Why Do People Do What They Do?
It may be hard for truly idealistic men and women like National Alliance members and the better kind of NV readers to understand, but the vast majority of humans, especially a majority of those who pose as idealists, are not motivated by moral principles, but by raw calculations of gain and loss.
by David Sims
PEOPLE IN GENERAL don’t behave in accordance with moral principles. When they occasionally do, it’s because people are watching and expect them to, and there’s usually a punishment in wait for them if they don’t. But mostly principles aren’t much of an influence on human action.
What does have the influence is the human desire for status, approval, sexual opportunities, sociopolitical power, and material gain.
Let’s imagine that a truly principled observer could look us over and judge us. He’d see a bunch of lawyers telling lies, either to exonerate a guilty client or to betray an innocent client. He’d see teachers of civics and of history teaching lies to their students. He’d see police officers doing cruel and illegal things to citizens because they were ordered to, or else withholding protection from those deserving of it, again because they were told to. He’d see judges viewing video evidence and then brazenly lying about what they saw. He’d see office workers ganging up on some disfavored employee in order to get him fired.
Our principled observer would see that most people, most of the time, acted as if they were in a rioting mob, except in slow motion with the thermostat turned down to room temperature. Most of the time, neither rationality nor morality nor idealism determines human action, except perhaps in a laboratory conducting a scientific experiment.
And even scientists will lie to protect their grant money.
By far the most common motivation for treason is the traitor’s desire to keep his regular paycheck. A threat to the paycheck will make most people pretend to believe every lie they ever heard.
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Source: Author
Here, here, the mighty dollar is the temptress of all men’s desire (when I say men I say humanity). We all have a choice, we can do good or do bad, but how much is worth owning the world just to lose our soul? You can psychoanalyze all this and spiritually look at it this way, judge and look at it that way, condemn and say spiteful things, but in the end. If we look deep within us, the answer is there, brooding, hiding, as we shout and think hateful things or loving things. What comes out of our mouth is what we harbor in our hearts. If we are truthful with ourselves really truthful and look within ourselves and accept that maybe, perhaps, we need to blot out the… Read more »
I’m at risk of sounding too general.
Becoming a bureaucrat requires sticking with the system as it is. For others who stick with it, there must be plenty of trauma of the likes of pity and forgetfulness.
Sex, power, money or any combination thereof is why most people do most things most of the time.
GR8 short story by Sims. Sadly, I have found the same morality issues with a few holocaust “truthers” too, but to a much lesser extent.
“Why Do People Do What They Do?” Depends on the patterns, beliefs and values that are stored in our brain, the convictions and motivations. Habits can be more powerful than beliefs when the will is weak. A society struggling for daily survival cannot afford meaningless “hobbies” (like mountain climbing). It turns civilized people into animals. Even the seafarers who conquered distant continents were confined to a small space for months at a time, which often led to mutinies. It also depends on our impulse control (patience and self-control) what we achieve in life. A child who has not learned to give up sweets (reward deferral) will later become an addict with a lack of frustration tolerance. We can agree, one and one are two, but that’s it. “Objectivity” is a… Read more »
I’m not on this planet to enjoy life, Ken. I’m here to be of service to our race, through the National Alliance. If any enjoyment comes from that, it’s a byproduct, not the goal.
We strive to achieve our goals, to use what life and talents we’re born with towards making a place on Earth habitable for Whites only and many other things. It involves sacrifice, not pleasure-seeking.
Some claim that “life is like football or chess”.
That may apply to the eternal struggle against the enemy of
eternal mankind. But we ourselves are worn down by this pa-
ranoid competitive thinking, which suspiciously regards every
like-minded fellow as a potential “opponent” (or even enemy).
A healthy white society can only be based on
trust and win-win, otherwise it is pure suicide
in installments, benefiting our enemies. When
two quarrel, the third is happy. Divide & Rule.
And how are you working or sacrificing your time, energy, and/or resources towards achieving that healthy White society, Ken? I’m interested in your actions as you’ve spoken of “we” in some struggle here.
