
Illegal Regime Update: Biden’s Jewish Picks

Blinken (center) and Nod

Isn’t it interesting, as America becomes more and more Third World, and figureheads like Biden screech ever louder that their administrations “look like America” with an ever-increasing percentage of “POC,” that one particular elite group — Jews, only some 2 per cent. of America’s population — manage to increase their already fantastic over-representation and dominance in the halls of power.

THE Times of Israel has thoughtfully compiled this list of major Jewish appointees and nominees made by Joe Biden (or in some cases, perhaps made in his name.) This list is current as of January 20, 2021.

1. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

2. David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

3. Merrick Garland, Attorney General

4. Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

5. John Kerry, National Security Agency special envoy for climate *

6. Ronald Klain, White House Chief of Staff

7. Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy director

8. “Rachel” Levine, Deputy Health Secretary [at least Pennsylvania is now free of this transsexual Jew “Health” Commissar — Ed.]

9. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

10. Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director

11. Wendy Sherman, Deputy Secretary of State

12. Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary

David Cohen
Janet Yellen
“Rachel” Levine
Anthony Blinken
Wendy Sherman

* We have added John Kerry, although he did not appear on the Times of Israel list, for whatever reason. As a former Secretary of State, Kerry is a major player in the Washington establishment.

The Biden regime may be the most Jewish administration in the history of the United States. Certainly, it has more Jews in top positions than any other country in the world, other than Israel.

Note especially the concentration of Jewish appointments in intelligence and security posts, as well as other key power points such as the attorney general, the secretary of the treasury and in the state department.

More to come!

* * *

Source: National Socialist News Service via New Order

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Julius Streicher Jr.
Julius Streicher Jr.
27 January, 2021 6:30 pm

Don’t forget the baboon picked for Defense Secretary. Whites can sleep well tonight knowing a Watusi is protecting you.

Reply to  Julius Streicher Jr.
28 January, 2021 6:41 pm

I hope he lives up to the incompetence negroes are known for. The US military hasn’t defended US citizens since the wars against the Plains indians.

When Biden strikes Iran, as his Israeli masters will demand, I hope the military is composed of womyn, non-Whites and the alphabet people.

Reply to  Julius Streicher Jr.
5 February, 2021 12:13 pm

Perhaps he can figure out a way to keep the island of Guam from tipping over while he goes after evil whitey, lol!!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
27 January, 2021 9:07 pm

I think the ‘2%’ myth has just about had it. If we include people with any measurable amount of Jewish (be it Middle Eastern Sephardic or Eastern European Ashkenazi) blood of all possible racial groups and combinations, we’re probably looking at around 30 million in the US, which would be around 8%.
And WAY beyond that in finance, politics, media, education and medicine.

Carl Parker
Carl Parker
28 January, 2021 12:54 pm

Disgusting!!!! The US has no national sovereignty anymore. Since the first of these (((people))) were allowed in American soil and participate in American politics, America was doomed. It now looks like the US is a mere colony of Israel since these (((public servants))) have an Israel first allegiance. Plainly parasitic, yuck!

28 January, 2021 1:38 pm

We are afflicted with the same disease here in Britain.,sharing power with muslims. We need to be vocal,not messing about on forums. 14.

James Harting
James Harting
28 January, 2021 10:10 pm

Here are some further addtions to the list of Biden’s Jewish picks: Douglas Emhoff, Second Gentleman (husband of Vice President Kamala Harris). Technically, Biden did not pick him, but he did pick Harris, and it is likely that that Emhoff will play some sort of role within the Biden adminstration, even if off the books. More importantly, after Clueless Joe exits the scene, Emhoff will be the spouse of the president, where he will be in a position to exert even greater influence. Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs (Source: Who is Victoria Nuland? A really bad idea as a key player in Biden’s foreign policy team | Stephanie Pollack, deputy administrator for the Federal Highway Administration (Source: [url=;]Biden names Massachusetts transportation secretary Steph Pollack to senior roads… Read more »

28 January, 2021 10:54 pm

Kamala Harris is married to a Jew and I read a grandparent is Jewish. Don’t forget Biden himself – married his children off to Jewesses, making his grandchildren Jewish also.

Reply to  123
5 February, 2021 12:35 am

Like seeks out like. True for fish, fowl, and humans– including that peculiar subset known as snake oil salesmen.

And true for Aryans of good character who have abilities, talents, drive and skills to accomplish goals by working together under a unifying vision such as those of us who are in the National Alliance. Is this you, Mr. 123?

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
30 January, 2021 1:14 pm

So now America becomes a nursery school with “theme days” and a stern mommy government demanding you wear a face diaper with legal spankings if you refuse. Mommy Biden knows how to deal with naughty citizens. Here is a bedtime story boys and girls. One night the presidential pustule appointed a Jew, Anthony Blinken, as his secretary of state. He then appointed two other Jews, Sholomo Wynken and Murray Nod, as his chief secretaries and assistants. And here is their story: Wynken, Blinken, and Nod one night Sailed off in their American prize,— Sailed off on a river of hate Into a sea of lies. “Where are you going, and what do you wish?” The old moon asked the three. “We have come to fish for the goyim-fish That live… Read more »

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
30 January, 2021 5:32 pm

The jews are such ugly creatures. Anthony Blinken has the eyes of a demon. Nature intended their ugliness as a warning, but enough of those who came before us sadly ignored this warning and allowed them into our societies, which they are now in the process of destroying.

Reply to  Diversity is Genocide
5 February, 2021 12:29 am

So are you going to join with us in the National Alliance to help us separate ourselves from these Jews, Mr. Diversity?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Diversity is Genocide
13 June, 2023 4:51 pm

The jews are such ugly creatures. Anthony Blinken has the eyes of a demon… — Here’s a claim about “our” demonic Secretary of State’s ugly Jew family tree: @stefanrichter91623 hours agoDon´t forget. Anthony Blinken is the Great-grandson of Meir Blinken a jewish writer who published 50 fictional and non fictional books in jiddish , born in the town of Pereiaslav , at the shore of the river Dnepr , about 100 km southeast of Kiev . I have the impression that what happens in Ukraine has a personal touch for the secretary of state of the USA. Mr. Richter is commenting under a fascinating interview by Judge Andrew Napolitano of Ray McGovern — both highly respected mainstream personalities — about the Ukraine war. But what is more fascinating is at… Read more »

4 February, 2021 1:42 pm

‘Those who live by lies must fear the truth.’
(Friedrich Christian of Schaumburg-Lippe)

Reply to  Ken
5 February, 2021 12:26 am

Great quote, Ken!
If you’re going to live by truth, isn’t it best to be its champion wherever you are lest lies destroy us all? And if it’s truth that separation is the best solution to maintaining and getting on track to improving the biological integrity of Whites, then shouldn’t we Whites (meaning you and me) should be its champions as well?

4 February, 2021 10:56 pm

There is a 34 page document, Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany 1919-1932, available on Written in 1933, it reports especially on vocations that Jews dominated (health and law, for example) and on their numbers as Communist leaders. Interesting and frustrating how similar the American experience has been in having Jews displace native people through their various means.

Reply to  Susan
5 February, 2021 12:16 am

Jews are Jews no matter who they are individually or when they exist, yes?

Shall we Aryans, as was done in the 1930s, toss these parasites out by first getting our collective acts together and doing that or somehow separating ourselves from them? The answer is “yes” and the National Alliance offers the framework for us to get busy doing so.