EssaysHadding Scott

Why Did Jews Invent the “Holocaust”?

by Hadding Scott

I PARTICIPATED in the lively comments section under Breitbart’s article about Salah Montasser’s rejection of the six-million figure some years ago. 

One of the interlocutors there is a Jew arrogantly calling himself “Inevitable Historicity.” He is there to defend his ethnic group’s cherished myth. He is generally tedious, tending constantly to divert attention from the big points that matter to hairsplitting arguments about points that do not matter. When proven wrong on some point, he pretends that he did not mean what he obviously did mean (weasel-wording his rhetoric in advance so that he can do this). But he did make one valuable admission. 

For Jews, the Holocaust is not the core complaint against Hitler or National Socialism. For Jews, the fact that the National Socialists opposed Jewish power (“anti-Semites”) in an effective manner (“authoritarian”) is enough to make them “some of the worst people in history.” The Holocaust is a complaint that Jews invented, essentially as an afterthought, to make the non-Jewish world sympathize with their anti-German vendetta.

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
8 March, 2021 3:29 am

That is why “Judea declared war on Germany” soon after the NS came to power in Germany and none of the “anti-Semitic” measures had even started. Merely caring for your own people and not being an obedient victim of Jewish exploitation is a colossal crime in their eyes.

Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
8 March, 2021 2:59 pm

Yes Franklin. When they achieved their revolution against Russia a hundred years ago Jews officially made mentioning Jews a crime with the death sentence.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
11 March, 2021 6:07 pm

and it’s time we stopped caring about those beady, black and soulless eyes….and the sordid evil behind them…and stoping letting them ‘shame’ us for ANYTHING.

who gives a dying croak what these ‘things’ think of us?

Reply to  Franklin Ryckaert
24 May, 2021 12:10 pm

we need a timeline of the relevant events that happened in Germany from probably 1910 to 1946 or so

maybe there is a way to collaborate online with some kind of spreadsheet or database program or something better

the book Unfinished Victory has some info on the incredible over-representation of jews in govt and the private sector in Germany even as late as 1938

Reply to  anon_324
25 May, 2021 7:21 am

For those of you who can read German, are able to handle Fraktur font and aren’t averse to novels, Hans Zöberlein’s Der Befehl des Gewissens and Otto Paust’s ‘Deutschland trilogy’ – Volk im Feuer, Nation in Not, Land im Licht – describe events in Germany in WWI, Weimar and the 30s very well.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
8 March, 2021 5:29 am

Ненависти и любви не существует
Все просто . Меньше в голове мусора больше в мире порядка .

8 March, 2021 11:11 am

I never knew any Jewish kids growing up, but I knew of Jewish kids. Generally they were described as being extremely arrogant and snobbish. By design, my first acquaintance with the Jews was by watching “Schindlers’ List.”

A dramatized fiction of a fiction.

Now, as an adult I have interacted with Jews in a peer capacity – and arrogant, snobbish, and highly insular would be a perfect description of their behavior. No other race betrays their farcical public relations propaganda quite like the Jews. The “Holocaust” humanizes them in the macroscopic vantage in a way they refuse to behave in the microscopic vantage.

As individual ambassadors, every Jew I’ve ever met treated me just politely enough for me to say “he’s a decent enough guy, but not someone I trust.”

Reply to  Lycurgus
8 March, 2021 2:52 pm

wells said. having lived all over the US for the past 6 decades, there were never any jews there, as they stay cloistered in jew areas like ny, mn, fl, ca, and have their own schools, churches, media, community centers, within this areas, so jews don’t really know americans cause they’ve never been outside their boxes. As far as the holocaust hoax, it’s served their purposes in a variety of ways to demonize the concepts of nationalism, workers parties, and militancy, as well uniting them in a paranoid “never again” preemptive military agency. It also hid the fact that they escaped into the US (through catholic spain/portugal) and as a group, took over our entire infrastructure.

