The Snow Queen Sells Us Out
by Douglas Mercer
KRISTI Noem is that patriotic lady that MAGA-boomers love to love; she’s smoking hot and unlike that other snowbound populist beauty, Sarah Palin, from time to time she can put a word or two together without mortifying us, at least if you don’t listen too closely to what she’s saying (generally not much at all).
Yes, indeed, she’s that patriotic lady whose patriotism knows no bounds, as she’ll be the first to tell you. She’s a gun totin’ mama from the Great White North, and if the left doesn’t watch its back she just might take our country back, or own the “libs”; why, if they’re not careful one day she might even make America great again (again).
That is, she’ll take on the bad guys and make this a God-fearing Christian nation again.
Which is why the rubes and the boobs love them some Noem.
What a patriotic bore.
She’s a snow queen who’s snow-blind.
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Unlike those endless Wikipedia-discovered Jews — whose early life history is always a variant of grandparents came from Poland (though not Polish, natch), moved to New York City, got involved in the radical politics of the day — Noem’s is more promising, at least on paper: “Kristi Noem was born to Ron and Corinne Arnold in Watertown, South Dakota, was raised with her siblings on their family ranch and farm in rural Hamlin County. She has Norwegian ancestry, graduated from Hamlin High School in 1990, and won the South Dakota Snow Queen title. Noem left college to help run her family’s ranch after her father was killed in a farm machinery accident. Noem added a hunting lodge and restaurant to the property, and all her siblings moved back to help expand the businesses.”
Ah, some of her ancestors at least were part of that migration of upper northern European Nordics that included Charles Lindbergh’s family.
And as for the story, it is stellar. She’s got that Ice Princess sheen and has that Master Race aspect, and she’s got the genes and the 23andMe certificate to prove it. The race scientists of Germany would have smiled approvingly while letting out a low whistle.
But sadly that’s where the National Socialism and other good things make an abrupt end. While many say she has an Aryan phenotype to die for, she has contracted the mind poison of our day in the form of a sentimental Christianity which proclaims, on no evidence whatsoever, that every single grub-digger of the Sahel is “made in the image of God” — whatever that means. And that, therefore, all must be accorded the exact same dignity and respect regardless of race, creed, national origin, or their woeful inability to contribute one shred of accomplishment to the nation due to hopelessly inferior genetics.
The fact is, of course, that the non-White, the perverted, the imbecile, and the parasite have no rights that a White man’s army must ever respect. Three generations of racial and spiritual pollution is always three generations too many.
She has also got a really bad and intractable case of the mental infection known as “Chamber of Commerceism,” which is basically the ineradicable belief that GDP is the be-all and end-all of social policy, and that White solidarity should always be sacrificed on the altar of tacking on a few more decimal points to the country’s financial ledgers. That is, she quite strangely forgets that her hero and savior and bestest buddy Jesus Christ told her in no uncertain terms that man does not live by bread alone.
Christian charity and mercenary fleecing are a lethal combination, and they hollow out the solid heartland White middle class like twin blowtorches on sno-cones, vaporizing them from the top with capital’s depredations and from the bottom with Black scum.
And oh yes, let’s not forget, that the lovely high-cheek-boned lady loves herself some Israel and some Jews too. As if to make the holocaust (the real one) complete.
Governor Kristi Noem today signed an executive order that joins 27 other states in condemning Anti-Semitism and standing against the Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. The Executive Order directs state entities not to contract with businesses supporting the BDS campaign. “Israel is one of our nation’s closest allies, and their success is critical to American national security,” said Noem. “Today, we reaffirm that South Dakota stands with Israel and will only contract with businesses who agree to fairly compete. Our state will not stand for any discrimination based on race or religion.”
These people, my gods, they are going to be the death of us all.
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Ms. Noem (no relation to Noam Chomsky though both are America’s enemies) has been bubbling up under the surface of Republcan politics for some time now; she was elected in the GOP wave of 2010. This was the fabled Tea Party wave, fueled by freaks in Uncle Sam costumes walking around on stilts demanding “limited government” — an unworthy cause that packs in so many unjustified assumptions that it would take a long article just to list them. The epitaph on this once media-consuming, town-hall-raging, give-me-liberty-or-give-me-deathing, red-white-and-blue-thumping movement is: A lot of good they did.
