The Hated Race
by David Sims
THERE ARE MANY voices in the media and the academy telling us that the defining characteristic of White people is the evil we do.
But that isn’t a defining characteristic of our race at all. No. What White people are, overall, is the most capable race. Other races have done every bad thing that the White race has done, and probably more of it. But those other races are incompetent by comparison with Whites in just about every field of endeavor; for almost every activity a human can do, Whites can do it better than most others.
If Whites were to disappear, evil would remain. And, in per capita terms, evil would exist even more densely among the non-Whites who were left.
If we disappeared, what you’d definitely lose is competence, know-how, the greatest part of the spirit of adventure, and the will to explore. The White race is the cutting edge of humankind, the best there is.
Our labor presently supports perhaps a billion non-Whites in civilized comfort, when otherwise they’d be living in a brutish state of nature, or something very close to it.
White competence isn’t something we can hand over to non-Whites. We can build civilized countries for, say, Blacks, and just hand the countries over to them, complete with cities with every modern, First-World convenience. And, within fifty years, the Blacks will have trashed every bit of what we gave them, and they will once more be living in a brutish state of nature, or something very close to it.
That’s how it really is.
So why are Whites falsely accused of “evil” — why are we hated? Joseph Sobran put it this way:
The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary. …Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.
And Tobias Langdon wrote of exactly who has facilitated and fanned the flames of this envy and hatred:
The emotional fuel of anti-racism is hatred of Whites and the true aim of anti-racism is not equality but revenge. Jewish goyophobes like Stephen Jay Gould, Jared Diamond, and Susan Sontag created this ideology using their high verbal IQ and their extensive ethnic networking in the media and academia. Blacks and other non-Whites, who could not have created this ideology by themselves, have nevertheless taken it up with great enthusiasm.
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Source: Author
The obese, ugly Female Mestizo anti-White activist wakes up all nice and refreshed, ready to take a trip to an anti-White rally in New York City, 2000 miles from where her once clean and orderly White town is, perhaps proud that she drove out all those evil Whiteys and benefits great from the White designed housing she currently squats in. She is ready to cook some breakfast with her stove invented by an evil White called James Sharp, and brew a cup of coffee courtesy of another evil White called Angelo Moriondo. Finally, she packs the remainder of her clothes and toiletries in her evil White designed SwissGear luggage while calling up an Uber with her evil White designed and engineered Apple iPhone. After arriving at the airport, Female Mestizo… Read more »
For all their talk about being “God’s chosen people” and a “light among the nations”, the Jews envy us.
And what would you like to do about this, Joshua?
Who else fights a cousin vs cousin war for the “end of slavery for another Race” i.e. war of the States? Not one other Race on this planet that I know of has ever done this. Is it not well past time for the White Nation’s altruism to be 100% turned to its own people instead wasting it on darker races which include the jews?
We in the National Alliance have set up the framework for “for the White Nation’s altruism to be 100% turned to its own people” to get fleshed out with sharp, sincere Whites such as yourself, Mr. cas. Are we to be left with our Call to Duty unanswered?
For more on this Call, my reference is this:
To busy dealing with the pain of being discriminated against by a American distribution company of German descent. Hired a young Negroe girl with less experience over a man of German descent with more experience. Kind of hard to give other than time without work. Time to add German beer to the long list of crap to boycott as much as possible at least for me.
FYI if your organizations are not set up as a religious institution.
The ADL is allowed to discriminate and libel against the White Nation and keep its 501c3 status?
Billion dollar lawsuits easily could be won, yet are not filed?
Kind of easy to boycott beer you can’t afford because you’re out of work, wouldn’t you say? Sorry to hear you’re in such pain that it’s taking up a lot of your time. I suppose that you don’t want to hear that “when the going gets tough, the tough get going,” right? Lawsuits against well-funded and politically-connected adversaries are expensive and so are not easily won. We’ll need some funding and some very skilled (and expensive) legal assistance to consider doing things like that, so it’s sad we cannot count on your help at this time. Also, if that kind of gamble is lost, you can be sure that attorney fees would be the loser’s burden. That could bring bankruptcy to an organization that isn’t well backed at this time.… Read more »
Thank you for your replies. I did not assume it was NATALL’s responsibility to file one. I posted in hopes to maybe peek some lawyers’ curiosity. It would take lawyer(s) who have bigger balls than me who am only a law reader. It could be done as just about every White has probably been defamed by such organizations as the adl and even the US regime.
