Middle American Gothic
by Douglas Mercer
IT TURNS OUT Aunt Bee was a bigot. Did anyone doubt it?
For the American Establishment, Ted Koppel has always been the ostensible voice of reason, but what he really is is a Jew, which is a key distinction.
Koppel was born in England. His parents were German Jews who had fled Germany after the rise of Adolf Hitler.
Not just any Jew, mind you, but the worst kind of Jew: a Jew who fled Hitler. These Jews are the worst because they’ll never tire of telling you their lachrymose tales of how the Hitler ordered them into gas chambers, diesel vans, and pedal-driven brain-bashing machines.
Yes, the worst kind of Jew of all. Not that they all aren’t bad.
I’m old enough to recall when Ted Koppel would don that ridiculous hairpiece, and lower his voice and make it all gravelly, and with a stern look in his eye tell you another Jewish fib, or several, and pretend to be saying it straight. I recall that he would always be described as “British-born” but then Ghislaine Maxwell is routinely described as a “British socialite.” It’s like saying that Steven Spielberg is American-born. While all of these things are technically true they are massively misleading. Britain and America have nothing to do with it. It’s like calling a snake under the Smiths’ house a “Smith.”
And not that long ago Ted Koppel emerged from his new-found and well-earned obscurity, what he calls retirement, and came back on the Jew Tube with what the American Establishment considers a horror tale, an investigation of some deplorables — an ostensibly dark tale of Middle American Gothic. It turns out some normal White Americans from the American heartland are convinced that the 2020 presidential election was stolen — and that Blacks were burning down cities without repercussions in that same year. Because of this truly terrifying set of beliefs, you can hear the wailings and lamentations ringing out from New York City all the way in far-off America.
You see, they hate Middle America. They think it is full of benighted racist rubes, yet withal very violent and frightening ones. They think it is full of grotesques, of monsters.
They think it is Middle American Gothic.
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Andy Griffith was world famous for his southern drawl and his folksy attitude, but in the movie A Face in the Crowd he gave us what Jews consider to be a stinging rebuke to right wing populism, showing the character who is the tribune of normal people to be a fraud, and a selfish and arrogant huckster. This movie is in the same vein as Seven Days in May and the novel It Can’t Happen Here. All of them warn of the dangers of the people rebelling against the elite, and the horrors that ensue when a hero emerges from the ranks of the people.
Andy Griffith is most famous for his portrayal of Sheriff Andy Taylor in his eponymous television show set in Mayberry, North Carolina. The show depicts an archetypal wholesome White small town before integration ruined the country. Indeed, the name “Mayberry” has become synonymous with an idyllic White community.
Now Jews tell us that this depiction was pure fantasy, and that the real life denizens of a modern day Mayberry are bigots.
Who would have guessed?
* * *
After the First World War, a famous lyric entered the American lexicon: “How’re you going to keep them down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?” Meaning: After you’ve seen the cosmopolitan splendor of the City of Lights, how could you suffer through miking cows and getting up early? — after you’ve seen degeneracy in all of its many and most lurid forms, how could you ever live a healthy and wholesome life again?
After the war, the American literati picked up this theme with a vengeance. Books like Babbit and Winesburg, Ohio with their characters depicted as grotesques, showed the supposed small-mindedness and stifling nature of rural and small-twon American life.
For the East Coast elites, which were becoming more and more Jewish-influenced, and more and more outright Jewish, small-town America was filled with bumpkins, hayseeds, and rubes who were blinkered, not all that bright, and horribly backward.
It was flyover country before its time.
New York big-wig Walter Lippman sneered that America was “a nation of villagers.”
Walter Lippman was a Jew.
Ted Koppel is a Jew too, and he agrees. And all of the current ruling class in America agrees — so they sicced this big fatuous Jew Koppel on some small-town Americans.
And they discovered that Aunt Bee was a bigot.
Who knew?