Since then everyone has known Noem as the comely lass with the soft-spoken manner who gives heart palpitations to the kind of Boomer who swears that the solution to this nation’s problems is convening a Constitutional Convention and enacting term limits.
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CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) is run by massive grifter Matt Schlapp who is married to former Fox News cretin, Trump official, and tremendous grifter Mercedes Schlapp. You know you’re in trouble with Ms. Schlapp when you learn that her father was a political prisoner of the Castro regime; so she and her husband are trapped in a never-moving time machine with the dial set exactly at 1986; you know Matt always likes to tell the story of how his father-in-law said he escaped oppression and found freedom in America, but if freedom in America goes there will be nowhere else to go. But if 2021 America, with its pyromaniac tar monsters, its filthy Jews, its abominably twisted queers, its grab bag of race-chaos mongrels, is the benchmark of excellence in human social endeavor — if this is the final stand — then I say toss in your cards. And as to there being nowhere to go: Hungary? A certain growing complex in Upper East Tennessee?
In any event, CPAC holds an annual conference where hard core members of the “conservative movement” congregate and hate some “socialism” and love them some “liberty” and invite an unhealthy sprinkling of the Blacks and “gays” and Mestizos to prove to themselves and the world that they’re not really White bigots or White anything. Proposition people, they are — not a viable species, Mr. Darwin.
In the 2021 incarnation of this useless conference, Ms. Noem made quite the splash taking down the hapless Dr. Fauci regarding unnecessary Covid restrictions. But as politicians are wont to do, along the way of touting her credentials as rootin’-tootin’-freedom-lovin’ babe she dropped some unmistakable hints as to her true mindset (such as it is).
At the conference, naturally, her hotness and her patented aw-shucks patter and persona were lost on no one. All in all, a fine specimen of wholesome womanhood was the unanimous verdict. Good Aryan blood has that effect. (As is her predilection, she sported a hot red sleeveless top with a semi-peekaboo opening to bait the rubes, the boobs, and the bubbas. What would Jesus of Nazareth, had he existed, think of that get up? Hell, Paul demanded head coverings for the distaff side.)
Kristi purred:
Why does America need conservatives? Now, the question of why America needs conservatives can be answered by just mentioning one single year, and that year is 2020.
No, as 2020 was the year that the Jew media snookered the country into accepting the burning and looting of the nation in the name of the poor innocent god-fearing man of peace George Floyd, then 2020 is the year that shows us that conservatives are as worthless as a pile of burnt hair. If they can’t even stand up straight to that dog’s vomit of obviously evil lies, what good are they anyway? No good; that’s how good.
The Declaration above all else was a document, not of rhetoric, but a bold decision. The Declaration unleashed not merely a revolution against the British, but a revolution in human affairs.
It did indeed unleash a revolution in human affairs; but they shouldn’t have buried the lede about the “merciless savages” and should have cut out that pollyanna about “all men” being equal; for it is that latter phrase which has reverberated down the dark abysm of time and is the one people remember; why just the other day I heard a Jew say something about it — how one day America will “live up to” that drivel.
China literally places religious minorities in internment camps.
It occurs to me that when America was ascendant it drove the Amerindians off our lands; it threw the Mexicans out; it excluded the Chinese; it made Whiteness a necessary condition of citizenship, it passed immigration laws that were such a shining example of White preservationism that the National Socialists smiled gratefully and let out a low whistle. That’s what a rising people do; that’s what China does; and when the tender consciences of the good-hearted Christians take China to task for doing what any race-conscious people do, I’m betting on the race-conscious people. The universal moralists will get flattened along the way, as Nature decrees and demands.
Now, for those of you who are disappointed about the election, I am too. Remember, incredible innovation though, it took place after Goldwater’s 1964 landside loss. It took the creation of many institutions, including the American Conservative Union, the National Right to Life, the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, Concerned Women for America, the Federalist Society, Family Research Council….
Sorry, the list is making my head hurt. You know her drill. All those “conservative” organizations that conserved nothing, but did manage to become the little sisters of the ruling class, got good gigs and good stipends, and snookered the rubes into thinking that a real live struggle was going on.
These people, really, they’re going to be the death of us all.