Nowhere have I seen this hatred
manifested more openly and explicitly
than by members of the Semitic (Jew)
race. This cancer must be dealt and
done away with no uncertain terms.
The Jews have to go. Let there be
no uncertain terms: THE JEWS HAVE
there’s a better solution than that. one involving getting to the roots of
1) how they enslave us all through usury. it’s bad form to use money without understanding it properly or knowing how control over its creation can be usurped & used against us
2) what their beef is. which looks to be 8th day circumcision like many say
For all of their complaining we cannot shake them. They risk their lives crossing deserts and on the open ocean piled onto anything that will float just for the chance to be near us. What other race do they flock to? They never cease lamenting our treatment of them yet it’s never evoked a desire to remove from us even an inch. People flee tyranny and oppression. It is just as easy to sneak out of White countries as into them but there’s no traffic in the other direction. They see us at the top and want to take our place but they fail to realise that the top is not a position we occupy, it is us. We are the top. If the White race goes the top goes… Read more »
109 times throughout history have they been “shaken.” Since it is possible, are we men enough to do it for the 110th time? Not by ourselves individually, of course, but together we can.
A bit off-topic, but I heard that Poland is pretty hated amongst Europeans. When they immigrate to other White countries, they immigrate to inner multicultural cities instead of homogeneous white ones. This I find interesting because I never heard of a European race so hated even by other Europeans.
An odd observation, concerning Poland. It made me remember how popular Pollock jokes used to be, back about 30 or so years ago. But, then I realized that I haven’t heard anyone tell a Pollock joke in the last several decades. Why not? Did they stop being considered funny? And, who got the ball rolling on telling Pollock jokes in the beginning? Were these jokes part of an agenda to stir up animosity and dislike for Polish people?
Our duty as a race is not to earn our way into heaven but to bring the higher virtues down to this earth. As that Jew book says “not of works lest any man can boast” teaches to the foolish not to rever our past heroes or the mobility but give credit to a dead Jew hanging on a stick. It explains why our enemies wish to remove our history and destroy our statues of our glorious past and in some cases replace them with negros. It is certainly not the volcano god Yahweh that does any work but our people.
american writer george carey, in his amazing book “zodiac & the salts of salvation”, puts forward the case – as many others have – that the bible is not designed to be interpreted literally but allegorically (astrologically & physiologically). the masses may be content to imagine a carpenter getting nailed to a cross absolving them of all their sins but really, did that ever make any sense to anyone?
To cross a river the White folks built a bridge . The dark folks waited for a tree to fall across . Whiteness invented light and harnessed electricity , the darks waited for sunrise. Whiteness put aviation in the skies while the darks watched the birds fly . Whites used irrigation that has turned dry and near desert lands into green fields of crops while others prayed and waited for rain . Cameras for preserving and archiving family memories while others were painting on rock walls , this is only a drop in the bucket of White greatness and accomplishments that no other race has accomplished…Someone said ” Give the Blacks a city they will turn it into a pile of bricks …Give the Whites a pile of bricks and… Read more »
What is Loxism (Jewish hatred of Whites?) ..![comment image](
they’re full of hate / rage / fear / resentment because they were circumcised as kids, effectively made into orcs by the process, as illustrated by a couple of scenes in the “warcraft” movie. now they’re projecting these negative feelings onto white people, which ironically is what they are themselves. the anastasia books reckon they’re 6 uncircumcised “levite priests” at the top of jewry. if i was a jew i’d want to why why no foreskin for me but one for them
“It is in the Jewish interest ,it is in humanities interest that whites experience a Genocide.Until White children are burned alive ,white women raped,mutilated,murdered and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorised :only then will mankind be on a more equal footing,ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.” Jewish Rabbi,Ishmael Levitts.![comment image](
White Genocide quotes