
The Most Interesting Problem in the World

by Blake Hood

Real thought is an experience. It begins as a change in the blood, a slow convulsion and revolution in the body itself. It ends as a new piece of awareness, a new reality in mental consciousness.

To be a man! To risk your body and your blood first, and then to risk your mind. All the time, to risk your known self, and become once more a self you could never have known or expected. (D.H. Lawrence)

LATER THIS year I will reach a special anniversary in my personal bildungsroman. To put it simply, sometime about ten years ago I woke up to the plight of our folk and the grim reality of our present age. I have been wracking my brain to pinpoint an actual date for it — perhaps when I read an enlightening book or watched a powerful speech — but to no avail. My shift of consciousness was so deep and sudden that my mind seems to have blacked out during the transition.

Previously, I was a radical liberal. All of the values that I was brought up with pointed me in this direction. But within the time frame of about a year I became more or less what I am today. Since then, I have spent thousands of hours reading our books and networking with like-minded men. I have also started a family. Over this time I became more determined and radical, but my essential orientation has remained the same as it was all those years ago. As Bowden says, we first instinctively say “Yes!” to an idea and only later do we work it all out in our minds.

After the excitement of claiming this new idea for myself wore off, I remember a feeling of moral and social terror come over me. Imagine you are in a room full of friends and family; light, chatter, warmth, and life all around you. Then you have a thought to yourself, a simple but profound thought. And you accept the thought because it is true. Now you look up again, and the people are gone. The lights have gone dim. It is cold and silent, and now you are alone.

For me, this change was a like the death of a god or an entire world. The collapse of an architecture of meaning and trust that I had relied on my whole life up until that point. The smart people were wrong. Wrong about almost everything. The good, responsible adults that I had grown up with seemed to be dupes and fools for a system evil beyond words. It’s not an accident that we use the analogy of ‘waking up from the matrix’. These people — my people — had been transformed into something alien and unreachable. They lived in an artificial world, a world of imaginary values and were not able any longer even to see, let alone speak the truth.

The Heroes’ Journey begins when he expels himself from his own house. The step away from the world I knew as a boy was necessary, and I try to harbor no bitterness about it. I know that it is the same path that our whole generation across the world must walk. Indeed, I am certain that there are hundreds of thousands who have the same consciousness as me — men who have been struck by this idea and can now think of nothing else. Really, what else can occupy one’s mind except that fateful question, how will we free our Volk? For me, not one day has gone by without that thought. How do we escape this terrible prison we find ourselves trapped in? It is the most interesting problem in the world.

* * *

I have lost a lot in this struggle over the last ten years (though far less than some). There have been missed opportunities, lost jobs, beatings, broken relationships and estrangements. And of course, that psychic pain we all feel bearing witness to the rape of our people and the destruction of all culture. But I bear it because I consider this struggle to be a holy duty, and in light of that my own personal satisfaction and happiness are really not very important.

Yet there is also much I have gained. A struggle of this magnitude and consequence is a heavy burden, but as you raise the stakes for your own life and actions, you find that everything becomes so much more meaningful. My friends joke that I don’t have hobbies, which is partly true. I have a mission and I spend my free time doing lots of different things to forward that mission. Fanatics may be endlessly frustrated but they are not bored!

If you walk the Volk Path as I have you will come across many disturbed and sometimes dangerous people. It can’t be denied. But you will also find those who recognize the same great truth you have found, and that is one of the strongest foundations for real friendship in this world. And yes our task is still to make more people see this truth and turn friends into kinsmen. We must initiate millions more into this shared dream and give them back their true identity and purpose in life.

There is no greater task than this; to keep the flame alive in times like these. And no greater honor than to contribute even a small part to the rebirth of our people. This is struggle has defined my life as a young man, and will continue to do so until we achieve victory.

Here’s to ten more years of the Call of the Blood!

