David SimsEssays

False Narratives Largely Run by Jews

The current rush to censor and silence us is a desperate effort by Jews to close the gates on the truth after many millions have already heard and understood.

by David Sims

BEFORE THE RISE of the Internet and alternative media, the “mainstream” media (or MSM; largely run by Jews) could tell Americans any lie that they wanted to, and usually get away with it. On 8 June 1967, Israel attacked the United States navy with unmarked fighter jets. Our military caught them doing it. The USS Liberty, US Navy ships in the US Sixth Fleet, and an American-run outpost in Beirut all intercepted Israeli radio transmissions that proved who attacked the Liberty. But for several decades, the American people were generally unaware of this dastardly attack by Israel.

The MSM used its monopoly on information to control the thinking of Americans for a long time, across three generations. Then the Jews made a mistake when David Greenglass, and Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, sold US atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. That caused the United States to develop a military communications network that could survive a nuclear first strike by the USSR. That network expanded as its educational and informational aspects were appreciated by thinkers, and its commercial applications were appreciated by entrepreneurs, and, before long, the Internet was born.

With the Internet came a niche for amateur journalism and for professional journalists who preferred to work outside the MSM’s corporate structure.

It wasn’t long thereafter when the MSM’s habits of lying, of deception, and of misdirecting the public’s attention from what’s really important became discernable by the general public. When the mainstream media tried to sell the public on the hoax about a “racist” George Zimmerman chasing down a “little Black boy” named Trayvon Martin and shooting him for no good reason, the alternative media set the record straight: Trayvon Martin wasn’t a little boy; he was a big Black thug, a bully who sold illegal drugs and beat up on people. Instead of George Zimmerman starting the fight in which Travon Martin was killed, we learned that Trayvon Martin started that fight himself.

And we learned about certain other false narratives concocted by the mainstream media. The MSM lied about the circumstances of the Michael Brown shooting. The MSM lied for three straight years about “Trump, Russia, possible collusion.” Trying to document all of the MSM’s major lies since 2012 here would take days at least.

The single most effective source for countering the deceptions, the misdirections, and the false narratives of the mainstream media are the independent voices of the alternative media.

The MSM hate the alternative media for taking away their ability to lie to the American people and get away with it, as they once could do. Perhaps the most often-told MSM lie today is about who is doing the lying. According to the MSM, the MSM’s news is “authoritative,” while the alternative media are just so much trolling and conspiracy mongering.

The opposite, however, is really the truth. It’s the mainstream media that are lying, just as they have been since before I was born. It’s the alternative media which are trustworthy. Mostly. There are some trolls in the alt-media. Alex Jones, for example, although he tells a lot of truths (leaving some crucial ones out, though), isn’t above sharing a sensational (and false) story about aliens from outer space and the like. Nevertheless, the alt-media are, by and large, far more reliable than the MSM.

* * *

Source: Author

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28 January, 2021 11:33 am

And we should trust the mainstream media because they have attractive, articulate presenters with elaborate facilities and award each other Pulitzer prizes? At least with the video blogger presenting from his den or car, I am cued to be at least a little skeptical. And speaking of Pulitzer prizes, that eponymous prize is named after a jew who practiced sensationalistic journalism even by late 19th century standards. His profits were plowed into the Columbia University school of journalism which is now named for him. Several of these awards have been highly questionable and had to have been retracted when the honored winners were discovered to be blatant fabricators. A notable example was the Washington Post’s Janet Cooke who fabricated a series of stories about an 8-year old heroin addict. Her… Read more »

28 January, 2021 3:19 pm

Jew says that his god will bury America:


Reply to  Phil
28 January, 2021 9:09 pm

The retail investors may bury the Jewish hedge funds. For every $11.00 the price of GameStop shares goes up, the banks lose about a billion dollars.   2008’s housing market collapse only cost the banks around 50 billion. $1000 GME/Funcoland is WORSE FOR THE BANKS THAN THE 2008 HOUSING MARKET CRASH.   This is going to crash the entire financial system.   And it’s not limited to GameStop, or AMC, or BBRY.   This has exposed a serious vulnerability in a system that is already propped up by MASSIVE amounts of debt. These funds make up a significant amount of trading volume on the NYSE, and the average hedge fund has $30-40 in debt for every $1 of actual money on their books. It has now become apparent that the… Read more »

Reply to  Karen
29 January, 2021 1:40 pm

It is already written in their Torah that they are allowed to shamelessly exploit the infidels. Jews are perfectly versed in fraudulent trade, usury and interest slavery. (Their artificial language “Yiddish” was teeming with crook slang.) Think of all the Jewish oligarchs of Russia who have taken over half the country. 

