The Iceland-Ghana Solution to America’s Racial Problem
by John Massaro
ICELAND IS an island country in the North Atlantic, near the Arctic Circle. Geographically, it’s the size of Ohio, but with a population of only 352,000. It is one of the Whitest countries on earth, and the overwhelming majority are of Scandinavian origin. Despite being poor in natural resources and having a harsh landscape, the standard of living is high, owing to the intelligence and ingenuity of the people. Icelanders rank fourth in the world in life expectancy, and the literacy rate is said to be 100%, with everyone speaking English as a second language. In fact, Iceland scores very high in every quality of life category. It’s a wonderful country with friendly people, a great place to visit. I’ve been there twice, in 1986 and 2019. I didn’t see any non-Whites at all on my first trip, while on my second trip I saw seven or eight in the capital Reykjavik, who may have been university students.
Ghana is a country in west Africa. It too faces the Atlantic Ocean, the people are quite friendly, and since it was once a British colony, everybody speaks English. But that’s where the similarities with Iceland end. The population of Ghana is 98% Black, with the usual tiny contingent of Whites you’ll find around the continent – missionaries, aid workers and expatriates to keep the hospitals, airports, utilities and so forth running. Unless you’re an unusual person, you wouldn’t want to live in Ghana or anywhere else in Black Africa. The quality of life there is poor, to put it kindly.
I was in Accra, the capital of Ghana, for a few days in October 1981. I have visited seventeen countries in Black Africa. I tell people, when they ask, that generally speaking it’s safe for a White person to travel around Africa at ground level, and that the only two things that really scared me were malaria and reckless drivers. But, I add, you don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, a situation that applies to my brief stay in Accra. I saw a man lying completely naked on a grass strip in the middle of a busy road. I saw a man who looked like a Stone Age denizen try to rip the dress off a woman who was selling fruit by the curb. To their credit, three men sitting nearby who heard her screams came to her rescue and drove him off, and he just walked away. I saw a riot scene outside a supermarket that had just received a delivery of soap and cooking oil, commodities that must have been in short supply. About two hundred people were shouting and jostling each other, while police waded through the mob, raining blows on people with their truncheons. I saw other things. It was scary seeing law and order break down right in front of me in an African city. I was afraid it would spread and I would be trapped there. Two days later I made it to the airport without incident and boarded a Pan Am flight to New York, greatly relieved to get the Hell out of that place. And although Accra stands out as a nerve-wracking experience, there were frequent reminders throughout Africa that savagery is always bubbling beneath the thin crust of civilization. To give you an example, in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, I saw an armored truck pull up to a bank to pick up cash. Four guards got out and positioned themselves on the sidewalk. Two held wooden clubs, the other two machetes.
For untold millennia, Caucasians and Negroes evolved on different continents, totally unknown to each other. The first contact between the races occurred in 1482, when Portuguese navigators made landfall on the southwestern coast of Africa in what today is Angola. According to murky historical records, they took a small group of natives on board with them on the return trip to Lisbon, which in effect initiated Black slavery and the colonization of foreign lands under the White man, a brutal enterprise which the Portuguese were the first European power to profit from, with the Dutch, Spanish, French and British following suit. That was a huge mistake for all involved, the unhappy consequences of which we are still living with, right up to the Black Lives Matter movement. But you can’t blame BLM for the fatal addiction among all too many Whites for cheap labor, without which there would be no Blacks on American soil today.
Why don’t we just bite the bullet and face the fact that Blacks and Whites can never live together in peace? That there will always be tension when we live among each other? You can’t blame the Founding Fathers, even though many of them were slave owners. The earlier British colonists in the south were foolish enough to import slaves to pick cotton and tobacco, and the founders were born into what was called “the peculiar institution.” They argued among themselves as to what the future of the Black man should be. Tom Jefferson had the foresight to see that slaves in America would eventually have to be given their freedom, and his quotation on the matter is inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. But the stone mason left out the second half of the sentence, which asserted that the two races, equally free, could not live under the same government. As an historical aside, an organization called the American Colonization Society was founded in 1816 for the purpose of encouraging voluntary relocation to Africa among free Blacks to a region of west Africa. This region was given the name Liberia, as in “liberty” or “liberation,” with a capital called Monrovia, in recognition of President James Monroe, who was in office at the time and supported the movement. That country – a real hellhole, even by African standards – is still with us, as are the same names. The problem was, only about 12,000 Blacks, less than five per cent., were willing to return to Africa, the project generated a lot of controversy, and eventually it fizzled out. And how many American Blacks have relocated to Africa this past year, where they could live among their own kind, and would never again have to deal with injustice, or brutal White cops, or White supremacism, or anything else they complain about. Two? Five? None?
