White Religion
Divinely inspired messages to Arman
as related to H. Millard
THERE ARE various exclusively White religious belief systems in existence.
Whites are encouraged to look at them (many are online) and if they seem right to you, then follow them instead of mixed-race religions that may seem innocent enough but which are really anti-White at their core simply because they are not exclusively White.
At the same time, Whites must avoid any groups, individuals, or teachings that counsel breaking the law or harming oneself or others. God-As-He-Truly-Is does not want you or others harmed in any way and does not want martyrs. Do no harm to yourself or others. Dead people cannot do the will of God-As-He-Truly-Is. Practice the Golden Rule. Be respectful of everything in existence and be humble.
Any race-mixing by Whites is harmful to Whites and this must be understood by Whites if we are to survive and if we, in the deeply held and unchangeable belief of some of us, are to do the will of God.
Most of these pro-White religions or religious groups or religious philosophies disagree on many points, but all would probably agree with the first of the following two statements and many would agree with both of these statements (1) Whites must remain separate from all other races — and not blend in with them, which is genocide for Whites; (2) there is something unseen, mystical, and veiled within the White genome (or White essence) that links us to our religiosity or spirituality, and this genetic link is absolutely one with, and is essential to, our natural religiosity and/or spirituality and/or to the Divine.
As to a Deity, there is disagreement.
Some pro-White religious groups claim Christianity is exclusively White. Others say the Deity is Nature or the Cosmos and is not a personal God. Some follow ancient European religious traditions with Gods such as Odin and Thor. At least one exclusively White religious group says there is no God at all.
And, then, there is Arman and His teachings, which we who follow His path believe are messages or revelations from the Deity and must be understood and obeyed on a belief and doing level but not necessarily on an intellectual level, as this latter level (intellectual) is difficult, since we believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is is ineffable and can never be fully explained to the satisfaction of everyone.
This is to say: We must do what the Deity commands, and do it even if our belief is weak or non-existent. This generally means we must live the way the Deity wants us to live. The details are given in many of the messages received by Arman, but the most important ones are that we are to be a separate people always in all ways and to avoid mixing or socializing with any non-Whites and to never, under any circumstances, be in romantic relationships or mate or have sex with any non-Whites — and to absolutely never have any children with them or share White eggs or sperm with any non-Whites even if it is in a petri dish or through some other medical procedure; and to have as many pure White children as our bodies can provide. We are also commanded to say a short thank you prayer in the morning and night and some other things to remind us of our fealty to God-As-He-Truly-Is, and to remind us who we are as the selected kind.
The plan of the Deity is to purify Whites and have us evolve completely along a White genetic line. It is said by Arman that Whites do not need salvation but evolution. Whites must also make more like ourselves. We must replicate and multiply our kind and only our kind, and having pure White children is the greatest form of worship — and is doing the Divine’s will; and is needed for our evolution.
All of these pro-White religions can also be called folk religions as they are for one folk only — Whites. And, some prefer the term folk religion when discussing their faith with others as the term may be more acceptable in our present day when almost everything related to White people is smeared by those who hate Whites, and even by Whites who have had their minds twisted by haters of Whites.
Arman says these exclusively White faiths have one of the most important commands that the Deity demands of us: They are exclusively White and are against White miscegenation. As such, they will be looked on favorably by God-As-He-Truly-Is even though they do not have all the messages received by Arman and even if they have a different concept of God or have no God at all.
God-As-He-Truly-Is is more concerned that we do His will — and follow his commands regarding separation, not miscegenating, and having many pure White children — than He is about other things; and He is not insecure and doesn’t need constant ego-boosts from tiny humans to tell Him that He is great. He has also given us free will to choose right from wrong, and choose the sacred White path of evolution as He commands or the false and evil paths that humans may decide on. Follow God-As-He-Truly-Is and His Sacred White Path for us alone — or follow humans and their trends. That is a major decision we all must make.
Some of us follow the teachings of Arman who we believe receives messages from the Deity or the Deity’s messengers who first interacted with Arman when Arman was a young teen.
This first interaction happened when a low and unusual looking cloud came over where Arman was standing and a pillar of bright light came through the cloud, accompanied by what sounded like a chorus singing or chanting in a language that Arman couldn’t understand.
