A Russian Nationalist on the Ukrainian Dilemma, part 2
by Wolf Stoner
AS I ALREADY STATED, the main qualification of Putin’s Russia in the eyes of honest White people is its struggle against globalism. The immediate military aid to Assad in Syria and the supply of arms to Iran are the obvious facts in support of this perception. I fully concede on these points that the Kremlin is hostile toward the Western system. It is undeniable. If before the Syrian war it seemed that the anti-Western rhetoric was mere posturing, the participation of Russian troops in the Syrian war has dispelled any doubts about the seriousness of Putin’s hostility towards the USA-NATO-EU axis.
But what does this actually prove? Could this be considered the result of a genuine anti-globalist stance from Putin’s system? Hardly so, considering the overall Soviet legacy of communist globalism. Of course, David Duke’s arguments are built on the idea that the modern Putinist system is something fundamentally different from its Soviet predecessor, but hard facts tell us otherwise.
First of all, the whole Soviet governmental and administrative structure, from top to bottom, was never even dismantled. All those people who occupied positions before the collapse of the USSR remained in their positions for many years afterward, and they have since been succeeded by their children and grandchildren. But even more important is the fact that the special services, the military, and security units, which are the backbone of the modern Putinist regime, use a de facto hereditary system. The children of people serving in these systems go on to serve in the same units, and this has been true since the 1930s.
So what does this mean? It means that the grandchildren of those who massacred Polish officers in the Katyn Forest are now serving in the highest positions of the Russian special forces. It should also be noted that, a few years ago, the State Duma passed a law which forbids anyone to reveal this kind of information. This means that if someone has found out that such and such officer is the grandson of a known mass murderer from the Stalinist era, the person who disclosed such information is liable for criminal prosecution. Additionally, state archives containing such information are sealed, and this information will probably never be revealed to the public (at least not for as long as this regime remains in power).
But why is this so important? Is it really relevant that the progeny of the Stalinist criminals occupy high positions in the Putinist army and law enforcement agencies? Yes, the events of recent years have shown that this fact is of key importance. The behavior of the Russian military and special forces consistently show signs of their continuity with their Soviet predecessor organizations. We can see the predominance of the same cannibalistic mentality and utter disregard for human suffering and moral considerations. They are remorseless under all circumstances, be it the downing of a passenger airliner or the torturing and killing of Ukrainian POWs. They are ready to commit any atrocity and instantly deny all responsibility. They have learned the Cheka modus operandi perfectly, and they are intent on using it as widely as possible.
To sum up this subject: The whole military and law enforcement system of the Putinist government is the continuation of the oppressive Soviet apparatus. Even the symbols are the same. Most of the units of the Russian army continue to use the same Soviet emblems with the red star. You will not find any crosses from Tsarist times in the modern Russian army.
Another aspect that needs to be pointed out is the fact that, up to the present day, the whole set of Soviet paraphernalia remains in place in civil life as well. All Russian cities, towns, and villages continue to have their own Lenin and Marx streets and squares. Hundreds of Russian cities, towns, and other geographical locations continue to bear the names of other Soviet rulers and notables. Only a few were renamed in the immediate wake of the Soviet collapse, but nothing was renamed on Putin’s watch.
Each time concerned groups of citizens demand the return of an historic name to their town or street, the authorities use their favorite excuse for denial — the grounds of economic considerations (substituting the names would incur unplanned expenditures in local budgets). However, everyone here understands that this is only an excuse. They change names of geographical locations whenever they want (in East Prussia they didn’t leave a single German name in place), yet when Russian people want to remove the name of some Communist murderer and replace it with an historic name that was used before, they kick them out, citing the “economic unviability” of such changes.
People in the West don’t know this fact, but it illustrates perfectly where the true allegiances of the Putinist system lie. They are all too keen to “preserve the historical legacy of our Soviet heroes,” but they grimace in revulsion at any suggestion of honoring the real Russian heroes of pre-Soviet times. Certainly thousands of Lenin’s statues remain in place, and any suggestion of removing them is met not only by denial, but by threats of prosecution for “reviling the historical legacy of our country.” It should be noted that in 2014, when Putinist gangs retook some places that were held by Ukrainian forces, they immediately restored Lenin’s statues there. This speaks volumes about who these separatists are. They are certainly not Russian nationalists, as they are sometimes erroneously portrayed in Western media. They are neo-Communist gangs that are ready to commit any crime if required by their Kremlin masters.
