This Week’s ADV; New Book
by Kevin Alfred Strom
UNFORTUNATELY, or perhaps some would say fortunately, there is only one of me. And as I am busier than can be imagined lately, with a new daughter (six months old) in the household and many National Alliance and other projects, something had to give this week as we approach the publication deadline for National Alliance Chairman Will William’s upcoming book, Pocahontas Show Trial.
So, while we rush and make a team effort to get this extensively documented and important book ready for the printers, this week’s American Dissident Voices broadcast will be late, probably by several days, and posting of new articles may be slower than we’d like.
Let me tell you a bit about Chairman Williams’ new book.
The back cover tells us that the book will answer the question, How corrupt is the justice system in the state of West Virginia? “Artist, activist, builder, Vietnam veteran, and former Green Beret captain — and leader of the pro-White National Alliance — William White Williams found out the answer to that question when he became the victim of a corporate coup attempt aided and abetted by that system. He found himself locked out of his own business, falsely arrested and accused of violent crimes, abandoned without food or money or proper clothing 80 miles from home, and forbidden to set foot on the headquarters where the coup plotters were busy hauling off valuable property and records. He was denied justice in the courts — and ultimately discovered that even his own counsel was working against him. He decided to fight back, and this is his story.”
We sent an advance copy of the book’s text to The American Mercury, and they state in their review, “This book should be required reading for every law student in this nation, as an object lesson in the kind of injustice we should all be striving to avoid. The Politically Correct corruption ruining West Virginia’s courts is rife everywhere. The censors will make this book hard to find, but find it you should, and tell everyone you know to read it, and every library in your area to carry it. Its lesson is that important.”
Watch this space for the upcoming publication announcement!
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Source: Author
Your wonderful personal announcement made my day. I wish you all the best.
Thank you very much, Albert! My best wishes to you, too.
Scoffgriefs, if the book should be classified as “extremist literature” at least on some “legally non-binding” website, then keep disbelieving the author for as long as you live or want.
I’ve had the benefit of previewing this book, and can say the accounts given move along very well in support of its main theme and made it easy to stay engaged and keep turning pages.
West Virginia isn’t the only state with these court personnel problems, Iowa is also afflicted with them. I suspect the housecleaning needed in America’s courts is so extensively that there’s no reform possible. Whites will need a whole new institution of laws and people to safeguard our lives and families. Only the National Alliance is actively working towards this.
I’m planning on being one of the first to buy Will Williams’ new book. “The Politically Correct corruption ruining West Virginia’s courts is rife everywhere.” I’m confident that as Mr. Strom wrote this, he meant it as an understatement. The justice system (at every level) has become the Jewstice system, a Jew-controlled twilight zone whereby the financial resources of Whites are exhausted and harsh sentences are given for real and imagined offenses while much greater offenses by Blacks and Jews are either dismissed or assigned nominal punishment. It is in the court room where Jews work some of their best magic by twisting laws and using legal procedures to make the real lawbreakers appear to be innocent or victims, and the innocent to be miscreants deserving the severest of punishment.… Read more »
You are overlooking the multitudes of White
Christians who are more interested in “turning
the other cheek” rather than “taking back.”
Walt, it’s sad that such a large number of fellow Whites are enslaved to the “turn-the-other-cheek” religion. They are bogged down with things like the Brotherhood of man (“There is neither Jew nor Greek . . .”), “forgive your enemies,” “’Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord,” “Salvation is of the Jew,” “bless Israel or be cursed,” unquestioning obedience to government (Rom. 13:1-2), as well as a host of other stifling absurdities that make them enemies of their own race and very useful to their real enemies: the Jews. If they do any reading at all, it’s probably books by their favorite Christian author who is often their favorite pastor. I know, because I was enslaved to this “Semitic cult of death” for over 40 years of my… Read more »
You know…you move my recollection of a fellow named William G. Simpson …who started out with even a more serious disadvantage than yours. You know, like studying for the priesthood and such. He was so wrapped up in it that he even abandoned his material assets and comforts that we all take for granted…you know the drill… …”it is easier for a rich man to travel thru the eye of a needle than to enter the kingdom of heaven” and that sort of bunk. Why he succeeded where most Christians fail was that he never totally abandoned the quest for fire…that being the inquisitive thirst for knowledge which characterizes Caucasians from that of the lower races. Making a long story short, over a lifetime he went from True Believer to… Read more »
Simpson certainly did demonstrate that “inquisitive thirst for knowledge which characterizes Caucasians from that of the lower races” that you mentioned. I had bought, some time ago, Which Way Western Man? but didn’t finish it. I had used the National Alliance card that came with it (with the “We Believe” list of principles on the back) as a book mark. Some of the things I had underlined in it were: “I gave myself over to an effort to put the teaching of Jesus into practice. I took him at his word – with absolute literalness – in the same sense that Francis of Assisi did.” In Simpson’s efforts to “go the way of Jesus and St. Francis,” he wrote, “I felt virtually certain that nothing could ever satisfy me but… Read more »
