The Holocaust Is a Weapon
by Douglas Mercer
WHEN IT COMES TO the “Holocaust,” the Jews say the Lord God told them on the very first day, and every day thereafter, that thou shalt have no other genocides before It. Or even any genocides in the same vicinity, really. It is to be the genocide of genocides, the Big Daddy Grandmaster Genocide that shall put all other genocides in the shade and make them go whimpering to their mothers, wishing they were a real genocide. When it comes to genocides, the Holocaust is not primus inter pares, no, it is the first alone and no other genocide has, can, or ever will equal it.
And don’t say “it’s not the end of the world” — the Jews say it was the end of the world, or their world anyway. And now it means the end of the White world because the Holocaust was the worst thing in the world, bar none, and you and Dick and Jane and Sally are its perpetrators, so you have to die.
What it really was, of course, was the Jews getting rounded up, quite justly, so they could not continue to perpetrate their insidious mischief, and then some hundreds of thousands of them succumbing to the conditions of total war brought on by the Jews’ minions and lackeys. As always, you pay your money and you take your chances.
And so light was the German treatment of the Jews that survivors keep popping out of the woodwork like indestructible cockroaches, even 80 years after the fact. Hell, even supposedly dead Jews somehow managed to crawl into the United States after the war. And once here they were not shy about peddling their gruesome tales.
The alleged Holocaust has been blown into proportions of enormous magnitude: All history before it might as well be forgotten, and all history after it needs to be “informed” by it.
They say a Jew who once said “death is a master from Germany” drowned himself in the Seine because Martin Heidegger refused to come clean on the Holocaust and ask for forgiveness. Another Jew said that after Auschwitz there could be no poetry.
What hysterical women! What wailing and gnashing of teeth!
Whatever bodies there were simply needed to be stepped over.
And so they’ve managed to put their “trauma” at the center of White history; rare is the city that doesn’t have its museum about the “death camps,” its public “art” about them, and rare is the politician who won’t cry rivers about them when Pavlovstein rings his bell.
Martin Heidegger was more lucid on the subject:
The extermination of the Jews represents the apocalyptic moment when that which destroys ends up destroying itself. As the peak of self-destruction in history the Shoah makes possible the purification of being.
But the destroyers escaped destruction. And they are still loose — and still Hell-bent on sowing chaos and death.
They say they simply want to “heal the world,” to teach it to sing in perfect harmony.
Don’t believe it.
Far from being a “teaching tool,” the Holocaust is weapon. Aimed at us. And at our children’s heads.
When the liars are disarmed, being will be cleansed. This is the epic battle underway at the end of time.
Do they really think they have the horses for this?
I for one seriously doubt it.
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The Holocaust industry is vast, wide, and all-embracing. They churn out the books, papers, and articles. They collect the shoes and hair (you should see the discounts from Chinese suppliers on them these days!), depict the barbed wire, make the movies and the television shows, erect the museums, call the conferences, put up the excreble statues and maudlin artwork. They have “councils” and organizations, send out envoys and ambassadors, flood the media, and insist that everyone’s attention is riveted by their tall tales at all times. Anything less than complete and total reverence and awe, and professions of complete and total belief, is met with everything from snarling, vicious rebukes to colossal opprobrium to conscienceless violence.
Never again, they say. Never forget.
How could we forget with them caterwauling about it constantly?
Governors across the country are scrambling all over one another to be the first to make “Holocaust education” mandatory for K through 12, to indoctrinate the millions. Johnny can’t read, and Juan can’t even speak English, and Barquevious, forget about it — but they all will be force-fed a steady diet of sad tales of violinists playing for time, of flesh being torn off skeletons with acid, of German shepherds biting off the genitals of sensitive, virtuous moneylenders, and hard men on train platforms telling one child to go this way and another that.
But here’s the thing. These fictional tales of horror are not really meant for remembrance, are not really concocted so we’ll “remember” — no. Not any more.
What they are really teaching is the “evil” of having a White society, the urgent “moral need” for multiculturalism and multiracialism. What they really want is to teach our children to acquiesce in the dissolution of the White gene pool.
Their real aim is to end White homelands forever.
The Holocaust is no longer just an ostensible event; it’s a weapon. It’s why Derek Chauvin became an exhibit in a “Holocaust museum.” George Floyd, apparently, being six million and one.
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By all rights the UN should be burned to the ground, the earth where it once stood salted over, and its multi-colored congregation sent packing.
The UN now promulgates a “Holocaust Outreach” program using the tagline “Remembrance and Beyond.”
The emphasis here is on “beyond.” Remembering those pathetic victims is one thing, but decimating White people and their countries is where their focus really lies.
