American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Men of Deeds

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 10 July, 2021 2021-0710 Men of Deeds.mp3

by Kevin Alfred Strom

JUST YESTERDAY National Vanguard published an article by James Harting entitled “Did National Socialist Germany Ever Surrender?” It sets forth the fact that, technically and legally, the National Socialist German government never surrendered in World War 2, and that thus, the successor regimes set up on German soil are of no legal validity. The case made by Mr. Harting is irrefutable. The occupation regime is illegal! I doesn’t even exist, really. And the introduction to the piece, written by one of our National Vanguard editors, quotes my statement of a few years ago that, since World War 2 isn’t over, the good guys can still win it.

The “government” in Berlin today therefore ought to be of no more legal force than a comic-opera king’s, and no German ought to obey it and no foreign state ought to recognize it.

But a commenter, Thomas Cole, brings us back to practical reality — and this applies to every society, not just Germany — when he states:

Paper means nothing.
Ideas mean nothing.
Deeds mean everything.

In other words, the men with guns who get salaries and pensions from the System, the men in Black robes and suits who interpret and make the System’s so-called “laws” and who also get salaries and pensions from the System, do not care if the System is “legal” or not, do not care about your legal arguments that all its laws are of no legitimate standing, do not care what words written on any piece of paper (including any Constitution) say or mean, and are simply going get their gun-toting pension-loving goons to shackle you and imprison you if you cause too much trouble.

And they can do this because they control the money-spigots and you do not, therefore the goons obey them and not you. And they can do this because they are confident that no one is going to challenge their gun-toting goons in kind and make the goons stand down or suffer loss of life. And they are equally sure that we, the people, are weak-willed, poorly-armed, and disorganized, and that therefore they stand little chance of having their own blood spilled, either. (This is one reason why the buffoonery of 6 January 2021 really worried them; it shook their confidence, at least a little bit, that the people would never decide to punish them for their crimes.)

In other words: They’ve got mercenaries — soldiers, police, US Marshals, whatever — to be their Men of Deeds for them. And they believe that we have no Men of Deeds on our side yet, at least not enough to make a difference.

As in Germany, so in America: There is plenty of evidence that the regime in Washington is illegal, too. How could a central government that arrested the legislature of Maryland because they were about to “vote wrongly,” as Abraham Lincoln’s government once did, have any legitimacy at all? How could any statute enacted by such a tyranny be valid after that? How, then, can any federal law since 1861 — or any state or local law that acknowledges such “federal laws” — be valid? They are obviously no laws at all, just pretended laws.

How could a government that breaks its own rules routinely, as the whole political system that put Resident Biden in the White House did a thousand times at least, have any validity? Aren’t all of the laws it enacts just fake laws, pretended laws, of no effect whatever?

How could a US government based on the Fourteenth and subsequent two Amendments, which were obviously forced on the southern states by military occupation governments, under which almost all citizens were disenfranchised, possibly be legal? How can any law passed by such a government be a real law, and that includes every single federal law since the 1870s and even earlier? How can any Supreme Court interpretation based on those illegally passed Amendments be valid? How even can the appointment of the Justices who made those decisions have been valid? They are obviously pretended Justices, serving on a pretended Court, the “Supreme Court” of a whole illegitimate system of pretended courts, trying and imprisoning people with no more authority than your neighbor across the street would have if he started arresting, trying, and imprisoning people.

And all of this is unquestionably true, as will become evident to anyone who objectively looks at it. But it doesn’t matter if it’s true if no one, or not enough of us, act on it. Again, remember:

Paper means nothing.
Ideas mean nothing.
Deeds mean everything.

