Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Roadside Racial Reckoning

by Douglas Mercer

IF A SIGN at a house says “George Washington Slept Here” you can be sure they will take it down — he owned slaves, after all; they’ll not just take the sign down but burn the bed, burn the house, perform some voodoo rite on the site to exorcise what they take to be White demons, and erect a “racial justice” monument paying tribute to that historical non-entity with a face like a brick wall, Harriet Tubman. To them, “racial justice” means “eradicate White people.”

Our enemies won’t be satisfied until they have hunted down the last White man and wiped us from the face of the Earth.

When you travel the countryside and stop off somewhere on a Summer’s day, it’s nice to learn some history, or have the children learn some history. There’s nothing like a good historical marker or plaque to tell you that this or that is important. Usually the marker tells a small story about something that happened on that spot, and reminds you of your priceless heritage. It’s good to remember those who came before you, who paved your way, and gave you what you have. For this, roadside markers are a kind of planting of the flag so that travelers can commune with their heroes.

Otherwise, what are we doing?

But soon this will be no more, at least for White people. Any sign that had a good word to say for White people or any sign that did not show proper deference to non-Whites will be removed. In their place (and proliferating elsewhere, too) will be engraved reminders of the endless wrongs supposedly committed by our White ancestors, or of slave rebellions, or of some “civil rights victory,” however inane or misreported or outright fictional it may be. Well-tended and well-kept-up will be the many new memorials at places where Jews reached some milestone as they fomented their revolutions against us.

All the old memories, all the old markers must come down, as a nation buries its past in implanted, Jew-programmed shame.

* * *

The Keystone State is taking the lead in this art of expunging the memories of all preceding years, of taking a pick-axe to the past, and stripping every roadside of every memory, of every tale of White history. No more the salutary and innocent remembrance for people on the road; it’s instead going to be a roadside “racial reckoning,” to use their phrase. They’ve been remembering for over a century but now they are going to do more than forget, they are going to proscribe. When the dark men wield the lash, memory is erased; the very walls crumble; the signposts of history are removed.

Pennsylvania had been installing historical markers for more than a century when the racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017 brought a fresh round of questions from the public about just whose stories were being told on the state’s roadsides — and the language used to tell them.

First off, no questions came from the public; they came from the sinister elites. And they weren’t “questions,” either. And second, just so we are clear, some Jews bring flamethrowers to a lawful public assembly and attack the ones lawfully assembling — and then an obnoxious fat chick had a heart attack after her misshapen and mutant friends attacked a motorist; and that is cause not only for history’s loudest shrieking, but for a “fresh round” of anti-White jihad — and some plaques and markers about men who had stood the test of time must suddenly come tumbling down. And, the sinister elites declared, we must now kick it up a few notches to “increased scrutiny” as well.

The increased scrutiny helped prompt a review of all 2,500 markers by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, a process that has focused on factual errors, inadequate historical context, and racist or otherwise inappropriate references.

Yes sir, they are “cleaning up” the past; that means whitewashing it, literally and figuratively — scrubbing out all the last traces of Whiteness and greatness from it. In the future, cretinous sub-mental sub-humans will think it was Igbo Okotaumba and his dark kin who founded those colonies and began a nation — that it wasn’t Englishmen who landed in Virginia, who cleared the land, who built the forts, who made the Ohio River safe for settlement. By then, all recollections of the real and glorious past will be gone. No marker will guide the weary traveler to the truth.

So far, the state has removed two markers, revised two and ordered new text for two others.

New text, new words, new people; they will create an hallucinatory history that will be unrecognizable to anyone who can remember past fifteen minutes ago. This is more than iconoclasm; this is wholesale slaughter. Already in tatters, they will split what is left of our people’s history into a million pieces and scatter it to the winds.

Across the country, historical markers have in some places become another front in the national reckoning over slavery, segregation and racial violence that has also brought down Civil War statues and changed or reconsidered the names of institutions, roads and geographical features.

Their use of “front” is deliberate — this is war. It’s a war on us and our kind — and the front is everywhere now; you can never escape it; the war is happening on any road you may choose.

