15 of the Top 25 Financial Donors in This Election Cycle Are Jews

And these figures are for early days only — Haim Saban and numerous other Jewish billionaires are sure to be on the list soon, as the millions multiply.
by James Harting
THE Jewish Telegraphic Agency reveals that 15 of the top 25 donors in this election cycle are Jews.
(((Your))) candidate can’t lose when you finance both sides!
1. Tom Steyer – Gave $54 million so far to the Democrats
4. Stephen and Christine Schwarzman – $28.4 million to the Republicans, $8,400 to the Democrats
5. Sheldon and Miriam Adelson – $28 million to the Republicans
6. Donald Sussman – $22.3 million to the Democrats, $5,000 to Republicans
7. James and Marilyn Simons – $21 million to Democrats
9. Michael Bloomberg – $19.3 million to the Democrats
10. Jeffrey and Janine Yass – $13 million to Republicans
12. Deborah Simon – $12.5 million to the Democrats
13. Henry and Marsha Laufer – $11.8 million to the Democrats
16. Joshua and Anita Bekenstein – $11 million to Democrats
18. Bernard and Billi Wilma Marcus – $9.7 million to Republicans, $6,900 to Democrats
22. Paul Singer – $8.8 million to the Republicans
23. Stephen and Susan Mandel – $8.8 million to the Democrats
24. George Soros – $8.2 million to the Democrats
25. Steve and Connie Ballmer – $7.5 million to the Democrats
* * *
Source: Do Right and Fear No One
This is all the evidence you need to see that “Democracy” is just theater to flatter the people into thinking that their voting brings about government. There is only one way to organize a population into a society and that is by absolute monarchy because only an absolute monarchy is able to focus the people’s power into what is good. There have been terrible kings like Henry II but even in those times, the people were needed and lived in a world more or less of their own making, cathedral building etc. When the bankers usurped the kings in 1688, it was all over for the people, you see, bankers don’t need people, they have money.
Well put.
Here something you may like; download and share:
Liberal capitalism or free market (if possible no intervention of the State):
Marxists, socialists or communists:
In both systems you can tell that both promote materialism over all; your community(racially and culturally speaking), culture, spiritual values, common religion beliefs,commitment with your nation, traditions and more come in second or more like in third place.
Devide and conquer:
“Swindlers List”.
I am disturbed. The controlled media in Germany: “Trump tested positive for corona.” I am disturbed. What is going on? I think we are facing a new lockdown. My message: we have to stop trusting this system. We have to organize.
This cartoon says it all.
Practically almost anyone is related to them, either with friendship with jewish businessman, bankers or organizations like the AIPAC. Either Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or Joe Biden and many others; of course that doent mean that even if not we should not investigate the people who supposedly represent us but the fact that these people have zionist and jewish backing them up should be more than enough proof that their loyalty is not with local people who built this country.
Make sure everyone you know is aware of this article’s headline. In the last year or so I tried to post the following, verbatim, on the comment section of YouTube videos that had been posted by all of the major “news” networks as well as DailyKos and HuffPost, only to have it removed again and again; usually instantly: “Jews make up 17 of the 25 most successful hedge fund managers (read: crooks) in history. Jews: 2% of the population, 68% of the robbers.” I even made a video of myself posting the above comment then refreshing the page to show that it had been removed within seconds. Then I posted that video on my YT channel. I was quickly suspended for violating their rules of “hate speech”. Now I simply… Read more »
Some people have expressed suprise that George Soros is so low on the list – number 24, donating only a paltry $8 million. But the list (compiled by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency) is just the official list of contributions through the end of June to which uber-Jews such as Soros have admitted. What they publicly admit to is damning enough but I have no doubt that they are donating more through back door contribution to various political action commmittees, etc. For example, the total amount that Soros has given to the Democrats is “close to $80 million,” according to the Washington Times. Apart from what he has contributed directly to the Biden campaign, Michael Bloomberg has promised a whopping $100 million to defeat the Republicans in Flordia and deliver the… Read more »
Thank the SCOTUS for allowing such ridiculous sums of money to infest politics. The SCOTUS is a rubber stamp for the elites and the status quo.
More about Soros’s money targeting DA races: — https://neonnettle.com/news/12735-george-soros-pumps-another-1-5-million-into-los-angeles-da-race George Soros Pumps Another $1.5 Million into Los Angeles DA Race Leftist billionaire plows money into George Gascón for L.A. Country district attorney rac By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 30th September 2020 @ 12.00am © press Billionaire George Soros is pumping money into the Los Angeles County DA race Far-left billionaire George Soros has reportedly pumped another $1.5 million into a leftist candidate in the Los Angeles Country district attorney race. In 2018, oligarch Soros funded the campaigns of radical-left DA challengers across the United States in an attempt to transform the American justice system. In California alone, Soros plowed $3,625,000 into DA races in Sacramento, San Diego, Alameda, Marin, and Contra Costa counties. Fast forward to 2020 and Soros has already funneled over… Read more »
Christards put chat-show host billionaire Casino Trumsptein there.