* * *
Back in the fall of 2021, CBS News decided to send Jew Ted Koppel to the town of Mount Airy, North Carolina to see what the peasants were up to. Did they have tiki torches and pitchforks? Red hats, hoods, and nooses? Were they lynching the day away? Well, not quite that, but the effect was the same. Jew Ted Koppel might as well have been a Boasian anthropologist exploring the social rituals and strange belief systems of some out-of-the-way island people. The irony is that in reality Ted Koppel is the strange fruit, going exploring and “investigating” among normal, healthy, and sane people. But once his footage aired, you could hear the wailing and lamentations from New York City all the way in far-off America.
Mount Airy, North Carolina is the home town of Andy Griffith and he used it as a model for his famous show. When the textile mills left, the city fathers decided to turn the city in a living museum of Mayberry.
Mount Airy is where Jew Ted Koppel went to hunt the Whites. If they had been honest, CBS News would have titled the segment: A Jew Travels to America.
So there was Ted Koppel, innocently working out on a treadmill, when he came across an episode of the Andy Griffith Show. Later, he went online and discovered that the show was one of the most watched television programs of the 1960s.
Real Americans just know as matter of course that this show was very popular. It was the iconic representation of idyllic small-White-town America. Ted Koppel, on the other hand, is not an American, he is a Jew. And when he came across that show, it was the equivalent of us watching a documentary about bush people of the Kalahari. So he scratched his hairpiece, and he wondered: “Who are these strange people, these nice White people in this nice White town in this faraway and strange place? And what evil is harbored within? What ideological depravity lurks there?” And so Jew Ted Koppel put on his National Geographic hat over his hairpiece and decided to find out — decided to travel to what, for him, is the American bush. And while there he took a sledgehammer to what for us is a sacred memory.
When you are in small-town America and Ted Koppel comes calling, you know you are about to get hosed. Any such towns that still exist should put signs up at the edge of the town that read: No Jews after sundown — and during the daylight hours, Jews must have their hands up.
For the first 10 minutes, Koppel’s story was a love letter to Mount Airy, a town on US 52 in the northwest corner of the state which re-invented itself as a Mayberry tourist attraction after tobacco and textile mills closed.
The love letter was the bait; the extreme anti-White animus was the switch.
Viewers saw the recreations of Sheriff Andy Taylor’s office and jail, Deputy Barney Fife’s black-and-white Ford Galaxy sheriff’s cruiser, the Mayberry Courthouse, Wally’s Service station, Andy Griffith’s homeplace, and even Opie’s Candy Store.
Despite television production companies being loaded with Jews even then, it was a show full of White icons, a symbol of part of the Old America. It was a simpler time, a better time, a more moral time. White and idyllic, just as we remember it.
It was a Whiter time, which entails all the rest. Our time. A fading memory now.
Then Koppel’s story took a sharp turn to the right.
Of course, why would it not? — he’s a Jew, after all, and not just any kind of Jew but the most dangerous kind of Jew of all: a Jew whose family fled Hitler. When he was on that treadmill trying desperately to keep his hairpiece in place with little to no success, and he saw those charming scenes depicting the last and now long lost stand of White America, how could this filthy Jew stop himself from casting his fetid mind back to those other putative scenes of another White time, with all the additions that his fervid and overactive fantasy life could conjure: those brown-shirted White men back in Europe making short work of Communists in the streets, those laws putting Jews back in their place, those commandos and volunteers riddling Jewish partisans with hails of bullets and knocking their corpses into newly made shallow graves. Why, even if there is not a straight line from a goofy Barney Fife pratfall to the imaginary ovens of wartime Poland, you can be sure that in the Jew’s mind one will be swiftly drawn nonetheless.
The veteran newsman and CBS Sunday Morning contributor explains how a seeming puff piece about the Andy Griffith Show turned into an unsettling snapshot of an angry America (Koppel’s show aired in September 2021).
Unsettling. Angry. Our anger unsettles them. And well it should. Sitting in their high rises and mapping out our lack of a future, or so they think, they want to believe that a century of Jewish messages has pacified the White countryside. But they are forever learning anew that even people who don’t know to name the Jew can smell something rotten, can smell the Jew even though they don’t know it’s a Jew they are smelling.
