USS Liberty: Our Masters Reserve the Right to Kill Us at Any Time
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 4 June, 2022
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE AMERICAN NAVY MEN WHO SAW over a hundred of their shipmates burned alive and have their faces and limbs and guts blown off their bodies at the hands of Israeli Jews on 8 June, 1967 are getting old now. These USS Liberty veterans have organized and petitioned the US government to launch an impartial Congressional investigation of the Israeli attack on the US intelligence ship for many, many decades now. For five years they have been raising money for production of a feature film to tell their story in a way that Americans will understand. They were betrayed — and continue to be betrayed — by a regime in Washington that is a captive of the Jewish power structure, the same Jewish power structure that keeps our border open, demonizes and criminalizes any resistance to the invasion, promotes racial mixing as their prime strategy for replacing us in the nations we founded, sexually mutilates the bodies and minds of our young people with impunity, and does everything it possibly can do to suppress the birth of the next generation of White children and reduce that generation’s chances of survival to as close to zero as possible.
Here’s what Phillip Tourney, President of the USS Liberty Veterans Association, wrote to then-President Bush, trying to get justice for his crewmates 20 years ago:
[8 June marks] the anniversary of probably the most shameful day in American history. That day America’s banner and honor were treacherously trashed by our so-called ally, Israel. Thirty-four Americans were brutally slaughtered, 172 wounded, including myself. America’s most sophisticated intelligence ship was so badly damaged it had to be scrapped. Israel deliberately attacked America’s virtually unarmed USS Liberty in international waters, knowing full well our identity, in an assault that lasted as long as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
On that bright, sunny, infamous day, the Liberty had a large American flag flapping in the wind and ten foot high I.D. markings on her hull, which were clearly visible during the full six hours (6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon) that low-flying, slow-moving, propeller recons, distinctly marked with Stars of David, reconnoitered our ship. Overheard radio transmissions of the pilots confirmed that Israel had positively identified the Liberty as American.
Suddenly at 2:00 p.m., the government of Israel put a knife in the back of America. In a diabolic attempt at deception, the Israelis began the attack with unmarked jet fighters using rockets, cannons, and napalm on our unprotected ship. Then three motor torpedo boats arrived on the scene and fired six torpedoes at us, one hitting its mark, midship on the starboard side, instantly blowing to bits 25 of America’s finest young men. The torpedo gunmen shot at our firefighters and stretcher-bearers, using us as target practice, maiming and murdering as many of America’s sons as they could.
The captain ordered us to prepare to abandon ship, as the ship was in grave danger of sinking from a torpedo hit that left a 40 foot by 40 foot hole in her. There were only three life rafts left that they hadn’t already destroyed. We put them over the side to put as many wounded in as possible. The torpedo boats machine gunned the life rafts and sank two of them and took one aboard their boat — no survivors were to be taken! Helicopters were overhead to board our ship with Israeli commandos at the ready to finish us off.
Responding to an S.O.S. from the Liberty, the USS Saratoga launched their jets approximately 15 minutes into the vicious Israeli attack. Within minutes after the launch, incredibly and inexplicably, Washington shamefully and unconscionably recalled the jets, abandoning helpless American sailors under fire, and subjecting them to an additional two hours of barbaric Israeli bombardment and butchery.
Fortuitously, when the Israelis picked up an invalid message that US help was on the way, Israel reluctantly was forced to terminate its ongoing assault. Without that break, I would not be alive writing this letter.
Ironically, help did not arrive until 18 hours after the attack, when it was only 15 minutes away. When an American rescue ship finally arrived, what they found was shocking: the Liberty was in shambles, death on the water. There were 821 rocket and cannon holes in her hull, thousands of 50 caliber armor-piercing bullets riddling her skin, a tunnel size torpedo cavity in her broad side, and the residue of napalm that had been dropped to burn us up. Blood and body parts were strewn across the deck. A sad, outrageous story, but unfortunately true.