Back in the 1980s, a patriot using the nom de guerre James O. Pace wrote a book in which he proposed to reverse America’s decline and restore her to good government through a constitutional amendment. He called his proposed amendment the Pace Amendment, and it would have restricted US citizenship to Whites only — just as originally intended by America’s founders. Revilo Oliver wrote of it at the time:

By far the best and most cogent of the proposals that I have seen is the work of a practicing lawyer in the city that is still called New York, James O. Pace, whose Amendment to the Constitution Averting the Decline and Fall of America is published by Johnson, Pace, Simmons, & Fennell [in] Sunland, California. The first ninety-one pages are a sagacious and comprehensive survey of the present plight of the American people, with a reasoned indication of the only means of escape still open to them without a real Civil War. That unique means is a restoration of the Republic by strictly limiting citizenship to members of our race (“the European race”). There is nothing in this first section to which one of us could object, although we may wish to change the emphasis in a few details here and there. The author’s proposition commands unqualified assent.

The requisite limitation of citizenship is to be obtained by enacting an amendment to the Constitution, and the amendment is to be proposed by a Constitutional Convention, summoned at the behest of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states, and is to be ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or, if necessary, by specially called conventions in those states.

Mr. Pace has drawn up the text of the amendment and shown in detail why each provision of the amendment is politically sound, and has illustrated the whole process by which the amendment will be enacted and save the American people from the deadly trap into which they thoughtlessly put themselves. And all this, please note, will be done with strict adherence to the Constitution and by entirely Constitutional and legal procedures.

This is a splendid plan and I endorse it whole-heartedly. Mr. Pace has, in his 179 pages, documented with a lawyer’s thoroughness, given us everything we need to restore the American Republic, even the text of the amendment that will resurrect it. The only thing that he has not fully explained is the conduct of the elections that will be necessary at some stage preliminary to the triumphal recovery of our liberty and independence. It may be consideration of the procedure at this stage was omitted because it is so obvious that it may be taken for granted.

Some of my readers, however, may be puzzled by the omission, especially when they reflect that all of us “rightists” have been and now are totally unable to elect even one avowed “racist” to the Federal Senate or to the House of Representatives or to the legislature of any state or, so far as I know, even to the board of supervisors of any county or to the municipal government of a small town. We have not even had the power to keep in the Senate or House such men as Senators Percy and Abourezk and Congressman Findlay, men who certainly never knowingly nodded to a “racist,” but did have the audacity to suggest that the lowly American boobs might have some interests apart from humbly serving God’s Chosen Pirates. The Jews, of course, not only promptly muzzled the obstreperous dogs, but did so quite openly to teach a lesson to other Aryan curs who might be tempted to whine in their masters’ presence. And what is more, the boobs seemed quite content to see their would-be champions muzzled.

I can see that readers who take those facts into account may not understand how Mr. Pace’s splendid amendment is to be enacted, so for their benefit I will outline, in confidence, the obviously necessary and indispensable procedure:

(1) At the strategic time, guided missiles will be launched from the subterranean silos that so many Americans secretly maintain beneath grape vines and rose bushes. The missiles will be directed at Washington and New York and equipped with warheads that are hydrogen bombs, in sufficient number totally to obliterate the two enemy citadels. It is unfortunately true that the annihilation of those cities will sacrifice some valuable lives and precious works of art, but the sacrifice must be made, since surprise is absolutely requisite for success of the strategy.

(2) Simultaneously, at least two thousand of the MBT-70 tanks that so many Neo-Nazis now keep in the back of the garage or Junior’s playhouse will be manned and proceed at once to occupy all centers of communication throughout the nation, covered by both pursuit planes and medium-sized bombers.

(3) Battalions of shock troops – perhaps 50,000 select storm troopers from the National Socialists in Arlington and the Aryan Nations would suffice, if properly trained and equipped – will simultaneously act to maintain order and prepare for elections to be held in sequence in the various communities through which they move, thus obviating the need for large numbers of men to supervise elections on the same day throughout the country.

(4) At the election, polls will be surrounded by detachments of storm troopers, who will make certain that only members of our race are admitted to vote. Election judges equipped with sub-machine-guns will reason with protesters.

(5) With elections thus properly conducted, the ratification of the Great Amendment should proceed smoothly and we should recover our lost country and our lost self-respect.

Oliver’s sarcasm may seem unkind to some. But this is an emergency, life-or-death situation, and so I think it was and is amply justified. Sometimes we need to be shocked out of our illusions.

What the Pace Amendment folks forgot is the fact that:

Paper means nothing.
Ideas mean nothing.
Deeds mean everything.

We need to become Men of Deeds. All the greatness of German National Socialist philosophy and law would have been nothing without Adolf Hitler’s inspiration of millions of Men — and Women — of Deeds to put them into practice. We need to become Men of Deeds. (That is not to disparage Men of Ideas, Men of Art, Men of Technics, Women of all Virtues, or any of the other absolutely necessary components of our new society. As Mr. Cole says, paper means nothing but we should, when being thorough, add the qualifier “by itself.” We do need laws. We do need books. We should also add the qualifier to the second line: Ideas mean nothing by themselves. But we we do need ideas, and only the right ones. Men of Deeds, indeed, are themselves worthless or harmful if imbued with the wrong ideas. The criminals who serve the Regime in Washington are Men of Deeds, too, you know. Mr. Coles’ statement is poetic truth, but poetic truth needs exposition.)

Of course, we National Alliance members know that legalism based on the US Constitution, even should tens or hundreds of thousands of Men of Deeds act on it, and crush the regime in Washington, is not enough. Not at all. The Founding Fathers of the United States, great and necessary as their accomplishments were for their time and to set the stage for our future, did not have the full understanding we in the National Alliance now possess.

We need to be Men of Deeds who make the National Alliance into an organization that will still be here 100 and 1,000 years from now. We need to be men of deeds to make the National Alliance into an organization that gives birth to new governments, new federations of governments, a new people and a new civilization that can transcend the bounds of Earth and Time.

We need a political, philosophical, and spiritual revolution that will put the America of the future, the White federation and White civilization of the future, on a far more solid footing than we’ve ever had in the past. Building on the true ideals of our forefathers, and the revolutionary ideas of great men like Hitler, Rockwell, Simpson, Oliver, and Pierce, we will raise up new generations and a new society that will astonish the world. We will build a society the very purpose of which is to advance our race ever higher and secure its existence eternally. Nothing less will do. And we will do it. Our Men of the Deed are already here, finding out about, joining, and building the Alliance into the unstoppable force that will shape the future of our Race, of our planet, and of all Life in the Universe.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help. 2021-0710 Men of Deeds.mp3

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Did National Socialist Germany Ever Surrender?

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Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
10 July, 2021 2:01 pm

Dr. Oliver discussed William Johnson’s Pace Amendment book in this week’s ADV. See what the goddamned Jews had to say about Johnson aka Pace and his call for separation of the races, here: (96) Men of Deeds – White Biocentrism

White patriot Johnson serves as president of the American Freedom Party. Party Platform (

11 July, 2021 5:15 am

The National Socialist Germans never did surrender at all. Ever really wonder why the US government recently disclose about UFOs and releasing footage of encounters with them. Its because the UFOs belonged to and are operated by the Breakaway Germans (National Socialist Germans). The jewish infested US government and other governments alike on this planet are scared to death about their eventual return to liberate this planet out of jewish control and of course save Europe and people of European descent (only the good ones aka racially hygenic). Inb4 yOu’Re a ScHiZo. Read through all these excellent informative articles about the Breakaway Germans (National Socialist Germans) if you have the free time for. Once you read through all of them it all starts to make sense. Ufology Explained – Part… Read more »

KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
Reply to  Tank88
11 July, 2021 1:59 pm

There are no nazi enclaves. These pictures that you see here are nothing more then science fiction made by jews in order to fear monger the goyim and make more shekels off of clickbait and tabloid gossip. The Germans were completely destroyed in 1945 and that’s that. What your saying is literally impossible to achieve with 40s tech and requires INCALCUABLE amount of resources something the Germans simply didn’t have because they were fighting a three front war against three different world powers. These supposed ufos and other bs is as truthful as Hitler being a Zionist controlled opposition or the whole Hitler survived and lived out the rest of his days in Argentina bs. Its time to put these schizoid conspiracy theory’s to rest and prepare for the inevitable… Read more »

Reply to  KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
11 July, 2021 10:40 pm

> Deliberately ignored all of the info and evidence provided in the articles above due to cognitive dissonance.
> Proceeds to dish out a long and docile drivel and end its response with a defeatist mentality “Its time to put these schizoid conspiracy theory’s to rest and prepare for the inevitable genocide and extinction of the white race.”

