
White Salvation from the US Military? You’ve Got to Be Kidding

BACK IN THE DAY when QAnon was lulling Americans into a sense of false security by ‘trusting The Plan’ ‘he’ cited mysterious forces in ‘the military’ who were going to implement it. You know, with midnight raids where the evil-doers would be captured and whisked away to Guantanamo to meet the fate of traitors. Many of us, even from the earliest days, were skeptical. After all the military, like the ‘law enforcement’ agencies (I’m a real comedian, aren’t I?) at every level had become pozzed out by “wokeism” and “affirmative action.” Sergeant Sh’aniqua Jamal, a 24-stone 85 IQ negress, her rear end flopping over a chair in a ‘Logistics’ office was never going to be the saviour of the historic American nation. And we all knew that those at the highest levels got to the top of the greasy pole by way of brown-nosing and politicking. Unprincipled careerists, they represented an even less likely source of salvation.

But Q and his apostles (most of whom I believe to have been genuine) had an explanation for that problem too. The White Hat patriots would emerge from within the ranks of the middle officer corps, as in Majors and Colonels. The logic was simple: Such soldiers were true patriots, obviously possessed of intelligence and perseverance yet uncompromised like their careerist superior officers and still largely uncontaminated by “affirmative action” dross. The creme de la creme among this cohort was to be found among the Special Forces.

Well, have I got news for you. And the news is not good. I say that because recently I had the time to talk with a Major in the Special Forces, a guy who looked the part almost to a stereotypical degree, a tall, muscular fair-haired Pat Tillman lookalike of Irish-German stock. He’s so secretive he won’t identify where he’s ever been deployed, let alone where he goes next. Not even his wife knows. I told her she should ask the Israeli Embassy if she really wants to find out. This elicited a puzzled look. To be clear, this guy is genuinely patriotic, has undergone unimaginable hardship in training and presumably risked life and limb while abroad fighting for Israel. In other words the sort of guy QAnon assured us would see The Plan to fruition.

Well here’s the reality in a nutshell. He’s totally on board with The Agenda. He’s in favour of “affirmative action” even in the armed forces (he tactfully declined to specify how many women and “people of color” had successfully completed SF training), believes Bidet won the election fairly, sees America’s borders as “sacrosanct” and would defend them with his life (I believe him), yet is unfazed by the millions of hostile aliens teeming over the southern frontier. “That’s just immigration,” he says, which will apparently be efficiently managed by those dedicated professionals at ICE and their patriotic political masters. He’s outraged by Tucker Carlson whom he accuses of “dividing the country and encouraging right-wing extremists.” He was completely baffled and uncomprehending at my suggestion that America is disappearing before our eyes, soon to be replaced by the northern equivalent of Brazil. “But we’re a nation of immigrants,” he protests.

Look, I could go on, but you get the drift. No salvation will emerge from within the American military. It’s a scary thought but chillingly true. Of course it could be a different story if their paychecks bounce as a result of the impending dollar crisis. But until then they’ll obey their masters if told to open fire on ‘White supremacists.’ Look for solutions elsewhere.

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Source: Irish Savant

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8 April, 2022 6:57 am

I never will forget when Ike’s federal troops integrated the schools in Little Rock, the national media interviewed one of the white troops carrying a rifle with bayonet attached and had it pointed into the back of a white high school girl. He told the presstitute media cameraman that he just wished one of these white girls would give me the excuse shove this bayonet through her racist back. He was like a rabid dog lusting for white blood. The white national guard troops were no better. Kissinger said the troops were stupid animals, and he also said that they (jews) would control us with food and we would do anything the government told us for food.

Reply to  Jim
10 April, 2022 5:32 am

1865 proved the Masonic USA an inverse racist golem which explains 1917 and 1941 and the Nuremberg trials and Bussing and Kennedys accidental death in front of a random bullet and everything else that follows not least the negrification of Europa by that acronym entity…Masonry came from France to England long, long ago and began the conquest of England in 1066 and the Protestant reformation led to the Zionist Pilgrims and the Kabbalist pirates and the Skull and bones Baphomet wigger’s ad nauseam…still, Cosmotheism and Creativity are two marks of Western genius extant.

LH Collins
LH Collins
8 April, 2022 7:13 am

A “Nation of Immigrants” is nothing to brag about. They might as well call themselves the leavings and dregs of the Third World. A “Nation of Conquerors” I would have more respect for.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
8 April, 2022 7:13 am

A wonderful contribution. Thank you. I had been thinking the same thing, salvation would come from within the military. Toward the end of a long and rambling conversation with a prominent editor of a military website, I asked if he thought the military would save America? “Oh no,” came the answer, “They are all Satanists.” Under clearer examination, all people seem to be either security seekers or opportunity seekers. Those are the two poles. I believe the military attracts mainly security seekers, people who see in the military salvation from their worst fears, having to figure out what to do and do it and letting that take care of their security.