For some reason while reading the above, I thought of Martha Stewart. As far as I can tell, she is a white woman who has done whatever she’s needed to in life in order to elevate herself, even keeping the name ‘Stewart’ after her divorce, rather than the Polish ‘Kostyra’. A social climber, with a strong tendency towards the prim-and-proper. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with that I don’t believe. It’s preferable to the polar opposite, of a person who can’t be shamed, sees virtue in irrational subversion, or simply doesn’t want respect. Snooty isn’t really my cup of tea, but better than a subversive lunatic. However, in recent years, Martha Stewart has taken up a well promoted friendship with an extremely sleazy black rapper called “Snoop Dogg.” It was… Read more »
So what, Josef Tone? One can find millions of these examples. The thought behind this article is for us to aim higher than these wretched, self-serving lower humans while acknowledging they exist as examples we must rise above from in order to achieve our Cosmotheist goals.
Umm, you do know about our goals and why we have to accomplish them, right?
“Smart people play dumb, it is more difficult the other way around.” (Jew Tucholsky) Indeed, so- mething can be learned from this for us as well. A man of strong character does not fear another strong man at his side. Twenty years ago I met an Italian in a discotheque. Surrounded by jealous hyenas, he had obviously never met anyone like me before. I was not shy, I appeared with natural self-confidence and empathy. I recognized the human being in him without prejudice. The young man was even sympathetic to me in a certain way! And he obviously felt for the first time in his life really perceived as a person. The fact that I had no “personal interest” in enriching myself impressed him. He explained to me that he… Read more »
So what’s that got to do with helping us in the National Alliance accomplish our goals, Ken? I’m trying to figure out what your purpose in being here is.
One is reminded of this when reading Friedrich Christian of Schaumburg-Lippe’s memoirs from the National Socialist era:”Mit Helden und Halunken in Schlössern und Spelunken” (“With heroes and scoundrels in castles and taverns”).
Among his contemporaries at the time, there were as many heroes as scoundrels. His instinct told him who belonged to which category. In short, who acted for idealistic reasons, and who only to enrich themselves personally and surf in the shadows of power.
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:
for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
To understand the world, we have to think holis- tically. Everything carries its opposite within itself and is inseparable from it. The best place to bury your prey is right next to a police station. There is no life without death, no day without night, no mountains without valleys. In every teacher there is an ill-bred pupil, in every policeman a criminal, in every doc- tor a hypochondriac, in every fireman a pyromaniac, in every representative of the people an egoist, in every moralizer a sinner, in every neat freak a slob. Women are soft on the outside but hard on the inside, and vice versa for men. Excessive “love” is rejection. Whenever we notice something exaggerated in the other person, we suspect that unconsciously an opposite trait is at… Read more »
Lots of pointless talk here, Ken. What do you actually seek from being here besides writing voluminously about insubstantial matters?
Ken: I fled through the small bathroom window into the open air…
Thanks, JM/Iowa. Nay, Nay to this intrusive blatherskite.
He is found to be in the wrong place and needs to find another small bathroom window to crawl through. He is neither an “idealistic National Alliance member” — never will be — nor is he one of the “better NV readers.”
@Kevin Alfred Strom
Dear Ken and all the other names you use: Write an article and submit it for consideration if you like — but please stop posting endless off-topic comments. It takes valuable time away from necessary tasks.
Sounds a bit too Nietzschean to me. We’re not all seeking our Will To Power. Many of us do have a moral compass that calls for some self-sacrifice. I know that this site holds no brief for Christianity, but I think that many of it’s tenets are misunderstood here. Certainly, Christianity calls for caring for others, but that’s a far cry from allowing your civilization to be overrun and fundamentally changed via unbridled immigration. Note that Jesus was quite tough on the Jewish leaders and actually cleansed the Temple with a whip … so plz give that a think. The idea is to be merciful to those who actually need it.
damn….that was a power-punch-packed little piece of writing! Good job.