This anger is deeply unsettling. The Jews know from long historical memory that a riled-up White populace in the countryside is no good for them, that if the rural folk get riled up enough, that anger will settle the Jews’ hash and fix their wagon for good.
Koppel therefore decided to go to Mount Airy. Once there — and perhaps before he even arrived — Koppel was taken aback by the fierce nostalgia for a time and place that literally never existed — and how it connects to the misinformation that has infiltrated America’s politics.
Here we go. Here it comes. A place that “literally never existed.” Maybe Mayberry did not exist literally, but that’s not the point. That’s a technicality, but that’s not even what he is saying. He is making the far broader point that no place like Mayberry ever existed, and that the backward-looking nostalgia of White Middle Americans for an older America, for the Old America, is just a longing for an illusion. But in a very real sense, Mayberry did exist, Mayberry existed all over this land, and not just in the smaller towns. Go back far enough and all of America was an endless row of Mayberrys, one right after the other, in every state. America was a nation of villages, of yeoman, of farmers, of small tradespeople, there were corner stores, and dry goods stores, and there were churches and schoolhouses and neighborly courtesy.
And that was a good thing.
It means we were a people not corrupted with cosmopolitan pretentiousness, with Jewish values of greed and cynicism. It means we lived healthy and wholesome lives in healthy and wholesome places. But Koppel and his fellow Kikes want you to believe that our past was a lie; that behind those white fences lurked phobias and neuroses and suffocatingly claustrophobic narrow-minded bigotry that would put Woody Allen and Ariel Sharon to shame.
And don’t forget about how the Negroes had it back then.
Koppel points out that if you were Black in the ’60s, things were not all that good in southern towns.
Who cares? Not our problem. They should build their own world somewhere else anyway. (And so should the Jews.)
And so they harp and harp, again and again, about this past that they say never was. America, they repeat, the better America we refer to and cherish and remember, was a figment of our hate-filled imaginations.
CBS Sunday Morning‘s visit to Mayberry reveals disturbing alternative universe inhabited by people searching for what made America great in a copy of a town that never was.
“People looking back at that program seem to confuse the program with what reality was like in those days, wishing that we could only restore some of the good feelings, some of the kindness, some of the decency. But what they’re really reflecting on is not what was going on in a particular North Carolina community. What they’re reflecting on is what was going on in the creative minds of a bunch of scriptwriters out in Hollywood.”
No, what they are reflecting on was a reality that existed within living memory. The scriptwriters, even if it wasn’t their intention, just captured a tiny facet or two of what then was a palpable reality. If that America has slipped away and is slipping away, it has been due to the Jews’ actions — and our inaction. And, anyway, how would Ted Koppel ever know what was and was not the American reality back then? Ted Koppel wouldn’t recognize the real America if it bit him on the tuchus. And should he ever see it face to face, he would recoil from it like a vampire from the light.
Which is what he did in Mount Airy.
Hence his hit piece.
* * *
CBS Sunday Morning broadcast a very disturbing report Sunday from a recent visit to Mayberry.
Hominess and wholesomeness and health and solid salt-of-the-Earth people always disturb the evil ones.
Veteran reporter Ted Koppel interviewed Mayberry visitors who are living in a make-believe world that poses a serious threat to American society. He spoke to people who said they believe Donald Trump lost the election due to widespread voter fraud, that cities are being burned down every day by protestors, and that the national news media doesn’t [sic] tell the truth.
Wailings and lamentations! Banish these people from all platforms! Send the FBI after them; they’re probably showing up at school board meetings objecting to a Black fist being rammed down the throats of their children.
For people who decry the “big lie,” this is a damn doozy — nothing to see here folks, move right along, we’ll just keep repeating it ad infinitum as if by dint of repetition the lie could become truth. So some people yon and hither in the hinterland think the election was stolen the same way packs of violent Negroes steal those watches at Luis Vuitton? — the same way they clean out those CVSs? And those same hicks think that Blacks were burning down cities? — how dare they think such a thing! We all saw that hack standing in front of that burning building and telling us with a straight face that the protests were peaceful, so they were.
