Magic Numbers
by Revilo P. Oliver
ONE OF OUR lesser gospel-gabblers is excited by a sensational discovery he has just made. Who is now the titular President of the United States? Give his full name. Ronald Wilson Reagan. Now don’t you see it? Look again. How many letters in each name? Now you have it! So it’s 6-6-6! And if you’re well-trained in the True Faith, shivers are now going up and down your spine as you remember the Number of the Beast given in the “Apocalypse” (13.18) that was selected for inclusion in the “New Testament.”
I hasten, therefore, to reassure you: that does not make it absolutely certain that Jesus is about to break out and raise Hell on Earth, as predicted by somebody named John after he had a nice dish of Amanita muscaria on the island of Patmos. The number of the beast-man’s name, as given in almost all of the many manuscripts, is 666. Those are Greek numerals, of course: 600 + 60 + 6 = 666. And 666 is the total you will get by adding up the numerical values of the letters in the beast-man’s name in the kind of divination called isopsephia. That’s different from the number of letters in his name, so it looks as though Johnny didn’t mean old Ronnie after all, whence it follows that Jesus won’t start destroying the universe tomorrow, and you won’t need to stay awake tonight.
As for who was designated by that cryptic allusion in that apocalypse, there have been innumerable “proofs.” The Fathers of the Church had various suggestions, chiefly current competitors in the salvation-business. Ingenious moderns have demonstrated that the monster in human form so designated is one of several Popes, Martin Luther, Napoleon, or various others. So far as I know, odd as it seems, no one has thus far tried to fit the revelation to the awful monster who incinerated so many millions or billions of Jews, so there’s an opening for you, if you want to go into the Jesus-business. ‘Adolf’ will give you 605 and ‘Hitler’ will give you 445, so it won’t be easy to get a neat 666, but with a little ingenuity and, of course, divine inspiration, you should be able to turn the trick.
Today, theologians almost unanimously say the magic number stands for the Emperor Nero, even though they have a hard time explaining how it happened that Johnny’s prevision of the future went sour at that point, and Nero’s bestiality wasn’t immediately followed by some yells from heaven and lots of singing and twanging of harps as the celestial orchestra and choir performed in honor of the Lamb and his blessed companions, the 144,000 holy male homosexual Jews who alone will be saved from the cosmophthorian catastrophe. Nero’s name is obtained by some fancy juggling, turning Latin into Hebrew letters, which are then turned into Hebrew numerals and then put into Greek numbers, but it has the great advantage that it fits the Christian pretense that the Jewish Bolsheviks who were executed by Nero, after some of them confessed to having set the great fire that destroyed a large part of Rome in 64, were really Saints Peter and Paul and hundreds of other meek, peace-loving Christians who wouldn’t have hurt a flea — not even one of their own. And if Nero was in the future when Johnny had his hallucinations on Patmos, Johnny must have been scribbling not long after the famous Crucifixion and that’s the time at which the Faithful are told to believe the various screeds in the “New Testament” were written.
If you really want to know who was the individual whom the Christian writer so hated and didn’t dare to name openly, the most reasonable solution is that 666 represents, by isopsephia, a Roman Emperor named Aurelius, most probably the famous Stoic, Marcus Aurelius.(1) He fits historically. He reigned from 161 to 180, just the time in which the Christians were most industriously scribbling gospels by the dozen. He tried to do something about the Christian menace, although he failed to take sufficiently vigorous action.(2) He was also, for the declining age in which he lived, a highly intelligent and civilized man, and he conscientiously labored to shore up the decadent Empire of which he was master. Thus the Christians had two reasons for hating him, and for adroitly spreading subversion with prophecies that he would soon be squelched, as soon as Jesus popped out of the clouds and started to bust up the universe.
But, sad to say, the universe is still here, so if you are a pious soul and expert in Bible Prophecy, you’ll have to start from the premise that the Beast of the Apocalypse hasn’t come yet or, at least, hasn’t been identified. So you had better brush up on Greek numerals and the simple rules for writing modern names in Greek letters. And if you are vigilant, who knows? You may be able to steal a march on all other True Believers and win the honor of being the very first to recognize the horrid Beast and scare yourself silly.