So yes, the Kremlin is engaged in a struggle against Western ZOG globalism, but not as an enemy of globalism; rather, the Kremlin is a competing globalist government. The Kremlin’s Eurasionist visions sharply conflict with NATO’s visions, and therefore some kind of collision is inevitable. Putin needs Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Kazakhstani territories for his Eurasian empire to be a viable project. The Russian Federation as it is now cannot project enough power to achieve the Kremlin’s long-term goals. Therefore, Russian invasion of the territories in question is inevitable. The only alternative is the eventual collapse of this Putinist quasi-empire, because it is not able to bear on its own the weight of multiple battlefronts against all its enemies. The Kremlin needs new territories, additional resources, and a higher population to implement its ambitious imperial projects. Therefore, it is useless to discuss who is guilty in the recent events in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. It is absolutely irrelevant whether those events flared up because of natural causes, or because they were “helped” from the outside. In any case, the Kremlin uses these situations to advance its geopolitical agenda, much like the USA does.
We can now see that the “Kremlin versus NATO” conflict is a real thing, but we need to understand this conflict more deeply than most people do. We should not oversimplify it to the level of “good against evil” regardless of which value is assigned to each party, because both sides are ultimately hostile to our vision and our long-term goals. At the same time, it is justifiable to adopt a tactic of favoring the underdog to prevent the dominant force from gaining the upper hand. The triumph of NATO would be utterly undesirable because it would allow it to spread its poison further afield.
Proceeding from this assumption, the limited conditional support of Putin’s quasi-empire in its struggle against NATO is justifiable and understandable, but it should never grow into wholehearted support of this cannibalistic neo-Communist system.
However, this view is relevant only for American and other West European nationalists. The perspective of eastern European nationalists is very different. Ukrainian, Polish, Baltic, and Finnish nationalists cannot adopt this outlook for the simple reason that the Kremlin’s threat to their lands is of an immediate nature. They do not have the luxury of looking at these events as independent observers from the other side of the pond. In the case of any conflict, they would be the immediate targets of the Kremlin’s strike. Therefore, all abstract geopolitical notions lose their weight and seem like something silly and utterly irrelevant.
Yes, the liberal West is the problem; yes, it spreads the mental poison of multiculturalism; yes, Hollywood destroys the minds of the young generation. The east European nationalists know all of this, and they don’t need to be reminded. But this situation could be compared with the following example: If you are faced with two prospects — one, your house being burglarized by a Negro thug, and, two, your investments being decimated by Jewish stock market profiteers, you are sure to be more concerned with the first threat, even if it might entail less actual losses than the second one. The reason is simple: If a Negro robber comes into your house, there is a great possibility that he will not only take the valuables in the house, but also kill all its inhabitants just for fun. It is why Americans are more concerned with Negro robbers than with Jewish banksters, and it is why Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians are much more concerned about the prospect of being annihilated by their eastern neighbor than they are about being corrupted by Hollywood.
I repeat, it doesn’t mean that east European nationalists don’t understand the true essence of Western liberalism. I know some nationalists from the Baltic states who express this idea precisely in this fashion. Therefore, it is utterly unjust when some American conservatives/traditionalists berate east European nationalists for their supposed “narrow-mindedness” in their hostility toward Putin’s regime. Actually, the problem is the narrow-mindedness of American conservatives who can’t understand the intricacies of east European affairs. The peoples of eastern Europe have suffered too much under the Kremlin’s tyranny to engage in any kind of geopolitical games with it. They know who they are dealing with and they don’t want a repetition of the same historical mistakes. They are ready to unite with whomever in order to deter the most potent threat from the east, and it is hardly reasonable to blame them for this position. This position could seem an unbalanced one for a distant observer, but it is the only possible one for those who live next door to Putin’s Russia.