So nothing was done about all those Blacks, and the problem continued to fester until we had our Civil War, which was fought over an economic issue, but it was the emotional issue of race – specifically, the supposed horrors of slavery, as practiced by supposedly depraved southern Whites – that filled northern soldiers with a sense of righteous crusade. Four years of internecine slaughter were followed by a twelve-year reign of federal government terror, during which the worst elements of the Black race reigned over the prostrate South. This was known as the Reconstruction era, and it gave birth to the Ku Klux Klan, which in its early years was a counter-terrorist army employing the tactics of guerilla warfare. In the end the KKK prevailed, restoring sanity to the South. Lost in the mix was the fact that Abraham Lincoln, for all the mythology surrounding him, never considered Blacks the equal of Whites and openly advocated racial separation. None of the facts in this and the preceding paragraph are taught in school, and many Americans go through life without hearing a word about them.
Do I really need to fill in the racial hostility timeline since the Civil War? No, I don’t. You can find a very long list on the “Mass Racial Violence in the United States” Wikipedia page. This does not even include something like 400 riots in 1967, 1968, and 2020. The overwhelming majority of these incidents involved rampaging Blacks, or street battles between Blacks and Whites.
The Civil Riots movement really picked up steam in the 1960s, my formative years. I remember a lot of the agitation back then, especially the long, hot summer of 1967. I believe the destruction of life and property in that year may have been worse than in 2020, although the dynamics today are more ominous. After the ’67 riots subsided, a bunch of heavyweights appointed by President Johnson calling themselves the Kerner Commission investigated the causes and issued a long report. Among other things, they blamed all the violence on unemployment, insufficient social programs, and of course White “racism.” What bull____. They also made recommendations to advance our Black countrymen. So for decade after decade we got lots of affirmative action, job programs, educational improvements, handouts, you name it, and in return we got more Black whining, complaining, organizing against this and that, and of course a lot more murders, rapes, armed robberies, assaults and carjackings targeting Whites, very little of which is reported by the media, and plenty of mayhem among themselves. So finally we reach the age of George Floyd, just another worthless piece of waste with a long criminal history, like so many other media-manufactured Black “victims,” and this time the Jewish media got the full-scale conflagration they’re always looking to incite, which even spread overseas. And as we endure Black rioters smashing windows, looting stores, viciously beating Whites, as we watch them act like the primitive savages they in fact are, we get to be lectured about our “racism” by the likes of Al Sharpton and Oprah Winfrey. We get to see huge corporations tripping over themselves to make amends to these animals, we get to hear media pundits and elected officials declare that racism, always meaning White racism, is a public health crisis. Absolute madness. There’s no need to go on. If you’re with me, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re not, why are you reading this?
Look, I realize there are a lot of nice Black people who live responsibly and have no animosity against Whites. I’ve known quite a few, and I wish all of them well. I wish all decent Black folks well. But here’s the problem: For every ten who deserve our respect, there are seven or eight assorted junkies, malcontents, welfare deadbeats and criminals, and in this last category all too many of the violent kind. I don’t know what the exact ratio is, but whatever it is it’s off the charts compared to White people. It’s inevitable, and I don’t want to deal with it anymore. You can’t get away from cold, hard facts, including the fact that no way has ever been found for Blacks and Whites, in significant numbers, to live in harmony together. Our entire history is stained by social inequality and antagonism between the races. It’s Nature’s law.
So let’s get back to the Iceland-Ghana solution. These countries are 4,200 miles apart. They have no diplomatic relations, or anything else to do with each other. There is no hostility between them, not a hint of racial strife. What a perfect situation!
