
To Blend In

AFTER THE MOST honest expression of muh democracy in human history, our sacred holy buildings created by the direct will of g*d came under attack from a White supremacist insurrection. Our elected heroes were fired upon. It was attempted murder from Confederates, “nazis,” and phony tough guy delusionals. Our wise and generous rulers barely escaped with their lives, but such is their love for this great mongrel economic zone that these selfless and noble paragons of humanity bravely faced down the bloodthirsty mob and ultimately emerged victorious against “hate.” We are honestly expected to believe this and about a dozen other ridiculous lies, deceits so lazy that submitting to them becomes a ritual of humiliation. Believe in absurdities and blood libels against your race. You want to keep that careerism, right? If you’re still unconvinced, consider the amazing testimony of a congress critter who has learned all sorts of valuable lessons and is eager to share this Right Think with you, the contemptible slave.

Rep Dean Phillips, D-Minn., told fellow Democrats on Thursday that it took last month’s riot at the Capitol for him to truly understand what “privilege” means. 

Meet the last man from Sweden: The State. This is the ultimate debased White, the role model for doomed gutless cowards everywhere. Well, that’s what I initially thought from the Gentile last name, but then I saw the honker on this piece of filth and did a little research. Let’s check the “early life” section. 

Phillips was born to DeeDee (Cohen) and Artie Pfefer in 1969.

Every. Single. Time.

Democrats, led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., held an hour-long session and shared their personal experiences of the Jan. 6 riot. No Republican joined the meeting.

Time for an Evil Party encounter group. Our illegitimate government is hard at work solving the big problems. Let’s weep about our fragile emotions while we’re defended by walls, wire, and mercenaries from our justifiably outraged constituents. Here’s a ridiculously unqualified brown alien to tell stories that would make a “holocaust survivor” blush. Occasional Smollett was afraid. Give up your rights. Get in the grave.

Phillips said at one point during the incident, he considered moving to the Republican side of the chamber to blend in and hopefully be spared by the mob.

When “Hello, fellow Whites!” becomes “Hello, fellow Loser Party members!” from the poisonous mushroom. It was the night of the broken glass. They were forcing “blue” party members into deadly masturbation machines. They pounded a giant nail into my brain and it still hurts to this day. The precious six million kosher con artists lost in a violent coup attempt. I was so scared I nearly joined the long shadow trailing after Semitic tyranny. Now I’m safely back in the vanguard of nation-wrecking and demoralization, thank moloch.

Trust me, I’m “White.”

“But within moments, I realized that blending in was not an option available to my colleagues of color,” he said, growing emotional.

I can pretend to blend in until someone notices my giant number six tapir snout and I start casually calling people “cattle,” but what about the worthless brown merchandise we sold the goyim? Pass any law, demand any concession, but the Negro will never stop being an unpleasant reminder of the merchant’s “great bargain” they brought here in kosher chains and now use as a moronic biological weapon against us. They’re a failed branch of humanity sold to us by demons in an unconvincing human disguise.

“So I’m here tonight, to say to my brothers and sisters in Congress and all around our country, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. For I have never understood — really understood what privilege really means. It took a violent mob of insurrectionists and a lightning-bolt moment in this very room.”

My criminal tribe controls the media, the government, the educational-industrial complex and most of the wealth, but I didn’t think I had “privilege.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who has recently faced criticism about her recollection of the events, also addressed the chamber and said just “29 days ago, the glass in and around this very chamber was shattered by gunshots, clubs, by individuals seeking to restrain and murder members of Congress duly elected to carry out the duties of their office.”

The Truth Holodomor.

Full story.

Because air is free.

* * *

Source: Modern Heretic

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John Bull
John Bull
6 February, 2021 6:24 am

Press reports say he disclaimed “White Privilege” though he never uses the word “White”.   Which is funny because he’s not White, he’s Jewish.  

