Christians: Imagine I’m an Alien
by David Sims
RECENTLY, I asked in an online forum:
Assume that I’m an alien from another planet who has never heard of any human religion before. My spaceship has just entered orbit around Earth, and suddenly I am presented with proselytizers from each of Earth’s faiths. You are the representative of the Christians. Supply me with an argument that would persuade me to regard your religion as truer and better than all of the others.
Justin Duff replied:
There is a wide range of religious experience between the blindly groping faith that caused men to pass their children through the fire as sacrifice to their deities, and the divine consciousness of Jesus, who submitted His body to the purifying fire of the Spirit and came forth alive with a life that never dies. In the study of things pertaining to religion we should keep in mind the three activities of consciousness: spiritual, psychical, and physical. The spiritual is the realm of absolute principles; the psychical is the realm of thought images; the physical is the realm of manifestation. The well-balanced, thoroughly developed man, of which Jesus is the type, comprehends and consciously adjusts his spirit, soul, and body as a whole, and thereby fulfills the law of his being. Those who are on the way to this attainment have various experiences, which are symbolically set forth in the Scriptures.
And my rejoinder to Mr. Duff was:
Although there is some truth in what you said, you have gone far, far beyond what you have any actual evidence for. You’re right in that men need a sense of worth, a purpose to strive for, and a star to steer by. What these are — the measure, the goal, the guide — is where you err though presumption.
If I were not a thinking man, then I might not find any fault with your blithe provision of details scant of epistemology, or how it is you know that those particular details are true. But I am a thinking man, and one of my thoughts is that someone with different details regarding spirit, mind, and body could approach me an hour from now and attempt to persuade me as earnestly as you did.
What distinguishes your beliefs from his? What sets your ideas about Jesus above whatever contrary ideas he might have? Show me how your scriptures are better than his.
Then Dean Argent replied:
Dear Mr. Alien: We Christians are divided into two groups, the True Priesthood and the true believers. (Some “ministers” are actually true believers, which disqualifies and excludes them from the True Priesthood.) We of the True Priesthood do not believe in any Christian doctrines, which in any case are widely varied and mutually contradictory. We do, however, believe in controlling large numbers of the naturally stupid and/or gullible human beings who inhabit this planet, and we extract from these true believers large numbers of tokens (money) which are used to buy their labor, thus giving us a vast army of slaves continually at our disposal. They have been at our disposal for more than a thousand years, in fact. We agree with Pope Leo X, who once marveled, “What riches this fable of Christ has brought us!” In return for not killing and eating us, we will let you in on the game.
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Source: Author
What a bunch of jibberish. There have been many that have answered as to why they believe in Christ, not the least of which are America’s Founding Fathers. The longest defense by a Founder none of yall have probably ever heard of, a one eliat bourdinot, who wrote a book length rebuttal to Paines “age of reason” called “age of revelation”. Dr Francis, head of the human genome project also wrote “language of God”, and Thomas Jefferson explained the obvious reality of a Creator God and Washington wrote of supernatural interventions on behalf of his continental army. The TESTIMONY of thousands upon ten thousands of amazing men and women throughout history is proof enough. But the analogy of a tornado going through a junk yard and creating a 747 is… Read more »
Good points, Ed. But what is Christianity? How does “the Atonement” work?
Most of the founding fathers were, at best, deists. There are no biblical references in our principal founding documents. In the Declaration of Independence, there are deistic terms such as, “Creator” and “supreme judge of the world.” Yet our esteemed Christian apologist claims, “There have been many that have answered as to why they believe in Christ, not the least of which are America’s Founding Fathers.” It’s interesting what Thomas Paine (often grouped with the Founding Fathers) wrote of just the Old Testament part of the Good Book: “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debauches, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon,… Read more »
Thank you for rebutting Ed so effectively, Mr. Montreaux. That was well said. Academically speaking, if there are a series of “gods” of the anthropomorphic variety as the Jews aver, I would imagine that their “god” ranks fairly low in the hierarchy. After all, what “god” would command his followers, out of what appears to be jealousy, that “Thou shalt have no other gods before me?” As a jealous “god,” isn’t that an acknowledgement of an inferior status among those “gods?”
This invention of the Jews is laughable.
You can’t help but marvel at the Jewsus people’s repeated attempts at logical arguments for the existence of their god, acting as god’s lawyers, forever pleading to get their Client off on a charge of non-existence. Jim, I think you made our Christian apologist’s dilemma a little greater by reminding him of the commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Please do not shut Ed down, Jim. I hope that he will reply.
