EssaysWolf Stoner

A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 4

part 1
part 2
part 3

by Wolf Stoner

NOW WE UNDERSTAND THE truth about these arguments: The idea that Putin is a glorious fighter against globalism is only partly true, while the second notion about Putin being a great savior of Russia is utterly false. Nevertheless, the Putinist system was very successful in creating this image, especially for foreign audiences. Even the Russian population was initially duped about the true essence of this regime. Due to the substantial improvement in living standards in 2002-2008, Putin enjoyed high popularity among the local population. (I should note, however, that all true Russian nationalists never liked Putin, because they clearly understood the anti-Russian character of this system regardless of its current wrappings.) The economic prosperity of the early Putin era was based exclusively on high export prices of mineral resources, namely hydrocarbons. But in all those years the system did nothing to restore key industries which were ruined in the 1990s. On the contrary, the processes of industrial and technological downfall continued throughout Putin’s reign. The result now is that Russia can’t produce anything on its own, especially if it is high-tech. Much fuss was made about developing local high-tech industries, but all those projects have collapsed due to inefficiency and rampant corruption.

Putin’s officials prefer to provide for their own interests instead of doing anything useful for society. This is understandable, because they, more than anyone else, understand the false nature of their system, and the fact that it will collapse at some point. As such, they spend their time in power giving great advantage to themselves and their families. Almost all high officials have property in foreign countries which is sometimes acquired through stooges in whose names huge assets are registered. There have been multiple cases where it was discovered that insignificant people had hundreds of millions in property and bank accounts in foreign countries.

The whole Putinist system functions as one huge criminal syndicate, where criminality and corruption are not aberrations, but are built into the system itself. You simply can’t be a high state official in Russia without also being involved in corruption and the embezzlement of public funds.

Taking into account those facts, it is little wonder that Russian industrial capacity continued to deteriorate during all those years of the seeming economic boom. Yes, Russia had a sharp income increase in the years 2002-08, but it was not due to real productivity growth; it was simply due to high oil prices, which allowed the Russian government to increase all sorts of spending, including the salaries of state employees. Therefore, Putin’s whole economic miracle was nothing more than a spending spree of oil dollars. It was certainly not a real economic recovery. On the contrary, the bulk of Russian industry is in abysmal shape, even worse than it was in the 1990s. Russia is on the path to becoming a totally de-industrialized country which depends wholly on imports, and the victorious proclamations from the Kremlin’s officials about the revival of Russian industry are nothing but outright lies. All those new production facilities that were built in the last twenty years are merely assembly lines for foreign corporations trying to dodge local tax collection. They import disassembled cars, TV sets, refrigerators, etc. and assemble them at local “plants.” This trick not only allows foreign corporations to evade taxes, but it also allows the Russian government to fabricate false statistics about “domestically produced” high-tech products. In reality, there is nothing of value that could be produced with the remaining Russian plants. The industrial might that was real 30 years ago is now lost, and the idea that Putin has restored the Russian economy is utterly false.

The widely advertised image that Putin has freed Russia from Jewish oligarchs has to be addressed too. As is the case with almost every positive portrayal of Putin’s regime, there are some superficial truths in this image. Yes, Putin kicked out a few of the most brazen Jewish oligarchs, but there are dozens of other Jewish oligarchs who have remained, and who have become an inalienable part of the corrupt Putinist system. In fact, the economic position of the Jewish community in Russia has only improved under Putin’s rule, a fact that was noted by the chief rabbi of Russia, Berl Lazar. Still, many Jews dislike Putin for the same reason that many Jews dislike Trump: The Jews simply always need to dislike somebody. If there is one ethnic group that benefited more than any other in Putin’s Russia, it is the Jews, but they are also the least grateful, as is their custom. They are always ready to trample down and to spit upon their benefactors. The liberal opposition in Russia is dominated by Jews who are the most vociferous and most malicious critics of Putin’s regime. As I said, they perceive any greatness (even fake greatness, like that of modern Russia) as a threat to their ethnic interests.

They imagine they were harmed by Putin’s state because it curtailed some of the most egregious criminal economic activities of the 1990s, when Jews had privatized the whole Russian economy. The Jews are never satisfied; they crave ever more, even if it leads to their own downfall. Putin actually saved these Jews, because if he had not curtailed their plunder of the Russian economy, Russians would have revolted and dealt with the Jews and their local abettors in the way that they deserved. Instead, due to the relative prosperity of Putin’s early years, Russians were calmed down. But now, as the income of the majority of Russians continues to fall, and as they begin to understand that they are regarded by the state as disposable trash, their anger is growing, and the Jews try to exploit this anger to their own advantage. Their sweet dream is to incite the “stupid Russian swine” to bloody revolt, which would allow professional Jewish troublemakers to jump into positions of power as “representatives of the people” using their rhetorical skills and undercover political machinations. Then the whole Jewish community would again be able to suck all the blood from the “Russian pig.” In essence, they want a repeat of the situation of the 1990s. Of course, there are Jews in the Russian government currently, but their influence is counterbalanced by other groups.

