What If the Jews Succeed?

by Andrew Hamilton
We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. – Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1924), p. 155.
THE PURPOSE of this intellectual exercise is not to state what will happen, but to expose underlying assumptions about the essential nature of Jews, their objectives, and the Gentiles recruited to serve them.
Assume that Jewry and its powerful Rainbow Gentile supporters succeed in exterminating the White race, which they are in the process of doing.1
What might happen next? Follow the thought to its logical conclusion, assuming for purposes of argument that nothing decisive intervenes to stop the process before it completely unfolds.
Many readers are familiar with the messianic concept central to Judaism of a global government (really a Left-wing dictatorship) controlled by Jews. All Gentiles are subordinate to the Chosen in this scheme. Communism and the current new world order are “secular” variants of this ideology. (In truth, they are fanatical cults themselves.)
Given the modern instruments of social control now at their disposal — the mass media, the Internet (a combined brainwashing/total surveillance mechanism), governments, secret police agencies, military troops and armaments, academia, scientists, corporations, the dissolution of nations, replacement migration, miscegenation, destruction of the family and group reproduction, genetic engineering, “transhumanism” — it is easy to envision such an outcome.
In practice the new world order would resemble the Soviet Union, except it would be more gray, aesthetically ugly, oppressive, and impoverished, because there is no longer an external society, no West, no major free zone of the planet to counterbalance and subsidize the dictatorship, no outside civilization to leech off of.
The rulers would be thrown back on their own devices. They would make a complete botch of it. Their obsequious Gentiles would not be able to correct the situation for them.
Jews would of course possess a monopoly of the best of everything available, but it would not come close to matching what they’re accustomed to now.
This doesn’t mean the rulers of the new order couldn’t eliminate tens of millions of human beings. They could and they would. They have done it before. Nor does it mean millions wouldn’t be tortured, prosecuted, and locked away in prisons and concentration camps. That, too, would happen. It does not mean that the dictators couldn’t maintain their death grip over the peoples of the earth indefinitely. That, too, they could do.
But there would be no utopia.
An extension of this scenario is also conceivable.
Jews need people to hate, people to persecute, people to victimize, people to kill. They are what they claimed Whites are: “the cancer of human history.”
One of many elastic code words for their enemy-of-the-moment (“anti-Semite” is the most common one), drawn from their religion, is “Amalek”/“Amalekites.” Amalek is interpreted to mean anybody Jews hate. Amalek is not an ancient extinct tribe, but a generic enemy that each generation of Jews is free to identify for itself.
Jews are convinced that they have a “god”-given right to physically destroy “Amalek,” killing even the children and infants of their victims — as Passover itself memorably celebrates.
The same hatred prevails among secular Jews (and Gentiles) fired up on Left-wing ideology, as we daily see confirmed in Jewry’s media, “social media” (the Internet), government, academia, corporations, and other ultra-privileged venues.
This trait will not magically disappear once the US and other governments have eradicated Whites and established their new world order. It is innate.
The Jew, like the scorpion and every other creature, does what it is in his nature to do. He has always lived not by settling down on a piece of turf of his own and planting his own crops and building his own house, but rather by breaking into someone else’s house. And once in he doesn’t try to repair the damage he did by breaking in, but he continues to cause more and more damage as he loots everything of value and then, when there is nothing of value remaining, finding another house to break into — and then another — and another. That is his nature. – William L. Pierce, “The Scorpion and the Frog,” American Dissident Voices, 2001.
An ungovernable genocidal urge to torture and kill has been noticed by many empirically-minded Gentiles skeptical of Jewish behavior and their loud, chauvinist claims to divine right and moral superiority.
An example is German writer, activist, and early Hitler proponent Dietrich Eckart, who penned a posthumously published pamphlet, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin (Munich, 1924; trans., ed., and slightly modified by William L. Pierce).
The Jew’s very survival, Eckart wrote, involves “unconditional dependence” on the victims he loathes. His goal is,
beyond world domination, the annihilation of the world. He must wear down all the rest of mankind, he persuades himself, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. He has made himself believe that only he is capable of this great task . . . [But] if a halt is not ordered, he will destroy all men. His nature compels him to that goal, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself. There is no other way for him; he must act thus.
The first logical step after the destruction of Whites might be the elimination of Blacks, who Jews perceive as our mirror opposite: the two major Gentile races differing most radically from the mean.
