David SimsNews

Great Cheat of 2020 Update

by David Sims

THERE ARE almost certainly enough fraudulent votes for Joe Biden that, if investigators can find them all, will swing enough electors away from Biden and Donald Trump will be recognized as having won the election fairly.

However, the fake votes for Biden might have been so thoroughly mixed with the genuine votes that they cannot now be reliably separated. If that happens, then the US Supreme Court might declare the Presidential election null and void in the states (e.g. Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin) where it is impossible to distinguish the legal votes from the illegal votes.

Then Joe Biden will not have a total number of electoral votes exceeding 270, and, in that event, the Constitution of the United States prescribes that the next President of the United States shall be elected in the US House of Representatives, wherein each state shall be entitled to one vote.

Although the Democrats have the greater number of Representatives in the House, the greater number of states have Republican majorities among their Representatives. It can be expected that Donald Trump would win a constitutionally mandated election in the House.

One of the arguments in President Trump’s lawsuit against the State of Pennsylvania is based on a law passed by Pennsylvania’s legislature and signed into law by its governor, which states that in order for a vote to be legal, its ballot had to arrive at the place where the votes are to be counted not later than 8pm EST on Election Day (i.e., 3 November 2020). Any ballots arriving at the counting place later than that are invalid, and their votes are legally ineligible to be counted.

This Pennsylvania law is called Act 77, enacted in 2019, which says “No absentee ballot under this subsection shall be counted which is received in the Office of the County Board of Elections later than eight o’clock PM on the day of the primary or of the election.”

In a recent action, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania creatively re-interpreted this law to extend the deadline to three days after election day.

But then the Supreme Court of the United States overruled the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, on the grounds that the latter court had engaged in legislation, in violation of the Constitution of the United States, which requires that courts abstain from legislating — the Separation of Powers doctrine.

If the state supreme court had ruled that the Pennsylvania law were in violation of the state constitution and overturned it, then they’d have been within the scope of their powers. But that is not what they did. Instead, the state supreme court changed the law’s specific intent and wording; i.e., engaged in legislation in violation of the US Constitution.

So the votes in Pennsylvania must be recounted, with the votes cast before 8pm on 3 November 2020 being counted separately from the votes counted after 8pm on 3 November 2020. The practical significance of this ruling is that the fraudulent votes manufactured by the Democrats in favor of Joe Biden mostly arrived at the vote-counting places after the legislative deadline.

Additionally, another Pennsylvania court has ruled in Trump’s favor, resulting in the exclusion of votes in the election for which the voters had to provide identification by November 9th, but failed to do so.

The number of illegal ballots cast for Joe Biden in the disputed states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia is at least 450,000. The number might be higher. It is not less. The highest number of illegal votes that I’ve heard is 682,000.

The post-election battle has many aspects that aren’t being reported in the controlled media. Democrat aligned people are harassing the law firms representing President Trump, trying to make them abandon their lawsuits on behalf of the Republican Party. Some of those law firms have bowed to the pressure and have requested permission to pull out. Cancel Culture has now begun to meddle in the legal process (in the courts) directly.

Even when you set the cheating aside, and even assuming that Donald Trump would have won a fair election, there are still far, far too many people who voted for a corrupt, senile pedophile who showered with his daughter when she was a child and who raised an astoundingly degenerate son. (If you’re a strong-stomached, hardened adult well over 18, you can watch the videos from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop and see just how degenerate the man is.) Joe Biden is a man who the Chinese Communist Party has a lot of dirt on and who can be pressured into subservience thereby. He’s too far gone in mental decline to be able to lead the United States, even if he weren’t corrupt to the point of treason.

* * *

Source: Author

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brian boru
brian boru
14 November, 2020 4:19 am

I think one would have to have been living in a cave to not realise just how corrupt the system in the US has become. Of course it has been corrupt for well over a century but the evidence for it is now so overwhelming that millions of white Americans are being forced to accept the fact that they live in the equivalent of a banana republic. Even Liberia would have pulled off a more convincing scam than what the Democrats have just done. The positive side of this is that these millions will never trust the system again, especially if the election steal is successful. They have no choice but to see that most of the institutions that run the country are irretrievably rotten, none more glaringly than the… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  brian boru
14 November, 2020 10:06 am

When Biden starts implementing his program, things are going to get interesting, I think. Especially on the gun issue, unless he does it very slowly and very softly. That always fools White people. Unless something is in their faces, they are oblivious to it.

I have given up hope—the Republicans are softer than women (their women are actually tougher than the men) and I fully expect the two senate seats in GA to go blue.

Ann T. Zemitik
Ann T. Zemitik
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
14 November, 2020 4:44 pm

That always fools White people. Unless something is in their faces, they are oblivious to it.”

Yeah, kind of like you lying yourself into believing that George Bush won the 2000 (s)election “fair and square” when, in reality, he stole the hell out of it right in front of your FACE.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Ann T. Zemitik
16 November, 2020 5:31 pm

Your evidence? Even Gore eventually admitted that Bush won.

Ann T. Zemitik
Ann T. Zemitik
Reply to  brian boru
14 November, 2020 4:52 pm

The positive side of this is that these millions will never trust the system again, especially if the election steal is successful.”

Those of us with (a) principles and (b) working critical thinking skills stopped trusting the system after the Republicans blatantly stole the 2000 “election”. But the right was okay with that one, ya’ know, since it resulted in their guy being in office.

Reply to  Ann T. Zemitik
20 November, 2020 7:58 pm

Comparing the widespread, coordinated, multi-state fraud of the 2020 election to what happened in one state, which was not fraudulent but a mechanical issue with ballots not being fully struck, is a ridiculous comparison. It’s like comparing a tsunami with a boat wake. Then, as if that’s not enough (which it surely is), add the Covid hoax/fraud, which was used to perpetrate the 2020 election fraud, and you’ve got fraud on-top of fraud. We entered the Corruption Twilight Zone in 2020, and that was brought to you by the Usual Suspects.