The myth about the supposed restoration of the greatness of the Russian army was already dealt with earlier. The only point that needs to be repeated is this: With each passing year, the Russian army becomes ever less Russian in its ethnic composition, and an ever-greater number of people from hostile non-Russian ethnic groups receive access to the most deadly weapons of the Russian military arsenal. At some point, this will have the most devastating consequences for ethnic Russians. Ethnic Russians are becoming the most humiliated group of conscripts in the Russian military because they lack the supportive diaspora that other ethnic groups have. Russian conscripts are compelled to survive as detached individuals in the most difficult living circumstances in the Russian military. At the same time, any troubles experienced by non-Russian Asian conscripts instantly raise an outcry from their diaspora organizations. This creates a situation in which ethnic Russians become the most attractive target for any criminal dealings inside the Russian army (extortion, compulsion to commit crimes, even male prostitution; there are absolutely despicable things going on inside the corrupt Russian military under the facade of polished brilliance that everyone can see on display on Red Square). That fact alone is enough to proclaim this whole idea of “restoration of Russian military might” to be a farce and an insult to the Russian people.

Putin is a Russian nationalist; he cares for ethnic Russians; he helps Russian families to have more children; he opposes the harmful moral influence of modern Western culture; he restores Russian traditional values.

This third and last point of the false representation of Putin’s regime is outrageously untrue. The first point is partially true, the second point is true in appearance, but the third point is untrue to such an extent that disproving it requires no special effort. One need only look at the extent to which the overall position of ethnic Russians has deteriorated under Putin’s watch to cease lauding this criminal regime, which has done so much more harm to Russians than any foreign enemy has ever done.

Russians are the poorest ethnic group in Russia (when comparing incomes of people with the same levels of education). Russians are over-represented among alcoholics and drug addicts. Russians are dealt with more severely in courts because there is no one to defend them. Russian women have more abortions per capita than other ethnic groups. Russian families have fewer children than Asian ethnic groups. Russians receive less in social benefits than other ethnic groups, but at the same time, Russians are the main contributors to the state budget. This situation can be described in a simple formula: The state takes everything from ethnic Russians and gives nothing back, except constant insults, recriminations, and threats.

The Kremlin’s media are adept at vilifying Russians in the most vicious but covert way. They always present non-Russian Asians as heroes and hard-working decent people, while ethnic Russians are portrayed as villains, drunkards, violent criminals, and good-for-nothing vagabonds. This outrageous practice is especially rampant in various “entertaining” talk shows where Jewish (and Shabbos goy) anchors exercise their verbal skills in humiliating Russians and extolling non-Russians. The same goes on in the “Russian” movie industry. Russians are invariably “bad” and non-Russians are invariably “good.” It has become so extreme that even simple mainstream people have started to take note of it, and they write their grievances in YouTube comments and on other sites. Many of those anti-Russian programs and movies receive very negative ratings. Russian people have started to see that the so-called elite that rules them, and who they constantly see on TV, are nothing more than a bunch of traitors and haters of everything that is Russian.

In the last few years, a trend has started in which many comments on YouTube put forth the idea that Putin’s regime wants to replace ethnic Russians with Asians, and those commenters write not as Russian nationalists, but as moderate Russians who voted for Putin just a few years ago. These people have started to realize that they were betrayed, and that there is no future for them and their children. They see that Asian hordes occupy Russian living space and behave like conquerors. The ever-increasing wave of Asian crime against ethnic Russians accelerates the speed of ethnic awakening. They now notice the all too obvious differences between the TV portrayal of events and the actual reality on the streets.

David Duke frequently mentions the idea that “Putin promotes family values and helps Russian families to raise children.”. This is what the Kremlin’s propaganda presents to the Western conservative audience, but let’s look at how it all stands in reality. Since 2007, the Russian state pays the equivalent of about 8,500 USD for the second child in a family (and later they started to pay for the first and third child, with additional various benefits for those who have even more than three children). Taking into account that an average Russian’s monthly wage is 600 USD (in many regions it is only 200 to 300 USD), this payment looks very impressive. However, as is always the case in Russia, you need to look deeper to understand the reality of this situation.