Reply to  vespasian
8 March, 2021 8:44 pm

That’s not correct that jews cluster in the areas you mentioned. I lived in Olathe, Kansas and they had a church there and their cult. I know there are some in Texas, Fort Worth-Dallas area. You have to really look for them to find them, but they are there and they segregate themselves from us. I met a few in Mexico City, and they were as anti-social as the jews in America, but a bit more abbrasive, nobody spoke highly of them and the word ‘jew’ was used as a derogatory as someone greedy, and a pariah. They have this vibe which is not welcoming, I normally keep away from them. They give me the creeps. What I find amusing, is their habitual way of criticizing each other. I met… Read more »

Reply to  Geli
9 March, 2021 11:40 am

Hi Geli,
Sure you find small grouping of jews everywhere. They are spies keeping track of the local populations, but I was referring to the larger more concentrated groupings where they control the entire infrastructure.

Reply to  vespasian
10 March, 2021 10:59 pm

It is obvious they keep things within family. The jew I knew moved from Olathe to New York because he had a larger family there. Last I heard, he was working at the Department of Defense in New York. You can guess how he got that job, not by merit.So, you are probably right about controlling the infrastructure. As for spying, they are too inadequate for that kind of work, to prideful, to be inconspicuous.

Reply to  Lycurgus
8 March, 2021 3:00 pm

Quite so Lycurgus. They’re the worst people in history.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
8 March, 2021 12:31 pm

What we did to Germany (and the whole of eastern Europe by giving them over to communism) demands the story of German atrocities. We had to make them worse than we were. So the fictions were spread and eagerly embraced. We HAD to be on the side of God, and the Germans HAD to be made into demon-possessed makers of lampshades and soap.

Patrick White
Patrick White
8 March, 2021 4:13 pm

Surprised Breitbart permitted any criticism of Jews. Normally, even smelling of bacon is enough to get you banned there.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
9 March, 2021 3:41 am

You can’t pinpoint a Jew by precise and factual arguments. It simply doesn’t work with them. For a discussion to be orderly and factual both sides should adhere to the mutually agreed set of rules and to honestly observe them. But Jews would never play by any rules. They use notion of rules to thwart their enemies, to set a smoke screen. They like laws but only as chains for their opponents. Hitler perfectly described how they turn any discussion into sophistry. Starting a discussion they never intend to find truth but to annihilate the enemy by all means. Therefore, it is absolutely pointless to speak with them on any topics and on any occasions. Each of your words they would turn against you. The only justification to participate in… Read more »

9 March, 2021 3:51 pm

Mister Rossetti – as you can see, I am a man with a sense of humor!

Reply to  Oleg
10 March, 2021 3:23 am

Greetings Oleg.When the Soviets liberated Auschwitz their film crew reported seeing an electric conveyor belt that transported Jews into the gas chamber, but they forgot to film it. I can’t think why a conveyor belt was needed to move the Jews from the nearby sports and recreation park.

Super Mario
Super Mario
9 March, 2021 11:06 pm

You do a great job of exposing the holocaust Hadding! I enjoyed your piece on David Irving and why he is a fraud! There is no excuse literally to be a semi revisionist and to reduct from his original views! But as you’ve said he did it for purely selfish reasons! The Jews invented the so called “holocaust” to brainwash the white gentile kids into loving Jewry and instilling the White guilt in them! No other event is even comoarable to holocaush. It is supposed to be this sacred religion which is not permitted to be questioned by anyone! It is completely insane!

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
11 March, 2021 5:53 pm

plus or minus 270, 000 “non-combatant” deaths during World War Jew…..period.

the 6 million number , besides being obvious and insidious propaganda, is the biggest most ridiculous Lie ever foisted on mankind. and we allow them to get away with this imposition.

the Germans murdered no one. the Jew starved to death like all other prisoners as a consequence of a pathetic War instigated and financed by Big Jew.

the White Race will never be forgiven for humiliating and embarrassing these insects, and making them do actual manual labor for the first time in their lives.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
11 March, 2021 9:30 pm

Character assassination is one of their mostest favoritest tactics.
Nero they smeared as a semi-insane tyrant.
Those not bowing completely to Semitic death cult no.2 they smeared as ‘witches in league with da debil’ in the Middle Ages.
Napoleon – whose skeleton was measured at 5’7-5’8, which would have been above average for his time – they smeared as ‘short’.
Germans became a particular favorite in 1870, when Prussia trounced France – still a major power in the world at the time – handily, the ‘Hun’ was born, the ape-faced, Pickelhaube-bedecked inhuman monster who, in WWI raped nuns and bayoneted babies.
Had to one-up that one in WWII, didn’t they…?