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In the spirit of a blind squirrel from time to time happening on a nut or two, occasionally Donald J. Trump (billionaire) would do a decent thing. He vastly reduced the number of refugees we take in, so our small rural towns will survive as mostly White and healthy enclaves for a few months more. He also gave each governor the option of opting out of taking in refugees. We could have used a whole Hell of lot more of that kind of thing, and less trying to free Blacks jailed in Sweden, and outlawing speech contra the Jews.
Now it’s true that South Dakota, relatively, takes in very few refugees per year — you can count them in the hundreds.
But as a wise old racist once said, one savage is one savage too many.
Amen to that.
And, more than that, it’s the message that counts; send it out loud and clear that your darkies from the dark continent are not welcome in the badlands of Whiteness — that we’ll conjure up a posse of the White Man’s Army before soiling our sacred soil with their malodorous Black bodies.
Gov. Kristi Noem notified the Trump administration on Thursday that South Dakota will continue to accept refugees who are resettled in the United States next year. Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) turned down an option from President Donald Trump to block refugees from entering South Dakota in the new year.
Really? That’s the best you could do? Sadly, yes it is, yes it is.
The Snow Queen is always selling us out.
Got to get that cheap non-White coolie labor for those meat-packing plants!
Now the Lutherans of the northern states are in some ways the poor man’s Jews. We flooded that area with Aryans and for some goddamn reason many became soft-hearted over-the-moon moontsruck ethnomasochists. What gives, White man? And, like the Jews, something with the race-treason name “Lutheran Social Services” tries hard around the clock to flood the Great White North with debased coloreds and, bye the bye, keeps them in the red.
In September, Trump issued an executive order allowing states and local governments to opt out of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program. Prior to the executive order, the federal government was only required to consult with states. South Dakota joins a list of nearly two dozen other states that have consented to take refugees in 2020, according to the U.S. Department of State.
She went over to the dark side. Quite literally. Apparently some things called Eritreans like to go to South Dakota, the way Somalis besmirch Minnesota. So South Dakota has a concentrated little band of race bombs ready to explode at a moment’s notice. When they get here, they say they’ll obey our laws and support themselves — but you know how those Negroes lie.
Betty Oldenkamp, the president and CEO of Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, said she was pleasantly surprised by Noem’s announcement. Lutheran Social Services is the state’s refugee resettlement agency.
When you go to the site for Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota (LSS of South Dakota) and enter their “Who We Are” section you’ll see suspiciously mixed-race people apparently full of joy. They used to show a little niglet with a buzz-cut afro, a tiny little savage in the making, and he was looking at you with a smiling face and giving you a “thumbs up.” It was Martin Luther who wrote that book called The Jews and Their Lies.
The Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota site has a section called “New Americans.” It says: “According to the US State Department the resettling of refugees reflects our own tradition as a nation of immigrants and refugees. It is an important and enduring and ongoing expression of our commitment to international humanitarian principles. Refugees are people who have been forced to flee their counties because of war, persecution and genocide. They are invited by other countries, like the United States to resettle and make new lives.”
“We really think that it’s important for South Dakota to continue to welcome people, especially those that have experienced persecution,” Oldenkamp said.
“For the communities that want to welcome these refugees, I support giving them that opportunity,” Noem said in a statement.
Geneticists will tell you that if you want to get a picture of what ancient Aryans were like, go to Sweden. The odd thing is that even given their noble physical inheritance the Swedes are the most cucked people on the planet. For some Swedish men it’s a sign of “moral superiority” to see their White women gang-raped by hordes of rampaging Africans.
Odd, isn’t it?
And very much the same have become those very same Swedes, and the Norwegians, and the Scandinavians in general, who populated the northern American states along the Canadian border. Of these, of course, the Lutherans were particularly bad: For some reason they weren’t satisfied with this northern clime being a White bulwark. They were infected by the mind poison of equality. Think of part-Norwegian Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota helping to “put civil rights on the national agenda” in 1948 and then, seventeen years later, standing there next to big fat goon Lyndon Johnson as he signed the Hart-Celler Act in New York Harbor, thus signing America’s life away.
Snow people selling us out is a sad, sad thing to witness.
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And to add injury to insult, Aryan princess Kristi Noem got a big fat softball lobbed to her and instead of smacking it out of the park like a good girl she swung and she missed.
