A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 3
by Wolf Stoner
Putin restored Russian greatness, he restored the Russian army, and he kicked out Jewish oligarchs.
THIS PART OF David Duke’s claim, above, is ostensibly plausible to outsiders, but it too turns out to be defective upon closer examination.
If someone were to judge Putin’s Russia by watching RT and Victory Day parades on Red Square, he would surely conclude that Russia is again a great country that commands the land, sea, and air above and around itself. The Kremlin’s propagandists did a good job of spreading this false message. Russian/Soviet rulers are masters at deception and bluff. It is enough to remember how Khrushchev threatened America with hundreds of ICBMs with nuclear warheads, when in reality there were only seven of them in the whole Soviet Union (and even those used liquid fuel and required many days of preparation before launch). But American rulers believed the bluff — and were ready to make concessions.
Most of what Putin is bragging about are developments of projects started in the 1980s. Since then very little has been done in Russia in the fields of scientific research, and all these fairy tales about swarms of hypersonic missiles with nuclear warheads and high-precision targeting is an exaggeration of what Russia really has. They echo the developments of the American military, as they always did, but they are surely a few steps behind in technology. The Soviet Union always relied on military-industrial espionage for gaining technologies. Indeed, there is very little that Soviet engineers and scientists were able to achieve on their own, and it is hardly possible that, after the destruction of the whole industry in the 1990s and the collapse of the educational system, hundreds of engineers and scientists who are able to handle such difficult tasks suddenly appeared. If it was not possible back in the Soviet Union, it is even less possible now. Inside Russia, only the stupidest people believe the fairy tale that “Russian arms are the most advanced in the world.” This idea has been heavily promoted in Kremlin propaganda in recent years, but the reality is very different.
In order to prove this, I don’t even need to delve deeply into the subject. I only need to remember how universities operated in the early 2000s and afterward. The whole higher education system was transformed into a marketplace where everyone could buy any degree he wanted as long he had the money for it. Certainly they continued to accept people who successfully passed exams, but the great majority of students were paid-for trash who shouldn’t have received a higher education at all. This whole crowd has inundated all spheres of Russian life, including the Russian military industries, and now it is supposed that these “engineers,” who were not able to pass any exam without paying a certain amount of money under the table, are now successfully developing the most advanced weapons systems in the entire world? As Joe Biden would say, “Come on, man.”
The level of scientific expertise in Russian industry has fallen to such a low level that Russia can’t do anything on its own. It imports everything. I am sure that all “new” missiles are the combination of old Soviet types with Chinese computer systems. Therefore, the resurgence of the Russian military industry is mostly a sham. Yes, the state invests heavily in this field, but results are less than modest. To put it bluntly, the state throws its money down the drain. The only clearly perceptible results are the luxury villas owned by the CEOs of state-run military plants and research facilities. In fact, the level of corruption and embezzlement reached such an extent that even the state itself was compelled to acknowledge it and to arrest many of those CEOs, but it didn’t improve the overall situation.
But what about the Russian army itself? Even if you have no good military industry, you can have good army units, as is the case in Arab countries. Well, in Putin’s Russia, the situation in the army corresponds perfectly with the situation in the military-industrial complex. They can organize excellent shows of their supposed achievements, but under scrutiny all of this turns out to be nothing more than a sham.
There are a few tens of thousands of efficient battle-ready troops, but all the other hundreds of thousands are a dead weight that drains the Russian state budget. The Russian army is the epitome of inefficiency, corruption, brutality, and all kinds of criminality. All the social vices that Russian society suffers from are present in the army on an even greater scale. The ever-increasing percentage of non-Russian Asian soldiers should also be noted. This last factor reduces the overall intellectual level of the army (many of the Asian conscripts are not able even to speak and write in Russian), and it humiliates Russian soldiers who feel ever more alienated and oppressed. The army of the Russian Federation has become a Muslim army where calls of “Allahu Akbar” have become the new normal. Groups of Muslim conscripts, acting like gangs, oppress ethnic Russian conscripts, extorting money from them and compelling them to do all kinds of dirty work, and the officers prefer not to interfere in this abysmal state of affairs. I doubt that such an army would perform well under real battle stress. If thrown into war it would look like it did in the war against Finland in 1939, if not worse.