Mike Mann: I’m planning on being one of the first to buy Will Williams’ new book… Both Mr. Strom and Mr. Williams have personal experience with this system and know full well what it feels like to be falsely charged and unjustly sentenced for crimes they didn’t do. According to the Jews, the real crime of each was their leading roles in the National Alliance after William Luther Pierce’s death. Jews saw the NA as the “premier racist extremist organization in the U.S. at the time of Pierce’s death in 2002” (SPLC), and they believed that destroying the characters of the leaders of that hated organization would probably sound the death knell of it. I’m glad they were proved wrong and that the NA is still a vital refuge and… Read more »
Well, it looks like I am slipping in my old age. Looks like I confused Cosmotheist Books last year with NVB because that summer I did purchase “On The Jews & Their Lies.” I had no idea Amazon banned “Which Way Western Man.” I suppose I should have check to see if Barnes & Noble carried it. At any rate, this fellow Mike Mann should have no trouble looking for it, because if I perceive him properly in his last post, he has read it as well as being quite aware of its contents. Kudos are due to him, although I am somewhat confused as to why he would have problems reconciling his lingering belief in the Holy Spook up in the sky. I don’t have a problem obtaining WWWM.… Read more »
Walt, I can assure you that I do not have any “lingering belief in the Holy Spook up in the sky.” When I hear or read things like, “Jesus loves you,” or “Jesus saves,” I cringe. Christ-insanity, aka cuck-tianity, is little more than a vow of poverty, obedience, self-flagellation and pathological altruism. Even the best of what is in the Jew book (things stolen from existing and previous pagan religions) is used against those who try to live in accordance with it as they worship Rabbi Jesus. I’m in total agreement with Nietzsche about this dangerous and wretched religion: “Even today many educated people think that the victory of Christianity over Greek philosophy is a proof of the superior truth of the former – although in this case it was only… Read more »
Will, I didn’t abandon Simpson’s excellent book, but merely left it for a while, parked on my bookcase among my favorites because I had received a number of other books ahead of it (that are mush shorter) that I wanted to finish before again tapping into the marvelous and profound mind of the great William G. Simpson. In what I have read of it so far, I can easily see how it can take “three months to finish.”
And thank you for the very informative and concise synopsis of this matchless treasure that I had read much about before deciding to purchase a copy of my own.
Will, I didn’t abandon Simpson’s excellent book, but merely left it for a while…In what I have read of it so far, I can easily see how it can take “three months to finish.” — I’m a slow, careful reader, Mike, and I began reading WWWM? from the beginning all the way to the end, without skipping ahead — just as Dr. Pierce recommended I do. I had to fight the urge to skip ahead. I was also reading during those three months The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard and the three Cosmotheism booklets that he had given to me. His intent was for me to gain a firm grasp of the National Alliance mission and it’s unique world view. It worked. That was in 1991, thirty yeas ago.… Read more »
Will, I’m really looking forward to reading the book that is a “sharp stick in the eye of the current justice system, Jew-controlled media, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
“The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard” is my FAVORITE
WN book…Easy, fun reading, one great compiled article at a time.
I bought it and read it in 2001. I started reading it again for the first time in 10 years and it’s more relevant than ever…Great compilation by KAS…Thanks for that great compilation Kevin…
Speaking of new books, your favorite, that we call BANV, has been long out of print and out of stock for probably at least ten years now. We tried to reprint it several years ago and one printer after another told us that because of its large size and the obsolete method by which it was printed years ago that it could not be reproduced in it’s original size, and to reduce its size would make it very difficult to read. But hooray! I finally found a talented printer who is preproducing BANV in its original 11×15 size as a new Cosmotheist Books edition. Unfortunately, what used to sell for $25 30 years ago will now cost $70 until we can afford to order a larger print run. http://www.… Read more »
It has been two months since Kevin announced publication of my book Show Trial, and today we finally received shipment. Those who pre-ordered a copy can expect to get theirs in the mail in just a few days.
We’ll be adding it to our online bookstore in the next couple of days along with the much anticipated new edition of the long out-of-print classic Best of Attack! and National Vanguard. Products – Cosmotheism (
It has now been seven months since Show Trial was announced here on NV and five since Cosmotheist Books received shipment. In the meantime we have published new editions of The Best of Attack and National Vanguard, the Saga of White Will comic book. The long-awaited Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future will be delivered in two days. Cosmotheist Books has also added 70-plus titles to its online bookstore since Show Trial was announced here by Kevin. This despite our books being banned this year on Amazon, eBay and other Big Tech outfits disallowing our customers use of their credit cards, PayPal and other online financial services. Thanks to all who have purchased books and CDs from us despite the restrictions. You keep us alive, despite Jews at Wikipedia claiming the… Read more »