She had a bill presented to her that would have banned men from participating in women’s sports. I know, I know, you say, “You need a bill for that?” Oh, yes, in Weimerica you most certainly do.
And instead of signing the bill in her noble blood, she vetoed it — because she had “concerns about style and form.”
Style and form. No, really, she said that. Our race is under violent attack, our people are under violent attack by soulless queers, and she is hung up on the niceties.
“Unfortunately, as I have studied this legislation and conferred with legal experts over the past several days, I have become concerned that this bill’s vague and overly broad language could have significant unintended consequences,” Noem said in a letter sent to media and legislators.
How narrow do you need it be? Let me put in oil-field language: The dudes can’t compete with the broads. Don’t be a dumbass, sweetheart.
Noem said as recently as March 8 she wanted to sign the bill, which also establishes there are only two biological sexes, male and female, and there are “inherent” differences between men and women.
Establishes? No, the bill establishes nothing except that we’re not perverts. Nature establishes that there are two biological sexes. She’s the real queen. Just listen to her and obey.
Noem’s decision not to sign the bill is an about-face from where she was the day it passed. When it cleared the Senate in early March, Noem expressed her excitement to sign the bill into law.
Not so much an about-face as evidence she is two-faced.
I thought that the sandal-wearing leader of these Christians told them not to conform to the world?
But earlier this week, she determined there were unforeseen problems with the bill. And in her statement Friday, she said after consulting with attorneys and considering the emotional challenges facing young people, more precise language in such a law is necessary.
Ah, there it is. The Christian charity card turns up for the 52,000th time. You wouldn’t want to offend a boy in a dress. Come to think of it, maybe that’s exactly what you should do: tell him to stop being a sissy and a fag. Emotional vulnerabilities? That’s what you get when you coddle and indulge them, tell them they have “rights,” and are afraid to confront them about their lunacy. You grant enormous power and prestige to perversion.
Jews used to poison the wells; now they poison our minds.
You can easily see why Hitler came to power.
And, of course, there’s the money and greasing of the palms:
The report said the NCAA, South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and an Amazon plant in Sioux Falls have been overtly pressuring the governor to veto the bill….
But amid concerns over economic backlash and the potential for South Dakota to lose sanctioned sporting events like NCAA tournaments, Noem is sending the bill back to the Legislature.
Of course putting pressure on states to conform to the mind poison of the day is an old trick. When Arizona valiantly resisted approving Martin Luther King Day, the Negro Football League took the Super Bowl away from Phoenix. Pretty soon the mind poisoners in favor of giving a federal holiday to a Black debauché and rapist had got pint-sized “Bono” to sing his putrid brand of Christian idealism (“we can be one”) for the cause when he came to Arizona. Heck, even Coretta Scott King (the rapist’s wife), Stevie Wonder, and the band Public Enemy got into the act, urging a boycott if Arizona remained disobedient. We aint gonna play Sun City!
Mr. Wonder recently said he’s moving his family to Africa because he does not want his grandkids raised in “racist America.”
So it turns out ebony and ivory can’t live side by side in harmony.
See ya!
When the state of North Carolina objected to sexually disturbed men being able to use girls’ restrooms, the Negro basketball league took away its all-star game from the Tar Heel state. Sportsball!
And now major anti-White oligarch Jeff Bezos says he’ll withdraw his business from South Dakota, and the Negro college basketball league will not sanction games there, and the Chamber of Commerce is tut-tutting about bigotry and how they don’t want trouble — and Kristi crumbled, like a cheap tart.
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Kristin Noem has her eyes on the White House and perhaps even she was taken aback by the fierce blowback to her cowardly decision. She went on the Tucker Carlson show and mumbled something about lawsuits and the like, but mainly she was lying like a Nagasaki fence post. She’s now saying that the law would not comply with the NCAA “inclusion rules” which is all the more reason to sign it. Let the lawsuits begin; when the judge strikes it down, start referring to him as Satanic until there is nothing left of him. Tell your constituents that it’s too bad the South Dakota government now has to comply with orders from Satan. Let them stew on that for a little while.
There’s a famous picture of Noem riding on horse at a riding event all dolled up as a gunslinging cowgirl waving an oversized Old Glory; it’s the kind of American kitsch she was born to.