Here is my advice to all American racially aware people: Don’t be dismissive toward east European nationalists, because they have much greater practical experience than you do. The history of eastern Europe is far more complicated and undulating than the linear history of America. They are bound to have a deeper understanding than you about matters concerning their relations with Russia, especially neo-communist Russia. Therefore, it makes far more sense to believe them about what really happens in eastern Europe (especially in Ukraine) than to believe the refurbished Soviet propaganda loudspeaker RT.
But this doesn’t mean that all nationalists should immediately saddle their horses and gallop onto the Ukrainian frontline, either. Far from it. As I already said, the situation there is very complicated.
David Duke is right to point out the heavy influence of Jews in Ukraine. The fact that a Jew is the Ukrainian president illustrates this fact perfectly. Jews have had a significant role in Ukraine for centuries. Many prominent American Jews actually originate from Ukraine, and the Jewish community in Ukraine has very strong backing from American Jews, especially those in the US government. At present, Jews consider Putin’s Russia as an unpleasant nuisance that interferes with their agenda, and so they tend to support its enemies. What we see in Ukraine is the temporary alliance of Jews with local people in the face of the common enemy (but, as we well know, Jews are apt to change alliances on the fly and open the gates of besieged cities). But this loose alliance doesn’t mean that “Ukrainians fight for Jewish interests,” as David Duke’s listeners are likely to infer.
All those who closely monitor the Ukrainian situation know perfectly well about the Jewish outcry concerning the Azov Regiment (the former volunteer militia unit that was later incorporated into the overall interior ministry’s structure). The United States provides hardware and training for the Ukrainian military but the US Congress has added a provision that excludes the Azov Regiment from this aid program. Some American Jews even demanded the disbanding of this unit altogether. But Jews are not that powerful. They cannot go against the whole nation. Therefore, for the time being, they must tolerate even such a phenomenon as the Azov Regiment. Why not, if it fights against the nascent Kremlin’s empire? I repeat: The majority of Jews now consider Putin’s state as their enemy.
This is mainly due to an aspect of their historical perceptions. They hate any greatness, even in such a perverted form as Putin’s quasi-empire. Some Jews are firmly behind Putin’s state, and rightly so, because Putin has proved to be a staunch ally of local Jewish interests. But Jews tend to like social chaos; they don’t like order, even in the form of Putin’s police state. In order to freely operate, Jews need the total corruption of society and of the state apparatus because it allows them to arrange all kinds of illegal interactions. But any viable empire needs to establish some kind of order, a set of strict rules for all its subjects; otherwise, any imperial project is bound to fail. This fact is crucial in understanding the divergence of interests between Putin and Jews. Putin will do every possible favor for the Jews, but they will not forgive his attempt to establish a more or less orderly society, even if Jews themselves occupy an elevated position in this society. Their hatred of social order surpasses all other considerations. The relations between Putin and the Jews very much resemble the relations between Trump and the Jews. It is the same story of unrequited love.
But let us return to the question of whether Western nationalists should go to war in Ukraine or not. After weighing all the pros and cons, I can give a definite answer to this pressing question. The answer is an unconditional no. This is not because the Ukrainian cause is unworthy, or because Putin is our “friend,” but because it is too dangerous in present political circumstances to reveal ourselves so openly. Our enemies are more or less in control of the overall situation in Europe and other White countries, so if an all-too-obvious oppositional group emerges, especially if it is an armed group, they can easily eliminate it. They would find any convenient pretext for this.
As such, I suspect that the Ukrainian Jews in government will eventually decide to eliminate the Azov Regiment and some other units with obvious nationalist inclinations. There are some very convenient ways of doing this. One is that they could simply put these units in a position where it would be easy for Russian separatist forces to annihilate them. I am almost certain that Jews have been considering such a setup for years, and it would be especially easy if large-scale fighting resumes. Yet another alternative is to disband those units altogether, with the arrest of all those who oppose this measure. If Ukrainian nationalists started to fight back, it would give a pretext for an “anti-terrorist operation” in which all the nationalist fighters could be physically annihilated.
