David SimsEssaysNews

Propagandized, Politicized, Intimidated Jury Finds Chauvin Guilty

Derek Chauvin and his non-White ex-wife Kellie, who filed for divorce within hours of Chauvin’s being charged.

When even the controlled media discuss, as WOR radio did on Monday morning, the fact the jurors in the Chauvin case feared for their own and their families’ safety should they return a “not guilty” verdict in the face of mob violence and an open call for even more violence from Black Congresswoman Maxine Waters, you know that there is no longer any justice for White people in this country — not even for a System-serving racemixer like Derek Chauvin.

Introduction by David Sims

HERE ARE two statements that I believe are both true:

1. A man who had taken the drugs that George Floyd took would have died, even if he had been entirely alone after he took them.

2. A man who had taken no drugs, but received the treatment by police that George Floyd received, would have survived with ease.

Chauvin is, therefore, not guilty.

But justice is not served in multiracial America. From wire service reports and National Vanguard correspondents:

Jurors convicted White former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Tuesday of all the counts filed against him — second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter — in the death of George Floyd, a male Black who died — many believe as a result of the deadly cocktail of drugs he had ingested before passing the counterfeit money that got him arrested — after being pinned under Chauvin’s knee for resisting arrest.

The Sheriff’s Office said Chauvin was transferred to the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The agency said Chauvin was booked into the state prison at Oak Park Heights, at 4:55 p.m. CDT, 48 minutes after the verdicts were read. Chauvin was transferred to the same prison for safety reasons after his initial arrest in the case last year.

Judge Cahill thanked the jurors, who each confirmed their votes as correctly read. “I have to thank you on behalf of the people of the State of Minnesota not only for jury service, but heavy duty jury service,” he said.

If Cahill accepts the prosecution’s contention that aggravating factors should be applied at sentencing, the maximum term the 45-year-old Chauvin could receive would be 30 years, according to Ted Sampsell-Jones, a professor at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law and an appellate criminal defense attorney. The first 20 years would be served in prison and the balance on supervised release if he qualifies.

Darnella Frazier, who shot the cellphone video that prompted mass Black rioting and destruction and looting in numerous American cities, and which proved “pivotal to Chauvin’s conviction,” said on Facebook after the verdicts, “I just cried so hard. This last hour my heart was beating so fast, I was so anxious, anxiety [busting] through the roof. But to know GUILTY ON ALL 3 CHARGES!!! THANK YOU GOD THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. George Floyd we did it!!! Justice has been served.”

Co-prosecutor Jerry Blackwell spoke after Attorney General Keith Ellison’s statement, and said to reporters, “No verdict can bring George Perry Floyd back to us, but this verdict does give a message to his family that his life mattered, that all of our lives matter, and that’s important.”

Matthew Frank, another of the prosecutors, kept his comments brief and said, “First and foremost, this is for you, George Floyd, and for your family and friends.” A third member of the team, Steve Schleicher, said, “I want to thank the jury for their service, for doing what was right and decent and correct, speaking the truth, and finding the right verdict in this case.”

Chauvin’s attorney, Eric Nelson, earlier indicated that his client would appeal a guilty verdict on the basis that jurors may have been impermissibly swayed by outside forces. Nelson cited comments by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who urged protesters to become confrontational if the jury acquitted Chauvin.

Joe Biden, who has pledged to “overhaul the nation’s criminal justice system” after demands by Blacks, said during jury deliberations that he “prayed” that the jury would come to the “right verdict.”

A prepared statement from Benjamin Crump, the Floyd family attorney, read, “Painfully earned justice has arrived for George Floyd’s family and the community here in Minneapolis, but today’s verdict goes far beyond this city and has significant implications for the country and even the world. Justice for Black America is justice for all of America. This case is a turning point in American history for accountability of law enforcement and sends a clear message we hope is heard clearly in every city and every state. We thank Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and his team for their fierce dedication to justice for George. But it does not end here. We have not forgotten that the other three officers who played their own roles in the death of George Floyd must still be held accountable for their actions, as well.”

One of Floyd’s brothers, Philonise Floyd, was in the courtroom for the verdicts. He hugged Blackwell, Ellison and another prosecutor. Ellison and Blackwell heartily shook hands.