And the media lie? I hate to burst the New York Jews’ bubble, but we all know that lying is their stock in trade. The giant media conglomerates run by Jews treat their consumers like mushrooms — they keep them in the dark and feed them manure.
Koppel chatted with passengers on a trolley touring the city, all of them white and over the age of 50. The majority spewed the misinformation and disinformation fabrications fed to them by ultra conservative websites and primetime hosts on Fox News.
Among the examples of “misinformation” and “disinformation” they gave is that the snobbish media elites in this country “hate America” — in this case, as in many others, “America” is a code word for normal White people.
Many of the interviewees repeated Trump’s lies that the national TV networks and news organizations which strive to tell an unbiased truth every day hate America.
The idea that they don’t hate America and that they stive for objectivity is ludicrous. When it comes to malevolence or idiocy as a motive for their lies, it’s probably a mixture of the two, with hate by far the strongest ingredient. Contempt for and denigration of normal America drips from every syllable they utter. They lie like they live; they lie for a living.
It’s a grave threat to our democracy when citizens can’t agree on basic, proven facts such as there is no proof of extensive voter fraud last November.
Nope. None. What were we thinking?
There was no proof of voter fraud. There was no proof of voter fraud. Write it 100 times on the chalkboard, Billy. They do protest way too much. When you say it over and over it does not magically become true, though they do repeat their lies as if they were incantations, so maybe Ira Levin was trying to tell us something with his Roman Castevet.
Jew Koppel then puts on his “disinterested observer” hat over the hairpiece and queries his prey. First he asks a question “only as a matter of curiosity.” Of course he is the devil’s advocate — but in a different sense than what you might think. The question he asks (for no particular reason, but only in passing, mind you) is if they thought Joe Biden was elected President fair and square.
The answers range from “No way!” to “No, no,” to “No, he wasn’t.”
Any questions?
Of course that the 2020 Presidential election was a free and fair one is now an article of faith as deeply held as the virgin birth once was — and with as little evidence. And the thing about articles of faith is that the less evidence there is for them, the more tenaciously the faith is held — until you reach the reductio ad absurdum when the point being positively disproved means to the faithful that it is unquestionably true.
Free and fair? More like darkies dumping duffle bags in the dead of night in downtown Detroit. You know?
But you do have to admire how they stick strictly and mechanically to the script through thick and thin. Should the ship ever go down, they will go down with it — screaming that the ship is not going down, and, by the way, you are all a bunch of racists.
Koppel then probes into the “January 6” issue and asks his quarry what they think happened. One alert lady responds that she doesn’t know why we are focusing on that one issue when there are cities being burned down every day by protesters that are supposed to be peaceful. This is an excellent response and runs parallel to the question of why Blacks who say they care about Black lives focus on the one-off killing of a Black man by a White man, and ignore the vast number of Whites killed by Blacks and the even larger number of Blacks killed by other Blacks. It’s because, like Jews or conjurors, they proceed by misdirection: At the crucial point when the cards are switched, they want to direct your eyes to wander elsewhere. And they certainly don’t want you to wonder.
Another lady (in a burnt orange top, be it noted) said: “We don’t even watch the news on TV any more. We don’t feel like we are being told the truth. We find our truth in other ways, and I won’t say what those other ways are, but I feel we’re not being told the truth because we’re trying to be swayed in a direction that we know is not the right direction.”
Being so obviously an enemy of the people is clearly a sore point for Koppel so he asked his enemies what they thought when Trump talked about the press being the enemy of the people.
“They are.”
Yup. The enemy of White people.
“I just hope that when this airs, it won’t show southerners as a bunch of dumb idiots like so many parts of the country do.”
No, unfortunately, that’s precisely why all those cameras you see are there; that’s why a Jew whose family fled from Hitler came all the way to the Tar Heel State: to vilify you and make you look ignorant. And for no other reason.