* * *

The group called the “Equal Justice Initiative” (EJI) is a real piece of work. They go around to spots where Negroes who raped or harassed White women came a cropper, they dig up some dirt from that spot and treat it as sacred soil and then worship it. That is, they worship the very ground that the rapist died on. And then they go around dropping “historical markers” all over the place, anywhere violent, criminal Blacks got what was coming to them. They drop them like a perverted Leroy Appleseed, as if they want everyone to know just how many Black rapists there always are.

The idea that who is honored, what is remembered, what is memorialized tells a story about a society that can’t be reflected in other ways is behind an effort by the Birmingham, Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative that has installed dozens of markers, mostly in the South, to remember racial terror lynchings.

A real piece of work, tTo say the least.

They have a “history of racial justice” calendar you can get. They have a section that explains that in 1959 Richard and Mildred Loving were convicted of the crime of interracial marriage and were banished from Virginia, which seems like a very mild sentence indeed. EJI also opened the “Peace and Justice Memorial Center” which features a memorial dedicated to “victims of racial terror” in the 1950s. If there is a Negro rapist they don’t like and want to exalt, I for one have surely never heard of him. To hear them tell it, Black violence against Whites has never happened. What they present as reality is very, very close to being the opposite of reality.

There can be no reconciliation and healing without remembering the past.

“Reconciliation” and “healing” are code words for White Genocide as surely as “diversity,” “inclusion,” and “equity” are. When you hear them or read them it’s always best to cock your Browning, the one you always keep close at hand.

The Community Soil Collection Project gathers soil at lynching sites for display in haunting exhibits bearing victims’ names.

These dirty liars really are going for the magic dirt. Give them half the chance, they’ll rub your faces in the dirt and drag you through it; here is the dust that a Black man last trod on, he dindu nuffin.

The Historical Marker Project erects narrative markers in public locations describing the devastating violence, today widely unknown, that once took place in these locations.

They want to retroactively turn America into a house of horrors, a chamber of terror. To “remind” White people everywhere they go, at every turn, just how bad they are, just how bad their ancestors were. They want to make you think the Old White America was nothing but a charnel house — when what it really was White people dealing for the first time with millions of free Negroes and all the dire acts of violence and threats that that entails. The Jesus- and “Enlightenment”-addled North swooped in with their evangelical “righteousness” and made sure the South let go of the wolf’s ears. And, as we know all too well by now, with those mindless Bantu running wild you can either make a stand or you can close your eyes and expose your necks to their knives. Our forebears decided to make a stand; and they sometimes didn’t wait around for the law to work its course (though it did work more swiftly then); they decided to make their stand by letting Blacks know that no quarter would be given, that White society would be protected at all costs, that White men would go to any lengths to defend their women and children.

The EJI is joining with communities across the country to install narrative historical markers at the sites of racial terror lynchings. Historical markers are a compelling tool in the creation of a permanent record of racial terror violence that provides everyone in the community exposure to our shared history of racial injustice. EJI’s historical markers detail the narrative events surrounding a specific lynching victim, or group of racial terror lynching victims, and the history of racial terrorism in America.

It’s funny, but when we placed those markers to our heritage, we also thought that we were creating a permanent record. It turns out they were only memories of a day. When the first sign of trouble came, too many of us ran for the hills. The very first time we ran, it was a sure sign that the memories would not and could not last. And, dishonor of dishonors, some of our weaklings even stayed behind to supervise the dismantling. So now when you take your kids for a trip, you’ll learn a bit of history; you’ll learn what the Jews’ regime in Washington and New York and Hollywood thinks is important; the memories and great deeds of our sires all erased, you and your children might just find out where Nat Turner slept before he smashed the skulls of kids just like yours. Maybe Nat Turner never crossed the Delaware, but in the future you will be made aware of where and when he cut innumerable White women to bloody ribbons in a veritable fury of “racial justice.”

Many communities where lynchings took place have erected monuments recognizing the Civil War, the Confederacy, and white Southerners’ violent retaking of local power after Reconstruction. But very few monuments or memorials address the history and legacy of lynching, and most victims of lynching have never been publicly acknowledged.