8 April, 2022 8:19 am

Did you see Biden wandering around the room three days ago? Literally wandering and nonplussed by LITERALLY everyone ignoring him. He was utterly dazed. It was shocking to witness (and yet perfectly predictable). And if it´s possible for someone to actually NOT be literally mentally retarded and be even more horrifying than Biden as POTUS, it is Harris as VP. This system is so irrational and diseased – physically (by these intellectually worthless human trash – as ruling), and spiritually, that it defies all reason to think it is not in process of collapsing…SOON. Any self-respecting foreign leader has to look at this madhouse of an anti-country and to simply marvel at such a surreal sight as is presented to them by this disgrace called America.

Reply to  Servenet
9 April, 2022 7:14 pm

I thought when the Praetorian guard made a horse the Emperor of Rome that was a nadir that could not be exceeded.

I was wrong.

I’ve known good horses.

I would prefer the emperor horse to “The Big Guy” and “Willie’s Girl”, ugh.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
8 April, 2022 9:33 am

I had the time to talk with a Major in the Special Forces, a guy who looked the part almost to a stereotypical degree,.. [but] he tactfully declined to specify how many women and “people of color” had successfully completed SF training… — Huh? When I completed SF training at Fort Bragg 55 years ago it was still nearly 100% White male. Since then, like with the rest of the military, SF appears to have become just another big social experiment. The slow sterilization of any vestiges of supposed White “haters,” even from formerly elite special operations units, has been completed. — No salvation will emerge from within the American military. It’s a scary thought but chillingly true. they’ll obey their masters if told to open fire on ‘White supremacists.’… Read more »

james grey
james grey
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
30 April, 2022 1:41 am

when I completed the Q course 34 years ago it was virtually all white. Before that all the actual combat units, infantry, airborne, rangers etc were the same. the vibrants were all in combat support and service support.

8 April, 2022 9:48 am

It’s going to take a catastrophic military defeat or more likely, a severe economic crisis to get rid of ZOG.

8 April, 2022 10:58 am

I don’t trust the military they would kick down people’s doors to confiscate guns if they were ordered to without questioning it.

8 April, 2022 3:54 pm

I don’t trust the military they would kick down doors and confiscate peoples guns if they were ordered to without hesitation.

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
8 April, 2022 7:26 pm

Meanwhile, there are internet claims that a U.S Army general who was with an Azov battalion, was captured by the Russians. The military hasn’t been on our side for years.

Robert Klein
Robert Klein
8 April, 2022 8:23 pm

The only people who will be allowed into the higher echelons of the the US military are the types that are not independent thinkers, will follow orders to a “t” and don’t ask questions. In other words, they are machines that are programmed by globo-homo.

9 April, 2022 5:09 am

If a man or woman knows before going into any training what to expect and make a clear line in the sand in his or her mind. There is still world class discipline and training that could be had if said man or woman was not of the type to question every small thing, but agree to him or herself of when this is the time to get out no matter what. It is risky for shore and now White people who join have to be very introverted in their soul bound beliefs of race.
Cosmotheism is a “religion” and therefore still has some form of protection by the “law”.
There has to be away to make more White lawyers see it is more profitable other than money.

Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
9 April, 2022 8:34 am

We saw just exactly two years ago what the cops and military people are loyal to. Their careers and their paymasters. Antifa and BLM ran riot and the tossers in uniform did nothing to stop it. All this bollocks about ” support our troops” is absolute rubbish.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Robert Ferrara
9 April, 2022 5:40 pm

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The history of mankind for the past three thousand years has been the history of strugglebetween the fair-skinned descendants of Shem and the darker-skinned descendants of hisbrother, Ham, yet you will not find this struggle defined in any historical work. The records ofthe genocide against the people of Shem are apparent throughout the archives of history, butthere is not a school or university whose faculty will apprise its students of this simple fact. Thisin itself explains much which is usually dismissed as being “beyond explanation.” The reasonfor this odd development is that the descendants of Ham traditionally have usurped theeducational process, through their earlier usurpation of the priesthood to carryon their Satanicwork. They have controlled the educational system ever since, converting it to their own evilpurposes. It is of even greater interest that not a single school of theology anywhere in the worldtakes note of this central fact of history, a red thread which runs continuously through the recordof events

Source P. 12

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Corrupted history perpetuates corruption, undermines social order, family and life, but truth heals, liberates and peaceful

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“Humans are the dumbest species! He worships an invisible god and kills a visible nature, not knowing that this nature he destroys is this invisible god he worships” Hubert Reeves born on July 13 1932 Canadian astrophysicist and popularizer of science

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9 April, 2022 7:24 pm

Agreed (and I was once in the US Military).