* * *
One particular writer who addressed the Mount Airy “investigation” and the “deplorable” Americans who so horrified the nobs was particularly aghast at the troglodytic nature of Koppel’s subjects, and tried to broaden the scope of the inquiry. In so doing he unwittingly gave a fair enough thumbnail history of White dispossession in America. This writer tries to explain just why it is that so many normal White people are beside themselves with anger over the trajectory their country has taken. Of course the writer thinks they should be contrite, not angry — it’s the anger that galls and frightens him.
Almost all of these people are middle class, middle-aged white people, sharing a demographic profile with the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6. They are the people who voted for Donald Trump and they are the people who watch Fox News. They are children of the Reagan Revolution.
Just so you know, “January 6” has become Jewish shorthand for insurrectionists, terrorists, atavists, xenophobes, “racists,” and closet Hitlerites. In the future, all one will have to say is “January 6” to conjure up the images of emaciated bodies piled up in heaps.
People between the ages of 50 and 64 grew up during or in the wake of the Civil Rights Movement and came of age about the time Ronald Reagan took office. They may have been too young to form opinions about the integration that defined the period.
But is any one with half a brain really too young to form an opinion about “integration”? Its effects are pervasive and obvious to anyone but shut-ins, the mentally deranged, or in-the-tank White liberals. Presumably in the multicultural future which Jews have planned and are keeping on schedule, the Andy Griffith Show will be memory-holed, it won’t be so much that there is no Inner Party (there is), as that there will be no White people, or very few, and they won’t allow depictions of when it was any different.
In the South, many went to segregationist academies to avoid newly integrated schools. They heard Reagan talk about welfare queens, Black women who abused government programs and wanted something for nothing. They heard about affirmative action giving African Americans an unfair advantage. They saw Willie Horton ads that reinforced the Jim Crow stereotypes of African American men as dangerous criminals.
These were the so-called “dog whistles” that White politicians fed to the White masses, getting their votes before proceeding to sell them out.
And they were told that the government was giving their money to lazy grifters. The government was forcing companies to give their jobs to minorities. The government was threatening their families by going soft on crime and tough on guns.
I did some research and it’s all true.
Hispanic immigrants began clambering across the border for both economic opportunities and to escape oppression and war. Not only were their jobs going to Mexico and Central America, those people were coming here to take what jobs were left.
In point of fact they were rushing across the border to get a big slice of the White man’s pie, and if a few had been oppressed, it wasn’t by us and that wasn’t our problem. But it is true that the jobs went out, and the Mestizo invaders came in, and a nation was wrecked.
They saw Mayberry on television as kids and that’s the world they expected to inherit. The only people moving to those towns spoke different languages and practiced different religions. Mayberry may have only existed on television but, in their minds, it would still be here if not for government interference giving unfair advantage to the Blacks and refuge to the Mexicans.
It would still be here had we kept our country White.
Today, history is rolling over them. The Mayberry that they seek is little more than a tourist destination. In fact, that’s all it ever was.
The funny thing is that history is like the arc of justice: It bends toward those who bend it. And what seems to be rolling over us could quite easily turn on a dime and start rolling over them.
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Presumably Ted Koppel is back in New York City or whatever Jewish enclave he calls home, having been dragged from the grave by the Establishment to do them one last good turn, to knock off yet another symbol of Whiteness; in this case a beloved television show near and dear to the hearts of average White people. The word from him is that this show is not even a museum piece depicting a bygone way of life, but rather a piece of propaganda, feeding people dangerous illusions about an ideal that not only never was but never could be. For the Jews, America in the time of Mayberry was in fact a latently fascist place, oppressing the Black and the Brown and the Jew and the queer and denying them its bounty. For them, Mayberry represents the white picket fence, the normal family, and good old-fashioned values. And if there is anything a Jew hates like Dracula hates holy water, it is all of that.