That, of course, is about to change: Replace the stories; demoralize and dehumanize Whites; make the Whites want to die; make the Whites actually die; take over.

* * *

“Historical markers educate the public and therefore can help fight systemic racism,” said Diane Turner, curator of the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection at Temple University in Philadelphia, one of the country’s largest repositories of Black history literature and related material.

Just so you know, this collection is mostly about ludicrous-looking Negroes grinning, shuffling and jiving, tossing a ball around, a preposterous and all out of proportion estimate of the world-historical importance of Black jazz, the ever-present staple of the Tuskegee Institute, Emmett Till, Trayvon Martin and all those erecti whose names we are supposed to “say,” and that time John Lewis got spit on at the Capitol steps by an irate Tea Party member. It really says something when your historical claim to fame is that you got whumped on over and over.

At the request of Bryn Mawr College’s president, Kimberly Wright Cassidy, the Pennsylvania history agency removed a marker from the edge of campus that noted President Woodrow Wilson had briefly taught there. Cassidy’s letter to the commission cited Wilson’s racist policy of federal workforce segregation.

In related news, Lester Maddox once bought a cup of coffee in Lancaster County and the State Badthink Board is reviewing the case to see whether the coffee shop needs to be blown up and the pieces glued together to create a rickety facsimile of Nat Turner crushing a White baby with a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other.

The commission has ordered changes to a marker at the suburban Philadelphia birthplace of Continental Army Maj. Gen. ‘Mad’ Anthony Wayne because it referred to him as an Indian fighter.

It also is developing a replacement to a marker that has been removed from the grounds of the National Aviary in Pittsburgh, on the site of a 19th-century prison, that noted Confederate cavalry were held there after their capture in Ohio during the Civil War.

Did someone say replacement? I believe they did.

The commission also revised markers in central Pennsylvania’s Fulton County related to the movement of Confederate Army troops after the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 and related to an 1864 Confederate cavalry raid on Chambersburg that left much of the town a smoldering ruin.

It’s good to see that this one lasted as long as it did — usually, for these civilization-wrecking criminal vermin, the Confederates are low-hanging fruit. If only they had left Washington, DC a smoldering ruin in 1865, our once-shining cities would not have been lain waste and left in smoldering ruins in 2020.

One marker had previously described the last Confederates to camp on Pennsylvania soil — the state has since added language about their defeat by Union troops. The other marker, about two Confederates killed in a skirmish, was revised with detail about their raid and how Union soldiers from New York killed them and took 32 prisoners.

This roadside racial reckoning business is really just a mopping-up action; it is our enemies crossing every last “t” and dotting every last “i” in order that absolutely nothing shall remain, no trace or vestige, that there ever once was a better way of life than the Third World travesty they have foisted on us.

One man, however, hit the mark on the issue of these markers:

“My fear is that the commission is becoming less of a true historical arbiter and more of a miniaturized version of George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth that has government officers alter history to fit the convenient narrative of those in charge,” state Rep. Parke Wentling wrote.

There is nothing miniature about it. This is being done on a gargantuan scale. Not a tatter or a remnant shall be left behind. Should they continue to get their way indefinitely, the White race will only be a rumor — and then not even that.

And this month, a senior state House Republican press aide, Steve Miskin, responded to a news account about the Fulton County markers with a tweet asking, “Is Pennsylvania planning to remove the Confederacy from textbooks? Censor TV shows and movies mentioning the Confederacy?”

Yes, yes they are; unless the references emphasize how “evil” they were and how much they needed to be killed. They’ll still use them as the universal bogey man to threaten children and the unreconstructed and recalcitrant — until it’s safe just to dispense with them forever.

In Pennsylvania, the commission examined all of the 2,500 markers it controls with a focus on how African American and Native American lives and stories are portrayed and adopted a new policy on how markers are established. About a year ago it identified 131 existing markers that may require changes, including a subgroup of 18 that required immediate attention.

Safe to say, they are getting down in the weeds on this, leaving no stone unturned, and no stone left if a White man once set his foot on it as he advanced the European race on this once-virgin continent.