(1) The evidence is, of course, very complex, and I only follow the lucid historical analysis by H. Lilliebjoern, “Ueber religioese Signierung in der Antike mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Kreuzsignierung” (Uppsala, 1933); for the arithmetic, see p.45.)
(2) Charles Renouvier starts his “Uchronie” (Paris, 1876), a tour de force that gives the history of Western civilization as it might have been, with Marcus Aurelius and supposes that the Emperor had the wisdom to clean up the Empire by shipping all the Christians across the Euphrates.
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Source: Liberty Bell magazine, April 1985
This was a horrible thing to write. Obviously Oliver didn’t understand the book of Revelations. The beast, is written also in the book of Daniel. I get he hates Christians, but to write such blasphemy, that it insults a religion he has no understanding of. Does he honestly believed St. Peter and St Paul to cause conniption. It honestly hurts to think people see me as evil. My religion teaches me to be like children, we are to be seen not heard, not to be rebellious, nor defend the poor or less unfortunates as the Quakers have so much done with their abolishing acts. The Bible does state many would be called and a few will be chosen. Afrikaners, Quakers, Baptist, all except the Catholic are his chosen people (being… Read more »
Thank you, Geli … I agree with your sentiments. Although a Protestant of the Calvanist stripe, I’m happy to join arms with you in this regard. It’s regrettable that this site is so critical of the Christian faith, when it is this faith that teaches Truth, industry, and chastity. The people here should know that the main target of the jewish globalist is Christianity. Horkheimer and Adorno state that Christian societies are a hotbed of anti-semitism, so they seek to eliminate it. Christianity does not equal unlimited immigration, or whatever undesirable social movements that some here may claim. I have to wonder what is behind the somewhat rampant criticism of Christianity here.
I think your statement ” Christianity does not equal unlimited immigration, or whatever undesirable social movements …” would get an argument from the Methodists, Southern Baptists and most Catholic charities. THEY, in a greedy rush to collect shekels from the government, are only too happy to accept and distribute black and brown people from all over the globe to a neighborhood near you. If Christianity, and more specifically Catholicism, are to have any part in the fight for Whites, they will have to emulate the Catholics of the Crusades…warrior Catholics. And sadly, I don’t see that happening.
Churches are wrong when they promote bringing in immigrants from all over the place, this is not what the bible teaches. God is very much against mixing of seeds, each race however they came to be, should stay pure. Christianity is warped by most churches into some kind of feel-good institution that gives people the idea they can go to heaven by signing up. Maybe you could check out the christogenea website for some interesting viewpoints that can be defended from a biblical point of view.
The rampant criticism comes from the behaviour of most christian sects nowadays. They are willing jew enablers, like they always were.
Nietzsche said already everything there is to be said about Christianity.
I think it was Oliver who said that “those who the jews want to destroy, they first turn christian”.
The route 666 in New Mexico has been changed to make the route safer.
Regardless of how the number is interpreted by Christians, it is important to know how it is valued by the enemy of germanic whites. Rabbis who study the Zohar say that the number is connected to their coming messiah and of course that would not be Jesus. The number seems to be cryptically embedded in a lot of corporate symbols like google’s chrome logo, the Hebrew lettering of three vavs in the logo of Monster Energy drinks, the newly designed flag for the capital city of Canada, the CERN logo etc. The fact that the number is cryptically embedded suggests that those who worship the number the most wish to signal to others that they are getting with the program so to speak. The onset of this triple six symbol… Read more »
It should be obvious that ancient Hebrews and later Jews used a base seven number system. If it isn’t, well now you know. Realizing this, one might wonder what the number 666 actually means to the Jews that came up with it. In a base seven system, six is the highest number reached before the numbering is reset. Let me say that word again, reset. So in any base seven system, reaching the number seven resets whatever system to which it is applied. So if you have a seven day week, on day seven the week day resets to day one. This number was formulated in the Jews’ Torah with god creating the earth in six days and then resting on the seventh. Now apply that thought… Read more »
Well, that is quite interesting. Of course it should come as no surprise that behind every « magical» or « spiritual » notion, there’s a practical action in effect. The Jews are really technicians of human behavior who never went on a break.
Thanks for the info!