I do believe however, and I don’t think it is just sentimental, that done right, in a proper Cosmo-Theist National Social white nation, that we will have an honorable and reliable professional military core around which a capable militia can gather, and which could “save” our nation if by some terrible tragedy the natural and normal leadership was torn away.

But this “Jew-S” military, yeah far from saving us it will harm us if so ordered, though maybe if so ordered, the last good white blood may jar awake and join us instead.


Paul Drake
Paul Drake
Reply to  b.smith
10 April, 2022 2:54 pm

The U.S. military – in which I served as an officer during the first Gulf War – should more aptly be called the Israeli Foreign Legion, with its motto being: Only the Goyim Die Young.  I was a young, naïve man at the time and full of patriotic fervor. I did not know what Bush the Elder meant when he spoke of a New World Order, and to my knowledge none of the “dumb, stupid animals” that I served with (Henry Kissinger’s words, not mine) did either. If I only knew then what I know now. White mothers and fathers, please think long and hard before allowing your sons and daughters to join the U.S. military to fight and die for the rogue, criminal state of Israel. The information you have at your… Read more »

Reply to  Paul Drake
18 April, 2022 1:02 pm

As a general rule, I absolutely despise this degenerate jewish promoted ‘fad’ that is inspiring so many White men and women to ruin their bodies by covering them with gross and disgusting tattoos. However, I am willing to make one strategic exception. When I read daily reports where the military are whining about how they can’t get as many recruits to volunteer to sign up so they can be forced to take the jewish death vaccines and then be sent off to fight in some war that Israel demands we fight for them, I sense that sooner or later, the jewish neocons will start screaming to reinstate the military draft. As a hedge against this chess move, I encourage White parents to take their sons and daughters down to the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tucker
18 April, 2022 1:12 pm

Good thinking, Mr. Tucker. As fake, easily removable tattoos are also available, perhaps this may be employed to accomplish the same purpose. While I’m no longer ‘eligible’ for military service due to age, if they were to shanghai me back into any kind of service my plan is to simply claim being a member of the National Alliance. That would do it!

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Paul Drake
19 April, 2022 9:19 am

Thanks for the story of your racial awakening, Paul. It is good that you found your way to our Alliance. There are millions more like you who have yet to discover NA, but we will somehow eventually find them with the help of members like yourself. They are having difficulty finding us presently, and for good reason. It’s bad enough that Amazon and other booksellers have effectively banned our books, and Jews have blacklisted customers from using credit cards, PayPal, etc., and other online financial services to purchase our material. Their blacklisting is much more thorough and insidious. Try searching for ‘national alliance’ and what comes up is the WikiJew version that claims we were once the most dangerous “hate group,” but that NA no longer exists. People trust Wikipedia… Read more »

9 April, 2022 11:48 pm

Reminds me of a phrase from one of these filthy international parasites….
Military men, women, LGBT, etc., etc., etc…….“dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.
No surprise here unfortunately.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
21 April, 2022 12:59 am

“He was completely baffled and uncomprehending at my suggestion that America is disappearing before our eyes, soon to be replaced by the northern equivalent of Brazil.” Like the writer, for decades I’ve heard the comparison of the coming USA as being the Brazil of the Northern Hemisphere of the Americas. 35 years ago that seemed hard to imagine. Now I think such a comparison would be a denigration of Brazil. According to their 2022 census, whites comprise 48 percent of Brazil’s population; brown people are 44 percent; blacks are 7 percent; Asians less than one percent. The major difference is that whites actually run Brazil, and although I’m sure there are Jews in Brazil their influence is nothing like it is here in the US. The whites in Brazil are… Read more »

23 April, 2022 2:14 am

Everything you have illustrated here is 100% the truth. I realized about 3 years ago in uniform that when the time comes to fight for our national and racial salvation, it will be the blockheads and moronic top brass in the military, white and non-whites, who will be standing most fervently against us and the interest of our people. My comrades would most definitely fire into a crowd of white patriots, and probably relish in the thought of doing exactly that. The military is the principle bastion of wokeism – the military openly encourages miscegenation, and is training mulattos and immigrants that White America is the real threat, hence why we have weekly “insider threat” trainings about “John Smith.” I recently encountered a beautiful young white woman who was with… Read more »

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
Reply to  Alexander
23 April, 2022 10:07 am