First of all, we need to look at who are the main beneficiaries of those payments. From the very beginning it was obvious that the most fertile groups of society would receive the bulk of this money. Who are they? Gypsies, Muslims from the North Caucasus, and newly accepted citizens from Central Asia. Who pays into the budget from which this money is bestowed? Ethnic Russians pay into the state budget. No one among the true nationalists doubted how this would play out.

The mainstream Russian crowd was joyous at the beginning, but now they are starting to understand that they were duped yet again, as they have been many times in the last century under Jewish rule. Russians pay and die, while Asians multiply, spreading far and wide. Anyone daring to speak publicly against this outrageous situation is proclaimed to be an “extremist” and promptly thrown into jail. The Russian courts are always apt to mete out quick “justice” against the powerless, especially if they are ethnic Russians. Russians are totally forbidden to defend their ethnic interests, as Russian ethnic nationalism is forbidden by law (it is prohibited to create a political organization defined according to ethnic identity, but this law is applied exclusively to Russians; all non-European ethnic groups have their own organizations).

So what is the real result of Putin’s lauded “family-friendly” policy? The ethnic Russian population is in sharp decline; each year there are more deaths than births among Russians. The state covers this up by counting the overall population numbers without ethnic differentiation, and even this statistic gives a slight decrease in population year to year. Even so, the system has the audacity to proclaim the success of its “family-friendly” policy because now “the population decreases only by 300,000 per year, not by 1 million per year as in the 1990s.” But the reality is that the increase in newborn babies is due only to the high birth rate of non-Russians. Russians are dying out under Putin even faster than under Yeltsin. Russians don’t procreate because conditions are unfavorable for them, and they feel too downtrodden and humiliated to consider anything outside of simple day-to-day survival. The situation is too dire to even describe it with words.

All those who see the situation first hand feel burning anger against anyone lauding Putin. I was surprised very much at how adversely some Russian people reacted to David Duke’s positive remark about Putin in his 2017 speech at the League of the South conference (I had translated it and posted it on YouTube, where it was available for two years before it was purged). This video was seen by 15,000 people and had more than 300 comments, at least 50 of which contained sharp criticisms of this pro-Putin remark. Other than that people liked David Duke’s ideas, but this inadvertent public opinion sample gives us much to think about. I was critical of this pro-Putin stance from David Duke too, but I didn’t think that it would evoke so much anger; it shows how people really feel about Putin’s regime. This is good, because it indicates that the Russian people are not a stupid crowd like the Jews think, but a people with deep understanding and great generational experience. They see through the systemic lies, however they are concealed and spiced. And the true anti-Russian nature of Putin’s state becomes ever more obvious for wider sections of society.

In all other White countries the main beneficiaries of social programs are non-Whites, while the main taxpayers are White people, and the situation is no different in Russia. In some sense it is even worse here, because this anti-White and anti-European policy is a chief legacy of Soviet ideology. Putin and his gang were nurtured by the ideology of Marx and Lenin, and there is no evidence to show that this gang has changed its core values. Their mode of behavior shows them to be the true followers of comrade Lenin who preached utter disregard for the constraints of international law and the norms of morality. They will do anything if it serves their interests, and they will vehemently deny any responsibility for any crime they committed or were instrumental in accomplishing.

We can consistently see the application of this Leninist method of global political struggle in all the actions of the Soviet secret services since 1917. They committed so many crimes in so many parts of the world that it would be easier to say where they were not involved. In particular, we should note the key role of the Soviet Committee of State Security (KGB) in organizing a Negro terror network in South Africa, Rhodesia, Angola, and other neighboring countries in order to destroy White rule in this region. Soviet military assistance was an essential factor in dismantling White dominance in all parts of the world after WW2

This supposedly “conservative” “family-friendly” “defender of Christian values” comrade Putin was raised in this organization and inculcated with this mindset, and he acts accordingly. All his politics and all his methods are straight from the KGB cookbook, and it would be utter folly to expect from such a creature some kind of national identity policy, or even conservative traditional values policy. Yes, the Kremlin rulers play this card both for internal and external consumption, but they absolutely don’t care about any values, because they have none. They are obsessed with money and power. They lost their Russian ethnic identity long ago, and they have no compunction about dismantling the Russian nation and replacing it with an Asian conglomerate of savages just because it serves their selfish, materialistic goals.

(to be continued)

part 1
part 2
part 3

* * *

Source: Author

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31 January, 2022 11:58 am

This confirms what the author has stated.

Besides Russians, the country is home to many other ethnic groups, including Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, and Chechens. Furthermore, Russia is a popular migration destination, especially for citizens of Central Asian countries. More than 4.7 million foreigners immigrated to Russia in 2019.