Is jealousy the sign of inferior status? I don’t know. Maybe not being jealous is a sign of not caring? Maybe it is not jealousy in the human sense but that is the closest word that describes it?
As far as the Deists—were they not influenced by the moral presuppositions of Christianity? Why would a Deist god care if a man had three wives or if prisoners of war were tortured to death?
It never occurred to me to shut Ed down, Mr. Procrustes. He hasn’t violated our rules and is still welcome to reply to anyone here. There are those who are Christians that are in agreement with the principles, goals, and ethics (all based on the Cosmotheist life-philosophy) of the National Alliance and have become members or supporters based upon that agreement. Ed could very well do the same in time, so it’s my view to see what develops.
Well, apparently Ed has disappeared. Reminds me of the words of Celsus (On the True Doctrine), and I paraphrase:
The Christians love to talk to and try to persuade the naive youth, but when a responsible adult approaches, they disappear like the early morning mist.
I still wish Ed well, Mr. Procrustes. He was more or less civil to us. Christianity may be an opposed ideology to us here, but White Christians aren’t our enemies unless they choose to be so.
Maybe the idea of evolution as it is taught in schools is not entirely correct but at least it makes more sense than Biblical gibberish. There is no logic whatsoever in this book. The only reason it is worthwhile to read because it presents an excellent textbook on Jewish psychology. Otherwise, it is a compilation of the most nonsensical and immoral tales that were ever written. The problem is that there are hundreds of millions of those who continue to believe that this trash is a “Holy Scripture”. If this Jewish nonsense is a “holy scripture”, then why should we wonder that the whole civilization goes down the drain? it can’t be otherwise.
Christianity is like Bigfoot—hard to pin down, and they swear the photos of him are real . . . . or some of them swear to it, at any rate. Or Christianity is like an alien abduction—the abductees swear that it happened and altered their lives, but no one else saw the saucer shining a beam on their bedroom.
Christianity is a grab-bag from which you can pull international socialism or nationalism, poverty or wealth, self-denial or self-expression, racial pride or inter-racial marriage, war or peace, Catholicism or Protestantism, etc.
How to sort it all out?
Yes, you can make everything of it, because it is nonsense. It is like imagining various objects when looking at clouds; everyone can see something of his own – ships, cars, castles, people, flowers but it always remains what it is – clouds. The same with Christianity; whatever its adherents could imagine, it remains only a pile of rubbish.
Everything murders in nature even a blade of grass. Everything that man touches eventually turns to dirt does it not? So trusting only in a Divine Creator’s perfectness is bad? If the works of man’s hands do not last forever having a hope of something of absolute perfect is bad? I do not condemn agnostics because after all to “KNOW something “(by its root definition) is almost impossible in this aeon.For does man know a human cell beyond the quantum level? One can even by the numbers A=1, Z=26 find a funny coincidence? i hate numerology and only looked at this cause my mind is very analytical. So either the men who made the english language are the most brilliant men or something else is going on. i don’t know.… Read more » Padgett’s channeling is the best refutation of extant Christianities. It is highly compatible with other faiths and spiritualities, because it simply describes a shortcut to the natural spiritual progression and afterlife. Because I studied and practiced Christian apologetics extensively, I was converted by the Padgettite message. I knew when the arguments were beaten by superior evidence and reasoning. Aliens would find the Padgettite message quite congenial. At least the Positive ones who have urged humans to nuclear disarmament would. (See Dr. Salla.) Nobody adopts a religion on the first hearing, but they might consider scrying the past to learn more about Jesus. Or Jesuses, if there are multiple timelines. Interestingly, Padgett’s Jesus looks remarkably Aryan, except the purple irises, IIRC. The Shroud of Turin is endorsed. His disciples are… Read more »
Since Ed´s not responding to some replies made to him seems to suggest to some of the commenters here that he is retreating, I´ll take up the position at least this once and give just a brief description of what it is that occurs to and within that person who begins at some point in time to believe the Gospel and is described by Scripture (especially) to be ¨converted, justified, born-again, saved¨ to list some of the biblical terms applicable to such a person. As an evangelical I come from that place in my conviction – of the scriptural basis for what I have to say. The historic evangelical or protestant declaration on this subject is in its most simple teaching that the Scriptures are the very Word of God… Read more »