The crew of the most decorated naval ship in American history was ordered to remain silent under threat of court martial, imprisonment or worse, and we all knew what worst meant. The US government has never challenged the obviously phony Israeli excuse of “mistaken identity,” nor have they attempted to expose the dishonorable cover-up that continues to date. Truth and America’s honor were ignominiously sacrificed to provide cover for Israel’s transparent lies and despicable act of perfidy.
Israel’s premeditated, sneak attack on the USS Liberty was a direct attack on America. The disgraceful refusal of unpatriotic American governmental officials of dubious allegiance to defend America and come to the aid of brave Americans under attack can only be characterized as treasonous.
Mr. President, on behalf of the courageous crew of the USS Liberty, dead and alive, I respectfully request that you commission a presidential panel to finally investigate the attack and cover-up of the USS Liberty, and report the truth to the American people.
Thank you, Mr. President. God bless you! God bless America!
Phillip F. Tourney, President
USS Liberty Veterans Association
James M. Ennes was an officer on the Liberty when she was attacked. Asked by an interviewer whether he believed the Israeli story about the attack being an accident, an incidence of “friendly fire,” he responded:
“Friendly fire” is a brief, accidental attack. This was a prolonged, carefully coordinated attack. It has been called the most carefully planned “accident” in the history of warfare. The Israeli account of the attack is untrue. We flew a flag at all times, and it stood out clearly displayed in a good breeze. Israeli jets circled us 13 times during the several hours before the attack, and during that period we heard their pilots informing their headquarters by radio that we were American. When the attack started, the attacking jets passed high overhead once, then turned 180 degrees and came down the centerline firing without any attempt to identify us. Long after the attack I was contacted by an Israeli pilot who told me that on his first flight over the ship he saw our American flag and informed his headquarters that we were American, but was told to ignore the flag and attack anyway. He refused to do so and returned to base where he was arrested. I was told by an Israeli in the war room that they knew we were American. I have been told by several American intelligence analysts who read, or in some cases heard, the messages between the pilots and their headquarters that these messages make it very clear that the pilots and their headquarters knew we were American.
The USS Liberty veterans have pleaded again and again for a real investigation and a national recognition of this murder of American servicemen by the Jewish state.
The response from the Jewish-captured Washington regime, whether fronted by Republicans or Democrats, has been very close to zero. There was no new investigation under Bush, under Fetchit, under Trump (who presided over the regime during the 50th anniversary of the attack), or under Biden. Asking the US Congress to get at the truth is a lot like asking a swarm of locusts to help you protect your garden. Asking the US Congress to support American interests or go against Jewish interests is like asking Anthony Fauci to head a commission to expose the crimes of the pharmaceutical industry.
It’s not going to happen.
May Nature’s God bless the efforts of the Liberty veterans and those helping them to spread the truth, but we in the National Alliance know that only a radical restructuring of society will bring the justice we need — will bring an end to the Jewish power structure that is literally killing us, killing us as surely as those Israeli pilots and gunmen killed the men of the Liberty. The best thing we can do as we bring the truth about the attack on the Liberty to our family, friends, and neighbors is to bring it to them in the context of the National Alliance’s efforts to build new institutions — and ultimately a new, race-based state — to our people.
The real situation is so much worse than most people — even the most devoted supporters of the Liberty crew — think. It is far more than just some foreign agents whispering in our representatives’ ears. It is our deadliest enemy — an enemy who wants us all dead and is working assiduously for the day when we are gone forever — who has captured our media, our politicians, our educational institutions, and almost our entire financial system. The Jewish power structure has made even mild criticism of them and their narrative into an actual or virtual punishable crime, not only in the United States, but in the entire Western world. When you look for the videos about the Liberty on major Internet platforms like YouTube — owned and run by Jews — you find censored videos, removed videos, blocked channels, and even in the films that remain, you get special “informational” and “contextual” links to direct you to sources supporting the cover-up of this crime.
In short, these would-be rulers — and executioners — of our people have arrogated to themselves the right to kill us at any time they feel it would be to their advantage to do so, such as they did on 8 June 1967, and anyone who questions this right of the master to terminate the lives of his slaves is an evil “anti-Semite” who should be shut up by any means necessary, and shut out of earning a living or participating in society in any way.
