
Official: 75% of Berlin Criminals are Arabs

AT LEAST 75 per cent. — and likely much more — of all criminals in the German capital of Berlin are Arab “immigrants” and their German-born descendants, new official figures have shown.

The statistics, contained in a report by the Bild newspaper under the heading “Berlin Capitulates! Why it’s so easy to commit a crime in Germany’s capital,” quotes the Socialist Party mayor of Berlin-Neukölln, Franzisca Giffey, as saying that there are “12 to 14 criminal clans in Berlin that are threatening peace in the city.”

At least nine of these “clans” consist of “large Arab families with several hundred of members each. They are involved in drug trafficking, burglary, theft and they deal in stolen goods, human trafficking, prostitution and gambling dens,” the Bild report continues.

Their parents were stateless Palestinians who resided in Lebanon and who arrived in Germany in the 1980s. Their sons have gotten a German passport. And if one of them gets caught, he refuses to testify. Because he doesn’t want to get one of his people into trouble. He’d rather go to prison himself than report a family member.

The report goes on to reveal that “Berlin is not just the capital of Germany, but also the capital of crime!”

To back this up, the newspaper reports that at least 1,558 crimes are perpetrated every single day in the city, a figure which is “more than in any other German state on a per capita basis.”

Berlin has “more robberies (5,146), more pickpocketing (44,722) and [the] most stolen vehicles (7,349),” the report says.

The refusal of the Arab criminals to testify has however led to the Berlin police having a crime solution rate of only 42 per cent.

The Bild report goes on to give a few high profile cases of the sort of problems the police face:

In March 2017, a gold coin worth 3.7 million euros, weighing 100 kg, was stolen from Berlin’s Bode Museum.

The police took aim at an Arab clan and arrested four suspects. The getaway car was held at the police station. However, it did not act as a deterrent to criminals: Unknown perpetrators broke into the police premises at night and tried to remove all evidence of their crime.

How did they enter the premises? Recently, the police station has been burglarized three times, and the headquarters one time.

Due to staff shortages, the police has been protected by private security companies. But some of them are partially, if not completely, in Arab hands.

At the Alexanderplatz — the central square in the middle of Berlin famous for being the site of the city’s large TV broadcast tower — is so overrun with crime that “every day someone reports a robbery or a stabbing. When darkness falls, people steer clear from Alexanderplatz.”

* * *

Source: Daily Archives

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13 January, 2022 5:55 am

>Socialist Party mayor of Berlin-Neukölln, Franzisca Giffey She’s a member of the SPD, and is now the mayor of all Berlin — this despite the fact she resigned from her position in the federal government (‘Family Minister’) after her doctorate was revoked due to plagiarism; you can read about this on her English language Wikipedia page — she’s just another petty tyrant, recently announcing that people in Berlin will have to get a 3rd COVID shot if they want to be considered fully vaccinated and e.g. be able to eat in restaurants. There is a huge problem with Clankriminalität in many of Germany’s larger cities — many of these people still officially live on welfare — recently it was suggested this term not be used anymore since it is racially… Read more »

Reply to  eah
13 January, 2022 2:19 pm

Great info! Millions of We Whites are HIGHLY pro White here in North America!!! We Stand with Our Germanic brethren! We MUST continue to unite more and more! 14 WORDS !God Bless!!!

13 January, 2022 8:23 am

Vi have the same situation in Sweden. I know from experience that the migrants who grew up here are even worse than the newcomers. We have now competing criminal gangs in all major cities. The gangsters are not only from Arab countries, but also from Balcan and Somalia. The gang that now sets the tone in Gotenburg actually is Somali.
Poor German people, they are since a long time the victims, but blaming them for all evil in the world never stops.

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
Reply to  Yvonne
21 January, 2022 4:10 pm

Never has a finer people than the Germans been so screwed over as they have. And their racial cousins are responsible for much of it.

13 January, 2022 1:23 pm

Isn’t this the most unbelievable thing ever? Isn’t diversity a wonderful strength of ours ? It’s almost inconceivable that our nations would fall to foreign enemies without even them firing a shot; the idea that they can walk right in and under the protection of Jewish law go ahead and usurp the entire country and its people-and all because there are some laws on the books that permit them to do just that. When are we going to give response and take back what is ours from the Jews and these foreign invaders ? And furthermore when is there going to be a further expulsion of nonwhites and separation from said nonwhites and Jews such that we have both purely white enclaves as well as countries ? Our children are… Read more »

14 January, 2022 10:39 am

I wonder how many Berliners (and other Germans, for that matter) wish their country won the Second World War? They wouldn’t have problems such as this, or Arabs molesting their daughters on New Year’s Eve, either.

Reply to  Joshua
14 January, 2022 1:46 pm

not just Germans – Europeans in general …

Reply to  Howard
15 January, 2022 9:12 am


Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
Reply to  Joshua
21 January, 2022 4:13 pm

Not as many as you wish. They have been guilted and brainwashed to an essentially suicidal level. Germans don’t do great things anymore, their spirit has been destroyed. They make cars and go on vacations.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Diversity is Genocide
21 January, 2022 8:37 pm

The ability of Germans and other Whites to rouse our own kind to great acts still lays within, dormant. Let’s raise their spirits instead of spreading defeatism by saying it’s destroyed as though that’s a permanent condition.

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
21 January, 2022 4:05 pm

Are White people going to get a clue before it is finally too late? Doesn’t look like it to me, unfortunately. The West is dead already. What comes next is still up in the air.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Diversity is Genocide
21 January, 2022 8:34 pm

DiG, Whites will ‘get a clue’ if we who have it use the tools, ability to concentrate our efforts intelligently, and the will to make available ‘the clue’ to our kind. We in the National Alliance are doing that and encourage others to help us help our race by pitching in and carrying their weight. It beats complaining about things.

14 January, 2023 1:24 pm

If 9 clans are Arabs, be sure the other 3 or 5 are Turkish or Albanian