About an hour after the verdicts were read, Floyd family members were spotted in downtown Minneapolis speaking on the phone with President Joe Biden, who has been keeping close tabs on the proceedings. “We’re all so relieved,” Biden said, speaking for himself and Vice President Kamala Harris. (Contrast this with the disparaging, cold, near-silent treatment accorded January 6 homicide victim Ashli Babbit, a pro-Trump White woman murdered by a Black Capitol Police officer, who will not even be publicly named, much less prosecuted.)

Another brother, Terrence Floyd, said, “I will salute [George] every day of my life. I will salute him,” the brother said as he looked to the sky and made that gesture with his right hand, “because he showed me how to be strong. …What a day to be a Floyd, man.”

Brother Rodney Floyd thanked everyone for their constant support: “For George, this fight is not over. We’re going to stand here together, we’re going to try to get this George Floyd Act passed. It has to be passed.”

The Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis responded in a statement that “there are no winners in this case, and we respect the jury’s decision. We need the political pandering to stop and the race-baiting of elected officials to stop. In addition, we need to stop the divisive comments, and we all need to do better to create a Minneapolis we all love.” The statement added in a line geared toward residents of Minneapolis that the federation “stands with you and not against you.”

Ellison, during his statement, also addressed policing when he said, “The work of our generation is to put unaccountable law enforcement behind us. It’s time to transform the relationship between community and the people who are sworn to protect them from one that is mistrustful, suspicious, and in some cases terrifying, into one that is empathetic, compassionate and affirming. That will benefit everyone, including police officers who deserve to serve in a profession that is honored and [in] departments where they don’t have to worry about colleagues who don’t follow the rules.” Murdering dissident Whites is apparently no problem, however — nor is prosecuting obviously innocent dissident Whites like James Alex Fields, in prison for life for a crime that never happened, strictly because of his race and his political views.

Reaction from other leading officeholders was swift, among them (Jewish) Mayor Jacob Frey, who said in a statement, “Today the jury joined in a shared conviction that has animated Minneapolis for the last 11 months: they refused to look away. They believed their own eyes and affirmed George Floyd should still be here today.”

A statement from Gov. Tim Walz said, “Today’s verdict is an important step forward for justice in Minnesota. The trial is over, but our work has only begun.” The governor add that “no verdict can bring George back, and my heart is with his family as they continue to grieve his loss. Minnesota mourns with you, and we promise the pursuit of justice for George does not end today.”

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama released a statement saying the jury had done “the right thing.” “But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we know that true justice is about much more than a single verdict in a single trial,” the Obamas said. “True justice requires that we come to terms with the fact that black Americans are treated differently, every day. …While today’s verdict may have been a necessary step on the road to progress, it was far from a sufficient one. We will need to follow through with concrete reforms that will reduce and ultimately eliminate racial bias in our criminal justice system.”

The “foreperson” was Juror No. 19, a White man in his 30s who works as an auditor. He pledged during the jury selection process that he could examine the evidence “from a viewpoint of the law.”

He and his fellow jurors, whose identities have so far been kept undisclosed by the court, remained still and quiet and kept their eyes on the judge until called upon by the judge to affirm their verdicts individually. They departed the courtroom revealing no visible emotion.

The jurors were asked to decide between the prosecution’s claims that Chauvin used excessive force and an unsanctioned maneuver when he knelt on Floyd’s neck for about 9 1/2 minutes last May 25, and the defense’s argument that Chauvin was following his (Israeli-style) training when he arrested an unruly Floyd, who died of a cardiac arrest that stemmed from drug use and pre-existing heart disease and clogged arteries.

The cause of death became a key issue, with prosecutors telling jurors Floyd, 46, died of asphyxia from low oxygen when Chauvin knelt on his neck as former officers J. Alexander Kueng knelt on his buttock and thigh area and Thomas Lane knelt and held onto his legs. Former officer Tou Thao kept angry bystanders at bay.

The officers were arresting him for using a fake $20 bill to buy cigarettes at Cup Foods in south Minneapolis.