Also, his step-father owned a distillery company in Minnesota and his step grandmother is Dear Abby, so I think he knew something of what privilege was before some patriots decided to storm the Capitol.

brian boru
brian boru
6 February, 2021 6:49 am

Unfortunately, many whites will not realize what this demon in human form really is. I could easily imagine this creature doing NKVD type work with enthusiasm when he and his tribe feel that they finally have enough power to slaughter us without any chance of repercussions. The kikes describe a situation like that as ‘when Israel is mighty’. That is, when they have no restrictions on how they use their power over the goy cattle, like they did in Russia or in Germany in 1945 or as they do in Palestine now.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  brian boru
6 February, 2021 1:18 pm

It will be even worse when Jews everywhere introduce digital control over everything. And what a promising opportunity to completely transform unmanaged populations into human livestock.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  brian boru
10 February, 2021 8:24 am

I agree with this assessment. This tribe has atavistic cannibal mentality; they haven’t any moderation impulses; they always go to the limit and if not stopped – destroy everything around. It is an example of mentally defective community that succeeded to accumulate all worse traits of humanity. There are many non-jews who have various vices and mental defects but only inside jewish tribe all those factors reached their completion. These vices are the core of their ethnic identity; insatiable greed, falsehood, paranoid vengefulness, hate of everyone who is better, bloodthirstiness, intolerance to different opinions, unbounded conceit, perversions of all sorts. It is the collective jewish image. There is no place for decency, honor or any other noble human traits among them. These are absolutely unattainable and inconceivable to them; they… Read more »

brian boru
brian boru
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
12 February, 2021 3:07 am

I don’t think that there is any argument with this assessment. The jews themselves are proud of their record. The ‘Protocols’ describe their mentality precisely. They are the most highly evolved parasitic life form, responsible for more human suffering and death and cultural and environmental destruction than all the rest of humanity combined. If ever a tribe deserved real retribution, rather than the vile holohoax they have imposed on the world, it is this tribe. No doubt they will get it.

Script Of The Bridge
Script Of The Bridge
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
13 February, 2021 11:31 am

I agree with everything you said, except your faith in China. China admires their jewish overlords and its citizens have repeatedly spoken if their admiration for the crafty, deceptive Jew. Jews OWN China. They DID successfully transfer all of our industry and knowledge there, in anticipation of turning White America into a 3rd World Killing Field, when they no longer risk losing those investments they’ve transferred. Jewish world power. Made in China.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Script Of The Bridge
15 February, 2021 2:48 am

Yes, Jews used Chinese for their nefarious ends. Before, they used Japanese in 1904-05 to strike Russian empire. Bolsheviks hired Chinese mercenaries for fighting in Civil War (1918-22). In the interwar period Jewish Communist International actively worked inside China, creating Communist party there and using it as a tool against Chinese government. But this Jewish tactic of using nations or social groups for their nefarious purposes is their hallmark for thousands of years; nothing new or special with Chinese. Chinese factor is used by Jews in their clandestine war against White Race. Chinese happily participate in it because it serves their interests too. As you aptly noted, Jews transferred capitals and technologies into China to undermine White superior global position. Chinese gladly accepted this unexpected gift but they are as… Read more »

Script Of The Bridge
Script Of The Bridge
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
20 February, 2021 11:28 am

Very interesting comment. Perhaps this is why they are ramping up the censorship and amping up the face diaper/vaccine/chip game. They want a worldwide “Night of the long knives” to eliminate any chance of future opposition. Not just for “population control”. I do have more admiration for the Chinese, though. In the Wild West, the Chinese that didn’t run the jew owned Opium dens were hard working men, while Wyatt Earp and his gun grabbing Jews were pimps, murderers and thieves.

7 February, 2021 9:12 am

They thought a small crowd of White people meandering through the capitol building were there for/were going to…MURDER THEM ALL, excepting the democrat-light traitors present that day.

This I don’t believe. But it could be that they (jews/dems – same thing) are so mentally ill with paranoia that they might actually believe that. I still doubt it, but a modicum of self-awareness might whisper to them that they can be nothing other than a vile stench in the nostrils of many, many Whites (and even some non-Whites)…with only too good reason.

7 February, 2021 9:14 am

My comment immediately <i>disappeared</i>. Am I still able to comment here?

Greetings FBI, ADL, and SPLC lurkers
Greetings FBI, ADL, and SPLC lurkers
Reply to  Servenet
9 February, 2021 7:35 pm

Everyone can comment here, but not every comment gets published. Comments don’t disappear or get deleted. You can see it as soon as it is posted, but there is a clear caveat which appears, and it says that “this comment is awaiting moderation.”

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
13 February, 2021 9:55 pm

That nose looks almost grafted on, like a nose job in reverse…..