The Ongoing Killing and Lying Are Related

by David Sims
ON SATURDAY, 5 March 2022, in Daytona, Florida, a married couple was attacked by someone with a knife. Both husband and wife were murdered. The police arrested a suspect. The media didn’t report the suspect’s race, but they did say that he was wearing “white or light-colored pants.” Gotta get the word “white” out there somehow, you know. [You’d think stating the race and facial features of suspects would help the public spot them, both for their own safety, and so they could aid the police in their search. But no. That’s not anywhere near as important as hiding the non-White — and anti-White — crime wave from trusting, gullible Whites.]
In May 2020, in Delaware, a White elderly couple — Paul Marino, 86, and Lidia Marino, 85 — were visiting the grave of their son, who was a US soldier who died overseas, when a Black male ran up and shot them both dead. The police tracked down the Black, Sheldon Francis, who began shooting at a police vehicle. The cops returned fire and killed him. The media eventually posted Francis’ picture, but they never reported that he was Black. [And the story was filed away very quickly. No major outrage from commentators. No ongoing updates. No major national air time.]
On 26 August 2015, in Roanoke, Virginia, reporter Alison Parker, 24, and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, while broadcasting live on camera, were shot with a gun by a Black former coworker, Vester Lee Flanagan, who had been fired from the CBS-affiliated TV station, WDBJ, about two years previously for misconduct.
Flanagan sometimes used the fake name “Bryce Williams.” In news stories about the shooting, you can see many photos of the two White victims, but none, as far as I have discovered, of the Black who killed them.
There was an attempt by the Jew-run “mainstream” media to blame Flanagan’s murders on the fact that he had supported GamerGate. But where are all the White people who go on killing sprees after expressing support for GamerGate? Hm? There don’t seem to be any.
75% of mass shooters (gunmen who wound or kill four or more people in the same incident) in the United States are Blacks, according to an article in the New York Times.
The Washington Free Beacon did a survey of 1,100 articles relating to murder in the “elite” press, and found that White killers were more than four times as likely as Black killers to be identified by race. Furthermore, the Beacon‘s study found that when White killers were identified by race, it was done early in the story — spotlighted — whereas when the race of Black killers was mentioned, it was done at the bottom of the article, almost as an afterthought.
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Source: Author
Truth is necessary.
(At least for white people — if we want to survive / thrive)
…about race, history, Jews/traitors/diversity golems, etc. …
More and more that seems like a cosmic law to me.
(At least for white people)
Random murders of Whites by non-Whites are common in Florida, something overlooked by those escaping bad weather and bad state governments elsewhere. It’s a fail that should dog Gov. DeSantis during his upcoming run for gov, especially with a weak opponent in gas-station inspector Nikki Fried. Even NY rarely has such crimes, committed by outsiders infiltrating middle-class and tourist communities with no cop daring to act proactively toward a negroid with no clear business being where he is, and no “Karen” daring to report the community’s intruder lest she lose her job over accusations of racism, e.g.: This is the Daytona murder mentioned by David. A White man foolishly went to visit a negroid who was set on robbing him. He was murdered in front of his… Read more »