Reflections on the Christ Myth, part 1: What Is Christianity?
by Revilo P. Oliver
CHRISTIANITY IS a fusion of two myths. The Jesus myth requires no explication. It is clear that the stories collected in the “New Testament” are versions of a folk-tale formed, like the legend of Robin Hood, by the accretion around a central figure of episodes in the careers of a number of minor figures. The Jesus of that legend was a composite formed from tales about Jesus ben Ananias (1), Jesus ben Pandera (2), the agitator, whose name may have been Jesus, who led a party of his followers into Jerusalem during the celebration of the Passover and was well received by the populace, but soon suppressed, and Judas the Gaulanite (3). And it is possible, of course, that there was an otherwise forgotten Jesus who also tried to start a Jewish revolt against civilized rule and paid the penalty. The composite Jesus was, of course, a would-be christ and interested only in his own barbarous people. The stories in the “New Testament” have been embellished by Christians, and that is what is remarkable.
The Christ myth is puzzling, an historical problem that is still unsolved. Indeed, if considered a priori as an historical phenomenon, it is astounding. The Jesus of the composite legend was a would-be christ, who anticipates the basic doctrine of the Talmud, that Jews are a unique form of life, vastly superior to all other peoples, who, at best, if totally submissive to God’s People, may aspire to the status of dogs. He boasts that he brings not peace, but a sword, so he probably wanted to rouse the Jews scattered throughout the world as well as those in Palestine to start slaughtering the civilized peoples, as did his successors in the great Jewish Conspiracy of 117. Yet this implacable enemy of the Aryans was transformed by the Christ myth into a god that Aryans worshipped!
The Jews, naturally and, from their standpoint, reasonably, hate all Aryans, but they feel a specially intense hatred for Aryans who are so intelligent and manly that they resent being herded and fleeced by their Jewish shepherds and refuse to believe in the enormous racial superiority that entitles Jews to own the entire planet. When the Germans tried to have a country of their own, international Jewry sent against Germany their stupid British hounds and eventually their rabid American mastiffs, who obediently and foully murdered the German leaders to prove to the world that resistance to God’s People is an unforgivable sin that is punished by torture and death. That we all know.
Now, if, in the coming century, say by the year 2100, the Jews begin to venerate Hermann Goering or Alfred Rosenberg or Julius Streicher as their divinely inspired Saviour and worship him as a Son of God and an incarnation of their Yahweh, that would be astounding, wouldn’t it? Yes, but not more incredible than the transformation of a Jewish christ into a Saviour of Aryans and a god. It is to solve this historical paradox that Nicholas Carter has written his new book, The Christ Myth (4). Mr. Carter will be remembered for his excellent book, The Late Great Book, the Bible (5), in which he reached and enforced the conclusion that “the establishment of Christianity in the West represents one of the greatest tragedies that has ever befallen the human race.”
He persuasively finds the key to the paradoxical enigma in the effect of Greek civilization on the barbarous Jews. It will be necessary, therefore, to begin with the sixth century BC. As we all know, Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire, showed great favor to the Jews, probably to recompense their work in subverting the Babylonian Empire and betraying the city of Babylon into his hands.
The Jews so needed his protection that they flattered him by calling him their “christ” (6), i.e., a being divinely sent and inspired by Yah to save his people. Soon after 538 B.C., Cyrus rewarded them (as the British were to do much later) by giving them permission to take over for themselves a part of Palestine. Soon after they were established in Jerusalem, a contingent of wealthy Jews from Babylon undertook a drastic reformation of their tribal religion. They eliminated their goddess and three other gods, and recognized Yah (or Ya’u), a god they had taken over from the Canaanites, as the patron god of their race. (7)
To be continued.
1. The obvious source of at least the “prophecy” about the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. We cannot be certain about the doctrine for which the Sanhedrin tried to persuade the Roman governor to consent to his crucifixion, but after the governor released him, he became a prophet of disaster until he was appropriately killed by a Roman missile during the siege of Jerusalem in 59-60.
2. The probable source of at least part of the story about a crucifixion and resurrection. The tradition about him, which was known to Celsus before the year 180, probably had an historical basis in the career of a Jewish goës who won, and then lost, the favor of Queen Alexandra Helene (Salome), the widow of Alexander Jannaeus, c. 70 BC.