31 January, 2022 1:05 pm

Looking forward to part 5.

31 January, 2022 4:08 pm

Thank you for this enlightening article! I read all four parts of course. Putin rules a war against the white Russians as the criminal regime in Germany rules a war against white Germans. We’ve got a lot of patriots (patridiots) whose only hope is to be rescued by Putin. What a misreading of realitiy!

Reichsfürst von T.
Reichsfürst von T.
Reply to  Hans
2 February, 2022 6:09 am

Many people in the Czech Republic also hope for Putin. The Czechs are always looking for a big brother who will protect them from the evil Germans.   In my opinion, the last hope died in 1945. The Germans were the last healthy strong Aryan nation. But that is just the past.   The current European trend is the rise of populist patriotism. This also means the return of old hostility between European nations. The Jews have already caught up with this trend and are making sure that hatred does not turn against them. And mostly successfully, as usual.   In the Czech lands, this patridiotism is manifested, for example, by the identification of the European Union with the Viertes Reich = another attempt by the evil Germans to rule… Read more »

Reply to  Reichsfürst von T.
26 February, 2022 6:09 am

The stupid midwit shabbos goyim of JewKIP did the same thing-the Czechtards even put up a statue of freakish Afro Michael Jackson.

31 January, 2022 4:26 pm

What is really important is to determine to what extent Putin or the Russian nationalists can be useful to the white cause in the West. In fact, Russia has always viewed the West with distrust, as has China, and in this they have always been right. The USSR tried to weaken and destroy the West but they were not necessarily anti-white, it was ideological. The anti-white globalist zionist beast is the biggest threat to the west and the white race in general, and also to russia and china. Russian nationalism has likewise never been a friend of the West, just like Putin, but a power alliance between these outside forces and Western white nationalist dissent could be useful, in weakening and ultimately defeating the embedded anti-white globalist Zionist beast. in… Read more »

31 January, 2022 7:25 pm

The situation looks as if it matters little to no longer what the genuine Russians may say or do, all because the Communist Cacodemon wants little to nothing less than to have them and other Indo-European-descent Whites enslaved and eradicated.

But in any case, the Communist Cacodemon and its followers, both with flesh bodies and without flesh bodies, will have to answer for that crime and many other crimes.

— Elfriede Lentner

31 January, 2022 10:23 pm

In case someone didn’t know, in today’s Putinist Russia, all citizens of the Russian Federation are legally called Russians, regardless of their ethnicity or race. Just like in the United States, all citizens are legally called Americans, regardless of their ethnic or racial background. Hence it is more meaningful, I think, to speak not of “ethnic Russians” but of “White Russians” when we want to differ the white part of the population of Russia from the non-white. Speaking of racial situation in Russia, during Putin’s dictatorship, about 13 millions of non-white, mostly Asian, migrants were brought in Russia. Any migrant can apply and receive Russian citizenship, if he/she didn’t commit a serious crime in Russia. According to official statistics, in 2020 there were 630 000 migrants, mostly non-white Asians, who… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Halen
4 February, 2022 1:22 am

This is depressing.

Reply to  Old Aardvark
4 February, 2022 10:20 pm

Yeah, the reality (in Putinist Russia) can be an eye-opener.

2 February, 2022 10:53 am

Maybe this is for the best.

Once Russians die out the country might collapse and it will be easier for European colonist to finally conquer some of the landscape there.

Reply to  Jamie
2 February, 2022 6:41 pm

Or maybe the Russians could flee the federation to anywhere safer, if possible?

Either way, the Communist Cacodemon and its followers, both with flesh bodies and without flesh bodies, should be held responsible for the genocidal and culturicidal campaign against all things and folks Aryan–or Indo-European, put another way.

— Elfriede Lentner

2 February, 2022 7:38 pm

The very fact putin’s russia ally’s itself with the country that spawned that great enemy of white peoples genghis khan should speak volumes. China appears to be the jew’s check against any hope of a russian ethno resurgence.

