Uvalde and the Irreversible Fracturing of America
READERS MIGHT APPRECIATE my observations on the recent mass shooting in Texas. The scandalous performance of the police is the standout issue for me. Report a “racist insult” emanating from a crowd of 60,000 football supporters and the police will swing into action, sirens blazing, while their colleagues back at the station analyse gigabytes of film footage to identify the culprit. During the scamdemic police relentlessly hunted down the unvaxxed and the unmasked. Or if parents ask awkward questions at a school board meeting we can be assured that the cops will drag them out into the street and probably charge them with a public order offence.
But it’s a different matter when it comes to protecting the law-abiding ordinary citizen. Your house has been burgled? Sorry, we’re busy tracking down hate speech offenders. Get on to your insurers. BLM burning down your neighbourhood? Cops stand idly by.
But God Almighty, has there even been anything like what we saw here? The cops skulked outside the school for 40 minutes as a deranged shooter blazed away at teachers and students inside. But it’d be unfair to say that they did nothing. When one of the mothers, apparently armed, tried to get into the school to save her kids the cops cuffed her and flung her to the ground. Heckuva job, guys. But there’s method in their madness because the cops and their masters fear most of all citizens taking responsibility for their own defense. ‘Law enforcement’ will sit around ignoring real crime but will be galvanised into action at the first hint of vigilante-style activity. Their greatest fear is an aroused and armed citizenry. (But on the other hand, cops are walking on eggshells if and when the perp is a “person of color.”) You’d almost imagine that the powers that be were trying to engineer societal collapse so as to Build Back Better. Now there’s a thought!
There’s no doubt that the USA is a deeply fractured… I hesitate to describe it as a ‘society’. But it’s completely wrong to imply that mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon – despite popular misconception. An unprepared Ted Cruz was made to look bad by a reporter who – and I know you’ll find this hard to believe – had no grasp of the actual facts. Because out of the 97 countries where mass public shootings occurring, the United States ranks 64th in the per capita frequency of these attacks and 65th in the murder rate. Not only have these attacks been much more common outside the US, the US’s share of these attacks has declined over time. There has been a much bigger increase over time in the number and severity of mass shootings in the rest of the world compared to the US.
Naturally enough the tragedy has been seized on gleefully by the usual suspects to press their gun-grabbing agenda. But this is a total red herring. For a start, criminals will always get guns. As we saw in Australia, the guns seized or handed in will belong to law-abiding citizens. Second, there is no correlation between legalised gun ownership and the murder rate. In fact if anything there’s an inverse correlation. Central American countries and all the ‘liberal’ hell-hole cities in the USA experience far higher rates of mass shootings despite their highly restrictive gun laws. One of the worst school shootings in history occurred in Scotland where it’s very hard to acquire a gun legally. Meanwhile almost every family in Switzerland owns a gun, yet the country has one of the world’s lowest murder rates.
Nonetheless the fault lines in American ‘society’ now run deep. There was a time when men took pride in things, in protecting family and community. But most now sense, even if dimly, the growth of evil everywhere. Religion has been driven from the public domain and increasingly from the private space as well, depravity of every form is celebrated, criminals are cossetted, the economy hollowed out, poverty increases while parasites add billions to their wealth every year. The White middle class, the backbone of the country, gets remorselessly harried and dispossessed, elections get stolen, the Constitution is ignored. And the guilty are never held to account. Which makes this report by an American commentator both understandable and shocking.
By the time 2014 rolled around, all schools in our area had been retrofitted (and new schools designed with) buzz-in systems, where you could not walk into the school without being buzzed in by the front office. Parents would literally have to give their name, the name of their student, and the reason for their visit. You would sit outside and wait a couple minutes while the administration and staff verified that your student was a real student at the school. Once inside, the only place accessible to any visitor was the front office. There was bulletproof glass and / or heavy locked doors leading to all other areas of the school, and this was at multiple schools throughout the years that my son attended. All schools were designed this way!
Guns don’t lead to this. A broken society, a country at war with itself, does. There is no longer a ‘we’ in America. And this didn’t happen organically, it was done deliberately and with great care by way of a project begun nearly a century ago. Project Diversity. And now it’s in overdrive and is in my opinion irreversible.
Of course there was the usual abundance of claims dismissing the shooting as a false flag, that there were no bodies, all were crisis actors etc. I keep an open mind but nothing I’ve seen or read indicates this to be true. Of course the elite have a vested interest in seeing as much blood-letting as possible as it strengthens their case for the withdrawal of the Second Amendment, i.e. to disarm law-abiding citizens. But this is a long way from saying that the whole thing was a set-up. The likeliest explanation to my mind is that an army of psychologically damaged men has been pumped up with God-knows-what psychotropic drugs (the CIA has been at this for more than fifty years) and let loose on the public. Time-bombs waiting to explode while ‘law enforcement’ looks the other way or, God help us all, trigger the event.
The Uvalde shooter, despite being known to police as a serious threat to public safety (he openly boasted of his plans to shoot up the school!) was nonetheless able to buy a semi-automatic weapon without a problem. LIHOP (“let it happen on purpose”) is the likeliest explanation, as this case suggests. There’s also the issue of misinformation. Almost everything officially reported about this incident was subsequently proven to be false. Why was this? Does anyone know? And why the subsequent lack of interest from the media about the numerous conflicting reports? Speaking of which, isn’t it amazing how the Las Vegas massacre, one of the worst if not the worst mass shootings in American history, has fallen off the radar? Like as if the order went out to drop the subject, the way they used do in the USSR. Finally, why was a SWAT team not called from nearby San Antonio, about ten minutes up the road during the 40 minutes that the cops on the scene stood idly by? Incredible, isn’t it?