To sum up this situation, the army of the Russian Federation is not a Russian army at all; to be more precise, it is the anti-Russian army. The idea that Putin has restored the Russian army is an absolute sham. Yes, the army is lavishly financed by Putin’s system, but its combat capabilities remain as they were in the 1990s, and its ethnic composition has drastically deteriorated in the last two decades.
The best confirmation of this assertion is the fact that Putin didn’t invade Ukraine in 2014. It was the best opportunity ever presented, and many experts wonder why he didn’t use it. But the answer lies right on the surface: Putin’s military wasn’t ready for such a large-scale operation. They did what they could: They occupied Crimea and created mayhem in eastern Ukraine, always pretending that they could unleash a wholesale invasion at any moment they liked. But it was nothing more than the usual Kremlin bluff. People in the West have difficulties in understanding this mentality. Only locals can see through the Kremlin’s lies. You need to live here to understand how this system works.
I am sure that Putin’s present posturing at the Ukrainian border is yet another large-scale bluff. As was correctly noted by many mainstream military experts, Putin was greatly emboldened by American internal disarray and the failure in Afghanistan. American-Chinese tensions also play a role. The Kremlin’s rulers see that the American military is overstretched, and they try to exploit this weakness to the utmost.
There are about 175,000 Russian troops in the regions adjacent to the Ukrainian border. This may seem like a huge force, but if we consider the length of the Russian-Ukrainian border and the vastness of the possible theater of operations, this number would be inadequate to execute a full occupation of Ukraine. This number is comparable to the number of troops used by the US-led coalition in Iraq in 2003, and all experts (including American officers who participated in this operation) note that the number of ground forces was inadequate and that they were overstretched, even with absolute air superiority. Ukraine has an area 1.5 times greater than Iraq’s, and Iraq is mostly a flat desert land, while Ukraine has very diverse terrain, with forests and swamps in the north and forested mountains in the west. These areas would present an especially great challenge for any occupational force. Actually, the Kremlin would need at least 500,000 troops to subjugate the whole of Ukraine, and it is doubtful that it would be able to muster such a number of battle-ready troops (the Russian army has about 1 million men, including 350,000 in ground forces, but, as I said, most of them are of low quality). I suppose that 175,000 is the upper limit of what the Kremlin can muster. Yes, they can gather a few hundred thousand reservists, but their battle value would be close to zero in modern warfare.
Therefore, my conclusion is that Putin has no intention of escalating to full-scale war with Ukraine; rather, he tries to gain an advantage from the difficulties of the NATO-USA-EU axis.
However, as is often the case in history, the actual events can defy any plans and calculations. What begins as a bluff or limited military operation frequently turns into a big war. Rulers always tend to overestimate their ability to control the situation. At some point, events start to unravel according to their own logic, and rulers become obedient slaves of those events. It can easily happen this time, because even if the key players perceive all of this as a play, the multitude of low-level participants in these events think that they are real, and this perception could ultimately push the situation beyond the intended limit. Besides the two major sides of the conflict (Russia versus NATO), there are local players with their own interests. I am sure that Polish politicians are considering plans of counter-invasion in case Russian troops go beyond Dnepr and Kiev. For Poland, these territories are of vital interest, because these lands were under their rule for centuries. And Poland could easily play the same dirty game (Putin’s style) of sending 30,000-50,000 “volunteers” (hastily discharged from the army for such an occasion) instead of its regular army. And such a factor could be of critical importance. I am sure that Polish special forces operate in Ukraine already. It means that even if NATO stands aside from the war, such countries as Poland, Hungary, and Romania are sure to participate in some way or another.
The Kremlin’s strategists understand the whole set of difficulties that a full-scale invasion of Ukraine would entail, but the ultimate decision belongs to a very narrow group of people whose misperceptions could turn events in the most unexpected direction. For example, the lack of ground forces could easily be made up by the use of tactical nuclear weapons. For years the Russian generals have nurtured this idea, which promises to solve all problems. In 2014, Putin publicly said that he was ready to use nuclear weapons if any outside force would try to prevent the occupation of Crimea, which gives us a glimpse at the mentality of these people.