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
12 March, 2021 9:45 pm

worship this site….but it’s sorta pathetic you can’t use “coarse” language on here.

all it does is help drive points home.

kinda weak ….in my Jew/Matrix humbled opinion.


Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  mortal goyal
13 March, 2021 1:36 am

Dear Mortal: Language that uses sexual words for “emphasis” or “force” trivializes and degrades something that should be held sacred, makes it into an insult — something it should never be. Language that uses excretory functions for “emphasis” or “force” is, to people for whom words really mean something, just like rubbing the faces of your readers in filth — over and over and over again. It’s insulting to the reader to do that. And it marks this site as being of low intellectual quality if it is routinely allowed. People with ideas that are already powerful, and who express them effectively and imaginatively, don’t need such “emphasis.” I know that many people will say, “The word ‘fucking’ or ‘bullshit’ doesn’t literally mean those things — it’s a form of… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
18 March, 2021 5:55 pm

Thanks Kevin. Swearing is intended to insult the listener. Many compulsive swearers do not comprehend that each time they swear they risk losing opportunities. I have seen swearers face each other in groups insulting each other as a bonding ritual where they become friends by each offending each other equally. Stupid. I worked at a firm where the ‘manager’ made it impossible to use telephones nearby because his constant swearing could be heard by those on the other end of the telephone. Yes, No Swearing!

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
8 May, 2021 10:14 pm

Thank you for that. As a former sailor, I can and do curse with the best of them but I’ve found that using the wide range of English words available to me, I can better add emphasis, or insult, or chastise someone that not only sounds more intelligent but also is more effective. Anyone can call someone a “weak a** p*ssy” but calling them an obsequious poltroon is reserved for a wordsmith.

17 March, 2021 1:05 pm

No doubt jews perpetrate the martyr complex through this invented idea of mass extermination. It is obviously embedded in their psyche. And the paranoia that jews feel towards the white man is very deep. Take the director Steven Spielberg for instance. His first Hollywood movie “Dual” is a paranoid fantasy about a truck driver that tries to run him off the road and murder him. In many ways this story could be a metaphor for how Spielberg regards the jews in pre-WW2 Germany. The story line is thus. While traveling through the desert for an appointment with a client, the businessman David Mann from California passes a slow and old tanker truck. The psychotic truck driver feels offended and chases David along the empty highway trying to kill him. To… Read more »

20 March, 2021 9:38 pm

The holocaust seems to be a fabricated event to be used as a public relations tool that would allow the jews to have immunity against any form of anti-semitism following WWII. As many of the readers here probably know, The Frankfurt School made full use of this by writing books (ex: The Authoritarian Personality) to use this “event” as a means to undermine Western civilization (Christianity, Patriarchy, the family, etc), and to usher in Cultural Marxism. Lastly, I would like to add that the number, “6 million”, was being bandied about in a major newspaper 1914 … can’t remember the name of the newspaper, but the images of the articles in the newspaper looked very authentic. At that time, the 6-million number was indicating how many jews would die of… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
29 August, 2022 11:23 am

The so-called “holocaust” narrative
did not become “trendy” until after
the television “docu-drama” of the
same name in 1978.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Walt Hampton
29 August, 2022 11:43 am

Trends and narratives are both built and grown by tools of media, and we in the National Alliance seek to build and utilize these tools also. This is an important goal of ours, and one that depends on our fellow Whites to step up and help us become better at putting our message to other Whites.

Besides the important task of media construction, the National Alliance has many more tasks we need serious and sincere Whites to join us in order to accomplish them; read about them here: