Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Half-Breed Fears White Identity


by Douglas Mercer

MATT Taibbi is the sometime darling of the White Right because he opposes war and the surveillance state, and lambastes the lying media. He has also said his style was influenced by Jim Goad. That much is true.

But make no mistake about it; he’s on their side.

What would you expect from a half-breed?

Matt Taibbi’s father is of mixed Filipino and Hawaiian descent; his mother is Irish.

The miscegenation explains the fetal alcohol face.

He recently wrote a piece about Nice Racism, the new ladling-up of slop from Whites Are Evil guru Robin DiAngelo. I haven’t been able to read the entire thing because this greedy Filipino bastard makes you pay for his work, while over here we have respectable jobs and are giving it away for the cause.

Proving once again that the thing that makes the Establishment in this country wet themselves uncontrollably and strikes fear in their black hearts is any attempt at White racial self defense, of any group solidarity among Whites:

Say the half-slant-eye:

Nice Racism’s central message is that it’s a necessity to stop white people from seeing themselves as distinct people. “Insisting that each white person is different from every other white person,” DiAngelo writes, “enables us to distance ourselves from the actions of other white people.” She doesn’t see, or maybe she does, where this logic leads. If you tell people to abandon their individual identities and think of themselves as a group, they sooner or later will start to behave as a group. Short of something like selling anthrax spores or encouraging people to explore sexual feelings toward nine year-olds, is there a worse idea than suggesting — demanding — that people get in touch with their white identity?

If they are that scared of it, there must be something to it. 

He leads off his maunderings with these two quotes:

“Individualism denies the significance of race.” — Robin DiAngelo

“Individualism is for f*gs.” — Richard Spencer

Now those two are often wildly wrong from wildly different perspectives, but when you’re right you’re right.

Individualism is a Jewish ideology which is never practiced by them, but is meant to be practiced by Whites and is a prime plank in their war against us.

The dirty little secret is that many of the predicates of our enemies are correct:

The American founding was racist.

Race matters.

Race is the basis of history.

Race solidarity is powerful.

It wouldn’t kill us to take a leaf from that playbook; in fact it will keep us from being killed.

Meanwhile the clueless color-blind content-of-their-character White conservatives showed their weak hands in Idaho when they banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Just banning the garbage outright was not good enough; it might have made them look “racist.” No, they had to go the suicidal extra mile and ban any teaching of “race essentialism.”

Race essentialism is simply the teaching that races exist and that they matter. So in trying to appease, they cut us off at the knees — by removing the only weapon we can use to win.

So instead of fighting on the turf — the reality — of race, they declare unilaterally that there is not a war going on.

That is, they run from the sound of guns.

These are not profiles in courage; and this is no path to victory.

Hitler knew that in any battle, conservatives are the first enemy.

But if our enemies know some big truths, they have one big liability; they are the wrong race, or side with the wrong race.

And for that they are irredeemable.

Taibbi has written a book called (wait for it): I Can’t Breathe, in which he shows his true colors (yellow).

I Can’t Breathe is journalist Matt Taibbi’s gut-wrenching account of the death and life of Eric Garner. As the whole world knows, Garner died in 2014 after being placed in an illegal chokehold by a New York City cop who was arresting him for selling a “loosie” tobacco cigarette on a Staten Island street.

But the most revealing stories Taibbi tells — the ones that made me put the book down because it got too heartbreaking — are about other African Americans, mostly male and poor, who were stopped and frisked, strip-searched, sexually assaulted, set up, beaten, or killed for the tragic reason that racist cops didn’t like them, or the even more tragic reason that such humiliations are ordained by US law and policy.

Taibbi’s account is bleak. For African Americans, the criminal laws work too well and the civil rights laws not well at all. A black man has no rights a cop is bound to respect. Inspiration, if any, comes from the people who resist, even if that is mainly a losing prospect.

This is the standard tripe. Poor little Negro who didn’t do nothing gets killed by Klansman. In fact, Garner had an arrest record longer than the buffet Michael Moore would consider ideal (30 arrests in 34 years).

He also was no stranger to the buffet: At 350 pounds, Garner suffered from “a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea.”

So you want to breathe, do you? Well, don’t prey on innocent people, don’t go on the diabetes diet, and don’t resist arrest.

It’s not more complicated than that, and all the petty narratives that Taibbi and his ilk try to peddle abut the evil White world, are just purposeful distractions to deflect the blame from where it almost always really lies in these criminal cases: that pathological fat Black man lying breathless on the street.

And so the next time some supposed White champion tells you Taibbi isn’t a bad guy, look, he just was against that bombing, just remember to beware of false friends.

* * *

Source: Author

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2 July, 2021 8:59 am

While it is impossible for every snowflake to be entirely different from every other snowflake, there most certainly is a far greater degree of difference between individual Whites than there is between members of any other ethnic groups.
Physically as well as mentally.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
2 July, 2021 1:53 pm

Some of the spiel I read in this item
reeks of the Jewess Ayn Rand.