But Mom and apple pie and Norman Rockwell and morning in America aren’t going to cut it any more. This is a civilizational struggle and this is a race struggle; our mortal enemies attack us every day. And when it comes to “gender trouble,” there’ll be trouble in Sioux City, even in Sioux Falls. What they’ve done to the races they are now doing to the sexes: making them disappear. There is something in that book she loves about depravity and shameful acts, and if we’re slouching anywhere we’re slouching towards Gomorrah.
So see what’s at stake, and get off that high horse and put down that flag. And sign the bill.
If you’re saying “style and form” you might as well be saying “the Jews told me ‘No.'”
A once-promising Presidential candidate told us that in the shape we’re in, we don’t have time for tone.
He was right.
We also don’t have time for traitors.
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Source: Author
The usual brilliant, inspiring stuff from Mr. Mercer.
I needed that.
Exactly my thoughts. This man gets better and better. Uplifting stuff! Brilliant! I am posting and passing on this article right now!
It sure is, Old Aardvark. I feel the same leg tingle reading Douglas that the twit Chris Matthews said he felt listening to Obama babble. This pearl gave me a special tingle: [I]f freedom in America goes there will be nowhere else to go. But if 2021 America, with its pyromaniac tar monsters, its filthy Jews, its abominably twisted queers, its grab bag of race-chaos mongrels, is the benchmark of excellence in human social endeavor — if this is the final stand — then I say toss in your cards. And as to there being nowhere to go: Hungary? A certain growing complex in Upper East Tennessee? I wish I’d known all this background about the SD governor when I saw her discussing that sports gender-bending bill with Tucker Carlson the other… Read more »
My favorite run in Mercer’s piece went something like this: We pushed the Amerindians off their lands. We chased the Mexicans off their land and took it. We excluded the Chinese. We made whiteness our only requirement for US citizenship, and we passed laws that for 175 years maintained this as a white nation. We were an ascendant race then. What a concise but totally accurate description of US history. I have already used this line in a couple of posts on conservative websites.
Are the Nordics actually Aryans, though? The Aryans are haplogroup R1b1 (a K2 descendant) but the modern Scandinavians are largely I2 which split off from I/J/K’s common ancestor long before the Aryan migrations. They’re no closer to us than the jews, if I understand the y-group tree correctly… so maybe we can consider them White but expecting them to act like the nobility – physical resemblance to our kingly ancestors aside – may be asking too much of them. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be mistaken in my understanding of this.
Based on my personal observations, the blondest, most blue-eyed people the world has to offer hail from northern Germany, Denmark, Sweden and what used to be Prussia., followed by Norway, Iceland, Finland and the Netherlands.
I was not denying their phenotypical traits, nor was I meaning to imply they weren’t White. Rather, I am questioning if the Nordics are truly genotypical Aryans, based solely upon the currently accepted phylogenetic tree of yDNA haplogroups.
That said, I also do not think we should abandon our Nordic brethren, who have been with us since before the Aryan migrations, and not simply throw our hands up in the air and resign them to being “cucked”.
There are many proud, strong men still within that sub-race, and we must not forget that one of our strongest NS groups is Scandinavian. I’m just curious about the deeper biological relationships.
Well, according to science – or perhaps ‘science’ or even (((science))) – Indians and Persians are Aryans, too. There are some vague linguistic and cultural links, but the remainder of the connections are buried beneath so many thousands of other layers that the relationship is academic at best. Anyway, back to the Scandinavians, I think there are several reasons why they are currently so very cucked. One of the best features of White people in general, Celts and Germanics in particular, is their ability to identify and sympathize with creatures different from them. This very excellent trait has, however, been twisted and weaponized AGAINST them, showing 1 TV picture of a drowned Arab boy opening millions of White borders, wallets and legs. They were also fairly isolated until very recently,… Read more »
According to said science they are descended (partially) from said Aryans, not that they are Aryans. That pale (but not White) skin, eyes (even that rarest hue, green) and hair. Yet even that is not all Indians (only the remnants of the Brahman caste) or all Persians (only a few isolated tribes of what is today northern Iran). To pretend like this genetic science should imply we ought to feel more kinship with every sand-nigger in the hellhole that is the middle-east, or every street-soiling dothead on the subcontinent than to our Nordic brothers is absurd. And, again, I do not consider the Nordics non-white for their lack of a K2-descended gene. And I am certainly in agreement with the idea (expressed often on this site from what I’ve seen)… Read more »
Or did they ? Proof of election fraud in at least 7 states was – and still is – quite overwhelming, I’m pretty sure some level of fakery occurred in ALL 57 (…) states and I would be quite surprised if the Pedophile Select actually received as many votes as Mike Dukakis did in ’84. The really big problems with genetic science, DNA databases, sites like 23andme are that a) they don’t have nearly enough samples nor a great enough variety to make truly informed determinations and that most if not all such outfits seem to be owned and/or controlled by either Jews or Mormocucks or both. On the subject of samples, I always find it astonishing that they are (allegedly) able to identify an ‘Ashkenazi’ ancestry – which… Read more »
The original aryans weren’t blue eyed or blond.