In any case, the Azov Regiment is a sitting duck that can easily be eliminated when its enemies decide to do this. Therefore, I warn all our people not to join this or any similar units in Ukraine. It is too dangerous and of very little use. On an emotional level our sympathies should be with them, no question about that, but even nationalists in Ukraine itself should refrain from going to the front line. It is an unnecessary sacrifice. There is already an army for this. Instead, hardcore nationalist forces should do their main work inside the country. There is sure to be a real internal war inside Ukraine proper because there are too many traitors with pro-Soviet, pro-Putin sympathies. Additionally, there are many who sincerely love the EU and all this globalist crap. They, too, are the problem. All of these are the enemies of any nationalist movement, and at some point this mutual enmity is sure to flare up. That will be the time to act. Combined arms warfare is the business of army units with career officers and conscript soldiers. I am against throwing nationalist volunteers into such meat grinders. It can only weaken our forces. Therefore, my advice for Ukrainian nationalists is to withdraw all valuable assets from the front line and concentrate on work inside Ukraine proper.
To sum up everything covered so far, we have established that Putin’s regime is a real enemy of the Western globalist forces, but that doesn’t mean that Putin shares our ideals and views. We can sympathize with some of the actions and rhetoric of the Kremlin, but we should never forget that the long-term vision of Putin’s regime is opposed to our vision.
(to be continued)
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Source: Author
That Russia had been able to preserve its structure and logistics (including atomic arsenal and others), inherited from the USSR, was beneficial since otherwise the anti-white homo anal globalist beast would have pulverized all kinds of opposition, and the situation of the whites would be much worse, almost without a solution. Strong Syria and Iran weaken Israel, thus the globalist Zionist beast bleeds.
What happened in Tiananmen Square, China, was also beneficial for Western white dissent, since a strong China weakens the globalist beast.
Conclusion: The anti-white western globalist beast must be weakened, from within and from without. Once this objective is achieved, the West will have the opportunity to create autonomous white homelands.
Pictures speak louder than words . . .
I have to admit that I didn’t know until recently that Zelensky was a Jew. Wasn’t his predecessor, Poroshenko, also one of the “chosen”? The parasites are everywhere.
Poroshenko is only a mischling, but the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman, is -even according to Wikipedia – Jewish.
I suppose the fact that he used to be a comedian should’ve tipped me off, since Jews are overrepresented in that particular trade.
While Sleepy Joe orders American personnel to evacuate the American Embassy in Ukraine, he still hasn’t nominated an ambassador to that country, though he’s had a year.
Don’t be suprised if Joe nominates the former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, appointed by Obama, but recalled by Trump when she interfered with his efforts to have his 2020 rival for president, Joe, investigated for corruption.
According to WikiJews, Marie is the daughter of Mikhail Yovanovitch and Nadia (Theokritoff) Yovanovitch, who first fled the Soviets, and later fled the German National Socialists.
They really are everywhere.
Yes, they are both Jewish, just like former prime ministers of Ukraine: Yulia Tymoshenko or Volodymyr Groysman. Ukraine and Russia are both corrupted by oligarchs of their kind and this is one of the prime reasons why we should stay the hell away from this conflict.
They’re Jews as well?
Not to mention, if I am correct in saying that present day Ukraine is where the old Khazarian kingdom was. Humm, I wonder if the non semetic rulers of that bandit state in the middle east have their eyes set on their true Homeland.