Sarah Silverman said that she once saw her boyfriend hoist an American flag and it made her uncomfortable. Which begs the question of why a patriotic American male would date an unfunny, ugly-duckling Jewess. But Silverman says she was so puzzled by her visceral reaction to this that she consulted her sister, who is a rabbi. The rabbi sister told her that it was perfectly normal for her to have felt this way; that any kind of nationalist or patriotic gesture on the part of White people is bound to make a Jew uneasy because, you know, Germany in the 1930s.
Safe to say that when Ted Koppel was on that treadmill and happened upon the Andy Griffith Show, he too was “made uncomfortable.”
“It’s a little bizarre. The Andy Griffith Show went off the air more than 50 years ago. It captured a reality that never was. Mayberry is where 30 million Americans went to escape reality (in the 1960s) — which is why it’s strange to find so many people a half of a century later searching for what made America great in a copy of a town that never was.”
You see in the New Jewish America they will deny vociferously that the Old America ever existed. The Jews have a nasty habit of fomenting revolutions and then standing up straight (or as straight as Jews can) and proclaiming that what they invented five minutes ago has been the case since time out of mind.
So the great White past will be banished from memory, and the symbols of Whiteness will fall one by one. You see Mayberry, and what it represents, was just a trick of the mind, a conjuring trick, that never really was. There was no moral America, there was no wholesome America, there was no wonderful nation of farmers and villagers and their clean-hearted children.
And if, in his Jewish enclave, Ted Koppel should wonder why he had such a strong reaction to the normal lives of normal White people, he won’t have far to go for an answer.
His rabbi will be happy to tell him.
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Source: Author
There is still talented Whites who can produce videos on the White side of the coin, rather than the poisonous Jewish variety, of how White society is. The market, as exemplified by Whites who visit Mt. Airy yearly, is there.
Jews will always have hostility to non-Jews they live amongst. That is why you should never have them as friends etc.
I like The Andy Griffith Show. But if Ted Koppel and CBS, the Jewish media monopoly owned and run by Jew Shari Redstone (the daughter of previous owner Sumner Redstone), want to attack the series, they are anti-Semites, and should be called out as such. For behind the scenes it was an entirely Jewish production. These arrogant racists should therefore point their ever-accusing finger directly at their fellow Jews for creating such Nazi programming, and the baneful influence they claim it has had. The TV network that put it on the air and broadcast it to the entire nation for so many years was this self-same CBS, at the time owned by its Jewish founder, William Paley. It could not have been made without him. The creator and main man… Read more »
I knew the producers, directors and writers of the Mayberry shitcom were nearly all Jews, but didn’t know Ernest T. Bass aka Howard Morris was one. Next we’ll learn that Mayberry’s town drunk, Otis Campbell, who was known to ride a cow through town, was really a Yid. Americans liked the Mayberry series because it let them laugh at themselves (while the Jew laughed up his sleeve). Goyim also enjoyed the Jew-scripted “Bible truths” and so-called “moral lessons” https://www.southeastsun.com/lifestyles/church/article_28d6d556-14a6-11eb-9438-775a07f99c27.html Griffith was born in Mount Airy, yes, but lived his latter years down in Manteo, on the NC outer banks where he’s buried in the Griffith family plot. I designed and built a big house in that area back in the early 1980s and met several men who knew Griffith personally.… Read more »
Andy Griffith was known to have a violent temper which included trashing a hotel room. He was also a serial adulterer. From the following article “I learned from Andy never to judge a person on the character they portrayed.”
Yes, that’s Ernest T. Bass. He annoyed the hell out of me long before I was Jew-conscious or knew anything about the actor’s background or how he developed the character. “What is the theory of the case on this? Were they trying to portray small town White America as yokels and it backfired when they became beloved?” I’m not sure there was an ulterior motive. A show that better fits your description was Jew Norman Lear’s All in the Family (“Archie Bunker” on Paley’s CBS). In its early days the Jews misread their audience. Like millions of others my father enjoyed All in the Family, but had no love for Jews or Blacks. What’s disturbing is that Jews could produce affectionate, high-quality entertainment like The Andy Griffith Show while simultaneously… Read more »
Thanks for the info. Andy Griffith is probably my favorite all-time sitcom but I had no idea so many jewish people were directly involved in the show beyond providing the funds.