LOL pathetic.

KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
Reply to  Tank88
12 July, 2021 8:04 am

The only one here being pathetic is you. You are so desperate for a savior to come solve all of your problems that you legit resort to deluding yourself into believing that Nazis are working with grey headed aliens to save the white race. You really are no different then those q tards who say”trust the plan” and to believe in Zion don. As for my defeatist attitude I’m just saying the truth. Was what I’m saying about the defeat about the white race wrong? Take a look around you fool. Look at the nightmare that has been wrought around us. Do you think that the new world order will just “collapse” one day for some random reason and that all of the lemmings will just wake up all of… Read more »

Reply to  KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
12 July, 2021 10:13 am

Yet even more petty and docile drivel from the defeatist swine that deliberately ignored all of the information and evidence about the existence of the Breakaway Germans (National Socialist Germans) due to its cognitive dissonance thinking that its “impossible” that the National Socialist Germans didn’t planned and prepared for a contingency plan to survive and continue on fighting covertly.

LOL not surprising since you’re just a typical american dolt after all. Anyway if you want to keep on ignoring the obvious info and evidence of the existence of the Breakaway Germans provided in the 5 articles above that’s entirely on you.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Tank88
11 July, 2021 10:12 pm

“[The “Breakaway Germans”] eventual return to liberate this planet out of jewish control and of course save Europe and people of European descent (only the good ones aka racially hygenic).” This sounds almost as exciting as the Christian’s Jewsus returning to earth at the end of the ages to save his chosen. In saving only the “racially hygenic,” these “Breakaway Germans” will probably use the equivalent of the hocus-pocus Jewsus uses when he separates the wheat from the chaff. Can’t wait! I checked out a couple of the links you provided, and was ecstatic at discovering that “Germans are now on Mars, and possibly also Ceres… and that they could possibly also be on the Moon, and even, “in the depths of our oceans and flying around our atmosphere.” I knew… Read more »

Reply to  Tank88
12 July, 2021 7:17 am

Greetings. The WW2 Germans had several large piloted discopter aircraft armed with a machine gun turret that flew. See a video of it flying in the UFO section in In the 1940s Alexander Weygers patented a practical flying saucer in the US. It is basically a helicopter with the fan underneath, steered by air jets. (Truthweed Reply to Arvin N. Prebost 4 February, 2021 5:06 pm) See ‘German Flying Saucer’ at Such an aircraft was patented in America by Alexander Weygers. The US also produced a large disc shaped aircraft, the Silverbug. The area 51 ‘aliens’ were the crew of a stratospheric balloon researching space that depressurised. Their corpses were vacuumed and snap frozen before they landed and they became Hollywood’s blue, bug-eyed UFO aliens. The lights in… Read more »

Reply to  Truthweed
12 July, 2021 10:33 am

> Such an aircraft was patented in America by Alexander Weygers. The US also produced a large disc shaped aircraft, the Silverbug. The area 51 ‘aliens’ were the crew of a stratospheric balloon researching space that depressurised. Their corpses were vacuumed and snap frozen before they landed and they became Hollywood’s blue, bug-eyed UFO aliens. That’s just more typical disinformation and lies from the heavily controlled and monitored Ufology/New Age limited hangout community that takes orders from the jewish controlled US government and its agents to make it seem that the US government is technological advance like processing a secret space program when in reality that’s not the case at all. >But what about Werner Von-Braun and Operation Paperclip? He’s just a rocket scientist. The German scientist and engineers that… Read more »

Reply to  Tank88
12 July, 2021 5:27 pm

Greetings Tank88. See which contains a video of one of the WW2 German disc helicopters flying high and at speed. They created several versions of the aircraft that were all similar to your image above, some with guns mounted above and some with guns mounted beneath the disc.