On the Web page they’ve set up for this abomination, they have a picture of a flower with a stem made of barbed wire. They want you to think that the Germans choked everything that was living with their cold steel, when in fact the opposite is the case. They used that cold steel to isolate and render harmless the destroyers of all that is noble and living and good. Isolate them from us.
Bar-Ilhan University (go Jews!) is an Israeli research university in Ramat Gan. The university styles itself with fluff and balderdash thusly:
We aim to blend tradition with modern technologies and scholarship, and teach the compelling ethics of Jewish heritage to all to synthesize the ancient and modern, the sacred and the material, the spiritual and the scientific.
Bar-Ilan University has Jewish-American roots. It was conceived in Atlanta in a meeting of the American Mizrahi Organization in 1950, and was founded by Professor Pinkhos Churgin, an American Orthodox rabbi and educator.
Pinko, did you say?
America has been the best thing ever to happen to the Jews; conversely, the Jews have been the worst thing ever to happen to America.
It’s not even close.
A professor at this “esteemed” university was tapped to pen the UN’s “Holocaust” screed. He uses it as a weapon to demand “diversity” (meaning all-White groups or communities of any kind shall be forbidden), foment the Great Replacement, demonize White people, and create race chaos far and wide in formerly White nations.
In order to dissolve our gene pool.
The professor in question is Zehavit Gross, and, in addition to peddling lies back in Ramat Gan, he is also the “UNESCO Chair in Education for Human Values, Tolerance and Peace, School of Education.”
Human values, peace, and tolerance: In his hands, these become words that mean “kill Whites.”
This Jew Gross is on the prowl, as are all Jews. They say they want to teach the world to “sing in perfect harmony,” but they know a peaceful world is a pacified world, all the better to get it on its knees before them.
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If we are not careful, the future will be a Jewish boot stomping on our faces forever. They will infect the minds of our children with their poison and teach them not to fight back, rendering them helpless against the parasites’ predations.
The unanimous adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of Holocaust Remembrance resolution and the establishment of a robust Holocaust remembrance and education program signaled a commitment by the United Nations to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust would be passed on to future generations.
What are these lessons? First and foremost, that any type of racial thinking (on the part of White people) is beyond the pale. That “diversity” (read: no all-White nations, neighborhoods, anything) is a positive good. That any country with a dominant (White) majority will ipso facto be evil; that Jews do nothing wrong and are eternal victims; that the “world is getting smaller” and the future is a rainbow one of peaceful coexistence; that White people owe all sorts of reparations to the non-Whites of the world; and that if the world is not careful, Whites will rise again in berserker rage and genocidal fury and no one who is not White will be safe.
Dark skin good. White skin bad.
Though they won’t quite couch it in those terms, make no mistake about it — that is what they will be teaching our White children. Indeed, they already are.
The Holocaust is a weapon.
The United Nations also recognized its responsibility to highlight the vital educational issues of global citizenship and human rights, which today are as pressing as ever, if not more so. It acknowledges the need to develop a new cosmopolitan memory of the Holocaust that transcends ethnic and national boundaries.
A “cosmopolitan memory” — what they mean is that now the memory of the Holocaust “belongs to the world.” (Read: must be imposed on the mind of every child.) It may have been (so they say) Jews who suffered in Germany, but the potential victims of White Evil are many and manifold: Africans, American Blacks, Mestizos, Asians, Indians, Amerindians — the lot of them. In the cosmopolitan melting pot, no one is safe from White people. If the trains aren’t running yet, they will be soon.
The future of Holocaust memory and education lies in its ability to be relevant to the students of coming generations. While study about the Holocaust is important in and of itself, it is even more important to learn from the Holocaust in terms of promoting global citizenship, human rights, religious tolerance and multiculturalism to ensure that such evil does not occur again.
Here the buzz words come flying hard and fast. Trust me: These cold phrases — human rights, global citizenship, tolerance, multiculturalism — are code words for White genocide. When you hear them, cock your Browning, because it means they are coming for you. Holocaust memory is to become the “memory of the world.” It is put forth as the memory of the evil that White people have done, and the memory of what White people will do if given half the chance. Never forget, never again. Even the Jews’ sacred perverts are in danger from Evil Whites.
The Holocaust is now the defining symbol of the most terrible denial of basic human rights — an evil that we struggle to comprehend. We can convey to our students the message that the option of preventing the next Holocaust is in our own hands. Our students can take specific steps to counter racism and hatred on a local, granular level and this will impact at the universal, international level.