But the elimination of Blacks, or large masses of Gentiles, or whatever other target is chosen, will not slake their thirst for blood, just as 60 million victims of European Communism and the slaughters in the Middle East haven’t.
New attacks on an endless succession of nationalities, all “Jew haters,” would proceed apace.
If, one dark day (a new dawn to them), all Gentiles (in their terminology: “anti-Semites”) are eliminated from the planet, what would come next?
A zoological analogy suggests a possible answer.
Certain species of ants, called slave-making ants, exploit the labor or resources of other species of ants — equivalent to the racial Other in our example. They depend on the subjugated ants to forage for their food, dig and maintain their nests, tend their young, and feed the adult members of the colony. But if the slave ants are separated from the ants that are exploiting them, the dominant ants perish even in the presence of food.
Jews are analogues of these slave-making ants. They, too, cannot survive on their own. They, too, would perish.
This natural outcome would be accelerated by another: because psychopathic hatred is central to their collective being, Jews would turn on one another. The ferocious malice formerly directed outward would of necessity be directed inward against themselves.
Finally, at some point, “far out in exterior darkness where no breath stirs, no light shines, and no sound is heard,” the Earth would continue spinning — devoid of human life.
1 Yes, genocide is a crime. It is one of the most serious crimes on their books, if not the most serious. And no, they are not going to prosecute, convict, and sentence themselves, any more than they obey laws forbidding racial hatred and discrimination, burning down cities, organizing and funding domestic terrorists, or murdering people. They will not stop committing genocide.
* * *
Source: Author
Mostly correct evaluation. But I think that the Jewish dream is going to be shattered much earlier than they succeed in eliminating everyone else on the planet. I doubt that Chinese and other East Asians would be too easy targets for elimination. They are not so stupid as to allow aliens to dictate how they should live. Jews will not succeed in imposing their dictatorship on them. The Jewish success in Europe is due mostly to Christianity. The White People were conquered mentally first, and only afterward physically. Having no such prerequisite in other places, Jews would not be able to insinuate their dominance so easily. Europe now pays the ultimate price of accepting an alien religion. Yes, it is very tough price and everyone of us pays it dearly.… Read more »
What Cuckstianity is for Europe/Whites, Communism is for China. Both are basically the same Jewish idea.
I would imagine that after Whitey has been steri-VAXXXed or otherwise eliminated – a few 10,000 of the prettiest being kept alive in HEAVILY guarded camps to breed sex slaves for the mostly Jewish ‘elites’ – they will try to coerce, bribe, threaten or trick the Chinese and Japanese into taking Whitey’s role as the creators, producers and maintainers of anything requiring an IQ of over 80, such as technology, infrastructure, planning, development of new products and concepts and such.
The world outside of east Asia is likely to resemble a mixture of Brazil and India, with gigantic mega-favelas of teeming billions and vast stretches of desert created by monoculture.
Yes, I agree partly. But I doubt that there will be slums with millions of residents. Who would feed them? The modern agriculture has reached its limit. Any break in socio-economic structure would lead to massive famine with population returning to more acceptable level of 3-4 billion and even less. I doubt that in such situation the global “elite” would be able to preserve order on the planet. Everything is sure to slide into chaos. There will be no order and prosperity without White dominant factor. The very moment Chinese realize their exclusive global position, they would toughen their policy to such an extent that we can’t even imagine how it would look like. At least I am sure that they will never provide food for starving people anywhere in… Read more »
Who’s gonna feed ’em ? E-Z: Kill Hates and his mystery meat (SOYlent Green ?). Not to mention bugs. They already eat bugs in SE Asia, ants in Africa. Wonder if they’re ‘kosher’. Must be. I am sure you’re right about the Chinese not being very cooperative, but never underestimate the Jews’ subversion and infiltration skills. Get a few nice Jewish boys into extremely wealthy and influential Chinese families via marriage – à la Zuckerborg or the White cuck Turtleneck McConnell – just like they did in Rome…… ” I understand, senator. Gambling debts…very regrettable. There might be help, though. Ah, there’s my son. Thank you, bubele, this is Senator Venatus. Very nice man. You have a marriageable daughter, do you not, senator ?’ If that doesn’t soften things up… Read more »
It doesn’t matter what to eat, bugs, snakes or corn. The question is who is going to support the industry that would produce huge amounts of food. The savage non-white masses will not be able to do it. They would plunder and destroy all production facilities. At first, they would eat each other, afterward they would die out. It is the most probable outcome. In regard to infiltrating China. It takes time, it can’t be done in a decade or two. They infiltrated European ruling elite for centuries. Besides, they had the main prerequisite of being the “chosen people” of the Bible. Therefore, the European simpletons tended to have reverent attitude toward them. All of these factors are absent in East Asia. And Chinese are too numerous to marry into… Read more »
Adam Green reviews hot-off-the-presses book by Sco-tard Joel Richardson of WorldNetDeli. The book is called When A Jew Rules The World: https://www.bitchute.com/video/v4ug0cSvVoMC/
The dream that the jews have of building their 3rd temple in Jerusalem would surely turn into a nightmare. There would be political murders for the high-priesthood left and right. It is a s**** religion without a doubt.