The reason northern Europe is so cucky is that the same thing which lets us build great civilizations also sets us up for subversion. We are the only group that can believe most people we’ve never met are trustworthy if they are in the same group as us.
Kristi Noem is certainly a beautiful white woman. You will get no argument from me on that particular issue. However, it’s rather naive to think that ANYBODY who makes it to the level of State Governor, State Representative or State Senator isn’t already an utter slave to Jewish interests. All of our so-called “leaders”, from the state level to the federal level, are bought and paid for by the vile Red Sea Pedestrians, and this has been the situation (in the former great nation of America, anyway) for at least the last 70 years and very likely longer. STOP thinking that any politician, of either party and no matter how attractive they appear or how much they, initially, seem to be on “our” side, is our friend. NONE of them… Read more »
A true analysis. I learned that lesson well when former US Attorney Sam Currin joined forces with the Jew Morris Dees, head of the Southern Poverty Law Center, to destroy the White Patriot Party in North Carolina. Currin was a conservative’s conservative with impeccable credentials — he was appointed by US Senator Jesse Helms! While doing a search to check the spelling of his name, I came across this: Currin was sentenced to six years in federal prison for tax fraud conspiracy. He had also served as a state judge and chairman of the state Republican Party. If one ever wants to make a case for divine justice, there it is.
Correct. No one who does not kowtow to the Jew rises above branch librarian in the system we mistakenly call ‘democracy’.
Excellent stuff — on balance I’d say, though, that America has been used to reinstitute Communism in Europe and that the Juden are just using their kosher Conservatives to cancel the remnant with the golem of intersectional minorities, the same as in the JewK.
Wonderful article. We have to keep in mind however, that when the enemy has complete control of a country’s currency, owns most, if not all of the mass media, heads the departments of the top universities, has infiltrated the federal government, justice system and military, it is inevitable that some conservative politicians have no other alternative but to bow down to some of the enemy’s demands. The entire state of South Dakota has a feeble population of less than one million. Not an economic powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination. Any politician would be stuck between a rock and a hard place. It would be great to veto all these absurd bills that are presented for approval, but that is not reality. No politician is perfect. At least she… Read more »
No time for traitors, yes, but also none for sellouts and their moneygrubbing manipulators.
“The report said the NCAA, South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and an Amazon plant in Sioux Falls have been overtly pressuring the governor …” to do what THEY and their Jewish mind-poisoning masters want.
Whether it’s the “capitalists” or the “communists,” the results are to be the same– America Jewed.
There are quite a few people talking about things like secession, creating a White homeland (or moving to muhRussia), Greater Idaho and those sorts of things. Red Ice just moved to Idaho and are pleased with the awesome demographics. I remain skeptical, I think Idaho may well turn into another Oregon given a few years – assuming we have that long – and none of those northern prairie or mountain states have the population, natural protection or self-sufficiency to withstand a determined federal assault or boycott. I don’t think there is a political solution, it’s going to get ugly, and the still largely German Midwest – Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan minus the big inner cities – might be where the true resistance starts. South Dakota’s too small and 1… Read more »
The “resistance” starts with you, Prinz Edelhart, and what you do with your life. I hope that you’re doing more than just commenting and are joining with us in the National Alliance to advance greater goals in saving our race. We are worth saving, aren’t we?