Yes, Khazarian state possessed a vast area in Eastern Europe and Caucasus. But the core of it was between Azov and Caspian seas. Itil the capital of Khazars was located somewhere in the Volga’s delta (not far from Astrakhan). The modern Southern Federal District of Russian Federation more or less includes the whole core land of the former Khazarian state. Russians had to deal with Jews for more than a thousand years. The part of modern Ukraine was among the dependent territories of Khazars at the peak of their power. The modern tribes of North Caucasus are the most likely descendants of Asiatic Khazars. The real Jews comprised only the tiny minority of its population. Here is the map from Wikipedia; but I think that it exaggerates Khazarian possessions. The… Read more »
This area was always occupied by Aryan Iranic people who are the Scythians. The khazarian story is myth. There was never a khazarian kingdom of Jews! Such a thing never ever existed. It is Pure myth just like their tale about Esther or even being saved by Cyrus the great. Cyrus freed all slaves as Zoroastrianism and Mithraism (an earlier and most original philosophy of humankind) did not believe in slavery. But cyrus never knew any people as Israelites or Jews or even Hebrews. The Jews lie when they say they were recognized as a group back then. All north caucuses into Georgia Dagestan and all of Ukraine and Armenia and Azerbaijan were always part of greater Iran for thousands and thousands of years. Azerbaijan means place where they guard… Read more »
Thank you for your extended commentary. I can’t judge to what extent you are correct or not because my knowledge of ancient history is limited mostly by school program (except of few events, such as Punic wars, about which I have read a few books). I always preferred to read about modern history, especially on 20th century. Therefore, I can’t argue in this field. Maybe Khazarian state is a myth but Russian ancient chronicles mention the fact about the prince Svyatoslav destroying the Khazarian kingdom in the year 965. It seems that these facts were supported by archeological findings, but I can’t say definitely. It is very probable that information about those events was heavily modified by later political interests of various rulers. It is well known that history was… Read more »
Thank you for your reply. To clarify, is it your position then that only White Europe of Christian heritage is considered as fellow Whites? And you’d like to offer the world a white European Christian civilization like for example existed in pre world war Europe? If so, I’d say most of what Europe thinks it built is actually derived from Iranian civilization. From spirituality and logic and reason to medicine and architecture and governance. The very first university in the world was in Iran( Gondishahpur) Greeks and Romans would travel there to learn everything from art to sciences including surgery. It’s not a strong strategy – in terms of defeating the greatest threat to mankind – to deny historical origins and the strength we can derive from real bonds beyond… Read more »
I have no intention of trying to disprove you because what are you saying makes sense. I would happily accept such an ally as Iran. But whether the Iranians themselves are willing to be allied with White People? Yes, David Duke and Mark Weber, and some other known nationalists visited Iran and have friendly relations with this country, but is it a sign of Iranian nation being ready to prioritize its ancient Arian identity above its Islamic Asian modern identity? I have nothing against such theorizations but I try to be more realistic. I doubt that Iran as a nation would be a friend for the White racial movement. Yes, in the meantime we are all united facing the same globalist enemy; in this case “the enemy of my enemy… Read more »
The main thrust of my previous statement was that the enlightened part of culture and civilization of Europe is actually derived from Iran. And so the Europe that you elevate to such heights is actually a child of Iran or childlike in comparison to Iran’s depth of experience and civilization. I also alluded to the fact that what you see in terms of bearded men or veiled women is actually not real, but a veneer, and itself a product of Zionist sabotage. The Islamic depiction of Iran is not at all Iranian but a foreign construct. The Iranian psyche is incredibly complex and highly cultured. In fact there is no other, more refined psyche among human population. This is due to thousands and thousands of years of refinement process unrivaled… Read more »
Great article, Mr. Stoner. But I have some disagreements with your comment. I have known, and worked with, a good number of Indians, Iranians, and Greeks. What you say about India is true. Only the tiniest fraction of Indians could be called White, though it has to be acknowledged that a few such people exist. But vast numbers of Iranians are essentially White, as shown by simple observation and by DNA analysis. (Though they have an identity problem, as witnessed by at least one Iranian who comments here, who is constantly seeking validation from others about what his identity should be. And identity problems can turn into loyalty problems in a crisis.) And I must add that Greece is a far Whiter country than the United States of America. Carleton… Read more »