Reply to  Tank88
12 July, 2021 11:41 pm

Greetings Tank88. Regarding the blue aliens, the US Government provided a truthful answer to the first stories about the strange alien corpses that were seen on a table. When a newspaper story stated that they had died in a balloon acident very few people at the time understood that it was a stratospheric balloon with an aluminum gondola (a strange metal in those days) that flew much higher than Everest at temperatures way below freezing and in almost a complete vacuum. What do you think these corpses would like like after they were recovered? Is this story not more plausible than a story about aliens flying for four years at light speed whilst avoiding every particle of dust during that journey, any of which would have caused a nuclear explosion… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Tank88
12 July, 2021 7:56 pm

Mark 9:23-24 “Jesus said unto him, ‘If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.’ And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, ‘Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.’” Tank88, please help us take that leap of faith so we too can believe in “Breakaway Germans, abductions that mainly involve small, large-headed, grey aliens,” and in Germans being on Mars, Ceres and the Moon, and even, “in the depths of our oceans and flying around our atmosphere.” Our yearning hearts are all crying out, “Tank88, help our unbelief!” Us unbelievers are just stuck in thinking that we can disprove the existence of something, for all intents and purposes, by showing that the evidence that should be there if that something existed is… Read more »

KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
Reply to  Mike Mann
13 July, 2021 7:38 am

Just don’t even bother. At this point these people are hopeless. They will simply believe that space nazis would just come in and save us no matter how insane that might sound. This takes away their responsibility to shed blood for the cause. People like tank88 and 98 percent of the ns movement are just spectators cheering from the side lines. Peirce wrote about this issue decades ago in which the vast majority of people join movements such as the national alliance just so that they can share gossip and exchange SS trinkets and talk about space aliens and breakaway Germans with ufos flying around. It’s why our race is done for. It’s because even the few percent who know about the problems facing our race choose to do nothing… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
13 July, 2021 5:02 pm

Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on continuing to mock the deluded Tank88 beyond my last comment. I just wanted to have a little fun with him before I wrote him off. Oftentimes, you can drive someone like him out with ridicule and sarcasm, and satire often does a much better job of exposing the lie than sober analysis. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them . . .” There’s lots of ****posting on sites like National Vanguard, which is evidence that there are many deceivers and many that are deceived or at least easily distracted. When the media started up again putting together articles about UFOs not long ago, I knew… Read more »

da elpaso man
da elpaso man
11 July, 2021 3:47 pm

“FRG” is not a state, but a limited liability company (“BRD GmbH”) registered in the Commercial Register, its citizens are unknowingly employees (“Personalausweis” means staff card), therefore all official letters are issued without signature. All puppets labeled as “chancellors” have to sign the “Kanzlerakte” before taking office, a document that commands that Germany is not a sovereign state but an occupied vassal of USrael. That is why this construct still has no peace treaty (besides Japan, see “Feindstaatenklausel”) and no true constitution formulated by its own people. The “Cradle of the Basic Law” was the Villa Rothschild near Frankfurt.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
17 July, 2021 9:19 am

Amazingly clear and bright exposition of the matter. Yes, the ideas count only when they are followed by actual deeds. The problem of the modern lukewarm people is that they become ever less able to act. They can engage in endless talking, reasoning and inventing of explanations of their own inaction, but they would not act. The comfortable life of the post-WW2 period had softened people to such an extent that now even immediate and real danger cannot compel those people to start to defend themselves. The most that they still can do is to gather like sheep to yet another Trump rally of fake opposition. But never to really make difference. This lukewarm and softened majority is destined to perish; no one would be able to save them; and… Read more »

da elpaso man
da elpaso man
20 July, 2021 10:19 pm

The White Race is an irreplaceable gem that must be freed from all the garbage that the Jews pour on us every day. All of this serves the sole purpose of never becoming aware of ourselves and our worth. This analogy came to mind while watching a video of a German who calls himself “Red Dead Restoration” (better dead than red!). It’s ultimately about restoration of our selfhood. Only then does the diamond begin to shine again and our world will also shine in a brighter light. But shining is secondary, being is the higher quality. That is why on the SS daggers was written “To be more than to shine”. I wonder why the Jews permanently expect us to believe all the nonsense they foist on us (commu-… Read more »