3. See Josephus, Antiquitates, XVII, 4; XX, 102.
4. Originally published by Historical Review Press.
5. Historical Review Press, as above.
6. A crucial text is quoted in Liberty Bell, September 1993, p. 6, n. 9.
7. Conclusive evidence about the earlier form of the Jews’ religion is provided by documents from the Jewish colony at Elephantine, an island in the Nile below the First Cataract, now submerged by the Aswan Dam. The Jews of that colony believed themselves perfectly orthodox in worshiping their five gods, including Yah’s consort, ‘Anath. The documents were edited and translated by A.E. Cowley of Magdalen College (Oxford) in his fundamental book, Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth century BC (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1923). For a learned but frantic and at times ludicrous attempt to explain away the evidence, see Bezalel Porten, Archives from Elephantine (University of California Press, 1968).
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How about Tacitus and other sources including the romans in charge of palestine thees days, they wrote about his miracles and crucifiction to cesar at that time.
I hghly recommend anyone who wants a detailed explanation of the Biblical nonsense to check out the following website
Im’ an asatru germanic heathen. But if people want to believe Jesus was real i can’t see a problem with it. Can you ?
The problem here is that it is based on lies. Everything in the Bible was written between the sixth and third century BC. The followers of Jesus is the centural root of Jewish supremacy in the west. They believe that your ancestral gods and goddesses are devils. This helps explain why they destroyed our beautiful statues of our pagan past and are destroying statues of white Aryan heros today Pagan acceptance of other gods, even foreign ones resulted in the church becoming the sole source of divine inspiration on the west. The idea of sin is the criminalization of humanity and the foundation for Jewish led global depopulation we are witnessing today.
what is your opinion on jesus ?
There were many major characters named Jesus in the first century but the one told about in the four gospels is a composite character stolen from many pagan traditions and is the “sun god” worshipped by so many. The twelve apostles are the signs of the zodiac. Judas is Scorpio and when a scorpion stings it leaves a mark that looks like a woman’s lip’s and shortly after the god man dies. During the winter solstice the sun appears motionless in the sky for three days before it begins it’s journey further north again. The Roman Catholic is said to be the ghost of the Roman empire and helped to create stability and purpose in people’s lives during a period of confusion and change
Not an opinion. A faith given as a “gift of God….” – Ephesians 2:8,9. I believe, therefore KNOW that the historical Jesus was/is the incarnate Son of God – Whose crucifixion was the atoning sacrifice for the sins of all who put faith in Him. John 3:16.
@Servenet -“For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man’s foes shall be they of his own household”. Matthew #0:35-36 “If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yay and his own life also he cannot be my disciple” Luke 24:26 ‘,, and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the Father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death” Matthew 10:21 Jesus praises dishonesty; The Lord commanded the unjust Steward because he had done wisely for the children of the world are in… Read more »
I really can’t reply to these kind of responses to my above comment as defending Christianity here is greatly vexing to the owners of this site. It is theirs so…I simply acknowledge that reality. I appreciate that they otherwise have permitted me thus far to comment without refusing to publish my remarks. I am an unstinting White Nationalist. Many Christians are. In recent times past this accounted for the great majority of them. The entire West has fallen over the past century to Jewish capitalist, liberal democracy and the apparatuses of mind control and unrelenting lying propaganda have been in place for at least three generations now. Those human beings who simply identify as Christians are not impervious to the same psychological pressures and implied and/or overt threats as are… Read more »
Do you believe jesus was an aryan ? Otherwise why would you believe in him ?
It’s simply like this – I was raised in the “church” since baptized as an infant. Left (stopped attending) as soon as I was allowed to do so – no hostility, just indifference. Through circumstance I visited a church and heard the simple gospel message and my heart “was opened” – Acts 16:14. The message – Jesus of Nazareth was the incarnate Son of God sent to be the atoning sacrifice for sinners, those who BELIEVE this message. It is a message of SALVATION for all who receive (believe on) Christ. The whole issue of the Jewish problem has nothing to do with the Savior qua Savior. I am as Jew aware as anyone here. If the Person, Jesus, is the Savior then there is no other. He WAS REJECTED… Read more »
Servenet, Valhal is accurate. ‘Atlantean Conspiracy’ has an compelling 90 min. documentary titled: ‘Jesus Never Existed.’ You can find it on side bar topics under: Astrotheology or Atlantis or Religion. I am very familiar with Christianity my whole life, so when I started noticing things, such as the Pope carrying a Sun Staff or the tall ‘Mitre’ headdress that looks like a fish mouth, my background in many denominations of Christianity helped piece things together, especially since I really did want to know. I found it invigorating.