My final suggestion is that gun control is but one part of the agenda enabled by mass shootings. They also build up an atmosphere of fear and mutual mistrust, justify ever-increasing surveillance and repressive measures, enable circumventing the Constitution while weakening rules of evidence and the capacity to publicly question the authorities.
America will never again see a society where nobody gave a second thought when kids brought guns to school to practice sharp-shooting after classes finished. That America is long gone, never to return.
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Source: Irish Savant
Once upon a time men existed & they would have charged towards danger rather than take the title of coward.
Now we have scores of departments filled with the furthest thing from what we once knew as men.
They will grab at the word hero when they take actions unbecoming the title, when such badged cowards swoop in on someone who couldn’t be considered a threat to anything or anyone even in some imaginary other dimension.
An absolutely sickening state of affairs.
Men and women who will take action to put our race’s children and future do exist, Mr. Forsaken. Those of us within the National Alliance have chosen to safeguard our very existence face danger from authorities and private parties who have been corrupted into harassing or persecuting us. While what these others do is indeed sickening, each of us can do what’s right and join together to do what’s necessary in the face of these dangerous and hostile actors.
What of those who choose to aid our oppressors by doing nothing or by collaborating? Some we hold out hope for that they’ll change their minds and aid us, while the rest choose the fate they deserve.
The explanation that I think best fits the facts is an FBI operation using a “Manchurian Candidate” they had developed, like Sirhan Sirhan. There was even narrative linking the same FBI agent to the Buffalo shooting. As regards the inaction of the police, the only explanation has to be that they needed victims, dead kids, to make their point. Their point being that the only thing between U.S. citizens and total destruction is U.S. Law enforcement, oh yes, and gun control to disarm those pesky naysayers that aren’t buying the government narrative. Good article.
Gun control nuts always point to European countries and Canada Australia and New Zealand as proof that gun control works. But the common denominator of all these countries is that they are all White, with a higher percentage of their populations being White than the US. Countries like Brazil Mexico Venezuela and South Africa have stricter gun laws than the US, and yet they are the most violent countries on the planet. It’s the population that determines how violent a country is, not its laws. Liberia was built on a copy of the US Constitution, yet it’s just another African s-hole. It’s funny how American libtards end up inadvertently proving that White people create the best countries.
Any shooting that takes place in today’s America is due to some unbridled and isolated person who, for reasons due to anger or mental illness, is willing to kill multiple people because they feel out of place. This being out of place feeling comes with the fact that when you are in an environment where people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and allegiances and so will disregard anyone if they don’t seem to belong anywhere which is also caused by an increased sense of individuality that comes with a lack of a centralized group which diversity and multiculturalism destroy.
While this is all very true, let’s not discount the possibility that these crazy weirdos could be shills who act on orders from those who like to execute what can loosely be described as false flag attacks. They will go to prison of course and face the consequences but how do we know some of them don’t get out after serving a token of their sentence and then reenter society with a hefty deposit in their bank accounts? Just saying just a thought…
Coincidence? The crisis actor “hero” of the Boston Bombing was Arredondo, same name as the top cop in Uvalde who had his cops stand down during the loco hispanic’s killing spree:
WARNING: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK SOME MINDS might be negatively effected. Your mind is more powerful than what you read. Whether you believe it or not there may or may not be another external influence on many people’s behavior. Right now in the hands of All Mankind’s common enemy primarily the jew This patent and many others like it seem to suggest it is being used by primarily the jews and their sympathizers to destabilize Nations and Countries. – Yet more than likely there is a cheap counteracting device that has been hidden from the general population on purpose by primarily the jew and their sympathizers https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en “Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors ” A psy-op “movie” scene basically depicting frequencies being used as a weapon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCtSq3yDPs “Kingsman: The… Read more »
It goes without reservation that stating the REAL criminals that are nearly 100% responsible for the horrific damage done to our world are the JEWS! JEWS are indeed the real criminals doing all of the catastrophic damage to this planet and its people is quite accurate! They control the financial and banking systems, and how that control has created a mess that leads constantly to economic catastrophes across the entire planet! The Jewish criminals also control the Pharmaceutical Industries nearly entirely – and therefore, are at the root of the present catastrophe of BILLIONS of human beings basically only having some 3-5 years to live due to the world wide genocide caused by the horrific KILL SHOTS! We can add in the Jewish control of nearly ALL major corporations, Jewish… Read more »
Jews do what Jews will do, in that you’re correct. You know what else is reality Walt? Whites sat on their thumbs and allowed it by refusing to work together, men and women both. Whites can change this. Let’s encourage them as Dr. Pierce did and exhort our kind to join us: http://www.natall.com/join-us/
The American public continues to be nothing more than drooling mutton headed sheep that will believe ANYTHING that is shoved into their brains via the ‘Electric Jew’ used as propaganda by the LYING WHORE MEDIA outlets! The ‘mystery’ of that fraud ‘school teacher’, ‘EVA MORALES’ who did indeed open up a locked door in that locked down school that allowed the ‘shooter’ into the facility… This “Eva Morales’ should in fact be prime suspect number one on the FBI’s most wanted list, and yet she and her ‘husband’ have indeed magically disappeared. The fact that there are ZERO obituaries for the ‘deceased’ as well as the fact that the ‘school’ itself will be, and very conveniently, bulldozed to the ground to prevent any real forensic investigation on site that would… Read more »