I recently discovered this site, and I am mostly pleasantly surprised at the truth I’m finding here, like in this article covering yet another RINO. However, I have noticed an acceptance of National Socialism in one or two articles. Communism and Socialism, but I repeat myself, is a scourge that must be burned from this world as surely as a certain parasitic group must be, in order to save it. Does anyone care to respond and tell me how that’s incorrect? Or perhaps I’ve misunderstood that this site supports Socialism?
The National Socialists served our race’s need for survival and bringing our Germanic then pan-European people’s back on a more progressive path to the future as we had been derailed.
The “communists,” a Jewish work of organizing and completing a planned destruction of the best of the Aryans, weren’t about our survival and progress.
One can call some belief system “Socialism” or any name really, but the real meaning behind the appellations lies in its results. And not all results are equal even if the name is the same.
Most of us are National-Socialists here. Your knowledge of the difference between Marxism, Socialism and National-Socialism needs some work. I used to be a “no step snek” libertarian myself. I understand all the memes and catchphrases (“that’s statist!!!”) you must’ve absorbed along the way, I did too. Hell, I remember actually believing that “the State is the most dangerous superstition”. Once the lies, platitudes and misconceptions are stripped away, if you actually take the time to learn, you’ll learn that National-Socialism not only isn’t what you’ve been led to believe (Marxism), but its antithesis and a necessity for a healthy White nation. I encourage you to continue to read on this site. Learn what NS was – and is – really about. Ask more specific questions and pay attention to… Read more »
Greetings No Step on Snek. The National Socialism of Germany is utterly unrelated to the socialism of the former JewSSR. Lenin’s socialism was intended to “abase humanity to the lowest level of existence”. Hitlers socialism was intended to rescue the German people.
No Step, you’ve been quiet a while and I don’t know if you’ve just been busy or this comment was nothing more than an excuse to tell yourself “yep, socialists!” and go back to the boomer cage of pretending the red white and blue represents your freedom (or, for that matter, you in any way). If you’d like some reading that truly contrasts Marxism and socialism with National-Socialism (and, coincidentally, points out that Marxism and Capitalism are two sides of the same money-obsessed coin and not coincidentally, serve the same people), this excellent piece by Hadding Scott (whose work is also often republished here at N.V.). Or if you are as I first surmised one of those libertarian types, another thing to consider is something you might be familiar with… Read more »
No Step on Snek: I recently discovered this site, and I am mostly pleasantly surprised at the truth I’m finding here… However, I have noticed an acceptance of National Socialism in one or two articles… Does anyone care to respond and tell me how that’s incorrect? Or perhaps I’ve misunderstood that this site supports Socialism? — Keep reading, NSoS. Yes, you will find we not only accept NS, but advocate something similar to it with our Cosmotheist worldview. Put ‘national socialism’ in the little search box at this site and you will come up with dozens of articles explaining why the National Alliance prefers NS over other political ideologies, like this one. Martin Kerr, the author of that article makes this comment below it: I see no conflict or… Read more »
Two low-brows enter a new business on Main St America and tell the owner he must fork over $5000/wk for protection. The ownder says “Protection ? Protection from who ?” The 2 thugs respond “From us.” Such is the relationship between Israel and the United States, Israel being the thug.
Here is one Christian…that would absolutely demand her execution for TREASON…come the day my kind (STRICT White identitarians) ascend to total power. She would not be alone by any stretch…merely high on the list. Btw, that treason would be for acts of rabid enmity against the only Americans that there have ever ACTUALLY been – European peoples. And this enmity WAS PERPETRATED AGAINST HER OWN RACE. Treason does not get more complete or abominable than hers.
Women are lousy at running things, but they make the bestest kindergarten hall-monitors ever. This is why Jews have women at the forefront of politics. Jews have given women of all stripes, especially those with brown stripes, their turn at giving the white male a good, hard screwing. But rest assured, such screwing will never result in any soul-stirring orgasm. Everywhere one looks today, from top political positions, to corporate structures, to running homeless shelters, there is some power-enabled slut, now mostly of a mystery meat flavor, running the show and everyone of them is working against the white male’s chance to ever again play an effective role in society. Funny thing though. When one looks past the medusal, female facade to examine the real power structure owning the economic… Read more »