Typo: Phil Keup is accurate
We should first define what “the Bible” is and the differences between Old and New. The Old Testament, yes, it was written back then. But the New Testament was put together much much later after Christ’s time. But the timing is not so important as what each book contains and is all about. The Old one is basically an unreliable compilation of legends which also includes a lot of sinful activities like incest, murder, theft, prostitution, deceit, etc, you name it. The New one, although not exactly what we could call an accurate historical account, is nothing like the …”dirt” of the Old one. On the contrary, I dare anyone of us to find the slightest objectionable passage, ethically speaking, in the New Testatment. Also keep in mind that, Catholics,… Read more »
You want objectionable passages that Jesus said. Here are some “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man’s foes shall be they of his own household”. Matthew #0:35-36 “If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yay and his own life also he cannot be my disciple” Luke 24:26 ‘,, and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the Father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death” Matthew 10:21 Jesus praises dishonesty; The Lord commanded the unjust Steward because he had done… Read more »
Luke 14:26 not 24:26
“If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yay and his own life also he cannot be my disciple” Luke 24:26
Sorry for the typo. Lol
If you’re serious about your faith, your tolerance for other religions should have a limit. Asatru and other revived European religions should have enhanced followings, which means less public donations and public influence for the Christian churches, whom all favour Third World immigration and the watering-down of White European identity.
I agree. There is the whole ‘jesus was an aryan’ myth which Varg dismisses totally. Im’ with Varg, but i also believe the ‘good’ things in christianity was/is stolen from european heathenism. It’s strange there are so few accounts of what jesus looked like- some depict him as blonde and blue eyed like the Nuntiatella catacomb picture. I don’t know what to make of it.
Varg is like the kind, crazy old uncle who would actually take time to play Viking with us when we were children while all the other adults ignored us, and he would actually let us use real fire…
Marie and Varg has done so much for our tribe it’s mind-boggling. They have the Allfather/allmother spirit in them to rekindle our roots.
Varg also believes anything good that was within Christians in Europe was just from Europeans(correct). “Christian Identity” is a disgusting subversion. There was a highly active promoter of this in bitchute comments when I was posting on there (“El Cheeko” was one of their handles). When I pushed them on our ancestors (pre-Christianity) they called them “mean”. They also used the exact same arguments against intact penises that Jews use calling intact men “smegma dicks”. More than a decade ago there was one who posted across various forums. Eventually some pics of the guy was found and posted on one of them. He was wearing phylacteries. C.I. consists of #1 subversives and #2 Whites who just haven’t yet or can’t yet bring themselves to let go of this Jew religion.… Read more »
Excellent, excellent, excellent. No one has ever written like Revilo Oliver. A wit and genius beyond compare. Thank you for keeping his work alive! I cannot wait for part 2.
Do not trust anyone who worships the Jews’ demon-god.
They are all the same devil.
Jesus is not a myth. Judeao-Christian stories about him are. When one understands the Gospel stories from a first century, Judean context, the truth is plain and clear. Jesus’ sole mission was to bring down the second Temple and its corrupt, sacrificial system based on the blood sacrifice. He DID NOT come to save mankind from undefined, collective sins. This is plainly evident in the fact that, according to the first century Jewish religion, all sins were prescribed in the 613 Mitzvot (commandments) put forth in the Torah. If one did not practice first century Judaism, then one could not possibly commit sins set by those standards. Jesus, along with the Temple priests and their followers, recognized no other religion. According to Matthew, Jesus clearly commanded his disciples… Read more »
Unsuccessful internet search for copy/pdf of Nicholas Carter The Late Great Book, the Bible. High price(s) on Amazon. Hundred of dollars. Must be good. If someone finds a version link it please.
note to mod: I notice there is another poster who uses the handle of “Victoria”. So I will from now on use “bellamoon”.