Hennepin County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker ruled that Floyd died of a homicide, an act caused by another person, and that the cause of death was “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” He also listed hardening and thickening of the artery walls, heart disease and drug use as “other significant conditions.” Fentanyl and methamphetamine were found in Floyd’s system.

Attorney Nelson stated to the jury during trial: “I have to address the cause of death,” he said. “You have to be convinced that the defendant’s actions caused the death of Mr Floyd. And throughout the course of this trial, the state has tried – called numerous witnesses – to try to convince you that asphyxiation is the singular cause of death. They’re trying to convince you that Mr Floyd’s heart disease played no role in this case. The state must try to convince you that Mr Floyd’s history of hypertension played absolutely no role. That Mr Floyd’s toxicology played no role in his death. The state would have to convince you, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a combination of these pre-existing issues did not contribute to Mr Floyd’s death.”

The verdict came at a time of heightened tensions in the metro area following the April 11 fatal shooting of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black male who was fatally shot during a traffic stop by then-Brooklyn Center police officer Kimberly Potter.

Then-Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon, who has since resigned, said Potter mistakenly fired her gun instead of a Taser while assisting in the arrest of Wright, who had been stopped for expired tabs and was found to have a warrant out for his arrest. Potter, who also resigned, was charged last week with second-degree manslaughter.

Wright’s death led to several nights of riots by Blacks.

The death of Floyd and the attendant Black riots (“mostly peaceful” protests, according to the media bosses) were used a springboard for massive increases in Black presence and anti-White psychological manipulation in advertising, news broadcasts, and entertainment produced by Jewish-run media outlets — and this has not only continued but accelerated in recent months, with no end in sight. Calls for massive wealth transfers to non-Whites, demonization of Whites, and criminalization of White self-defense have also accelerated.

Family attorney Crump, who helped negotiate a record $27 million settlement with the City of Minneapolis, is also representing Wright’s family.

J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao are scheduled to be tried Aug. 23 for aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death. All three, who were fired like Chauvin, are out on bond. Chauvin had also been out on bond during his trial.

Now we will endure more drama — this time related to Daunte Wright, the second male Black recently killed by police in Minneapolis. Wright was the same kind of stinking Congoid as George Floyd. Both Wright and Floyd were wanted in connection with aggravated assault.

George Floyd had robbed a woman after pointing a handgun at her pregnant belly and threatening to shoot.

Daunte Wright, also wielding a handgun, tried to rob a woman of $800 that her roommate had given her to pay the rent on their apartment. Later, both Wright and Floyd would have a fatal confrontation with police.

But think a minute. Why would two different male Blacks, famous for dying while the police were somewhere nearby, have such similar criminal histories? I’ll leave you to figure out that riddle. It isn’t especially difficult.

* * *

Source: Author

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21 April, 2021 12:28 am

Una fiesta para el nido del avispón, anti-blanco.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Panadechi
22 April, 2021 3:48 pm

Excelente comparación.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
21 April, 2021 12:59 am

I heard all the howls from the

21 April, 2021 5:23 am

The Medical Examiner’s report was quite clear. Floyd had enough fentanyl in his bloodstream to kill four people. Fentanyl reduces the oxygen levels in your blood, therefore Floyd “couldn’t breathe”. The lying jew media insist Floyd was a “gentle giant” who already had a warrant out for his arrest for manslaughter (for some inexplicable reason). Let’s not forget that Floyd actually attacked those cops. They would have been justified in shooting him, but instead showed incredible restraint. (No pun intended). The moral to take from this sorry episode seems to be – “If you see a black dying from a drug overdose, don’t bother trying to save its life”. And of course the other obvious point that the media makes about “America being a racist country”. Well, of course it… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
21 April, 2021 8:43 am

1. A man who had taken the drugs that George Floyd took would have died, even if he had been entirely alone after he took them.2. A man who had taken no drugs, but received the treatment by police that George Floyd received, would have survived with ease. 3. If Floyd had been a White man and died in the exact same manner, no one, not even all us National-Socialists, would have bat an eye. Indeed, many I am sure would have found it amusing (maybe even gotten a chuckle out of it on Donut Operator). Others (myself included) would have looked at it eugenically and been glad the cop had removed such a foul untermensch from the ranks of our Race. 4. Those who howled loudest for “justice” for… Read more »

Reply to  Art Thief
25 April, 2021 12:47 am

Agree with you there,bro.