That this situation cannot be solved by petitioning the totally captured Congress, or the President of the regime that showers tens of billions on the Jews’ state every single year, should be obvious. Only the National Alliance recognizes the central fact of the matter — the elephant in the room that even some very good people who tell much of the truth are afraid to acknowledge — that our state has been stolen from us, and we need to begin working for the day when a new state will be founded to serve our Folk.
I want everyone within the sound of my voice to print up 100 — or, better yet, 10,000 — copies of our USS Liberty flier by Dr. William Pierce, “Day of Infamy” and distribute them in your city or town. Just go to and download the PDF, print them out and fold them, and bring the truth to your town. Our facts are unassailable and the message is powerful and the identification of our enemies is crucial. These are the facts that our people need to know in order to understand who exactly it is who is destroying our race, our nation, our civilization, our future. It is presented in a way that gets our “foot in the door” of our people’s sadly confused souls, a way that they can understand, and starts to get them oriented in the right direction. Most local print shops will print and fold these powerful fliers for you, too, for a very low price — they need the business these days. I’ve never had a print job refused for political reasons, either — and, on more than one occasion, I’ve been personally congratulated by the shop owner for taking a stand for our people. So visit and get out there in force this week — the anniversary of the Israeli attack on the Liberty.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
Sometimes I doubt things that are said about Jews. This article contains an example: Long after the attack I was contacted by an Israeli pilot who told me that on his first flight over the ship he saw our American flag and informed his headquarters that we were American, but was told to ignore the flag and attack anyway. He refused to do so and returned to base where he was arrested. Assuming this flyer was telling Ennes the truth, and not simply a tall tale to make himself craftily ingratiating for some reason, it would be one of the un-Jewiest actions ever taken by a Jew. On another matter, I laugh every time you refer to the Cape Cod Kenyan as Stepin Fetchit, even though I harbor no ill… Read more »
Andrew Hamilton: Sometimes I doubt things that are said about Jews. This article contains an example: Long after the attack I was contacted by an Israeli pilot who told me that on his first flight over the ship he saw our American flag and informed his headquarters that we were American, but was told to ignore the flag and attack anyway. He refused to do so and returned to base where he was arrested. Assuming this flyer was telling Ennes the truth, and not simply a tall tale to make himself craftily ingratiating for some reason, it would be one of the un-Jewiest actions ever taken by a Jew. — It’s good to have doubts about incredible claims, but this one has been around for nearly 30 years and the burden is… Read more »
The point is not that the American survivors’ account is doubtful or untrue, but that this Jew’s statement is uncharacteristic of Jewish behavior, which is very patterned and predictable. That doesn’t mean there aren’t incidental exceptions (though even this pilot waited 15 years to tell his story). Ennes’ 1993 WREMEA account provides more detail about the Israeli flyer than the summary interview above does, including the fact that US radio monitors independently listened to his protests, and he later gave extensive interviews about his experience to former Congressman Pete McCloskey. Left-wing journalist Robert I. Friedman was also an exception. He’s the only Jewish journalist I can quickly think of whose journalism I hold in high regard. Ariel Toaff is another. I carefully read and reviewed his book about Jewish ritual murder,… Read more »
I had dinner with Bryce Lockwood at his home in Columbia, MO shortly after the Covid 19 spamdemic started. He and his wife both wore masks, while Barbara & I did NOT. Bryce was a Marine aboard the USS Liberty it’s fateful day.
It is the consensus of the crew today that then President Lyndon B. Johnson had more to do with the attack then just ordering the planes sent out, back before they could help. LBJ & i$rahell would blame Egypt for the attack and another major war, in which Egypt would lose.
Bryce was NOT interested in any dialog on gas chambers or WWII truths. Face masks were more important.
88 Dave
To think this ‘state’ has nuclear weapons is one of my greatest fears of the future of this planet. Personally I hope Iran decides to go nuclear as somebody has to get the parasite state worried one way or the other.
The very poison that is breaking apart the Western world is emotional deception and this deception causes someone to empathize with a group so much to the point where they will be willing to sacrifice themselves for the “good” of the group.
yet we give these Kikes, what is it $10B/yr. ? What gives ?