That said, doesn’t this undermine Mercer’s thesis? After all, there was nothing patronizing or contemptuous in the Andy Griffith Show’s depiction of rural whites. If anything the show tended to challenge the redneck stereotype by portraying Andy as sly & actually very well educated — his southern drawl & cheerful demeanor belied his intelligence & savoir faire.
“There was nothing patronizing or contemptuous in the Andy Griffith Show’s depiction of rural whites. If anything the show tended to challenge the redneck stereotype by portraying Andy as sly & actually very well educated — his southern drawl & cheerful demeanor belied his intelligence & savoir faire.” I agree. As I said in my initial post, I enjoyed the show. There was nothing particularly anti-White about it, doubtless one of the reasons it is so fondly remembered by many Whites today. Douglas Mercer pointed out the mendacity, cruelty, and evil of Ted Koppel, Shari Redstone, and the other Jews behind the racist hatchet job. It simply ratchets up their hatred and hypocrisy enormously to point out that it was a Jewish show to begin with. Jews are what they… Read more »
Another excellent article from Mr. Mercer.
He is our H.L Mencken 2.0. An H.L Mencken with auxiliary sacks of testosterone and Jew-wise perception.
Sure, the ZOG article imbedded within is infuriating and full of jew lies, but that’s out of our control right now, considering these Semetic cyclops own and control all
‘mainstream’ media.
Mr. Mercer mentions the people who sense what is going on, but don’t know ‘yet’ to ‘name the jew.’ Imho, once this changes, significantly, the ball will start rolling with more force.
Cheers again Mr. M. And,not for nothing, this Koppel termite always made my flesh crawl. Then again, so do all Jews.
Mayberry was as fraudulent as the nostalgic scenes painted by Thomas Kinkade, but our people seem to be enamored of fantasy (perhaps from toughing-out the long winters in our ancestral homelands). Koppel makes a gigantic leap when he says that this makes the Mount Airy citizens evil people, though. This is akin to saying that the people of Roswell are demonic because they have a flying-saucer festival, because the little space-people are actually demons. Both are laughable and come from disordered minds. It is also true that art, whether on canvas or TV, has to be exaggerated to replicate the original affect , on the original viewers. True, also, is the fact that too many of our people want to escape the modern world, and are looking to the Jewish… Read more »
The Synagogue of Satan is a Cancer. It cannot be reasoned with or placated. Treat them like a disease. That is what they are really.
Terrorists that threaten the Whole World with nuclear annihilation if they don’t get their way. Hate mongers that divide and destroy beauty, health and innocence.
Monsters that hate heroes, honesty and hard work.
Liars that project their crimes and perfidy onto Europeans.
They must be rooted out, crushed and destroyed.
They can not and will not stop.
They must be stopped.
Their greed and stupidity is a threat to all life.
In a way (if my memory of high school is correct) I think that was the basic premise of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” in that small town America was hypocritical, back biting, and ignorant. I also realize Andy Griffith voted for Obama so in this case the hype does not live up to the reality! The fact of the matter is there were hundreds of small towns in the American south just like Mayberry. I lived in one. We also had a beloved sheriff. But it is gone with the wind as is town after town and main street after main street in hundreds of towns in the deep South. Integration killed it which is to say the United States killed it! Now the reality is the “retreat to Mayberry”… Read more »
You have done a lot of fine writing, Mr. Mercer, but this may be your finest. Brilliant subject, brilliant analysis, and superb writing. I will certainly share this one, and I hope everyone who reads it does, too. Millions of white Americans can relate to The Andy Griffith Show. Let’s give all of them the chance to relate to your examination of Ted Koppel’s Mayberry Redux.
Here is the Youtube link to the CBS Sunday Morning hit piece by Koppel. I suggest sending it to people and then follow it up with Mercer’s analysis.