Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

The Power of Positive Thinking

by Dr. William L. Pierce

THERE IS no shortage of things for us to complain about, no shortage of bad government policies for us to attack, no shortage of undesirable traits in the Jews and other non-Whites for us to point to, no shortage of dire warnings we can make about developments to come. Our strength, however, lies not so much in our ability to describe the evils of our opponents and the danger of the times in which we live as it does in the fact that we have a positive view of the future and a program for making that view become reality.

It is necessary to explain negative things to a potential recruit, but the emphasis always should be on the positive: on what we can do to overcome these negatives and regain control of our future. An emphasis on negativism may persuade a potential recruit that our cause is just, but it also may convince him that our cause is hopeless.

A pitfall to be avoided absolutely is talk of violence or illegality. Many of us have fantasies about striking back at the government and our other enemies, but we should keep these fantasies to ourselves — or, at least, let them remain between the covers of The Turner Diaries and Hunter. Talk of violence and hints of future illegality not only are unrealistic at this time; they also frighten many potential recruits. There already is too much fear of the government; it is a paralyzing fear for many people, who imagine that if they join the National Alliance the secret police will begin opening their mail and questioning their neighbors. Nothing should be said or done to heighten that fear.

A conscious effort is required to avoid negativism, because even a member with a wholly positive attitude will find that the world is filled with people who have grievances: people who are angry at the government’s latest tax increase, people who are unemployed through no fault of their own, people whose property values disappeared when non-Whites invaded their neighborhoods, people who are victims of crime, people who have been forced to become outlaws because of local or state gun-confiscation laws, and people with a thousand other personal reasons for being receptive to our explanation of what has gone wrong with our world. The temptation will be strong to adapt our recruiting message to these people with grievances; it will seem the sensible thing to do. And, indeed, people with grievances often can be recruited by sympathizing with them, showing them where the blame lies, and offering them a way to strike back — at least, vicariously. But the Alliance must be built with people who have a vision, rather than with people who have a grievance. One man or woman with a vision is worth a thousand who have grievances. The way to recruit a person with a vision is not to complain about the state of affairs: it is to help him see our vision and to show him how his vision can fit into ours.

* * *

Source: National Alliance Membership Handbook

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tony bonn
tony bonn
10 April, 2021 1:08 am

This advice is sage. It is almost crippling to read so much negative news which is why I have to skip so many articles on this site.