Art Thief
Art Thief
21 April, 2021 9:00 am

Doesn’t the difference between the three charges rely on intent? And aren’t the differences between say, third degree murder and manslaughter contradictory? How can he even possibly be guilty of all three?

Reply to  Art Thief
22 April, 2021 10:13 am

I was wondering this as well. Some require intent to do harm. Others disregard for the potential of harm.

Reply to  Art Thief
25 April, 2021 11:21 am

You raise an excellent point and I’ll answer that. With the second degree murder charge which has a subdivisional clause to account for non-intent, this was designed to account for drive-by shootings. In a drive-by shooting one may not be targeting anyone with intent to kill. If someone dies, since MN sees this as a greater crime than manslaughter they subdivided the drive-by shooting act into a non-intentional murder clause. This was the entire context of the charge and the “drive-by shooting” scenario is cited multiple times in its legal language. So one could easily make the claim that the state of MN used the technicality of the assault in this charge to trump up the charges against Chauvin who more justifiably should only be charged with manslaughter. It’s a… Read more »

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Jmac
26 April, 2021 11:15 am

Thank you for clearing that up, JMAC.
I can see where they might want to come up with a murder clause that would prevent the “I wasn’t aiming at him, I was aiming at the guy next to him, whom I missed, so it’s not murder!” argument after a clumsy drive-by. That said, it’s inane; if you intend to kill someone and accidentally kill someone else it ought still be murder but the absence of intent to kill should never be murder to any degree.
Such is a legal system where jews rule and negros run amok, I suppose.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
21 April, 2021 11:30 am

When the judge questioned each juror about the verdict, most of the voices seemed to me to belong to young White women. These are the ones who seem to go over to the enemy at the first signs of a real fight.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
21 April, 2021 5:15 pm

Did these women know that saint Floyd invaded a house, pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach and then robbed her? The anti-White,emotional-engineering scoundrel media is of course complicit on behalf of saint Floyd by omitting such factual information in order to intentionally mislead the public.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  truthweed
21 April, 2021 9:28 pm

These flibbertigibbets would think that “the White Patriarchy” caused him to do these things.

I swear, I was very fortunate, because my wife is a good and practical woman, with solid Germanic ancestry, and I am eternally glad to have her as my mate, but I just have to think that most females today are just some kind of groin-challenged boys that have somehow gotten to maturity, but yet are still boys.

They think that they have the standing of adult males, but they are just groin-challenged boys, and are easily influenced by whomever pulls their emotional strings.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
22 April, 2021 10:17 am

Yet if you point out the gullibility of most White women, you are considered a race traitor in some circles. I am so glad I am not a young White man in today’s world.On the other hand, when there finally is an effective counterattack, I will envy their feeling of satisfaction.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  guest
23 April, 2021 1:23 pm

They call us racists for everything!

Now they are calling this poor White woman a racist for not letting her daughter date a DEAD DINDU!—

Tennessee Woman Expresses Regret for Calling Police on Black Teen Who Was Dating Her Daughter After He Was Fatally Shot https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tennessee-woman-expresses-regret-calling-210000663.html

I would not want or allow a black guy to date my daughter; much less a dead, fatally-shot-by-the-police one!

(Just a bit of humor. No doubt this headline was written by a minority-hire.)

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
23 April, 2021 3:21 pm

With reference to the woman who “expressed regret,” it seems that now we are basically required to worship non-Whites, especially Blacks and Jews. This insane System will not, cannot, stand forever.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
23 April, 2021 3:58 pm

It is insane, Kevin. Literally. This moron noticed that her daughter would have sections of her haired pulled out and punch-marks on her face after “dating” this boy . . . but yet she said that this dindu was a “good boy.” Even after he was shot for apparently drawing on the police (at school!) she still said this.

This ties in so very well with your latest broadcast, “Athens, Washington, and Pierce City.” Thanks.