Unfortunately, given our history and the geography that shaped it, we can’t duplicate that here. And even picturing the bloodiest kind of race war, I can’t imagine how a total racial separation could be achieved in any of the big cities, or in the states of the Deep South with their huge Black populations. But with the Iceland-Ghana solution as the ideal, as a starting point in formulating a future America, we can look to the three northern New England states, and a solid chunk of the northwest quarter, including much of Oregon and Washington, minus the bolshevik graveyards of Portland and Seattle, of course. The reason is obvious: the percentage of Whites is over 90%, or just under that figure, in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. And in the western states Amerindians living on reservations, not Blacks, are the largest minorities – and comparatively speaking, they cause very little trouble. Unless I missed something, not a single riot of the several hundred referred to above took place in any of these states. Furthermore, there are no sprawling cities in any of them, no Third World eyesores or homeless encampments that I’ve read about. The biggest city by far is Boise, Idaho’s capital, with a population of 235,000. I was there in 1979 and really liked it. It was a pleasant, manageable city to walk around, infused with the spirit of the West. It has more than doubled in size since I was there, and I hear it has become a “hip” destination, with the creeping liberalism that that implies. I hope it’s not becoming Seattle’s little brother. I’ve seen some videos of confrontations between bikers and patriotic residents on one side, and BLM protestors on the other side, which may have escalated into violence had the cops not been there. It was heartening to see the BLM scum outnumbered, but also disconcerting to see them travel from out of state to Boise in the first place. I should add that, while surfing the net, I discovered to my surprise that some scuffles and vandalism connected with Saint George protests had broken out in Sioux Falls and Fargo, the largest cities in South Dakota and North Dakota, respectively, but nothing resembling a real riot.
Liberalism, it seems, has always infected the northeast more deeply than the northwest, and I’ve often wondered if the toxic liberal vapors emanating from New York and Boston have blanketed the entire region and are the cause of this. Vermont, in particular, where I’ve been many times, has always been a mystery to me. How did the people of such a nice state elect and keep re-electing a Brooklyn Jew and self-described socialist, Bernie Sanders, first to the mayoralty of Burlington, the state’s largest city, then to the US Senate – seven election victories in all? For that matter, why did the two famous ice cream Jews, Ben and Jerry, from Long Island, who have openly supported radical Black movements for many years, choose Vermont, the Whitest state in the country, as their base of operations, showing that not only are they political subversives but raging hypocrites as well? I don’t get it.
Anyway, the total Black population of these eight states combined is under 100,000, so the table is set for complete geographical separation. However, it’s going to take some backbone from the governors of these states, to implement such a final solution. And that’s the first rub because some of them who now hold office are “liberals.” If Haiti-type massacres take place in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other major cities, they’re bound to stiffen the racial consciousness of Whites everywhere, but liberals never learn. The only way to knock any sense into a liberal is to club him or her over the head about 10,000 times with a baseball bat, and that’s not really an option. But I don’t have all the answers either. It seems to me that older law-abiding Black folks, past childbearing age, should be allowed to quietly live out their lives. Younger Blacks, though, would be obliged to leave, giving them enough time to put their affairs in order and compensating them for property they own, or giving them an allowance to make it easy to settle elsewhere. The thought of forcible expulsion disturbs me, but the most vital issue is White survival, not kind treatment towards other races.
As bad as the race riots of 2020 were, and as much as they opened the eyes of younger Whites to racial realities for the first time, for now the Iceland-Ghana solution is a pipe dream. We’ll see how bad things get on the racial front before a significant number of Whites start thinking in terms of total and permanent separation. Just remember this much: it’s absolutely guaranteed to work.
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Source: End the Shots
Greenland has abundant resources and is close enough to Iceland This IMHO this was the primary goal of the “civil war”. These two amendments make it perfectly legal for anyone to make him or herself a voluntary slave by consent to the “UNITED STATES” 10 square mile piece of land seceded and their millions of “laws” As the late Bill Cooper said rightly whomever wrote the constitution wrote in it the same clauses in which people would basically hang themselves because of ignorance. Notice not one mention of the WORD MAN in the dang document. Man is not a person, a person is the “corporation” part of man according to jew legalese language. A person is subject to “black’s law” which is the French’s rules for treating negro slaves Fourteenth… Read more »
In other words, the Butler Plan.
Outside of Portland and Seattle, Washington and Oregon are like Idaho; Mostly White Republicans. Unfortunately those big cities hold majority vote.
The Prostrate State by James S. Pike. Pike was an avid abolitionist promoting Civil War and then he traveled to Columbia SC to observe state government in action, totally under control of blacks during Reconstruction. Read it here:
I think there is a “founders effect” in New England from it’s initial settlement by Puritans. The historian David Hackett Fischer describes the four main groups of British Settlers in eastern North America in his book “Albion’s Seed”.