For centuries they have been money lenders. Since they, as the rulers of the Federal Reserve Bank, have been removing the gold backing from the dollar, their greed knows no bounds and they are driving millions of people into poverty. Guess who is meant by “Fabian”?

comment image

Reply to  Karen
29 January, 2021 1:42 pm

Unfortunately, the English subtitles have disappeared
(otherwise there would be a danger of seeing through
the deception). For people who understand German:

Reply to  Karen
29 January, 2021 2:11 pm

The market is more of a German invention, as this professor with an Arabic name explains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV51rAFqiLE

But German trade was based on fair exchange for the benefit of all. The Nordic performance ethic (see WASP) is equated with “capitalism” here. But efficiency has nothing to do with plundering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protestant_Ethic_and_the_Spirit_of_Capitalism

The slogans “to each his own” or “work makes you free” were therefore well-founded formulas for success.This has not yet arrived in the South. There, people tend to retire and wait for better times. That is also why corruption is much more widespread in the South. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siesta

It is the “normal state” of affairs for Negroes and Muslims to have
their many wives do heavy work while they themselves take a nap.
comment image

Reply to  Karen
29 January, 2021 2:21 pm

In short, one could say that the Protestant saves first and spends
what he can afford later. For Catholics, it is the other way around.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  Phil
30 January, 2021 11:57 am

Чувак куда хуже будет использование трансгуманизма в их руках . Хотя я и не говорю то что трангуманизм это хорошо .

Reply to  NEW ORDER needed on earth
30 January, 2021 11:09 pm

По крайней мере, можно сказать, что и тот и другой
происходят от еврейского, но не германского корня.

Reply to  Karen
29 January, 2021 3:03 pm

PS: Aha, Mr. Abulafia is not an Arab, but a Jew. Then it is all the more understandable why he is so interested in the subject of markets and trade. After all, one has to give him credit for being committed to a chapter of German history that would otherwise not allow any Jew to overcome his revulsion before the “perpetrator people”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Abulafia

Alex Nguyen
Alex Nguyen
Reply to  Karen
6 February, 2021 3:36 pm

It’s kind of funny that you mention GameStop, because a lot of people (specifically gamers) really do not like that retailer. I think the retailer is mediocre at best. Even though they do have some good stuff, very convenient, and some of the employees are fun to talk to, I had a lot of annoying experiences from them. People on YouTube has made videos about the complaints they had with GameStop. They are not the best place to buy video games brand new, Best Buy is a much better alternative. Even though gamers may rejoice at their downfall. That doesn’t mean that we might get a substitute that may be just as bad if not worse than them. I’m pretty sure that the scam was not meant to benefit gamers,… Read more »

28 January, 2021 3:21 pm
28 January, 2021 4:47 pm

Better than any boring Jew media
Surfer films fireball over the North Sea

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
29 January, 2021 9:21 am

MSM are dead, they just haven’t keeled over yet. I don’t know anyone under 50 who still watches TV ‘news’ or reads newspapers.
The internet is a multi-edged sword, there’s a lot of good information, a lot of questionable material, a TON of outright lies and nonsense – usually fairly easy to spot if you’ve been paying attention and, most dangerously, many gatekeepers who tell a lot of truth, but, as the article says, leave many crucial things out and even lie in some cases.
Most so-called ‘Alt-Right’; channels and websites fit into the latter category: Mark Collett, Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, Martin Sellner, Der Volkslehrer, to name just a few.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
30 January, 2021 12:00 pm

Ой боже они все эти Alt right каналы делаются по одним шаблонам . Единственное что от вас требуется это бесконечно смотреть их сериал . Со всем остальным расправится редакция .
Где правда где ложь не разобрать что называется без чутья .
Нынешний интернет будет в дальнейшем адом на земле для нас всех так как сервера будут использоваться для надзора за овцами израиля

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
20 February, 2021 10:37 pm

Hello Prinz Edelhart: What you said is very true, but I must correct you regarding one very important detail. Mark Collett is an excellent, decent young man who has been consistently posting high-quality content over the years. He has put his life on the line. Do you have any idea how brutal and repressive are the laws against “hate-speech” in the Jewnited Kingdom? I think not, otherwise, you would not have made such a foolish accusation. You obviously have not watched Mark’s videos because in many of them he explicitly mentions the Jews as responsible for our decadence, something that NONE of those other fakes you mentioned ever did. Let’s not put all the cats in the same bag. Regards

Reply to  Angelicus
21 February, 2021 7:53 am

Yes, I do know about the laws in Eurabia and Little Pakistan, in fact, those laws are much more extensive in my old stomping grounds than they are around Londonabad and Al-Birmingham….. Mark Collett does say many of the right things and makes a lot of great videos, but I’m …suspicious. He looks neither Celtic (British) nor Germanic (Anglo-Saxon), if I saw him on the street without knowing who he is, I’d take him for Italian, Spanish, possibly Greek or Turkish. Carolyn Emerick calls him ‘David Schwimmer’s long lost cousin’. As far as I know, he was also instrumental in the downfall of the BNP, whose erstwhile leader, Nick Griffin, got about as close to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as any politician ever has.… Read more »

Bruno Anthony
Bruno Anthony
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
21 February, 2021 8:06 am

“…if I saw him on the street without knowing who he is, I’d take him for Italian, Spanish, possibly Greek…” So you’d take him for a White man. Good night in the morning, save us from subracialism!