14 November, 2020 5:38 am

I hope he can remain in the White House for four more years, for all his faults and disappointments. People seem to forget that Trump is a wildcard, and if he gets his four more years, he can do whatever he wants without ever again being at risk of being a “loser”, so he could potentially do some strongman, authoritarian things that would directly or indirectly benefit out race. For example, he got rid of anti-White critical race theory in the government, perhaps he could purge it from the universities. He could forcibly end all social media censorship, which would provide the greatest possible benefit to our race.

brian boru
brian boru
Reply to  MichaelR
14 November, 2020 10:31 am

No doubt that Trump is preferable to what the communists will bring, but I still think he is a player. Part of the club. He’s been surrounded by jews all his life and that’s where his loyalty lies. If they thought that he was a threat to them he wouldn’t survive for long.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  brian boru
14 November, 2020 11:12 pm

Yes, I have often wondered if Trump is a knowing player in all this drama.

He says good words, but his actions lag way behind, even allowing for democrat opposition.

And that first debate! What a buffoon he seemed to be! Would anyone act like that on purpose, if he were trying to get re-elected?

THEY seem to want us to swerve wildly from left to right, even more wildly, every four years. The center cannot hold . . . .

Reply to  MichaelR
14 November, 2020 10:54 am

Either he was simply a frontman for jewish interests or he was very naive. He wasted most of his first term when the republicans held the house and senate. He pandered too much to negroes during the 2020 campaign. Nevertheless, the experience of the 2020 election, may have awakened him somewhat. Netanyahu congratulated Biden. Now Trump and Netanyahu have unfollowed each other on Twitter. Unless it’s an act, Trump might finally recognize that much of his difficulties are due to jews who he had trusted.

Reply to  guest
14 November, 2020 8:43 pm

Part of me thinks Trump truly understands Jews, and has learned how to tolerate them, because that’s an unfortunate part of doing business in NYC. I doubt if he actually likes them, anyone that has to deal with them usually figures them out fairly fast. He also knows that all of our politicians, regardless of party, have to bow before Jewish interest groups. Moving the embassy was an easy win, it made his evangelical base happy, and Israel happy in one move. I doubt if he’ll continue his overly pro Israel policies with another 4 years. There wouldn’t be much reason to, not after Netanyahu stabbed him in the back, and it would seem there are an awful lot of Jews that are part of the great steal. Just look… Read more »

14 November, 2020 8:56 am

I keep suggesting that this is all orchestrated to bring the Left into a crazy civil war.

Reply to  BuelahMan
14 November, 2020 9:51 am

Right, democrats will trigger a color revolution by claiming that Trump stole the election, Jew Norm Eisen is the main hatchet man in this scam: http://news.thelibertysolutions.com/?read=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.revolver.news%2F2020%2F09%2Fmeet-norm-eisen-legal-hatchet-man-and-central-operative-in-the-color-revolution-against-president-trump%2F#/

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  BuelahMan
15 November, 2020 8:30 pm

Thomas Chittum, of “Civil War II –
The Coming Breakup Of America,”
called it down to the day and hour.

Find on page 151 the following:

The Year: 2020
The Date: The Fifth of May
The Time: Around Midnight
The State: California
The City: Los Angeles
The Place: Ruben Salazar Park

Remember, these words were written
in the mid ’90’s. Not bad for a
mercenary soldier who in popular
folklore can only do two things –
kill and get paid.  

He may have been off by a few months,
but it has already began…just as
he outlined in this phenomenal book.
You can be sure he is lock and loaded
in rural New Jersey.  

14 November, 2020 11:43 pm

its a travesty this happened

15 November, 2020 9:30 pm

Interesting how relatively little the county-by-county electoral map has changed since muh1950s.
An ocean of red with a few blue dots – big cities, heavily Black, Hispanic and Amerindian areas.
Either way, war is coming. If Trumpenstein manages to prove all the VERY OBVIOUS fraud, the ‘Left’ and their Beige/Brown/Black pets will flip their lids,if Pedo Bidet gets away with all the VERY OBVIOUS fraud and sends the favela SWAT teams to deliver the sterilization VAXXX by force, 400 million guns will open up.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
17 November, 2020 5:21 pm

One interesting aspect of all of this is that most voters, or even say half of them, voted for Trump despite four solid years of extreme propaganda against him by the six-corporation CFR/Jewish media. In other words, for the first time that I can remember, “the masses” largely didn’t listen. They also were exposed to previously unknown concepts, such as “fake news,” irrational/corrupt journalists and news agencies, six months of nightly riots for basically nothing, the “defund the police” concept, black criminal behavior in relation to each new police incident, “turning black criminals into heroes,” forcing transgenderism to become part of our daily lives, outrageous shows of political and hollywood tantrums, the “deep state,” calling anyone who opposes them a “white supremacist,” stunningly obvious election fraud in a national election,… Read more »

Tonatiuh Haruki
Tonatiuh Haruki
18 November, 2020 5:39 pm

Just dont fall in their trap, more than teh result of the elections their focus objetive is obviously the Second Enmendment and if you add to that the 5G networks for national security then you will be a step closer to China´s Social Credit System sooner than you think. This was done all on purpose and by both sides, so dont play their game and fight for Trump as the main focus but instead unamsk the System for playing you and seeking confrontation among you to justify more national security. They are playing with trues and lies and provoking each side and lead you were they want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE_uCKedvcU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WjCtRKeAdU We dont know for sure if they can accompplish the prediction of the Simpson about Kamala Harris in the new election… Read more »