So their logic is thus: Some Jews supposedly died, and now, lo, all these years later, White people must take a back seat, White people must continue to be second class citizens in the country their ancestors created, reparations must be given to the latest Afghani that was imported, the entire panoply of the anti-White agenda must be implemented, the races must mix, the misfits and mutants must reign, biological sex must be denied, any hint of racial or national consciousness must be expunged. Because “Germany in the 1930s,” don’t you know. All of which will make the intelligent and thoughtful start to wonder about the wisdom of orchestrating Germany’s overthrow.
The most important educational message of tikun olam, repairing the world, is that we must be agents and facilitators against the evils of discrimination, prejudice, hatred and violence. Thus Holocaust Education should be constructed in such a way that the world can counter hatred — whether based on race, ethnic background, color, gender or religion.
It’s the Holocaust for the whole world. Jews are notoriously jealous about their Holocaust; anyone who makes invidious comparisons of their trademarked Holocaust to something else generally gets policed into oblivion; now, however, they make the pivot — they want to share it with all the world; suddenly and for no reason at all they have become magnanimous. And the Jews have never been known anywhere at any time for being magnanimous, so when they become magnanimous it’s best not only to be suspicious, but deeply suspicious.
You see, the entire rainbow world was up on those train platforms; it wasn’t just Sophie’s choice — it was Ho’s and Shanequia’s and Maria’s choice as well; all the world was herded into those camps. Now they want to bring every “gay,” every Brown, every Yellow, every Black, every “trans” freak, every bull-dyke with purple hair, every confused transvestite, every femboy with fifteen piercings through each eyebrow, every weirdo wallflower lurking in the corner, every man in a dress milling about the girls’ restrooms — all now are welcome, like mutant animals, onto the ark. It was once “workers of the world, unite” but now God doesn’t even know what to call the coalition they are massing to kill us. “Workers” they are not. Increasingly, we are the workers — working for them.
We need to use these discussions to say to the world: DON’T EVER FORGET, LEST IT HAPPENS AGAIN. Humanity has to stay vigilant and Holocaust education is one of those awakenings, one of the tools we need to ensure that we do remember and are able to provide a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. We need to work together and make it loud and clear that racism and hatred only lead to violence where the innocent suffer! We need to keep this discourse burning to awaken current and future generations.
They say they really don’t want it to happen again — but they never for one minute even consider changing their behavior. Which is why, in the future, it won’t be the discourse that’s burning.
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And they have unilaterally declared that we are the enemy. Far from being the gravest error, opposition to Jews is the health of the state, and is the healthy defense mechanism of a healthy people.
A murky wave of xenophobia, racism and hatred is flooding the world.
The growing strength of populist and far right groups in Europe must concern us all. The worldwide wave of anti-Semitism in which innocent Jews are attacked solely for being Jewish while walking the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, Brussels, Paris and Rome has to worry us.
Their answer to this challenge is to spread the Jewish narrative of acquiescence to our own genocide through “education,” to stoop to intervene in our children’s lives at the most micro level possible. They program their prey — us — so that we no longer even want to resist. They work to ensure that our future generations will never be able to react in a healthy way to healthy messages. Put simply, they don’t want White people to defend themselves. They know it’s easy to win a war when you convince your enemies that to unilaterally disarm themselves is the “moral” thing to do.
Holocaust education enables exploration of human rights literacy in different social contexts It acknowledges the need to develop a new cosmopolitan consciousness transcending national boundaries: The cosmopolitanization of Holocaust awareness and the need to avoid such a tragedy occurring again is connected to post-national processes. Thus, educating about the dangers of racism and extreme nationalism can become an icon for a new cosmopolitan future.
“Post-national processes” and a “cosmopolitan future” perfectly suit the international criminal tribe. Forever they have dispersed among the nations, and preached the evil of nations — always themselves comprising a tightly networked nation spread out across the world. As they cohere among themselves with great ferocity, they preach to others that “parochial concerns” are “immoral,” that we should consider every man our brother, that there is only one race, the human race. And what post-national really means is post-racial. They want us to abjure the notion of race so we become biologically attenuated, softened up for them to kill us.
Professor Gross wheedles up this fantasia:
I have tried to imagine Zlata’s last journey to the gas chamber. How she stood in line, not knowing what fate awaited her. I thought that if an angel would come from heaven and tell her nothing can be done, your fate is sealed, but you should know you will have a great-granddaughter who will be privileged to live in the Land of Israel and be invited to the United Nations to discuss the future of Holocaust education, she would not have believed it. She would certainly have looked heavenwards and said: That will only happen when the Messiah comes.
No, forget it, Zlata and Co. — the nonexistent “Messiah” hasn’t come. And won’t. The racially bastardized all against all the Jews are creating is not the paradise at the end of the word; it is the dystopian vision of cockroach parasites who fester and feed off destruction and putrefaction. They bring not a Heaven, but a Hell.