Reply to  Bruno Anthony
21 February, 2021 8:26 am

Consider, if you will, Colombian Reggaeton star Maluma.
That guy could be just about any Latin American, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern nationality, with a little bit of imagination, he might even be from India.
His children with a Swedish gilr would NOT be Swedish.
So much for ‘subracialism’.

Bruno Anthony
Bruno Anthony
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
21 February, 2021 11:59 am

So a man who looks White, with “a little bit of imagination” could be one of the Whiter-looking specimens from the peripheries of our race? So what? Mediterranean Whites are White, period. People from the peripheries who look White and whose family members all look White are White, too. The purest Europeans, genetic studies have shown, are the Sardinians. They have the very least non-European admixture of any people in Europe. Take a look at pictures of the people who attend folk festivals in traditional dress in Sardinia if you want to see what Europeans looked like before the arrival of other White peoples from the steppes, such as the Indo-Europeans. As for Collett, Britain and Ireland had a long period in which Mediterranean Whites were predominant there, before the… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Bruno Anthony
21 February, 2021 11:27 pm

We at National Vanguard do not endorse and will not give a platform to the “some European nationalities aren’t sufficiently White” point of view. What makes one sufficiently White will, in the end, be whatever inner qualities there are that cause a son or daughter of Europe, north or south, east or west, to feel the call of the race and take responsibility to help us in our struggle to live and have a future. All European nations have suffered from dysgenics of one kind or another. And there is no point in debating who needs a good healthy dose of eugenics more — because we all do. Even some completely British people aren’t sufficiently White for some of these subracialists, apparently — sheesh! I have never spoken to Mr.… Read more »

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
21 February, 2021 9:24 am

Hello, Yes, Mark Collett does not look British but, so what? How many good-looking men and women of Nordic/Germanic type have been/are traitors? Don’t judge a book by its cover. So far, the guy has done nothing wrong. The BNP imploded after endless attacks by the media and the disastrous mistake by Nick Griffin to go to a BBC live show called “Q&A” where he was abused by a hostile crowd and attacked by a panel of mongrels. The average Englishman is a moron who believes everything the media tells him. About this Carolyn Emerick, whose FB page I have just visited (BTW what is wrong with these idiots who call themselves White Nationalists or even National-Socialists and used FB, a Jewish platform?) there is nothing original or brilliant. Her… Read more »

Reply to  Angelicus
21 February, 2021 3:57 pm

‘The average Englishman is a moron who believes everything the media tells him.’ You hit the nail on the head,Sir.

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
30 January, 2021 11:55 am

Гугл стал крайне жесток и он использует ии . Это опасно так как спомощью ии они могут вычищать сервера и это будет.
Это паранойя практически .
Они блокируют ни за что посути дела очень многих .
Короче близко великая чистка интернета . Мало того что гугл везде пусть и в своих но уже ставшими достоянием общества сервисах навязывает блокировку комментариев и видео это все идет к реальному контролем над вами .
Даже не сомневайтесь в том что это будет. Вас реально будут контролировать разными методами и давать под зад в любой момент когда им это надо .
Так что единственное что всем нам надо делать это защищаться в реальности пожираемой ии самостоятельно .
Этот теневой ии уже везде во всех соцсетях .

30 January, 2021 12:50 pm
Julius Streicher Jr.
Julius Streicher Jr.
31 January, 2021 7:02 am

It’s known by the astute as JEWSPEAK.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
19 February, 2021 10:44 am

why are people leaving comments in Arabic on here?

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  mortal goyal
20 February, 2021 12:50 pm

Surely you jest. It is Russian. Either way,
I cannot read foreign languages.

Reply to  mortal goyal
20 February, 2021 1:24 pm

It’s Cyrillic, mortal goyal, an alphabet Whites invented.

BTW, have you joined the National Alliance yet?

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  JM/Iowa
20 February, 2021 8:30 pm

no .
not yet.
but i intend to
i want to do what i’m supposed to do .

i don’t jest …
excuse my ignorance

it’s taken me 57 years to attempt to master English..