3 February, 2022 11:09 pm

Again, the author of this article is a filthy CIA-ZOG traitor and nothing he says should be respected in any way. There is plenty of legitimate criticism of Putin that REAL Russian nationalists such as the NazBols have made for years. But it isn’t because the current Russian regime “hates the West”. It’s that he isn’t anti-American and anti-Western ENOUGH. Not even remotely. The West is the Zionist enemy of all Russians and needs to be destroyed. Furthermore, there can be no support of any kind to Ukrainian “nationalism”. The Ukrainian nation does not exist, “Ukraine” is part of Russia. Anyone who wants to break Ukraine from Russia and make it part of the West is a mortal enemy to dealt with mercilessly. Crimea is Russia. Donbass is Russia. And… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Nazbol1488
4 February, 2022 7:46 am

I doubt your allegation about Mr. Stoner, and I doubt you can offer any proof. Mr. Stoner has, quite apart from this series, shown his dedication to the cause of William Pierce. Normally, I wouldn’t publish a comment that began with such an unfounded allegation. But I want to make a point, one that I’ve made before but which bears repeating. National Vanguard is an online magazine. Within limits, it has room for divergent points of view. I myself have expressed a viewpoint somewhat different from Mr. Stoner’s, but I admit I’ve learned a great deal from reading his series. Having said that, though, I felt that the last paragraph was worded in a way that implies we should have sympathy for the current US/Jew-installed regime in Kiev. I couldn’t… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
4 February, 2022 7:38 pm

KAS to Nazbol1488: I doubt your allegation about Mr. Stoner, and I doubt you can offer any proof. Mr. Stoner has, quite apart from this series, shown his dedication to the cause of William Pierce. Normally, I wouldn’t publish a comment that began with such an unfounded allegation... — You mean this troll’s allegation calling our man in Russia a “filthy CIA-ZOG traitor”? He/she/it is no different than “Victor,” with his/her/its distracting attack on Wolf — that he picked apart nicely once already. He should not be put in such a position again where he feels he must defend on our venue such vicious, “unfounded allegations.” We should not merely “doubt” anonymous trolls’ libels, then offer them the chance to provide “proof” of them. Let’s follow your “normal” NV moderation… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Nazbol1488
9 February, 2022 11:13 am

Comrade Nazbol has no moral right to call himself a “nationalist” because he belongs to the anti-national movement that tries to exploit some of Third Reich’s methods. The former leader of his party, Edward Limonov, was a sleazy character. There is no precise information about his ancestry but all tangential facts support the version that his father was a Jew. Limonov migrated to USA in 1974 when only Jews were allowed to migrate. His first wife was a Jew (it is a fact); his NBP party was teeming with Jews and non-Russians, including even a negro (it takes quite an effort to find a negro to participate in a political party in Russia). Limonov worshipped Lenin and Trotsky (whose image he parroted) and he was anything but nationalist. It is… Read more »

Passive Observer
Passive Observer
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
24 February, 2022 10:16 am

From wikipedia(
He emigrated from the USSR in 1974 and earned the fame of a scandalous writer abroad, in particular, due to obscene language and pornographic scenes in his first novel, It’s Me, Eddie.
Jewish? What would make you think that?

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Passive Observer
24 February, 2022 11:54 am

First of all his behavior and style; these are unmistakably Jewish. The second point is his father’s name, Benjamin. Ethnic Russians rarely use this name. The third point is his Jewish first wife (it is an established fact). Why to marry a Jew if you not a Jew yourself? The fifth point is that he migrated into USA in 1974. For those who live here in Russia it is well known that back then only Jews were allowed to migrate from USSR (The first wave of Soviet Jewish migration happened in 1940es-50es in Israel, the second wave in 1970es in USA and the third wave in the early 1990es in USA and other western countries). The sixth point is the almost universally positive attitude toward Limonov from various Jewish media.… Read more »

Reply to  Nazbol1488
25 February, 2022 11:54 am

The one problem with any one of your arguments is that your symbol is the hammer of the revolting Maccabees and the sickle of the Sicarii killers of the imperial Romans and of other goyim, who later went on as Communists to kill 65 million Russians in the 20th century and took Anglo lend lease to destroy Europa and massacre other Slav allies of the Axis post-war as did the scum Allies and so helped install the scum of ZOG EU and NATO. The fact that the Ukraine includes National-Socialists is irrelevant as it’s Jews who president and own it, so there is no right side least of all ZOG Russia-from a RACIAL perspective which thus cannot be yours. When you use a swastika the ancient symbol of the Pink… Read more »

8 February, 2022 4:12 pm

Good to see a news website where Russian nationalists can tell the truth about what is happening.

18 February, 2022 4:39 pm

Really awakening article. But I would like to know what to do about this. White people in my country are not even breathing because of covid brainwash. How can even think on bringing light into politics and NS.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Ignacio
18 February, 2022 10:53 pm

Ignacio, it appears that Wolf Stoner’s descriptive essays reveal that White Russians and Whites in America are experiencing the same things with respect to racial issues. I don’t know what you can do, but for my part and that of the National Alliance, we welcome him and White Russians like him into our Community. Sharing information and seeking out the best way forward for our Community by joining the National Alliance brings us closer to re-taking control of our destiny.