His Name Is Rowan Sweeney
Introduction by David Sims
A FEW weeks ago, I posted about a five-year-old White boy in Wilson, North Carolina, named Cannon Hinnant who was murdered by a male Black neighbor, on 9 August 2020, who came into the Hinnant family’s yard to shoot Cannon in the head.
On 21 September 2020, it happened again. This time, a four-year-old White boy named Rowan Sweeney was murdered in Struthers, Ohio, by another male Black, who shot Rowan in the head. The male Black simply entered the Sweeney home and shot the little boy while his mother was holding him in her arms.
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While virtually every American knows the name of deceased serial felon George Floyd, dead drug ring suspect Breonna Taylor, and the crippled accused rapist Jacob Blake, very few know the name of Roman Sweeney, the innocent four-year-old child who was brutally murdered by a Black thug this week.
In Struthers, Oh. on Mon., Sept. 21, Sweeney’s life was extinguished senselessly. The alleged shooter, 24-year-old Kimonie Devante Bryant, has been described as a “young, light-skinned, black male.”
The Black thug reportedly went into a home on the 100 block of Perry Street in Struthers. He shot two men, one received two slugs in the head while another was blasted two times in the back. Two women were also shot by the savage in their lower extremities. The adults all have survived the attack for the time being, but Sweeney was not so lucky. He died in his mother’s arms as she cried incessantly for her poor son.
“The two males are in critical condition, but the two women are OK,” Struthers police chief Tim Roddy said about the heinous act of Black-on-White terror. “The suspects left prior to our arrival. We didn’t stop processing the scene probably until about 10 a.m., and we’ve been following several leads going on 14 hours. So far no suspects have been arrested.”
“Neighbors heard gunshots, but no one saw a vehicle driving away or anyone else,” the chief added.
The victims claim they did not know the gunman, who was believed to have fled the scene on foot. He allegedly came into the home uninvited and began yelling insanely. Perhaps he was another thug radicalized by the Black Lives Matter terror spree sweeping the nation. Roddy confirmed that the attack was targeted and not a random act of violence.
“Neighbors heard gunshots, but no one saw a vehicle driving away or anyone else,” Chief Roddy said.
Bryant turned himself into authorities on Monday and is now facing one charge of aggravated murder. Capt. Daniel Mamula says that more charges are likely to follow, and Bryant is expected to be arraigned tomorrow.
The Nationalist Review has noted that CNN, the Washington Post, HuffPo, and the New York Times have ignored the story because White lives simply don’t matter to the fake news media. In their view, an innocent child’s life is worth less than common street trash if the kid happens to be White.
Big League Politics reported on the case of five-year old Cannon Hinnant last month, another White child whose life was snuffed out because of Black terror:
A black man has been charged with murdering a 5-year-old white child in cold blood and leaving his corpse in a North Carolina neighborhood.
WRAL broke the story of how the black suspect allegedly murdered a white child who lived next door to his home in Wilson, N.C. Neighbors claim the black suspect was a family friend who appeared at the child’s home before he allegedly decided to murder the 5-year-old boy, as black-on-white terror sweeps the nation.
Darius N. Sessoms, 25, reportedly ran up to the 5-year-old boy, identified as Cannon Hinnant, who was playing on a bicycle, and shot him in the head in cold blood. Hinnant was transported to the Wilson Medical Center where he was declared dead shortly afterward. Sessoms is now in custody and being charged with murder.
Law enforcement claims the reason why this black man murdered this white child is unclear, but it may have to do with the violent Black Lives Matter (BLM) uprising that is taking place across the country.
All of the institutional racism in modern America is anti-White. Once the demographics completely fall, it is not difficult to imagine a full-scale genocide coming to fruition.
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Source: Author and Big League Politics
Thank you for this article. All we ever hear is white man bad, black man good. The opposite is the case. The jew media blocks these reports from their platforms. The jews don’t give a damn about children, especially white ones. In fact, the jew media is responsible for inciting all these blacks to violence against whites (primarily cause these kikes can’t stand up to whites alone so they need to provoke the animal behaviors in blacks to fight whitey for them). Every jew media outlet owner and their editors should be prosecuted for treason and murder plots, then executed by firing squad.
A rather intelligent WN-WS friend of mine once said to me “jews are just using the blacks as a battering ram against the gates of our caucasian castle.” A great quote and I do believe he made it up himself.
Better yet
After trial and conviction, don’t even kill these Kikes.
Who wants the filthy blood of these insects on their hands?
Put these ditch rats in work camps as their sentences.
Make them split rocks with butter knives by day
And at night watch endless loops of seth rogan movies
No sleep til brooklyn jew!
I have been advocating for years saying to prepare for unrest in the future. There is an overwhelming evil running loose in our midst. We freed it in our midst. We let it take and molest our women. And we handed it a monthly check and food stamps. We sectioned 8 them and bought them cell phones and flat screen TVs. But like a wild animal they are dangerous and feral. But despite the new generation of feminized men, there are still the silent majority who are getting fed up. Retribution lies ahead and time is ticking by…
Association with Blacks will always be detrimental.