My first ancestor in North America was part of the first purely commercial settlement attempt in Massachusetts in 1623.The colony failed and the settlers spent some time at the Plymouth Colony.The two groups did not get along and the settlers moved on to create what became the Massachusetts Bay Colony. My family among those listed in the last chapter of Fischer’s book as “outliers”.
Iceland has a small problem. It has
around 100 or so Jewish interlopers.
Icelanders could easily solve its
Jewish problem on a lazy Sunday
afternoon. The only thing stopping
them is the will to do it.
agree !
The 100 jews have (((Billions of Dollars))) behind them.
when Iceland attempted to stop circumcision the jews worldwide threatened a worldwide boycott.
So it is not as simple as it seems but YES they should bite the bullet now rather than wait. Sad thing is that their weakness is like ours. They are good decent peaceful people.
It only takes a handful of jews to destroy a county along with billions in jewish money backing those rats…
I think the Icelanders can deal with
it if they really want to. They were
not hesitant about going after the
Yids during the so-called “Great
Recession” of 2008-09. It did
devalue the Krona, but so what?
I think it was worth it to put some
Caucasian teeth-marks into the
Yids’ backsides:
Icelandic Krona – YouTube
This is wonderful news. I hope they decide to expel them all…
Keep in mind that these events
took place over thirteen years
ago. Have the Icelanders
developed more moxie since
then? Only time will tell.
One jew is a small problem. 100 jews is an infestation. The recent situation stemming from the failed circumcision legislation that another commenter also mentioned, is a prime lesson every society burdened with the plight of the chosen tribe, should learn.
I do not mean to sound contrite,
but I think you are preaching to the choir
here at NV. You know it. I know it. Why
don’t the Icelanders know it? They
have books and the Internet. All that
means nothing if you lack the courage
to put these resources to use.
I’ve never been to Africa, although I’d like to go on safari. I’ve heard that Black Africans are often nice, but easily angered and quick to resort to savagery. I’d have to avoid them as much as I could.
You really should follow your dreams and go on safari, and it need not break the bank. It’s an awesome experience. All things considered, Chobe Park in Botswana would be my first choice, and Serengeti in Tanzania number two. Easily angered and quick to resort to savagery? That sounds silly based on my experience, though I have no illusions about the potential for Black savagery anywhere. There are pockets of racial hatred here and there on the continent, some big cities are dangerous at night, and the situation in South Africa is tragic, but for the most part Black Africans are very welcoming towards Whites, especially in the countryside, though you always have to be on guard for petty theft.
While I do not want to come across as nitpicking this excellent article, the actual first contact with blacks and Europeans of course was made long prior to the year mentioned here. I could note Roman contact but that would appear too obvious so I will give you a far lesser known contact and that is the Vikings. A Viking leader named Thorgest (Turgesius according to the Irish), had established communication with the Muslim rulers of Spain in the 830s and in the process, their emissary, a man named Yahya ibn al-Hakam al-Bakri al-Jayyani advised Thorgest of slave trade in North Africa. Thorgest apparently went there and took 2 sub-Saharan African slaves back to Dublin. The real irony in this story is that Yahya ibn al-Hakam al-Bakri al-Jayyani was actually… Read more »
Yes, you’re right of course about Negro slaves in ancient Rome, who had been brought to the North African coast. That just slipped my mind. Not so sure about Thorgest, though. (I’d never heard of him.) Thanks for the input.
Thorgest was his likely name in English pronunciation. The Irish called him “Turgeis” or “Turgesius”. We so often hear and read about the so-called “Great Heathen Army” arriving in the year 865 to England as the first actual major invasion by Vikings of the British Isles but in reality Thorgest invaded Ireland with 120 ships in the late 830s so that was in fact the first “invasion” of the British Isles. I just found it interesting when I found out through research that the Muslim who had advised him to go looking or slaves in North Africa had a Muslim name but in fact was a Jew. As an aside, on Continental Europe during roughly the same period the Carolingian Empire was beset from attacks by both Muslims as well… Read more »
Always a Jew involved
Iceland is under attack from jews and Icelanders had better wake up. There are about 250 jews living there (last I checked) and they have a new rabbi. The first one in decades and on his 6th day (what is it with the number 6 with them) said Iceland needed refugees from Africa.
