
Denmark: Bloody Altar Symbolizes Jewish Destruction of the Danish People

A bloody altar surrounded by leaflets appeared outside a shopping centre in Randers, Denmark, last Wednesday night.

AN ALTAR standing in a pool of blood appeared in the car park outside the Randers Storcenter mall in the East Jutland city last Wednesday night. The altar was surrounded by leaflets with the message: “The Danish people are sacrifices on multiculturalism’s altar – Join the defence of the people in the Nordic Resistance Movement”.

Leaflets were also affixed to walls and other surfaces in the proximity of the altar.

Whether you’re a socialist, conservative, apolitical, anti-Islam, a nationalist, patriot or National Socialist, it can’t be denied that Denmark is a victim of population replacement. Or, to put it another way: replacement = the eradication of the Danish people.

The establishment media and the political circus only touch on the population question when they’re arguing for more immigration. They talk about the country not having “enough people” and genuflect to the eternal master of “the economy”, as they open Denmark up for non-European immigration.

The “democratic parties” have proved to be useless in achieving anything positive in relation to the population question. As parts of the System, the parties, together with cultural terrorism – known as Cultural Marxism – have been responsible for the individualistic ego cult that has led to societal division, class warfare, moral decay and our Danish women’s low birth rates, which “necessitate” the ruinous mass immigration of foreign races to Denmark.

The anti-Danish System has not just failed in all their measures and proposals – they have actively worked for a society and a level of public happiness that has been so decimated that people are opting out of having children and continuing their existence, either consciously or unconsciously.

This traitorous and hostile stance, and the System’s deliberate will to actively break down the Danish nation and all Nordic peoples, demands an equally active and deliberate defence for the preservation of our people. The current age requires a National Socialist perspective and will.

It cannot be left to the System itself, with its Cultural Marxist and social democratic yes-men and right-wing market-lackeys, to solve the population problem, as every proposed solution must be seen in relation to their thirst for national economic wealth. The people have no value to them, and more immigration will be the result. Even so-called “identitarians” and “social conservatives” want our racially pure folk to be assimilated with imported foreign racial elements, paving the way for the slow destruction of our people.

And destruction of the people is exactly what it is. The blood flowing in the streets today as a result of multiculturalism’s arrival on Danish soil comes almost solely from assaulted Danes, who must now make way for the racial aliens. But the coming total destruction of the people as a whole will be considerably more non-violent, as the people are merely filtered away via biological processes as a result of race-mixing or simple extinction as a consequence of our inability to maintain self-sufficiency. Nevertheless, bloody or not, the people of the future will have perished via a genocide that is happening today. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Hear the Jewess Barbara Spectre explain who she thinks is responsible for the multiculturalisation of Europe:

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Source: read the full article at Nordic Resistance Movement

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
22 September, 2020 12:54 am

Could it possibly be where Jews hosting
in Denmark slaughtered a Caucasian
child in one of their blood rituals? Just

22 September, 2020 8:23 am

Scandinavia, northern Germany and parts of the Baltics are the very heartland of blonde, blue-eyed people and therefore the very center of the Kalergi Plan bullseye.

Walter Green
Walter Green
23 September, 2020 1:35 am

There must be a internal competition among ((them))
about who is the most creepy and unpleasant.

28 September, 2020 12:07 pm

I like the Nordic Resistance Movement. I subscribe to them on BitChute. So should you!