Indeed, the Greeks clearly distinguished themselves from “fair-haired northerners” and “effeminate asiatics” so it’s unlikely they got significantly darker, we have Mycenaean and Minoan genetic samples which seem to be close to modern Greeks though we lack any samples from 500s-300s BC classical Greece, as far as I am aware, but no reason to suspect mass mongrelization, especially as Greeks tend to be closer to other European groups than Levantines and most Turks genetically, darker complexion being a consequence of Mediterranean climes. Such inflammatory claims should be avoided without robust evidence. As for some Iranians and Indians being white, I have not seen any genetic evidence for it aside from the fact that some have a minority of European blood. I agree with Stoner here. Phenotype also can’t be used… Read more »
Interesting essays but I think the author doesn’t fully succeed in argument, despite valid points. Russians are traumatised by a factual reality that they have been frequent attacked, both recently and in centuries earlier. They are understandably defensive & scorning of those who have been insulting them in recent decades. They accept much of the commie heritage because it is theirs – a natural nationalist reflex, to focus on some good and minimise the bad of one’s own history. They have a view similar to Turks, based in reality, that ‘No one really is loyal to us except ourselves.’ Hence viewing Russian imperialism as ‘self-defence’. At the same time it is clear for centuries that Russians are eager to be Europeans, but on terms of respect … which they’ve not… Read more »
Those are the cobwebs on very complicated issues indeed, Mr Douglas Mercer. I find most of Mr Stoner’s statements accurate, and am looking forward to reading Part II. Since I grew up in Poland in 50-60’s – and have some relatives who live there still – I wonder what kind of people Mr Stoner has in mind when speaking about nationalists in Eastern Europe. As he appears to be in the know, I hope he is aware that those in power in Poland are not Polish patriots. Poland has never carried out any Lustracja/Lustration -when it comes to the important politruks before the “fall of the dictatorship of the proletariat” – that actually has been sugested by a true patriot in 1990 but got rejected by the newborn “nationalists”. The… Read more »
Know jews, no peace.
No jews, know Peace.
I don’t see it. Russia and Putin have no desire to rule the world! Putin doesn’t wish to recreate the Soviet empire. This analysis doesn’t feel right at all, but maybe the following articles will make it all come together.
Great job wolf
Excellent. I too am looking forward to more as well.
Nothing changed with the supposed fall of the Jews’ Soviet Union. The Jews’ agenda to rule the word has remained the same since their god first promised it to them. While everyone crowed about the fall of judeocommunism, no one ever bothered to ask why this was the only time in history an iron-fisted, totalitarian regime willingly gave up its rule at the pinnacle of its power. Stupid, gullible Americans watching media meat-puppets on TV, gloated over the idea that America outspent the Soviets in a competition for weapons technology, that we somehow bankrupted the Judeocommunist. Amid all the cheering, no one bothered to reflect on what that might ultimately mean for the American economy. The fact is the Soviet regime was bankrupt from it inception, relying on Jewish capitalist… Read more »
Yes, the Jewish lie mutates constantly, like a virus, therefore, it can successfully evade detection (at least by mainstream mass of people). When Christianity was discredited in the 19th century, the virus mutated into communism (social-democracy). When communism failed in its pure form, the modern “liberalism” ascended as a new version of a program for universal paradise. Now, when it becomes obvious to all that it was yet another lie, they invent the fresh lie about coming “singularity” and “metaverse”. But anyone with enough intelligence and insight, can clearly see that it is yet another mutation of the same lie but wrapped into good-sounding “high-tech” terminology. The basic idea behind all those lies is very simple: “we will give you paradise tomorrow but in exchange you should work for our… Read more »
I hope if neo-Soviet Putinist Russian army does invade Ukraine, they won’t start raping women and children en masse like the Soviet Red Army, “the army of rapists” did in the occupied Europe in 1945, as depicted in “Hellstorm”, both the book and the film.
btw, Azov Regiment are the people who today openly espouse NS beliefs and Hitlerian ideology.
I believe we are approaching the situation in the world described in George Orwell’s 1984, where three empires of evil coexist: Oceania (the Zog), Eurasia (neo-Soviet Russia), and Eastasia (neo-Communist China).
Was not genghis khan a mortal enemy of the white race? Putin allies himself with the same folk who spawned this character? Should say it everything.
Also the “social credit” system china pushes on the world is nothing more than JUDAISM applied to society. Instead of the local “rabbis” there are the bureaucrats who report to central government who then report to “rabbi private central bank”
Nature is NOT OCD , the cosmos proves this.The “rabbis” system is OCD The processes have been established. The jews ultimate wet dream is saudia arabi to the whole world.
So it then can be argued ANY OCD system is contrary to nature.