Iceland should expel the Jews post- haste !
They just can’t leave any White country alone, can they? Problem is, the Icelanders are too “nice” to put all of them on a charter flight to Tel Aviv.
Yes I saw that. These people will never cease until someone forces them to.
I am more disturbed by the trespasses against my fellow Aryans than whatever inconvenience befalls a black hominid. I am willing to force chains on them during their transit from White civilisation to their faecal-stinking homeland in Africa.
Taken care of, Mr. Clayton. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Massaro, for this well-written, well-thought-out article. I too have given much thought to the plight of the White race here in Weimerica, and I too don’t have any practical solutions, though I do know this: The White race cannot vote itself out of the mess it’s in, which will ultimately lead to its extinction unless drastic measures are taken to ensure its survival. For what it’s worth – and I concede it’s not worth much, if anything – here are several comments I’ve made on the subject over the years: Comment #1 You hit the nail on the head, sir. There appears to be no escape from the open air prison system that our jewish supremacist overlords have built around us. There is no country or coalition… Read more »
I would expel violent criminal Black racists and racist hatred inciting
conspirators and put them with terrorists (CIA+MOSSAD) on an
international (under Russia + USA agreement) prison on DIOMEDE
island in Bering strait where its nice cool to cool their temperature .
Almost needless to say – this is an article of utmost importance and to act upon it is a matter of urgency. While we know that the majority of the white race is lost (terminally brainwashed and marching to miscegenation), and that the remaining 10-20% are living in fear and paralysis, we still need to do all we can to produce and pursue plans for our survival, as we speak. 1. The obvious and only solution is complete separation. I hope everyone’s been doing that already (in the where/what you do, and who with, etc.). Hopefully, we’ll be able to regroup in a place of our own soon. 2. There’s not going to be any political awakening, or any mass-movement for it. This can only start as a quiet migration… Read more »
Show us how it’s done, Guest. I’m especially interested in the “hundreds or thousands of us” you have gathered. Would you be willing to share with the National Alliance their contact information?
Also, the demographics of Johnson county Tennessee are 90+% White. How is that problematic other than that <10%?
Jim, the “hundreds or thousands” was meant to say how many (i.e. not many) would be needed to establish a foothold somewhere. I also implied that, if I knew of such a feasible initiative, I would do my best to join in, while my situation prevents me from being a pioneer. I very much wish TN to not succumb to the seemingly unstoppable encroaching of the African race upon you. I try to buy all I need from small vendors in TN, I hear some good things about a few TN lawmakers, and I should be perhaps glad that you have a VW factory there. But I also hear with shock (if anything can still be so) how your very Nashville country music awards went black, among other. Long-term, it… Read more »
Very well then, Guest, if you cannot be a “pioneer” then perhaps there is something you can do: become a supporter or join our National Alliance. For starters, begin here: and When you find that agreeable, then proceed to the next link: The things you’re talking about require a team to accomplish, so match your actions to your words, contribute towards Our Cause.
I say that as soon as you establish your own ethno-city-state the blacks and the Jews will start coming in. And then what are you going to do? This is not a rhetorical question. You can’t keep them out based on your local laws if these local laws do not align with what the federal government considers …”kosher”.
That’s a problem in need of a solution, Mr. Aytonohton. Since you’re thinking about it, why not exercise those brain cells of yours in that direction instead of just posing defeatist statements and questions?
“but it was the… supposed horrors of slavery… that filled northern soldiers with a sense of righteous crusade.” This isn’t true — the claim that union soldiers thought that they were on a righteous crusade. A. All the northern states also had slaves (not as many as the South), even after the civil war. NJ was the last state to free slaves. B. More importantly, the union army was largely comprised of conscripts (military slaves) right off the boats — Irish, Italians, Germans, etc. who didn’t even speak English. They had no clue why they were fighting, which also explains why the Union armies performed so poorly. This endless supply of soldiers was the primary reason the North won. Lee and the Southern generals consistently out-smarted and out-maneuvered the northern… Read more »
Iceland, being inhabited by Whites, exhibits the same Endemic, with an emphasis on the word, weaknesses as any other White nation……….the lack of a strong racial identity, lack of cohesion and way too much moralizing, idealization and gullibility. These weaknesses are that allowed a Jewess named Dorrit Moussaieff, an Israeli Jew, to become the first lady of the country, even though there are only 250 Jews in Iceland. It’s about time we search for answers in biology concerning the plight of the White race. It’s so obvious that the Jews have evolved to the human equivalent of the Cuckoo bee and the White race is its host. Evolution has armed them with all the traits needed to fully exploit their hosts and they’ve been doing it successfully. In my opinion… Read more »
Good point. Ultimately, the parasite
will always kill its host.
