David SimsEssays

Canada: A Rogue State that Needs to Be Put Down

by David Sims

AT A TIME when most countries are eliminating covid vaccine requirements, Canada is now under martial law because Justin Trudeau, who serves the globalists rather than Canadians, doesn’t want to do likewise. The police have attacked protesters in Ottawa, and the protesting truckers have been arrested and removed.

Justin Trudeau, a prancing marionette of the globalists, a traitor to his country, should hang.

Among other dirty tricks, the Canadian government apparently recruited some mercenaries to infiltrate the trucker movement, bringing guns with them. The police, pretending to believe that these armed late-comers were part of the truckers’ protest, acted to shut the protest down by force.’.

Why are the police usually the group that is longest on the government’s side when the government is wrong? Why are they the last group to see though the government’s disgusting lies when everyone else already can? Oh yeah… they’re getting a government paycheck.

Most of the treason that happens in the West is motivated by nothing more than the traitor’s desire to keep his regular paycheck. A threat to the paycheck is sufficient to make most people pretend to believe every lie they ever heard.

But once in a while, you find an exception. Ottawa’s police chief was recently fired from his job because he upheld the truckers’ right to protest Trudeau’s vaccine policy. For this courageous and principled former police chief, Peter Sloly, all praise. We need a million more like him.

Canada is now a dictatorship of the “police state” kind. Justin Trudeau, after invoking “emergency powers” on the pretext that protesting truckers were terrorists, began using those powers in every dirty way imaginable.

Meanwhile, the protest is ramping up in many Canadian cities, despite the crackdown.

We Americans should not approve of having a tyrannical dictatorship next door to us. If the Canadians cannot rescue themselves from Trudeau, then we, and our own country’s armed forces, should give them whatever assistance that they might need.

* * *

Source: Author

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20 February, 2022 9:52 am

The police are only as good as the politicians who sign their paychecks.

20 February, 2022 4:42 pm

I am all for praise of resistance, but Peter Sloly, the former police chief, was a non-white affirmative action hire by the queer mayor of the city. And the Federal government are trying to use the protest as a means to ban “hate symbols” from being sold or displayed in public. Of course, the symbols are only symbols that reflect European pride in their heritage. No Communist or black power symbols are considered “hateful”, even though those ideologies are more murderous and rage filled than anything going on at the moment.

20 February, 2022 4:58 pm

I think that that slave of the Jews’ crackdown will only make it worse for himself. Let’s hope so.

Lone Wolf SoCal
Lone Wolf SoCal
20 February, 2022 11:23 pm

“The boy’s in blue who serve the jew” are not to be trusted! They are not our friends and are not on our side of history! They will be doing the bidding of their Masters until the very end, as is being proven currently in Canada. The same will happen in the U.S. and those freedom loving, police worshiping con-servative Republicans will be wondering why their heroes are clubbing them over the head when they decide to get off their backsides and do a little protesting in the name of “Freedom.” It will be a rude awakening for them, but it will be well deserved! Maybe a little sense will be knocked into them and they will finally come to the realization that this is no longer their glorious Republic!… Read more »

Lazaris Procrustes
Lazaris Procrustes
Reply to  Lone Wolf SoCal
21 February, 2022 10:31 am

WLP said, in one of his broadcasts, that the police are absolutely not to be trusted. From what I have seen, they are mostly extroverts who do not consider things; they just do as they are told.

I did not have too much sympathy with the hippie/anti-Vietnam crowd of the 60’s, but I was appalled by some of the things the police did to them. Now, it is our turn.

pj dooner
pj dooner
Reply to  Lone Wolf SoCal
21 February, 2022 7:09 pm

The cucks and Sco-tards are calling the Canadian cops “Nazis”. That’s all you hear from these morons like Mike Adams, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Steve Quayle, a post on ZeroHedge calling the Canadian cops “Nazi Pigs” got dozens of upvotes and very few downvotes since most of the WNs have been banned there. Mike King does a masterful job spanking insane Sco-tard Mike Adams: https://www.realhistorychan.com/conspiracy-world-lunacy-nazis-run-the-new-world-order.html

21 February, 2022 11:44 pm

Some of the ‘police’ in Ottawa are UN ‘peace keepers’

21 February, 2022 11:48 pm

then we, and our own country’s armed forces, should give them whatever assistance that they might need.”

Unfortunately, our armed forces are under the control of jews. Have been for 50 years.

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
22 February, 2022 12:32 am

The hard but immutable lesson to be learned from the Canadian truckers protest is that you cannot play fair with people who play dirty. I mean let’s face it: It’s hard for me to believe that any sizable percentage of the truckers really thought that parking their trucks and honking their horns on occasion was going to win the day. And if by chance, as a result, “the government” decided to ‘drop the mandates’, which of course never had to be obeyed in the first place since they are a legal fraud, then what now ?! So if they drop the ‘mandates’- can you really say that’s a “victory” seeing as how all the same players are still alive and in charge, and will surely continue to push their agenda… Read more »

25 February, 2022 7:37 pm

The same thing happens in the U.S. Look at the witch hunt surrounding the Stop the Steal protesters. The organizers did nothing wrong. Less than 1% engaged in rioting, and the rioters were agents provocatuers. Using these standards, no protests can be had in fear of some rogue attendees getting out of hand