
Secure and Wholesome

A philanthropic group based by billionaire investor George Soros this week pledged $220 million to help “dismantle systemic racism” — with over a 3rd of the dough earmarked to teams and cities pushing to “reimagine public security.”

LET’S PULL BACK the curtain and see who is behind the organized attacks on a rapidly dying America. Well, look who it is! I know, I was surprised, too. Every. Single. Time. Pick any societal leprosy and dig a little and you’ll find the old #6 nose and the yid lid. Pornography, communism, feminism, “black lives matter,” the opioid crisis, open borders, “White privilege,” foreign invasion and all the rest came right out of a synagogue and are the weapons of rat-demons in vaguely human form. We must end “racism” and get rid of the police according to a merchant who believes all other people are cattle, expects to rule over talmudic brown slaves and hides behind American tax-payer funded ordnance and giant walls in its ethnostate. Truly this is the light of the world, working in the shadows to destroy the remnants of our Weimar Republic.

The large funding from Open Society Foundations will probably be made in “rising organizations and leaders constructing energy in black group throughout the nation” — with $70 million earmarked for “extra quick efforts to advance racial justice.”

Time for another anti-White offensive. Here comes the charge of the kike brigade. “Racial justice” means White genocide. The tar monster is a cudgel used by our Jewish enemy against us.

The most important share — $150 million — will come as a set of five-year grants to black-led justice organizations, the group stated in a press launch Monday.

Remember when the word “justice” actually meant something? Yeah, me neither.

Black Voters Matter, Circle for Justice Improvements, Repairers of the Breach and the Equal Justice Initiative are among the many recipients.

While you work your miserable job, wear a bitch-cloth to “save lives,” parrot obvious lies in kosher humiliation rituals and pay taxes to fund your own displacement, the termites are doing a number on the foundations. The rot never rests. For every solitary White who is awake and actually understands who the real enemy is, it seems like there’s an entire Semitic “We want Zimbabwe” hate group working hard to destroy everything our ancestors built and create a waking nightmare of worthless dark inferiors running wild in smoking ruins.

The face of the enemy.

The $70 million earmark will probably be made towards teams and cities “as they reimagine public security, transferring past the tradition of criminalization and incarceration, and aiming to create secure, wholesome, and racially simply communities.” They weren’t recognized within the press launch.

Once it’s impossible to actually punish the Negro and Mestizo burden I’d be shocked if their appalling behavior doesn’t immediately improve. Get ready for your “wholesome” community where Whites are routinely arrested for the Thought Crime of trying to call the disbanded “five oh” while vile genetic aliens rape and murder with impunity.

That chunk of the cash may even be used towards partaking younger individuals and to struggle voter suppression, the Soros-funded group stated.

I’m guessing English isn’t the first language of the human unit and/or Ministry of Truth machine that produced this confounding sentence. On the other hand, voter suppression! I was only allowed to vote once! Here comes another bus full of moronic brown garbage being paid Soros shekels to support communist evil at the polls. Muh democracy, the best system ever devised.

“We acknowledge that the wrestle to dismantle systemic racism is an ongoing one; it has existed from the daybreak of the republic to the current day, and is embedded in each stage of presidency and in our penal and justice methods,” Open Society Foundations president Patrick Gaspard stated.

“Witchcraft and evil eye are everywhere and must be battled!” explains a Negro idiot acting as a mouthpiece for a criminal tribe that wants you and everyone you love to die in pain.

Deed eye say duh mar-ciss-em ratt massa sore-ohs?

“However the power-surge of people that have taken to the streets to demand that this nation do higher — individuals of all ages, from all backgrounds, and in each nook of this nation — provides hope.”

Burning down cities, mindless violence, looting, vandalism, erasing the past, profoundly ugly spiritual sickness, killing people for their political opinions…this is “hope” that belongs on the end of a rope.

Jew criminal scumbag pulls the wires.

* * *

Source: Modern Heretic

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Former Liberal
Former Liberal
28 October, 2020 8:02 pm

I would love to see that psychopathic nation wrecker brought up on charges of crimes against humanity. But that would only happen in a sane world .

31 October, 2020 3:05 pm

“Pick any societal leprosy and dig a little and you’ll find the old #6 nose and the yid lid. Pornography, communism, feminism, “black lives matter,” the opioid crisis, open borders, “White privilege,” foreign invasion and all the rest came right out of a synagogue…”
We should also add the former Freon caused the ‘Hole in the Ozone Layer’ fraud and the current CO2 global warming financial fraud.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Truthweed
31 October, 2020 6:15 pm

Anytime one delves into the financial
world, you are going to find this Jew
and his Shabboz Goys. The solution
to this problem is already known here
at NATIONAL VANGUARD. The solution
is not a retreat into Victorian puritanism.
The solution is effective and meaningful
ORGANIZED opposition!