
Thora Hallgrimsson (Margrét Þóra Hallgrímsdottir), 1930–2020

DEAR COMRADES, it is with great sadness that we must announce the death of Thora Hallgrimsson (Margrét Þóra Hallgrímsson or Hallgrímsdottir), the second wife of George Lincoln Rockwell. She passed away on August 27 of natural causes, at age 90.

Commander Rockwell’s former wife Thora (far right) seen here with (left to right) her grandson Björgólfur Hideaki Takefusa, her daughter Evelyn Bentína Björgólfsdóttir (née Rockwell), and her second husband Bjorgulfur Guthmundsson.

Commander Rockwell was stationed in Iceland in 1953, while serving with the US Navy during the Korean War. There he met the Icelandic beauty Thora Hallgrimsson at a diplomatic reception in the Norwegian embassy in Reykjavik. They were married in October of that year, and honeymooned at Berchtesgaden.

Thora bore Lincoln Rockwell three children: Lincoln Hallgrimur, Jeannie Margaret and Bettina Evelyn.

In 1958, Commander Rockwell began his political career as an open National Socialist. At that time,Thora and the young children were living with him in a small house in Arlington, Viriginia, that doubled as his headquarters. The building came under frequent attack, and fearing for the safety of his family, Rockwell agreed that she should return temporarily to Iceland until he could provide for secure accommodations in the US. Thora belonged to one of the wealthiest families in Iceland, and once back in Reykjavik, they put enormous pressure on her to divorce Rockwell, to which she finally acceded in 1961.

Thora was the great love of Commander Rockwell’s life. To the day of his death, he hoped for a reconciliation with her — but it was not to be.

She later became a leading figure in Icelandic society, and married the wealthiest man in Iceland, Bjorgulfur Guthmundsson.

Commander George Lincoln Rockwell (far right) at the famous Cotswold camp in 1962 with British national socialists including Colin Jordan and John Tyndall.

A longer account of her life and Commander Rockwell’s marriages will appear in the October issue of the NEW ORDER UPDATE. In the meantime, interested comrades may check out the Wikipedia page on her:ét_Þóra_Hallgrímsson

Martin Kerr – Chief of Staff – NEW ORDER

Editors note: In 2018 H&D published a five-part article about Colin Jordan (issues 82-86) based on MI5’s files concerning Jordan dating from 1941 to 1968 and declassified at the UK National Archives in November 2017. These files indicate that MI5 and Special Branch had failed to obtain significant advance information about the 1962 Cotswold camp, though throughout Jordan’s career various intelligence organisations kept a close eye on his (and WUNS’s) connections in Europe.

We later reproduced the full text of the Cotswold Agreements as an appendix to that series.

Despite the release of MI5 files, the wealthy family of Rockwell’s second wife, Icelandic heiress Thora Hallgrímsdottir, tried to suppress the history of her marriage to the American Nazi leader, by whom she had three children. The former Mrs Rockwell later married Icelandic tycoon Björgólfur Guðmundsson, who was the owner and chairman of West Ham United Football Club from 2006 to 2009.

Before her marriage to Rockwell, Thora Hallgrimsson / Hallgrimsdottir was a very close friend of British actor David Tomlinson, whose son (also David) was the judge presiding over the trial of London Forum founder Jez Turner at Southwark Crown Court, a few years ago, eventually sentencing Jez to 12 months imprisonment.

* * *

Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 November, 2020 6:21 pm

A fascinating and intriguing lady,
to say the least.

4 November, 2020 1:29 pm

Have the children from the marriage been coerced into looking down on their father?

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
Reply to  Elfriede
7 November, 2020 4:54 am

In addtion to the three children he had with Thora (Lincoln Hallgrimmur, Jeannie Margaret and Bettina Evelyn), Commander Rockwell had three daughters with his first wife (nee Judith Aultman), named Bonnie, Nancy and Phoebe-Jean. In October of 1959, he flew to Iceland in a vain attempt at a reconcilliation with Thora, which his inlaws completely sabotaged. He saw the three children he had with Thora at this time. I believe that that was the final time that he had any personal contact with any of his six children. It is safe to assume that that his ex-wives did all that they could to poison them against their father. But the story does not end there: I was a member of the National Socialist White People’s Party in the 1970s and… Read more »

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
7 November, 2020 4:01 pm

So how did the half-Japanese, 1/4 Icelandic, 1/4 mixed-ethnic American hybrid GLR grandson shown in the photograph above enter the picture? Where did he come from?

I guess the summary answer is here:

He illustrates the enormous problem hybridization and the refusal to identify with one’s own kind is causing for White survival.