* * *

Source: Volkish

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6 May, 2022 10:10 pm

This is pretty much the same thing that happened to me, only for me it is more recent. I find it incredible I as a young White man from coastal Southern California can turn myself from a Bernie Sanders progressive, to a right-wing ‘nationalist’, to eventually a firm believer of the National Alliance’s mission, learning in the process how much of a sham the two-party system is. Like what the writer wrote, I was ‘blacked out’ during this transition. It can be heartbreaking to see most of what surrounds you has been a lie and a trick into destroying our beautiful White societies on piece at a time, learning how unspeakably evil the Washington regime has become since WW2. At times it is still difficult to ‘unprogram’ myself from what… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  southbayfolk
6 May, 2022 11:05 pm

As you’re awakened southbayfolk, join our community and the National Alliance. We need more like yourself to help us awaken others and other Alliance-building tasks.

Nat Sosh
Nat Sosh
7 May, 2022 10:08 am

Once the epiphany is cemented in a consciousness ,the lies rapidly shatter and crumble ….
as the crumbs of a crushed cracker… or matza wafer if you will.

I too have been estranged from blood relations . If i even think that The filthy Jew was chosen over me ,for even a second, i get enraged and bemused. Then i just let it go.

People have choices decided for them in this life. For those without a strong enough will to refute those choices i say….sy anara.
Or , however you spell it.

Rockwell's Ghost
Rockwell's Ghost
11 May, 2022 8:44 am

All the jawboning and keyboard strokes and newsletters and radio shows will do nothing to help our white plight that we are in simply because of the yellow bellied cowardice of our so-called “leaders”. I mean especially politicians that make the decisions, academics who are supposed to educate us (to everything except who is genociding and plundering us), financiers who could spend their plunder of us to further free us from the jew parasites sucking our blood, freemasons who do the jew’s bidding against our own white folk, Media who are in position to tell the truth but are in reality “presstitutes”, Bible Thumpers who worship the same jew that is genociding us and send billions of our fleeced wealth to further their sex lives and tell us to worship… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Rockwell's Ghost
11 May, 2022 11:41 am

Mr. Ghost said, “Jawboning won’t get it, until Whites get their stones back and “get it”.” Fair enough statement. How do Whites get our ‘stones’ back?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
12 May, 2022 3:05 am

There is evidence that they have, but through Trumpist and QAnon-like offshoots of evangelical Christianity – right in the National Alliance’s backyard. No where else will you find so many Whites united in supporting anti-establishment ideas. This exurban movement is not specifically pro-White, but its political agenda is in strong opposition to what non-White community leaders support, such as CRT or open borders to Mexico. Of course, if the National Alliance sought to recruit in person near these churches, the pastors would quickly pivot toward the evils of racism as they see it, as soon as they detected the possibility of losing tithers. The jewish publication The Atlantic has a long-winded article that describes this movement at

Batou Kovacs
Batou Kovacs
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
20 May, 2022 5:42 pm

You see it happening with the “America First” movement. You might find this debate interesting, “Christian Nationalists” vs. “Universal Moralist” late in Ethan Ralph’s killstream. Skip ahead to the 9 hour, 23 minute mark to see the debate. I don’t know how long you have been doing the cosmotheist church, but I have to agree mostly with Nick. The masses of sheep need to believe in a higher authority to work together. Which might explain to some extent why your church hasn’t grown much…? Anyways, check out the debate. America First says it has more than 100 candidates running in the midterms, to control local and state races. Getting control of local communities and states seems like a solid strategy. Let the liberals have blue states to build their… Read more »

Reply to  Rockwell's Ghost
23 May, 2022 2:41 pm

Goyimtv activists do it and so do some Swedish NS.

Reply to  Rockwell's Ghost
3 June, 2022 4:26 pm

I’m going to chip in an encouraging word (or two hundred, lol): Blake’s article shows you something true. Jawboning / study / whatever but then he went through an actual change of being – now he cannot turn away and cannot do nothing. That is a change that matters, change that changes the world — in time. The ancient wisdom says that you learn by study but to really know you have to experience. In Blake and others among us experience we have been forged in that experience and we are a different metal now. The ancient wisdom also says the wisdom without action is sterile, an abomination — once you know you must act to serve the life force. Any small thing, act, and join the Alliance if you… Read more »