“The language could be sexist, it could be racist, it could be all those different things,” said Jacqueline Wiggins, a retired educator from Philadelphia on the state historical commission’s Marker Review Panel. “There’s work to be done.”

Oh, there’s work to be done all right. But — according to them — not on the massive rush of Black crime in Philadelphia, not on the opioid crisis that has hit so many White people in Pennsylvania, not on the Pennsylvania cities that have gone White to Brown like Hazelton; nope, none of that. They say there’s work to be done rooting out the “evil White man,” the hard work of whom created the social capital that people in Pennsylvania are still coasting on (but will peter out soon enough). They have a Marker Review Panel, which is ominous, baleful, and sinister enough: They were going to go with “Ministry of Truth,” but they wanted to cruise under the radar for a bit longer.

Hell, it’s such a free-for-all that even the Chinese are getting in on the act; they see the Jew-created trough is overflowing with ill-gotten slop, so, like pigs, they saw no reason not to plunge their filthy snouts in deep and lap a lot of it up.

New markers approved in March include [a notice mentioning] the first substantial workforce of Chinese immigrants in the state at a cutlery factory.

It’s not crossing the Delaware, that’s for sure; I suppose the best one can say for it is that it’s a poor thing but their own.

Native American-related markers generally frame the Indigenous people in terms of the Europeans who displaced them, such as a Juniata County marker about a stockade built about 1755 to protect settlers from Indian marauders.

The writer of that sentence should have some of those merciless savages set on him, and then we’d see if he was still interested in taking about “framing.”

* * *

As time and Life unfold, the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell our children, the stories we pass on to the future, are all that we have. They are the repository of the lore, the heritage, the history, the deeds of our forebears; they are the repository of our collective dreams. The British were once coming, there was that Shot Heard Round the World, there was Manifest Destiny, there was Daniel Boone, there was Davy Crockett, there was the noble defense of our women from merciless savages and a fate worse than death — for, once upon a time, this was our land, earned with the blood and sweat of our fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers. These are the dramas that inculturate a people, teach them to know what is worthy, and what is worth emulating. These are the dramas that tell us who we are.

Beckerman concluded that as a whole, the state’s 348 Native American historical markers tell a pretty accurate and compelling story of racism and white nationalism.

That is as true as the day he said it; it’s no reason to pull them down, but a reason to put more up. It really is compelling, the way those Englishman formed those stock companies, the way they flooded into the coasts, solidified their positions, and moved ever westward. Those are the real dramas of the American nation, the Indian fighting, the forts, the crossing of the passes and the mountains, even a Donner Party that didn’t make it. Constitutions and “rights” take back seats to this awe-inspiring spectacle of making the land inhabitable for our people, to this glorious spectacle of racial pride and White nationalism.

It really is the greatest story ever told. How the European people made it to the Pacific and beyond. And how they conquered the world.

But now we are in retreat. Now the glorious high tide is receding. Dangerously receding.

New markers getting approved are increasingly telling the stories of previously underrepresented people and groups.

New markers, new stories, new people, new nation.

The commission is offering financial support for the markers if their subjects concern women, Hispanics, Latinos and Asian Americans, or if they are about Black and LGBTQ history outside Philadelphia. Last year, the agency subsidized markers on petroglyphs in Clarion County, a camp where Muhammed Ali trained in Schuylkill County and the site of a boycott that stopped a school segregation effort in Chester County.

The once-established and dominant people will age and pass away (with fewer and fewer replacements every generation, due to the demoralizing effects of Jewish power and genocidal propaganda), new people will flood in; the old stories will be forgotten or forbidden, new stories will be told. Beyond its shared ancestry, a nation is the stories it tells itself; it is what it tells its children about their past and their future. When their stories circulate, and ours are proscribed, the nation will be theirs. Roadside markers will be the least of it then — it will be history textbooks, history books, speeches at ceremonies, dramas, everything. This is how one people rises and one people falls; how one pushes another aside; how one is dehumanized, demoralized, dumbed down, and then dead.