Re: “there would be no utopia” — you can say that again!
Mr. Hamilton’s work is among the best writing and the best thinking out there.
An Earth devoid of life; perhaps a Universe devoid of life; perhaps new universes, that might be born, never born. Perhaps ultimate knowledge of something beyond matter, energy, and universes, knowledge that we might well attain, never attained — if the Jew is not defeated.
A very nice piece enunciating the obvious self-destructing end of the Jewish agenda. They will, in the end, kill off their only food supply. But, not given much attention is that, as far as I know, in ant colonies, there are no contra-ant workers as in our society, particulaly American society, where many sign on to kill their own. This is the Achilles Heel. The Jews do it by going after the leaders, they don’t bother with the underclass, those folks will fall in line behind their leaders, without question. Can that be changed? Raising up incorruptible leaders? How was it that Andrew Jackson was raised. We know it was Joe Kennedy who raised up his sons to carry on that mission. Do we have any more?
One gropes for analogies in an attempt to understand Jews, and to comprehend the even more baffling question of why they are worshipped by those they venomously hate and are destroying. Humans, unlike ants, have the capacity for thought, moral judgment, and choice. So the analogy is not perfect. You are correct that Jews move in right at the top. First, they corrupt the existing leaders, then they put themselves in the position where they are the ones selecting and screening who become leaders, or can remain in the Club once they’re there. Many of the “new” leaders are Jews themselves, even if they retain comparatively low profiles or remain “invisible.” I do not share the belief that East Asians (or any other Gentile group) is immune to them. They… Read more »
The Kalergi mongrels will live as slaves in “Smart Cities” , in Communist tier buildings/boxes where their moves will be monitorized 24/7 and where they will consume bugs and other non meat,. non-natural food. Israeli drones and their chipped bodies would make that(enslaving mongrels) very easy for the jews
If the jews get their hand on AI Robots, they won’t even need kalergi mongrels anymore. Maybe they’ll keep a few thousads mongrels as sex slaves and for religious sacrifices.
Hopefully white racemixers(especially white women) would live long enough to see how the kikes keep their filthy mongrel progenies as slaves.
Natural Selection decides who stays and who goes (survival of the fittest). The stern laws of nature accept the healthiest only.
The Jews are an unredeemed people. Apparently, in their insane egotism, they lack any question about the future: “How will the world deal with us one day?” Instead of standing before the world and saying, “We have lied to you, we pledge to mend our ways from now on.” They think they can do without our respect.
Hitler foresaw that “Israel” will be only a training
base and haven for their criminals – nothing else.
The headlines about the “American” Jew Mathilde Cohen causing an uproar in France (that even the Jewish “Breitbart” is reporting) shows the whole dilemma and unrest that the Jewish Question brings. Why do Jews literally always “spit in the soup” of non-Jews with intent and relish? Is this a sign of their supposed hyper-intelligence? In France, food is known to be part of life culture and identity, something sacred, untouchable. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/07/03/watch-woke-law-professor-says-french-food-reinforces-whiteness/ Alarm bells are constantly ringing in millions of gentiles: “Is she just saying that because or even though she is a Jew? Am I ‘anti-Semitic’ because once again I notice the Jewish name? Am I suffering from a ‘pathological fixation’, as the Jews claim, or is my mind normal and healthy?” etc. It is understandable that people want to get… Read more »
What If the Jews Succeed?
JERUSALEM, July 3 (Reuters) – Israeli defense officials were checking whether an Israeli-owned cargo ship was attacked on Saturday by Iranian forces on its way from Jeddah to the United Arab Emirates, Israel’s N12 Television News reported.