Reply to  truthweed
25 April, 2021 12:51 am

In Britain,if you`re on trial,a Jury can hear about previous convictions if you say ,for example that the witness is lying, a criminal,etc.This will be brought up by the prosecutor.Also,the history of your witness,too.

21 April, 2021 4:28 pm

This trial serves as a small, very small sketch of the absolute state of America and the White people who populate it. There are so many levels of horror vis a vis this narrative that it would take a lengthy essay to address them. Start with the “judge” in this little story serving for the whole. What kind of mind in an otherwise intelligent, deeply educated and worldly experienced white man could psychologically, spiritually endure the utterly diseased nature of the meta-narrative of this travesty? But at the finale he just heartily <i>thanks</i> the bankrupt creatures that soiled the notion of a just trial in this side show. AND HE KNOWS IT IS A TRAVESTY. What I’m saying is that everywhere I turn I see too few Whites who are… Read more »

Reply to  Servenet
25 April, 2021 8:34 pm

Well said sir!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
21 April, 2021 9:22 pm

Cucks gonna cuck.

21 April, 2021 9:49 pm

What really happened:
Bodycam Footage of Ma’Khia Bryant Shooting by Columbus Police in Ohio
they will never show you the truth:

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Truth
22 April, 2021 3:01 pm

Pretty nice houses for those dindus to be living in.

How that policeman kept his composure is beyond me. If Ma’Khia had killed the other girl, they would have been shouting at him, “You just stand there and dindu nuffin! You just want to see us dyin’!”

22 April, 2021 10:12 am

Where were these loving relatives of George Floyd when he was a violent thug and drug addict?

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  guest
22 April, 2021 11:10 pm

Don’t know where then but do know where now…
counting out $27M booty thanks to this home-
gown Shabboz-Goy:


Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
23 April, 2021 7:53 pm

One wonders if China Girl ever realized she married someone whose name means ‘chauvinistic’.

24 April, 2021 7:01 am

I just watched part of an interview Ted Cruz did with one of the hand picked Numinous Wakandan female talking heads who the jews hired and who they then tell her to pretend to be ‘conservative’. BTW: This is a favorite tactic of the jews who own and control our mainstream media and it is designed to snooker the naive and gullible (usually works best on Boomers) White voters into clinging to the racially suicidal fantasy that they can trust blacks to be our allies, when the exact opposite is the case 99.98% of the time. Anyway, the interview was progressing along – and this black female was pretending to be astonished by all the democrats who automatically accuse anyone who disagrees with any aspect of their agenda of being… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Tucker
24 April, 2021 9:45 pm

Good catch on the Boomers.
They will also get rather vitriolic when criticized (remind you of someone…?) or when you DARE to suggest that muh1950s weren’t da GREATEST decade EVAH.
Theodor Kreuz – that would be his name if he was German and everyone and their cousin…well, you know the rest – can stand for muhNext(s)elections whenever or wherever he pleases. And for whichever party.
He will get near 100% of the Hispanic vote, that’s for sure.
Unless the, erm, ‘opposition’ (….) also have a Hispanic guy/girl/undecided.
And it won’t matter beans either way.
And to close with a joke: There are people who SHTEEL believe Trump’s coming back. Because Arizona.
Swamp’s almost drained, baby.

25 April, 2021 6:54 pm

Does anyone believe that any police officer on earth would deliberately kill someone whilst they were being recorded on video?

3 May, 2021 11:58 pm

Completely disgusted!! After he has been found “guilty”, the monkeys shall riot for any other reason now. Why stop? They got what they wanted, why not keep burning down cities!? Even with camera footage of a black running at a cop with a gun, the cop was “in the wrong”.
Justice will never be served for us whites…
Join the National Alliance!! Stand up for what’s white/right!!

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
21 July, 2021 1:01 am

Lie down with the Jews’ law, wake up with a Kneegrow cell mate. It’s hard to believe white men are still serving in any capacity under Jewland security. Take away the white man and it won’t be long before they’ll be back to living in a stone age mud hut. Alas the vaccine seems to be the elite Jews’ answer to the racial problem, i.e. kill them all and let YHVH sort them out.