The U.S. and its institutions are currently dominated by Jews, led by their banksters and mass media organs. They wag the U.S. dog, the dog obeys.
Why is it not “acceptable”
to call for extermination of
this vermin? Is it more
“acceptable” to call for the
extermination of cockroaches
if found on one’s habitat? Are
not the Jews an invasion of the
collective habitat? If anyone
wishes to explain, I will pay
Because at present they’re strong and we’re weak. Let’s concentrate on building ourselves up instead of wishing we could do this or that. When we’re strong enough, we’ll dictate the terms of any situation.
I think the Israelis knew or feared that the Liberty intercepted messages revealing the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons made from the enriched uranium stolen a few years earlier from an Apollo US plant that made nuclear fuel for the US that was owned by a zionist. At the time of the attack, the Atomic Energy Commission strongly suspected that unaccounted enriched uranium shortages at the plant were diverted to Israel but could not prove it (the plant had missing uranium in quantities far exceeding any other such facility) which was what aroused suspicion. In 1968, the CIA obtained environmental samples from the region outside Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Research Center that matched the unique isotopic composition of the material processed at the Pennsylvania plant. A bomb made from such material… Read more »
I printed the flyer to make copies. The article is not in order and can’t be read and there are no page numbers.
The flier is intended to be folded like this:
Good luck with your distribution and all the best!
It’s in the Talmud and Protocols, goyim are cattle to serve jews for plunder and slaughter. Whites twiddle thumbs, jews laugh themselves silly, and white worship a mythical jew.
While it’s fine to outline a problem, I noticed you left out a solution from this valuable opportunity to have others see your words. Are we to be let down?
Very true but the sadness is that this is not only social policy but political expediency propped up by those in the US CONgress to support their masters, who are clever abd far more sophisticaed and shrewd than they never imagined, or could imagine! And it seems to be working wonderfully…..
They’d possibly have more “success” at finding a competent legal to file class action lawsuit. The lawsuit against the jew corporation who brought oxycotin to market succeeded did it not? The only question is what will nature’s balancing act look like toward the jews? Who by now for at least 400 years probably thousands of years have had control of the “money” and have proved they are inept at running a planet. – evidenced by the needless racial strife, fruitless wars, weakened nations(races). Nature (cosmos) testifies of a balance. The jews prove they are the imbalance when they get involved into things outside their personal families?
We can discuss the Liberty tragedy among ourselves until we’re blue in the face, but making people outside of our circles aware of it should be a goal. I can comment on a site of my high school classmates who have been gathered online for reunions and such. When I was notified that a good friend from our school days has a birthday today, I wrote him a note that the rest of our class can read. Then I edited it to include a reminder about the anniversary of the Liberty attack. If it is not removed for being tagged as “political,” a few will ask, “What’s the Liberty?” — do a search on it and find out. — Will W. Williams William W. Williams posted a message on JOHN W.… Read more »
Hi: There is a Stew Peters presentation to the surviving members of the USS Liberty, gathered this year, which is presented on the Mike Lindell website: It occured to me that LBJ was clearly the Joe Biden of the ’60s. He was complicit in trashing the “National Origins Act” which protected the ethnic composition of the nation from unrestricted third-world immigration. LBJ expanded the Viet Nam war with a “Gulf of Tonkin” fiction, (similar to the G. Bush “weapons of mass distruction” fiction), caring little about the lives of the soldiers, sailors, and airmen sacrificed in SE Asia. In the Stew Peters presentation, I marvelled that John McCain’s Admiral-father was responsible for the “investigation” that followed the attack on the USS Liberty. I have always believed that former Texas… Read more »
I should mention as a followup, the 1967 Malta port visit of the USS Saratoga CV-60, from where were launched fighter aircraft to defend the USS Liberty, but which were recalled shortly thereafter, is presented on Youtube at: – (CV-60 USS Saratoga Malta harbor 1967).
Perhaps this is why the USS Saratoga CV-60 was appropriately referred to as the “Sorry Sara” when I was in the USN on active duty in the early 70’s.