The crew was not hurt and the ship was not badly damaged, N12 said, citing unnamed sources within Israel’s defense establishment. Lebanese pro-Iranian TV channel Al Mayadeen had reported earlier that the ship was attacked in the Indian Ocean. (Reporting by Maayan Lubell, editing by Louise Heavens)
Whether I shower with hand soap or wash my hands with shower gel is completely irrelevant. But what the Jews offer us as “new compatible fellow citizens” is not so interchangeable. Perversely, the first is more important to us than the second. Our collective consciousness has a massive defect.
I hope your article and comments below are correct, but I see the jew being more cautious this time of world conquest. Perhaps the Oriental will stop them. The jew is the only “human” parasite that has existed throughout human history. It is in their genes & heritage to know when to retreat, If they lose in their present conquest, they will return.
Perhaps the “people” in those flying saucers will know how to handle the jew. I have seen them. Maybe Zundel was correct, they are National Socialists that retreated to the South Pole.
88 Dave Westerlund
I had just recently read yet another article about organ harvesting in Israhell and was righteously indignant. Then it came time to do a regular radio program with Dr. James Fetzer and Maryam Heinen. Hence, when it came time for my opinion regarding news items Dr. Fetzer had chosen to discuss, I hammered the enemy good and hard. You might appreciate this episode of Need to Know:
The Entity is required to reveal its plans to the goyim from time to time. The best way is with their three propaganda methods; Hollywood movies, MS publishing and the Tell Lie Vision. In the 1960s some prescient films were, (in no particular order) The Manchurian Candidate and Soylent Green. Since 1947, increasing numbers of ‘alien’ movies and dystopian visions of a bleak future have accrued. Movies such as Mad Max, Blade Runner and The Road reveal visions of realities already unfolding. The latest presentation was The Hunger Games and given what many of us are witnessing, hunger is on the table and a global holodomor will be gleefully watched by the tentacles of the International Parasite on their flat screen TVs proclaiming the Main Scream Jews for the day.… Read more »
…perhaps we are living in the last stage of the Kali Yuga (Age of destruction!), and the Creator God will come down to Earth to STOP the chosenites !? They have corrupted this world beyond redemption, and only the arrival of the Creator, in the human realm, can stop them!
..they seem to wish to destroy the luxurious lifestyle that many of them enjoy, and the whites are not only their competition, but we have just enough culture and IQ for them to live amongst us, and exploit us a the same time!
We are that Creator, Mr. Sense. Expecting an anthropomorphic god-like being to swoop down from the stars is akin to waiting on the Tooth Fairy to slip coins underneath the pillows of children who have recently parted with a tooth. We adults should know better.
Let us act with what powers we do have to save our own skins. It builds character and earns respect. Start by committing to the National Alliance, today if not sooner.
My comment was going to espouse a more esoteric connection of the jews to this world but since this wouldn’t be universally understood, I will offer something I read from Carleton Coon. The jews were traditionally understood as mongrels. They never had a particularly defined racial feature. White people for the most part don’t carry traits that could otherwise be considered negroid admixture. Kinky hair and a larger lower lip are negroid traits and you would find that in blue eyed jews who you thought were entirely white. Steven Spielberg and Steven Pinker comes to mind. The jew identifies with non-whites because they have a history of being a mongrel race. They hate the pure raced caucasians of Norther Europe because they are jealous of them. Envy drives them.
Jewish patchwork. That’s what A.H. called it. Those people never start from scratch or build civilization. They simply migrate to a host nation that is up and running and tap into the wealth.
The Jewish method of world domination is “gaslighting”.
If you get on their trail, they will declare you “crazy”.
On the surface, they act empathetically and humanely;
on the back, they act cynically and misanthropically.
Well thought.
Jews are Satanists and will be betrayed and as for Israel it is thoroughly infected with the same mental plagues it has loosed on Europa through Christianity which it swallows as Anglo Liberalism…there is no escape for those who are the rabbi’s golem.
Next time I’m in Arizona, I’ll make sure to pay my respects to this subhuman lizard creature.
God works in mysterious ways.
At the helm:
Vaxx manufacturers – Globalist Jews
Mass media networks – Globalist Jews
Triple letter government agencies – Globalist Jews
Top universities – Globalist Jews
Entertainment industries – Globalist Jews
International bankers – Globalist Jews
Military establishment – Globalist Jews
Their lackeys – Globalist Aryans
………..etc., etc., etc,.
Nothing to see here, move along.
There has to be a way to stop them.