Since then, Arman has continued to receive messages from time to time, with some lapses in between, that repeat the same basic things over and over in various ways: Whites are selected by the Deity for the Deity’s purposes, including evolving into a new species of human. In order to evolve correctly, Whites must live in certain ways and do certain things, and not do certain other things — in order to stay on a strictly White genetic path. Whites must be a separate people forever, while replicating and multiplying ourselves, and thus our White genome. Anything that holds down the birthrate of pure Whites is evil.
Not all Whites will hear or believe even the more general messages of various of these exclusive White faiths, and thus they will always be in danger of blending in with non-Whites.
If they do so, they will no longer be part of the selected Whites, and will be left behind as the selected Whites evolve as God-As-He-Truly-Is wills.
Eventually, in the fullness of time and God-As-He-Truly-Is willing, we will become the evolutionary replacements for all other human types including Whites who did not live the way God-As-He-Truly-Is wants. This is both Divine Selection and Natural Selection and was set in motion billions of years ago when God-As-He-Truly-Is created the first molecule of Life and set it free to adapt and evolve.
Our selection and our evolution depend on us staying White in all ways always. Our pure White birth fulfills the requirement of having Right Blood and gives us the raw potential to evolve and do God’s will, but this raw potential must be activated by ourselves alone, by having Right Belief and Right Action. The messages to Arman tell us how to fulfill these requirements commanded of us by God-As-He-Truly-Is.
Remember to ask of everything: Is this good for White people?
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©2022 H. Millard
Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3
Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9
The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9
A lot of whites are going to have a problem w/ a race based worldview, even if the math supports this reality. The fight game has to be taken in steps. Right now the primary problem is the jews, and the massive damage done to all of us. This is the primary fight. All other problems originate from the jew infection. We don’t need a race war in the middle of this epic battle that will require all hands on deck to form a new political party (the only solution) and federalizing the central bank and corporations, removing the aliens, and erasing the debts/derivatives w/o collapsing the system (this would create mass famine). I suggest you look for ways to bring the blacks over to our side, as a military… Read more »
“PS, why is it impossible to come to this site using atomization programs like anonsurf, vpn’s, tor, etc?”
It’s not impossible, but it is difficult. Many of these anonymization proxies that good folks use are, unfortunately, also used by bad actors trying to hack Web sites. We have protection in place to block IP addresses known to be used to launch such attacks.
If you were to look at the list of attacks we endure daily, you’d be amazed.
Dear Mr Strom,
No I wouldn’t be amazed. They are attacking people in the real world like this too. This gang stalking phenomenon against patriots who’ve done (or said) nothing illegal is very real. They’ve even been able to get their minions to do it for them. This is one of the many flaws of atomized, competitive- individuality, with jews controlling all our resources. They’ve turned the land of the free into a stasi state. sos
Thanks for posting, Vespasian! I totally agree with everything you said. In my opinion, the christian church is our most lethal enemy…and it always has been because it is an invention of the jew and has always been controlled opposition – a Trojan Horse for jewish power. Destroy the christian church and you will destroy 90% of jewish power in this world!
well, even if you disagree w/ the “abrahamic” religions, there is still the 1st amendment to honor, which was created to prevent warfare among all the schisms and ideologies. Back in the 1700s, the scars from the 30 years War were still fresh. The problem is the theocratic tendencies from some of these schisms, particularly these trad catholics and end time christian zionists, but belief in any superstitious based system opens one up to be manipulated, usually by the latest charismatic con man in town. Over the past few years, most of the mainline protestant churches have been split and neutered by the factions over the lgbt (((psyop))) and are only a threat to themselves. You have to tread carefully through this morass so that no one’s rights are violated.… Read more »
“There are three things that cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” ~ the Buddha *** The christian church can, and will be, destroyed by the truth…the truth about the holocaust hoax, for example, and the Holodomor. So many truths coming to light, now, which will have a devastating impact on the veracity of core christian beliefs. I love telling christians the truth about things because it’s a curse upon them when they deny the truth and defend their lies! After I’ve finish verbally pistol-whipping them with the truth I especially love to tell them: “Your ignorance is not the same as innocence, friendo…you just remember that when the time comes!” :) *** At any rate, I don’t need to violate their 1st amendment rights in… Read more »
“I suggest you look for ways to bring the blacks over to our side”
LOL go pound sand you muh one struggle dullard.