Indeed, the only way for Putin’s Russia to successfully invade and occupy the whole of Ukraine, and to beat off all bordering countries that could try to intervene, is to use tactical nuclear weapons. If Putin decides to go to war, he is ready to use nuclear weapons. In fact, if nuclear weapons of small power are used against purely military targets, the war would not look especially different from similar NATO wars, so the simple fact of nuclear weapon use would not necessarily mean an immediate start of a global nuclear war. Even the civilian population would not be affected too severely, because modern nuclear weapons are made in such a way as to minimize long-term radiation effects. I suppose that the Kremlin’s rulers could consider something along these lines.
If nuclear weapons were used, the Ukrainian army as an organized force would be eliminated in a few hours, which would enable the Russian army to advance as quickly as the speed of their vehicles allows. The key targets would be taken by air assault, and paratrooper units could be landed immediately at the western border of Ukraine to bar any possible invasion from Poland. In this case, the whole war would be reduced to the mop-up operation and the subsequent police operation of seeking and destroying remaining groups of guerillas. The main phase of the war could be completed in a week. The civilian population would be cowed by the shock of the absolute devastation produced by nuclear weapons, and there would be very few wishing to continue resistance.
Certainly, such a scenario would mean a thorough transformation of international relations, but this is another question. I doubt very much that the demoralized USA and other NATO countries would dare to stand against such an onslaught. They would likely organize an economic blockade of Russia, but it would be of little effect as long as Russia can cooperate with China.
NATO and the USA constantly repeat that they have no military obligation to defend Ukraine, so even if Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons, Western rulers can remain neutral. There is no law that would require anyone to go to war against a nation which used nuclear weapons, and the United States cannot occupy the moral high ground in this regard because they were the first in the world to use such weapons.
I think that the world is closer than ever to overstepping the unwritten taboo on using nuclear weapons. Discussions among generals in the USA and Russia about the concept of limited nuclear war have gone on for the last 20 years. In fact, in the Russian military doctrine of 2000, we already find the following statement:
The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other mass destruction weapons, as well as in response to a large–scale conventional aggression in critical situations for Russia and its allies.
This last statement allows very wide interpretation, so Russia can justify its use of nuclear weapons as a preventive measure against impending “large-scale aggression.”
It is a fundamental departure from the Cold War concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, where both sides proclaimed that they would use nuclear weapons only in response to a nuclear attack. After the end of the Cold War, some American generals and politicians started to advance the idea that it could be useful to have a provision for limited nuclear war in case conventional forces can’t achieve the desired results. The very existence of such discussions has destroyed the previous set of perceptions, and the Russian and Chinese military-political leadership reacted quickly by updating their strategies to meet this new challenge. In the long run, it should be acknowledged that it was a grave mistake on America’s part to initiate such discussions. Of course, these were not true Americans, but Jews inside the American government who promoted this idea in order to open up the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons against Iran. But the result of this Jewish-American nuclear warmongering is that the doctrinal and psychological threshold for the possible use of nuclear weapons has been lowered for the whole world.
(to be continued)
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Source: Author
A similar comparison could be made of the USofA
military comprised of Mestizos, Negros, and Mulattos.
Don’t forget the women, homosexuals and the transgendered!
And the US military, particularly the Navy has had numerous screw ups in recent years underscores your point.
There’s strong evidence that nuclear weapons have never existed, starting with Hiroshima & Nagasaki proven as chemical firebombings like Dresden, less severe than what hit Tokyo. The ‘smoking gun’ was that a 66-plane firebombing fleet supposedly hit nearby Imabari same hour as Hiroshima … but Imabari had already been levelled. Mushroom clouds are chemical, etc. On YouTube you see Robert F Kennedy supposedly watching a ‘nuclear blast’ a few kilometres away, ridiculous. https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/07/nuclear-bombs-do-not-exist.html Cold War seems to have been a fake, Soviets being the ‘Best Enemy Money Can Buy’ as Antony Sutton exposed, 50s-60s-70s US was transferring tech to Moscow the whole time, often thru Israel, everyone profited, Soviet elites got US washing machines & Hollywood movies. Globalist A and B teams are only quasi-rivals, like Dems & Repubs in… Read more »
Jewish conspiracy theories such as “nuclear weapons have never existed” is quite laughable, Lohengrin. Are those hundred fifty or so Minuteman missile systems I worked on and around in the 1980s just a figment of my imagination too?