But I say unto you, set your minds at ease, for death is a master from Germany. There will never be any gods before it.
All Whites are Germans now. 1946 is looming again. But it will end very, very differently this time.
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Source: Author
I recall jewish talk show host Jerry Springer telling everyone that his grandparents were sent to the death camps. He then took a trip to Germany to see which camp they were sent to and later found out they lived out the rest of their days in a cozy German nursing home. This is likely the story of many German Jews whose parents immigrated to America. Jerry Springer’s parents came to America in August of 1939 right before WW2 broke out. I am sure quite a few German Jews came to America around that time. They had literally six years to leave from the time they were stripped of their citizenship. But the myth continues because the persecution complex excites their imaginations. The idea that Germany just kicked the Jews… Read more »
And then one day, for no reason whatsoever, Hitler removed the jews from all positions of power and influence over the German people…
Indeed it is. That especially hideous Jew, Greenblatt (the head of the ADL), recently said that “the guilt of the Holocaust is fading”.
For the Jew “the Holocaust” is simply too easy and low hanging fruit for them to want to give it up without a fight. It’s simply a tool (one of many in the Jew toolbox) that they used to bludgeon and batter the goyim with simply so they can get their way. The Jew is simply a tiresome nagging whining little parasite.
Anti-semitism is a natural, wholly-justified response to jewish predation, which exists in many forms: financial, sexual, political, cultural, spiritual and corporeal. In short, it’s self-defense.
There is no such thing as White supremacy in America today; that is simply a deflection. There is only jewish supremacy – and “rightfully so,” according to Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “King of Israel.”
Beautiful! You keep outdoing yourself with each new essay. — [Jews have] managed to put their “trauma” at the center of White history; rare is the city that doesn’t have its museum about the “death camps,” its public “art” about them, and rare is the politician who won’t cry rivers about them when Pavlovstein rings his bell. — WWII revisionists are to the greatest hoax of the 20th century, the alleged Holocaust©, what Ben Klassen has been to the greatest hoax of all time, Christianity. I’ll “never foget” reading this article from William Pierce in issue 110 of National Vanguard magazine — April 1989, dedicated to Adolf Hitler on what would have been his 100th birthday. It dispelled for me once and for all a lifetime of Jew lies that… Read more »
As I understand it, around 250K Jews were
casualties, mostly Jewish partisans on the
Eastern Front. Tragically, not nearly enough
of them died in that conflict.
They’ve no more tricks up their sleeves.
The dark wizard’s cloak, dismantled thread by thread,
exposes the slimy parasitic worm to all with eyes to see.
Their playbooks are in our hands, we know their every move.
The tables need not turn, they’re flimsy game board will now be flipped into the air,
monopoly money and plastic pieces scattered to ash and dust,
The Great White Race again reign victorious on Earth.
Douglas Mercer clearly recognizes that an article on the “Holocaust” is, to use a phrase of Lewis Carroll, just the place for a snark, and he delivers it in spades. I think that the Jews and their lies should be addressed with the penetrating gaze, lucid reason, irreverent mockery, scathing sarcasm, and righteous anger that effectively says to this pestiferous people, “We see you as you are, we see through your lies, and we will see you out of our society.”
The Sabbatean-Frankists want to prevent you from being able to practice nature-based ancestor veneration, perhaps let alone Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, at any capacity.
— Elfriede Lentner
I always see people compare Hitler to other genocidal murderers such as Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, if you had to replace Hitler with someone else, who would you replace? The best candidates I can think of are Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt. Jews are a bit too broad, so it has to be one of the jews that called the shots.
I was taught at a young age that Hitler is a monster. However the propaganda just seemed kind of mean spirited. Like, if Hitler was a monster, then why when he was greeting German kids, the kids had joy in their on their face? He also liked animals, evil people would never care about animals or nature. There are people who believe in the Holocaust and would shoot you down if you joke or criticize it (I’m living with them). However there are people I know that makes fun of the Holocaust to the point that it became a meme. Which made sense because I heard about a jewish lawyer who is such a jerk, if your race was saved from “the evil Nazis”, wouldn’t you be grateful instead of… Read more »
What happened in 1946, except that beween that date and April of 45, over 12 million German elderly, women and children had been forcefully starved to death by the victorious allies? Thousands of beautiful German girls and boys were kidnapped by Russia and Israel after their parents were murdered in the war, and used for sex and breeding, then killed. There certainly was no victory for Germany, in 1946. Perhaps you meant 1933?
The 1946 reference is to what the Jews plan to do with us, if we do nothing.
Young white males should be shown videos like this to learn about WW II Germany:
It is inspiring to know such a nation once existed. This blows away all the Holocaust propaganda.