Mr Massaro, I read your article carefully, actually some parts I had to go back and read them twice or more just to make sure I did not misunderstand what you’re trying to say. I’m not sure how the United States of America current racial situation can be projected to the Iceland – Ghana paradigm. It is not my intention to be confrontational but either you have no idea what you’re talking about or you simply live in your own fantasy world. Most of the solutions you are proposing are either impossible under the current USA law system or plainly stated, irresponsible wishful thinking. Now, after the end of the soon coming racial civil war, and only if the white people emerge victorious, only then, I am willing to entertain… Read more »
We in the National Alliance expressly say what we want. It’s up to Whites to join with us to increase our abilities to carry out such plans, like racial separation, and if your opinions on whether or not it’s “pragmatic” are on the defeatist side then you can lay down with the other defeatists and accept your fate.
To see my beloved New England free of invaders and returned to a homeland purely for our people would be the greatest joy I could imagine in my life time. To enjoy the salt air and beaches to the sound of white children’s playful joy without the interpolation of ebonic gibbering or blasted music more appropriate for the ghetto. To traverse some of the oldest cities in our nation and gaze upon beautiful historical architecture and see streets filled with the descendants of the settlers and builders of this history free from the sickening sights and sounds of foreigners mobbing the curbsides and roadways without care for my peoples history below their feet, above their heads, and in the very air they breathe. To shed my tears of unparalleled emotion… Read more »
Here is reality based on UN stats. 1. China will surpass the United States militarily and economically by mid-century. 2. By the end of the 21st century, Nigeria will be the third most populated nation on Earth behind China and India. (Imagine the refugees sure to come) 3. White Americans will be a minority by 2045 and White Canadians by 2066. 4. Africa will contain 4.5 billion people by the end of the century. Still, I do not think we will fade into history. The idea of regaining the United States coast to coast is not practical. The U.S. is terminal in that regard but so is the Nation-State construct. The best scenario is for the remaining portion of the Anglo-Sphere to merge into one metapolitical collective. Sort of like… Read more »
¨Look, I realize there are a lot of nice Black people who live responsibly and have no animosity against Whites.¨ Normie whites ARE ALWAYS going to recite this craven verse. But why, O why are ostensibly race aware whites going to knock this off? What does it do for the ¨virtuous¨ offerer? What does it do for the white on the receiving end of this self-serving ritual? It CERTAINLY means nothing to non-whites. They despise it and rightly see it for the weakness that it has come to ACTUALLY signal. The era of verbal good will signalling should have come to an end generations ago when we began to lose our cities, our culture, our heritage, and our countr(y-ies). Let it ¨go without saying¨ that whites, as a group, are… Read more »
The 27th Precept leaps to mind. It’s pointless to hate them. They’re competitors, and low-tier ones to boot. We must address our group – White folk – from knowledge or our strengths and weaknesses – including this general goodwill you describe.
You know with certainty some version of that refrain will come from any White person you try to awaken (I’m thinking “activate” might be a better term) who has not yet opened to Race consciousness. You will need to address it or you will run up against the very moral principles that make us who we are. This, in turn, requires pointing out, as the paraphrase you quote and as in the 27th Precept, that it’s not about “hate”.
¨…not about hate.¨ Is this not more of the same? It is merely another apologia for whites to signal their virtue. And the question is now as it was before – why? As for this nebulous word, ¨hate,¨ it stands in the same category as ¨love.¨ It only has a portion of meaning depending on both the hater and the context in which it stands. Is not ¨hate¨ a rational sentiment as is ¨love¨? It is asseverated the heart-matter of ¨hate¨ can be self-destructive. As a Christian I must so confess. However, it still remains that it is not wholly to be eschewed. Again, it is a rational and natural response to the perpetration of evil by some party. Like the ¨There are good black people, therefore I…¨ – trope,… Read more »
Here is some commentary on America’s race problem:
Mine this.
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