As an addendum to previous comment, if you’ve noticed, in their panic the blacks are flooding into their baptist churches, corralled by untalented celebrates like kayne west, et el, as they don’t have the knowledge, training or intellectual ability to decipher through this morass of psyops we are inundated with. They don’t understand and will fall to their knees to pray for the jewish ghost to come and save them. These engineered religious “awakenings” have happened many times throughout western history, and serve jewish interests. Unfortunately, as a result of both jewish and catholic persecutions in NSDAP Germany, these diabolical scoundrels have aligned forces with the aim of getting Americans to betray the US Constitution, in favor of a christian theocracy, which will only serve the catholics, because of the… Read more »
“Arman,” through H.Millard, says: …Others [presumably, that would be Cosmotheists] say the Deity is Nature or the Cosmos and is not a personal God…And, then, there is Arman and His teachings, which we who follow His path believe are messages or revelations from the Deity and must be understood and obeyed on a belief and doing level but not necessarily on an intellectual level, as this latter level (intellectual) is difficult, since we believe that God-As-He-Truly-Is is ineffable and can never be fully explained to the satisfaction of everyone. As National Alliance Chairman I follow our founder’s belief systm, Cosmotheism, that, yes, relates us to our place in Nature and the Cosmos. Alliance members do not promote this Arman character. That will only contradict to some extent our sound belief system —… Read more »
Exactly Chairman,
We at the Alliance understand that the clock is turning and every second matters. Get off the couch and into the fight. There’s no time for useless commentary. https://natall.com/join-us/
You nailed it, Mr. MacMullen. The sooner that perceptive and responsible White join us in the Herculean tasks before us, the better our overall chances of racial survival and resumption of walking the path towards advancement become.
Well said, Will. “Arman,” his followers, and anonymous talkers who can’t or won’t do like we Cosmotheists are doing really ought to get their own website instead of pushing another agenda here.
Our aim is to advance the Creator’s Purpose through the National Alliance and to teach Cosmotheism in a variety of ways, not to pay for a platform for others to spread their beliefs or gossip idly.
Nobody is more Cosmotheist than I, and few more dedicated to William Pierce’s vision. No one I’ve known stands higher on the heights than Dr. Pierce. And William Pierce himself published quite a few pieces from writers who had something worth saying and worth reading, but who were independent voices. He published Vic Olvir, whose main venue, I believe, was Instauration magazine, for example. He sold books by Wilmot Robertson, who had quite a different approach than Dr. Pierce’s. He published Revilo Oliver, who was not a Cosmotheist, but whose works ranked high in his view nonetheless. He hired Jerry Abbott, also not a Cosmotheist, to edit William Gayley Simpson’s magnum opus. Simpson was another independent thinker. There were others, too. Mr. Millard had a powerful, life-changing experience that brought… Read more »
Mr Strom, Thank you for the above statement. I, in no way, would ever come onto this site and disrespect the work being done here. Although more sites are coming online, there aren’t too many sites aware of the jewish problem, so when I find one, I try to put in my two cents. As far as the above comments telling me to “pound sand” by refuting a tactical statement I made regarding the race and religious issue, given the herculean damage to our country caused by these international jews, a race or religious war would distract from the main issue, and would only serve jewish interests, which is precisely why they facilitate them on a daily basis. As far as not being National Alliance material, I’ll keep reading your… Read more »
Kevin, my friend, that is an impressive list of strawmens’ names you’ve dropped who you say weren’t Cosmotheists. Although I expect most or all of them would favor William Pierce’s “Creator” over following your friend Millard’s imaginary, “mystical” Arman character. Eligibility requirements to apply for Alliance membership do not require that the aspirant embrace Cosmotheism as his creed. However it is required that after reading What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (natall.com he “accepts as his own the goals of the National Alliance and is willing to support the program described therein.” That simple requirement of eligible applicants is what generally separates “Alliance material” from tthose who are not, and should be emphasized prominently on NV. — I know it’s frustrating to be giving your all, sacrificing, and… Read more »
I agree.
Please keep posting the Arman stuff. I enjoy the mystical angle. Changing subjects a bit here, but I also miss the Lord Dunsany stories. They, also, had a mystical tinge to them. For some of us Whites, particularly (it seems to me) those with Celtic ancestry, mysticism is a welcome relief from the cheap plastic , conformity, beeping electronics and right angles of the modern world.
