What Kind of Problem?
by David Sims
THE AUTHORITIES in Western countries that are beleaguered by violent immigrants are, all of them, making a fundamental strategic error [whether or not they’re making it on purpose is a separate question — Ed.]. They persist in believing the problem to be one that can be resolved by policing. This isn’t the case.
A hundred criminals is a policing problem.
A hundred thousand criminals is a military problem.
A policing problem is tackled by arresting offenders, holding them for trial while respecting their basic rights, and incarcerating them or by fining them after they are convicted. As long as the number of criminals involved is small, this can be done practically, without overtaxing the police, the prosecutors, or the courts.
A military problem is solved by destroying the enemy. No prisoners are taken. No arrests are made. Nobody gives any thought to what “rights” the enemy troops might have. The death penalty is authorized from the start, by both sides against the forces that oppose them. This is the correct way to deal with a problem that is too large to be handled by policing.
Thus it always has been. Thus it always will be.
Mass immigration into the United States, into the United Kingdom, into the rest of Europe, and into all White countries has been carried on to the point where millions of violent non-White criminals now inhabit these regions. It long ago passed the maximum size of a policing problem and is now, and for some time has been, a military problem.
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Source: Author
I was brought to your comment before even reading the article itself; and so in all awareness of the assumption I’m making here:
Absolutely, that’s what a healthy society would do.
“Mass immigration into the United States, into the United Kingdom, into the rest of Europe, and into all White countries has been carried on to the point where millions of violent non-White criminals now inhabit these regions.”
expel them NOW – else you’re lost …
It’s not called immigration, it is an Eingriff, Incursio or what us redneck inbred crackers term an invasion.
I found a good book on the topic.
“Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy“
What the Muslim Arab immigrants are doing is genetic displacement. They are having as many children as nature will allow. They are raping and impregnating White women. And finally, they are killing White men, women, and children.
Besides, we should stop seeing Islam as a religion unto itself, but rather as a heresy.
The Federals have a poor reputation of protecting our borders.
Texas Declaration of Causes: February 2, 1861
“The Federal Government . . . has for years almost entirely failed to protect the lives and property of the people of Texas against the Indian savages on our border, and more recently against the murderous forays of banditti from the neighboring territory of Mexico; and when our State government has expended large amounts for such purpose, the Federal Government has refused reimbursement therefor, thus rendering our condition more insecure and harassing than it was during the existence of the Republic of Texas.”