So you are trapped in the military now? As a former Marine I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. And please, no bleating about how this man should do anything he can to get out. Bad military discharges really do have adverse consequences in civilian life. With something like an other than honorable, bad conduct or the worst type, an dishonor able discharge, one can forget about having in a good life after the military. Employers, universities, apprenticeship programs and banks look at this stuff. Anyway, I can only imagine how bad the rot is now in the military. I was in during the eighties and mid nineties. Men and women trained separately. Political correct ness was just beginning to rear it’s ugly head. In the Marines, women like myself were… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Former Liberal
23 April, 2022 7:20 pm

Former Liberal: [P]lease, no bleating about how this man should do anything he can to get out. Bad military discharges really do have adverse consequences in civilian life. With something like an other than honorable, bad conduct or the worst type, an dishonor able discharge, one can forget about having in a good life after the military. Employers, universities, apprenticeship programs and banks look at this stuff.  — You are wrong. This man should get the Hell out and quick, not by telling his commander he’s a queer or transsexual — he’d get a promotion and a commendation for that. He should make clear to everyone that he made a big mistake joining the U.S. military. He should declare himself a White racist, a proud, unreconstructed man of his race,… Read more »

Former Liberal
Former Liberal
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
24 April, 2022 1:59 pm

I’ll tell you why I can’t join, though I agree with many of your ideas. My Dad was Jewish, though he didn’t like them either. His World War TWO military service changed him, just like military service changed me. He always respected the Wehrmacht, and because he spoke German, was held over 6 months after the war for occupation duty. Perhaps ironically, he married a woman whose background is East Prussian. He was basically disowned by his family for doing that. I was neutral about Jewish issues until I began noticing how American Jews don’t give a damn about this country, and certainly never served. Also, learning about the U.S.Liberty and how Jews much To my disgust and embarrassment have advocated for open borders, homosexuality, political correctness, gun control and… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Former Liberal
28 April, 2022 8:17 pm

Thank you for your honesty and for your interesting family history.

Though ineligible for Alliance membership, with the beliefs you hold you are certainly eligible to be an official supporter — your dad, too, if he’s still alive.

That his family disowned him for marrying your mom, a shiksa in their eyes, could be the reason he does not like Jews. That is the Yiddish word for a gentile female who dates or marries a Jew, meaning “unclean meat.” Imagine Yids using that term to describe your mom.

Former Liberal
Former Liberal

Thanks for the response. I think World War Two really woke my dad up about what too many Jews are like. My dad, like many other G.I.’s hated Roosevelt, especially since he got caught in one of the first peacetime drafts in 1941. Postwar occupation duty in Germany also changed him, as especially being fluent in German, he began to see how Germans were not the monsters as they were portrayed by Allied propaganda. I could be wrong, but I believe the Allies got together sometimes in 1943 and decided that they were going to make the German people look as bad as possible. Yes, my dad’s family was absolutely horrible to him since he married a German woman, but that wasn’t the only reason he disliked other Jews. Like… Read more »

Ed "Truck" Ross
Ed "Truck" Ross
Reply to  Former Liberal
29 April, 2022 7:52 pm

It sure sounds to me like your non-jewish half is dominant, genetically speaking. You know the score. Righteous jews or half-jews, exist, but are rare. Good job.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Ed "Truck" Ross
2 May, 2022 2:29 pm

“Truck,” this will be your final comment on National Vanguard.

The one you submitted under a fake email address where you called me a liar did you in. My high school story about the Pygmy is absolutely true as Douglas Mercer retold it.

There are consequences for calling your host a liar — unless he lied to you or to others.

Those of us in the truth business do not lie. That is what attracted me to William Pierce and the National Alliance more than 30 years ago. I never caught him in a lie.

12 May, 2022 9:56 am

Is anyone familiar with the Star Wars series? Do you remember the mass produced clone troopers?

They were bred to follow orders and have no free will of its own. Clone troopers aren’t any different from real life troopers.

They become automatons who are trained to kill other automatons and follow orders of the current master in charge. They do not care about honor or decency, only to follow orders effectively.

Even the American founders where against having standing armies because they knew the threat they represented for the freedoms of men.

Do not expect solutions from the military since they are the enforcers of tyrants.

12 May, 2022 10:00 am

Any young man should read the 10 principles of war propaganda before letting himself being pulled in to the slaughter.

1. We do not want war.
2. The other side is solely responsible for the war.
3. The enemy has the face of the devil.
4. It is a noble cause that we defend and not particular interests.
5. The enemy commits atrocities knowingly; if we make unfortunate mistakes, it is involuntary.
6. The enemy uses unauthorized weapons.
7. We suffer very few losses, while the losses of the enemy are enormous.
8. Artists and intellectuals support our cause.
9. Our cause has a sacred nature.
10. Those who question our statements are traitors.