bull seriously, because success in life always means success with women.

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
Reply to  Europe strangled by Jew rope
20 July, 2022 8:14 pm

Those who love life love women; they’re the
most beautiful expression of our existence.

Europe strangled by Jew rope
Europe strangled by Jew rope
Reply to  Europe strangled by Jew rope
20 July, 2022 8:58 pm

In other words, those who demonize women have some-
thing sick in themselves that they project onto women.

Jim Puckett
Jim Puckett
22 August, 2022 8:27 pm

You will note that the southernmost county is Blount. Blount incidentally was the name of the first Governor of Alabama. Many years ago I had a friend in Alabama who was descended from Governor Blount and he received a legacy from his father consisting of a large volume of pre-civil war correspondence of the Blount family from “Blount House” which was a landmark in Montgomery Alabama, but which had to be demolished because its life as a structure was past. At any rate, my friend told me that the first governor of Tennessee , a man named Porter, had married into the Blount family and much of the correspondence originated with the Porter family. There were many first-person letters, some which described incidents of Indian-fighting. Among the material was a… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairmanman
Reply to  Jim Puckett
2 January, 2023 7:22 pm

That’s all very interesting, Mr. Puckett, but I’ll bump this article to start off the new year by getting some focus back on what our Alliance is building in Upper East Tennessee — in Johnson County, what was part of Wayne County in the map of the State of Franklin up top.

Did you know that the area where the National Alliance community is being built — where Chairman Williams has been adding to our property holdings several times in the last year alone — once seceded from North Carolina, declared itself the State of Franklin, and for a while in the 1780s was an independent republic, the Republic of Franklin? What was done once can be done again — and better next time.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
31 January, 2023 11:09 am

Don’t be a collaborator. Letting the TV or social media platforms babysit your children is being a collaborator. Sending your children to public schools is being a collaborator. Letting the System’s military or government, or some “woke” corporation, benefit from your time and talents is being a collaborator. The National Alliance is building a community in Upper East Tennessee which is free of such poisons… What the National Alliance is doing is laying the groundwork for the survival of our people, building a successful community with core elements such as our own media, our own church, our own religion, our own leadership structure, our own businesses, our own marriage ceremonies, our own real estate holdings — both public, owned by the Alliance and the church, and private, owned by White families who… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
15 April, 2023 11:03 pm

What to do about the Christians in the area
who…like the Jews…are small, but well-
organized…and are well-supported by their
associates external to the area? Do not
underestimate them. They have their ways.
The Jews know this. Like all Christians
everywhere, they will follow the Jews.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Walt Hampton
15 April, 2023 11:46 pm

What to do about Christians, Walt? Identify those few who are receptive to our message, show them “Building A New White World” and encourage them to be racially responsible. Like our policy of “polite and minimal” when encountering non-Whites, we ought to be practicing avoidance if they are problematic to us. Attacking each and everyone of them won’t do either, it’s probably a waste of time that could be spent focusing on finding friendlies.

Thanks for asking! :D

Reply to  Walt Hampton
16 April, 2023 8:02 am

Fortunately, Cuckstians are only a problem in America.
I spent the the first 23 years of my life in Europe and I do not recall coming across even 1 Cathocuck, Protescuck or Orthocuck who believed any of the insane crap American Cuckstians (mostly Evangelicucks) believe.
To name just one example, no one in the Old World believes that they wuz da rill Djoos.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wolfgang
17 April, 2023 9:30 am

As it turned out, SCCAC (South Carolina Conservative
Action Council) – a take on the old White Citizens
Councils which were popular in the 1950s – was nothing
more than a front for these “we are the real Jews” morons
and maniacs. I spent far too much time, money, and effort
being involved with these simpletons. At the time, I had no way of knowing.

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
16 April, 2023 12:58 pm

What the National Alliance is doing is laying the groundwork for the survival of our people, building a successful community with core elements such as our own media, our own church, our own religion, our own leadership structure, our own businesses, our own marriage ceremonies, our own real estate holdings — both public, owned by the Alliance and the church, and private, owned by White families who come to the area to work with us — and all the rest of the things a growing community needs to project itself into the future successfully and without compromising its values.

Do you have your own schools?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Steve Carlson
19 April, 2023 10:40 pm

Not yet. Are you volunteering to start one for us, Steve? It would be helpful if you joined our Alliance to keep up with our activities since you are showing some interest.

We have members who are home-schooling. That’s a start. You can donate to our Home-School Foundation if you want to help develop that.

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 April, 2023 5:38 pm

No, I am not a teacher. I was wondering if you had your own schools, because you said in an earlier post that sending one’s children to public schools is being a collaborator. I have neither the time, the skill, nor the patience to home-school my daughter, and I do not have the money to send her to a private school. If that makes me a collaborator, then I am not a willing collaborator.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Steve Carlson
23 April, 2023 9:25 pm

I understand where you are coming from, Carlson.
That lack of money can be a real bitch. And the
Jews know it.