The Pennsylvania State government took down a marker in Pittsburgh’s Point State Park that noted the location where British Gen. John Forbes had a 1758 military victory that the marker claimed established Anglo-Saxon supremacy in the United States.

It was no claim; it was fact. North America from that point on was the White man’s land, the latest, biggest, and best foothold of the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples. Hitler was in awe of America, was in awe even of the men of German blood who came to fight against him in the Great War; he believed that North America was in the vanguard of White world supremacy.

And John Forbes’ battle, among a series of battles, certainly established our supremacy — but, in the end, will it take?

Perhaps it will not be long before our enemies put a memorial at the precise location where George Floyd’s worthless life ended, and they will use it to represent the precise spot where White America, after suffering a decades-long death agony, finally breathed its last.

* * *

When we were young, they told us that George Washington would never tell a lie. They told us where he slept. They told us where he crossed the Delaware.

Washington crossing the Delaware. What did that mean? Why did he do it? And what happened next? We weren’t sure, in our schoolboys’ minds, but we knew that the phrase was itself mysterious, was itself portentous. It held the hope of many things.

Washington crossed the Delaware — it had the ring of dark nights and hidden things, and more than anything, heroic deeds and bright beginnings. Washington crossing the Delaware, in picture and in lore, meant something because they kept telling us it was important. And who would have doubted it?

In the future, will anyone remember it, or feel as we did? Will anyone care? If not, it will be the harbinger of our imminent doom. Because when you tell someone that Washington crossed the Delaware and their reply is “Donde?” something surely is missing, something surely is lost, and a grave reckoning is at hand. And all of the street crime, the dollar plunging, the illiterate kids, the lack of standards, and the lack of decency, all of the jobs going out, all of the corruption, the dark figures massing on our borders, all of the drugs being imported, all of it really is just a horde of symptoms of an underlying disease.

When historical memory recedes the people recede; when the stories are lost, so are the people. Who will remember our people? Anyone? A people unwilling to defend itself deserves to perish, and the first sign of their going is the obliteration of their language, their myths, their tales, and their stories. When you say that Washington crossed the Delaware and people look at you in incomprehension, or even with scorn, when their response shows that they care nothing for the event, or want to bury it; when all that happens you know the fine and final line has been crossed, that the collective consciousness that once made us a people is gone with the wind.

* * *

Source: Author

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10 January, 2022 6:25 am

How couldn’t the Communist Cacodemon’s White Genocide agenda be rendered moot, when calamity strikes or at least when tornadoes and other disasters get worse? Anyway, newcomer: if you, or maybe others in your life, are preparing for what the culturicide against all things Aryan (or Indo-European) means for you and your loved ones, be they family or friends or any community, then consider looking into the following if you haven’t already. (Also, you may have to form a sleeper cell for at least privacy, or set up a safe house, or get a tent and other gear, or even do all three.) If you have any free time, then consider painting plain Croftian orgonite, or anything… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Elfriede
11 January, 2022 11:35 pm

Say, were you planning on sending the National Alliance a check for all this advertising you’re doing on this website, Elfriede?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
12 January, 2022 1:06 am

What is the preferred amount for the check to be sent?

Or may I purchase either the Life in Celtic Times coloring book or the Vikings coloring book from the Cosmotheist Church bookshop instead?

Simply, I like sharing websites and articles, that I figure might be liked by any readers, even if only one reader likes anything that I share.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Elfriede
12 January, 2022 10:45 am

The amount? Let your conscience be your guide as to the value to be given for the value received. P.O. Box 4, Mountain City Tennessee 37683 is where to send any payments to.

Also, re-acquaint yourself with the posting rules NV provided, especially “Keep it succinct and original; no quoting full articles; no long series of links or excerpts, please.”

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
19 January, 2022 3:00 pm

The check has been sent for at least the Life in Celtic Times coloring book. I would like to send at least five dollars, if and when I’m able to do so.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
16 January, 2022 8:34 pm

Anyone remember about George
chopping down a cherry tree?

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
17 January, 2022 2:10 am

Another magnificent piece of prose by Douglas Mercer. Much enjoyed and much appreciated.

Share it with friends. I will.