But, but, Jim, if the Jew Makow says there are no nuclear weapons and that there never have been any, then it must be true.
Mr. Stoner’s first hand observations about Putin, the Russian military, and potential use of nuclear weapons is the subject of this 5-part series on the Ukrainian dilemma — not what some Jew conspiracy nut, posing as a leader of Whites, thinks. We do not care what Makow, Unz, Brother Nathaniel or other members of their tribe have to say.
Ironically, the jews take great pride in their role in the birth of nuclear weapons. The supply of this information to the Soviets, not so much.
have you looked into these claims for yourself? did you ever see any of these missiles detonate? the claims over at big-lies.org – an excellent site, the most jew aware i’ve seen – are very compelling. you might want to take a lot. you may imagine minutemen engineers are above being fooled by such fakery but millions of doctors (or at least 1000s) believe pretend viruses are real
Whenever the “nuclear weapons are fake” crowd are asked how nuclear submarines or nuclear power plants work, they go silent. I have a degree in nuclear engineering and worked in the nuclear industry for 35 years. I wrote software to model how nuclear power plants work for training simulators and safety analysis. I guess they sure had me fooled.
maybe you’re the person to look into the claim nukes are fake then? head over to big-lies.org & scroll down until you get to the nukes section. then write an article or some comments based upon your findings. unless you’d rather judge these claims nonsensical without looking into them
Excellent top notch information. My position has been that Putin is a tough book to read and his growing up among jews and KGB pedigree makes him more than suspect. But his macho Russian patriot stance that heralds back the the Czars opposition against Rothschild central “banking” as well as their aid to our fledgling Republic makes us hope for a white knight kind of savior ally against the curtain of evil the jew seeks envelop the planet in. My quip was always that Russia is the wild card of all wild cards. This series of articles has been very illuminating to me as to what the reality of Russia is and I thank you for it. I have been looking for this kind of writing for some time now.… Read more »
Thank you for appreciating my article. I agree that our planet is in an abysmal state in all regards: overpopulated, depleted of all resources, dehydrated, deforested, and dehumanized. It is bound to end up in a global catastrophe. But I would warn against overestimation of Jewish might. They are not as powerful as could seem. Yes, they are full of malice and ambitions to govern the whole planet, but it doesn’t mean that they would have it. It is mostly the product of their collective sick mind. Normal human beings would not behave in the way they do. They try to gain global power by disseminating vices and social chaos; yes, this tactic could work to undermine competitors, but what would be the long-term result if everything was turned into one… Read more »
Your series of articles has been excellent. Putin appears to be as dominated by jews as any American president. You can be sure that whatever Putin does will be “good for the jews”.
I would be interested in your views on what really happened with the “fall of the Soviet Union”. It seemed too staged to me starting with the “coup” against Gorbachev and tge rise of Yeltsin.
Mr. Stoner, thank you for your valuable insights into the Russian reality as well as the global dilemma. Thank you for underscoring the fact that it’s the vast number of whites who have become crypto Jews who are the root cause of our civilizational decline, as well as the Jewish religion/psyop for the goyim, Christianity, which has corrupted our collective soul by inverting its ancient values. My question is, what future role do you think Russia will play when the pathological Jewish World Order collapses and Europeans wake up? Also, what are your thoughts on the likelihood of an ethnic civil war in Europe that the late Guillaume Faye predicted?
the reason jews are so powerful is because they wield the ring of power / the one ring / control of the money system / usury / the charging interest on money created from nothing. the goal of the rest of humanity must be to wrest this power- they-shouldn’t-have by thoroughly understanding money & setting up our own interest-free money & credit systems. & they’re psycho because they practice a particularly unfortunate form of circumcision of their young, at least according to this mind-bending article (http://whale.to/c/how_hormones_can_be_manipulated.html)
Putin is a textbook example of controlled opposition.