Arvin says: Please keep posting the Arman stuff. I enjoy the mystical angle... — Curious, I checked my trusty Merriam-Webster for the definition and for some synonyms for the word mystical. I now understand better why I’m a stiff-necked racial realist and Cosmotheist, and will never follow Arman’s path. Neither will Mr. MacMullen and Jim Mathias, the only other NA members in good standing who commented under Mr. Millard’s “White Religion” article. Mystical – impossible to prove, understand, or explain by either the senses or intelligence. Synonyms: arcane, cryptic, deep, enigmatic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mysterious, occult, uncanny, metaphysical, supernatural, unearthly, extrasensory, imponderable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, unintelligible, unsearchable, inexplicable, unaccountable, unexplainable, unanswerable, unknowable, dark, fuzzy, murky, shadowy, vague, etc. Does any of that describe the belief system, the philosophy, or the White religion,… Read more »
“In short, if there was any one thing that came through the fires of my prolonged skepticism more unscathed than another, it was my mystical experience. I believe that in this a man comes the nearest to bedrock that human experience can reach. . . The mystical has to do with relations between things sensed, with meanings, values, and discriminations between more real and less real.” (Which Way Western Man, National Vanguard Books, 2003, pp, 142, 143,) Yes, Will, I know—Arman is way out there if . . . you take him literally. I like his message; I do not give a whole lot of credence to the Mormon-like angelic revelations that he purports to have been involved in. I just see this a dramatic picturing of an individual mystical… Read more »
Thank you, Arvin. This is the sort of constructive back and forth dialog I like seeing in our NV comments. However, my comment above. criticizing promotion of mystical belief systems here on our NA outreach site stands. I won’t be trading W.G. Simpson quotes with you to reinforce my argument. I will point out that the part you chose by him from p.142-43 of WWWM?, about his “prolonged skepticism” concerning Christianity, is barely 1/10th of the way through his1050-page biographical life’s journey from devout Franciscan Bible-thumper, through Nietzsche to his embracing Cosmotheism as an early National Alliance member. I just looked at those pages, 142-143, and see what you quote is out of context — and not only that, Chapter 5 was written by Simpson in 1944, revised in 1970,… Read more »
Will, thank you for your considered reply. I am grateful to be able to respond on this website, and also to contribute the occasional essay. I have been kicked off American Renaissance about five times, in addition to other websites. This is the only website that has not blocked me. I am a financial supported of NA. I give, at Samhain and near Ostara, as much or more than Kevin recommends, in total. I don’t keep records, but I am at the very least close, if not over, what he recommended. But I am not a materialist, as strict Cosmotheism seems to require. I am a member of a high-IQ organization (which is worth as much as what a person does with it) and I frequently meet with another member,… Read more »
Will, thank you for your considered reply. — Don’t get me wrong. You provided an opportunity for me to correct you about our important, foundational Cosmotheist book, WWWM?. When we became very low on hard inventory for that book last year we offered it for $75 until we ran out. But, thanks to generous donations from some of our members who realize the importance of WWWM?, we were able to reprint it and drop the price back down to the more reasonable price of $50. — … I have been kicked off American Renaissance about five times, in addition to other websites. This is the only website that has not blocked me. — There’s usually good reason one gets booted from various discussion boards, multiple times. Don’t press your luck… Read more »
PS–Will, I don’t see how it is out of context, and I don’t in any way think that it reflects some kind of earlier view of Simpson, that he later changed or refined.
However, like you say, we are not to argue over Simpson, like people argue over the Bible. He is a signpost only (as are Millard, Pierce, and others) that we are on the right path. This path is a gentle woodland path that one is free to stop on, wander off of, or even improve; it is not a strict and rigid paved superhighway with barriers on each side and people honking at you if you slow down a bit, or pull over and stop.
That is the way I see it.
All of the West, but the US and Britain especially, are dying from late-stage terminal cancer: the ideas of liberalism pushed especially by the Jews, but also by brainwashed white zombies. This death is becoming more obvious to everyone with each advancing day. This will radicalize the thinking of more and more white people. Keep National Vanguard open. It is probably the best place for white people who are searching for truth and answers to find them.