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
2 July, 2021 2:26 pm

Taibbi is a product of widespread biological race-mixing that has been going on now for more than half a century in formerly core white population centers. Even White racialists aren’t keeping abreast of the situation, with their simplistic “if they look White and think White they are White” mantra. That’s wrong on both counts. In Taibbi’s case, his Italian surname (which I would not have known was Italian) is wholly misleading, since his father was adopted by an Italian American couple in NYC, Salvatore and Gaetana Taibbi, along with two other (unrelated) youngsters from the New York Foundling Home. Yet Taibbi and his father have no Italian ancestry at all. The father, Mike Taibbi, became a broadcast reporter for American TV. He married a woman who is apparently 100% Irish, washing her… Read more »

Reply to  Andrew Hamilton
3 July, 2021 11:22 am

Almost all racially mixed children where one parent is White will identify as non-White. Which blows the “White privilege” concept out of the water.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Andrew Hamilton
4 July, 2021 6:02 pm

A.H.: Even White racialists aren’t keeping abreast of the situation, with their simplistic “if they look White and think White they are White” mantra. That’s wrong on both counts. — Thank you for that important point Mr. Hamilton. I recall having some sympathy for Matt Taibbi myself (assuming he was a just a rather swarthy Italian) for some position he’d taken — even though he was an obvious liberal writing for the Jew-owned Rolling Stone rag. So thank you, Mr. Mercer, for straightening out any misplaced admiration I may have harbored for Taibbi because I liked his writing style. Critical biographies that encompass racial pedigree should be done by our side for many other “white” pundits in the public eye, like Taibbi. One who is apparently not mixed-race is a… Read more »

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 July, 2021 11:29 pm

Swedish-Welsh, huh? I’m aware of Hanson, can see his face in my mind, but have never listened to him or read anything by him because there’s so much to read, and I know he’s closely associated with the Jewish neocon cabal. One of their White front people, like Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Daniel Moynihan in days gone by. I didn’t know he was rich, but it figures. He also gets his books and articles published. All the perks. Charles Murray is another such. Scots-Irish from small-town Iowa, on the Jewish neocon/”libertarian” payroll at the American Enterprise Institute. Co-authored The Bell Curve with a Jew and wrote Losing Ground, Human Accomplishment, and many other books and articles. He was born in 1943 and had his only two children, hybrids, by his first… Read more »

Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
5 July, 2021 6:47 pm

Thanks for that, Mr. Mercer. I just looked into Boyd Cathey, a name I was familiar with but not with his work. Informative article. I find we are from the same hometown, Raleigh, NC, and he’s a couple of years younger. I’m bound to have met Boyd along the way since we travelled in some of the same circles back in the 1980s and 90s. I was probably a little too radical for him and he was a little too conservative and Establishment for my tastes, but I’m now a fan of his writing. His article about secession is interesting and may be helpful: A.H.: …[T]he main point is that most White racialists aren’t keeping up with the rapidity with which the White race is being destroyed, not just… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Andrew Hamilton
7 July, 2021 3:50 pm

I never could quite forget the end result of the original Siamese twins, who went on tour and made a lot of money in America. They then became citizens and married two large, unattractive white women (sisters), and raised eighteen children with them in mid-1800s North Carolina apparently. They even had the gall to own slaves. I don’t think our problems suddenly began when Jews from central Asia landed on our shores in rags and holes in their shoes.

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2 July, 2021 4:08 pm

I have a copy of “Griftopia” in the bathroom, as such it’s a decent read. But, I could easily and succinctly summarize the book in two words – The Jews. He has a specific way of verbosity that makes his word count more impressive than his conclusions. Without sounding like some frothing at the mouth zealot, it’s fairly easy to track Sabbatean-Frankist influences back around 400 years. The year of 1666 a Rabbi named Sabbatai Sevi (Shabbatai Tzvi) declared himself the Messiah and read the riot act to the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. Allegedly he could perform “miracles” and magic and had a massive following. Jews being Jews aren’t amenable to Jew tricks and lies and the Sanhedrin rode him out of town on the rails. He settled in Turkey and… Read more »

Reply to  Lycurgus
22 July, 2021 5:32 am

and birthed the Donmeh sect of Crypto-Jews.’ Boris Kemal,UK.

5 July, 2021 12:33 am

The sketch above of Taibbi’s brilliantly titled book – <i>I can’t breathe</i> is some kind of wonderment. I mean, when a claim about a certain reality is a lie so massive, an inversion so complete such that even the universe can’t contain it, then, I must admit, the shamelessness of it staggers even a crusty boomer like me.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
21 July, 2021 12:21 am

I have a transgendered taibbi cat, but does anyone care?