Whatever David Duke’s delusions regarding today’s neo-Soviet Russia might be, Putin is not a “Russian nationalist” by any stretch of imagination, and he is certainly not a “White nationalist”. For the last 20 years Putin banned and destroyed all nationalist and pro-White organizations in Russia and jailed thousands of Russian nationalists. And I don’t think that Putinist regime in Russia is really against globalization and multiculturalism. Putin has very cozy relations with Yid Israel. He once even been called by Jews the “best friend of Israel in Russia”. Putin is very sensitive to Jewish interests and would never go against Yid Israel. He is aware that roughly 70 percent of Russian economy is controlled by the Jews. Speak of “kicking out oligarchs”. Under Putin, Russia has probably the harshest in… Read more »
Jews have successfully infiltrated or instigated all significant sides in these issues. Ukraine and Russia, comprising the rump of Halford Mackinder’s Heartland, are central in their quest for world domination. First thing first, eliminate Jew influence. All else is distraction.
I am all for Russia taking out the ZOG-installed Jewish regime in Ukraine, tbqh.
Putin is not perfect but he is FAR better than that clown jew Zelensky.
American nationalists and Nat Van editors, be vigilant! The so-called Wolf Stoner is not a Russian nationalist. Rather, he is a (Pro)-Ukrainian Russophobe from the punitive “Azov” regiment or even a special-service agent from CIA / Mi6 / Mossad. In his series, he wrote a lot of straight lies and slanders about Russia and heroic defenders of the Donbass.
The thousands of victims of the Ukrainian terror in the last eight years cry for this truth to be said.
Ukrainian executioners in the Donbass and their masters in the US and NATO are true white trash!
Dear Victor, if you want to be taken seriously by serious people, please, don’t use such language strongly smacking of Ilya Ehrenburg’s pamphlets. It is effective but for the auditory of a different kind. Here it would not work. I wouldn’t argue with you because it would be useless. But some points need to be clarified. First of all, where do you live at present? In Russian Federation; In the part of Eastern Ukraine occupied by Russian troops; In Ukraine under Kiev’s control or in some western country? Your proletarian ardor suggests that you are from Donbas. Let’s suppose you are living in Donetsk, this epicenter of the Soviet-Leninist Renaissance. Dear Mr./comrade Victor, if you care so much about White racial identity and about European values, please, open the National… Read more »
Well said, Wolf Stoner. Victor’s post came off strongly as being fact-less ravings and needed a reasoned rebuttal.
Probably it is something more than an unfavorable commentary. Some of my thoughts about it on WB. https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?p=21117#p21117
Regarding the references to David Duke and what he wrote about Russia: IF Duke’s information about Putin, the Russian military, etc. is wrong (according to this Russian author) then what else is inaccurate in Duke’s books? And why does a Russian author use a first and last name (“Wolf Stoner”) that is of English origin? If it’s a pseudonym, why didn’t he use a Russian pseudonym like “Vlad Korchenko” or “Boris Petrov”?
Billy When He wasn’t, some here feel the need to protect their true identity for a variety of reasons and it’s hardly relevant what names are taken in their place. One could ask the same question of you, but really, who cares?
Why don’t you use a real name, Billy Who Isn’t Billy? Wolf has been a valued National Alliance member in good standing for a while. I know his given name, but don’t know yours, and like NA Member Jim says, “Who cares who you are?” Most excellent response to the Victor character, Wolf. You have him pegged. As for David Duke, Wolf’s assessment of David’s stand on Purin is accurate, and presented respectfully. What else is inaccurate from Mr. Duke, you ask? I respect David also, having known and worked with him off and on for more than 35 years. But he is essentially a politician, and politicians must try to reach out for votes from many factions — his primary constituency being White Christians. Mr. Stoner does not have… Read more »
There is no Ukrainian Dilemma. It is and has always been the Jewish Dilemma. There is only one final solution: an end to Jews and their lies.
The Four Aryan Truths
1. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.
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