Guest opinionPerspective

No Apologies

by Angelicus

IT IS 4.30 am here in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the city that once was
known as the Paris of South America — famous for its elegant avenues,
beautiful parks, and buildings, mostly in the French style of the late
19th century: a city that reflected the beauty and greatness achieved
by Western civilization, a product of the genius of the White man.

The city, like the country, is a shadow of itself. Worse than that, it is
a disgusting caricature of itself. Because, like all the great cities
and nations created by the White man across the world, it is rotten to
the core.

Western civilization is terminally ill. Consumed by a cancer
that has been growing unchecked since 1945. It has taken only 75 years
to destroy what it took more than 1,000 years to build.

I listen to American radio broadcasts and I am outraged, because I wish I was there in the US, where the battle has begun. I wish I could take part in it. Instead, I am here in a country totally controlled by the enemy where there is no First Amendment, where I cannot say a word against our enemies without being censored and arrested. The feeling of impotence that I feel is only equaled by the bitterness it causes me.

In my own country, I cannot speak as I do here.

I am not going to apologize for being White, for being proud of my people and my ancestors.

I said the battle has begun, and you may ask: What about the war? Well, the war started a long time ago, and most of us did not notice it, mainly because it was not declared. If I had to put a date to it, I would choose 1789. In that year the murderous scum of Paris, the predecessors of the BLM mob, overthrew the decadent monarchy and proclaimed the reign of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.” With this, they destroyed the pillars of European society and civilization based on the natural order.

Liberty? An illusion sold to the ignorant masses who simply changed their old master — an ineffective, weak monarch but who was a benevolent, decent man — for a new one represented by a group of bloodthirsty fanatics who hated everything noble and honourable.

Equality? A ridiculous idea. There is no equality in Nature. Men are good and evil, mediocre and brilliant, generous and selfish — and so on. And then there are racial differences. To try to reduce them to one type or form is not only impossible, but it is also insane.

Fraternity of all, regardless of race? Another stupid idea. We are very much part of the natural order, like all creatures: We are ruled by a natural instinct that, for our own good and for the preservation of our type, makes us look for the company of our own kind. There is a natural antagonism between different races and tribes. Those who ignore these eternal rules of Nature do so at their own risk. To try to deny this fact is not only insane but criminal. This does not mean that we must be at war with our neighbours; we just have to keep to ourselves and take care of our own.

In the France of 1789 the Jews, our mortal enemies, achieved their cherished goal: to become fully-fledged citizens with the same rights as their hated Aryan counterparts. The nature of the so-called democratic government supported by them fitted perfectly with their objectives.

The system required the existence of political parties who pretended to represent the people, but they only served to fulfil the ambitions of their leaders and their masters. Political parties need lots of money — and what group was in the position of supplying that money?

Napoleon, who, like most of his generation, had been educated in the ideals that led to the French Revolution, spread the liberal/democratic poison all over Europe. Everywhere his armies marched, the “ghettos” were destroyed and the Jews became citizens. Soon, they not only monopolized banking but also began to buy newspapers. The dams were broken.

Let’s jump to today, 2020. Shortly after the death of George Floyd on May 25, many cities of the US were submerged by a wave of violence that, to the average lemming who believes everything the media tell him, was inexplicable. Instead of our beloved African-descended “equals” peacefully assembling and protesting the “injustice” they decried, there was (and still is) an orgy of destruction and widespread looting, reflecting the deep hatred of most Blacks for White people, who, according to them, are responsible for everything that is wrong with the world.

This explosion of violence and hatred did not really happen because of George Floyd’s death. Instead, it was the result of something that started a long time ago. The process began in the 1930s when a group of subversive Jews arrived in the US from Germany. These creatures, all of them fanatical Communists, came with the purpose to put into practice certain theories they had developed in the 1920s. According to them, the Marxist revolution would only triumph by winning the hearts and minds of the middle class. This could only be achieved through the education system, and, thanks to their Jewish brothers already ensconced in high positions in America, they managed to rapidly advance into teaching and administrative posts in some of America’s most prestigious universities.

Their goals were:

A) the destruction of the family by undermining the authority of the father and instilling in children hatred and contempt for authority;
B) the creation of a “guilt complex” based on the supposed crimes committed by the White man against the “downtrodden people of colour,” especially the slave trade (which, they naturally failed to point out, was carried out mainly by Jews);
C) the destruction of racial identity and pride, which they achieved by misrepresenting historical facts and creating the idea that “racism,” the “worst sin of all,” was something typical of the White man, who should be ashamed of it — and inculcating the belief it is permissible for a non-White to be proud of his race and his ancestors, but not a White man;
D) undermining normal marriage and reproduction among our race by promoting homosexuality and all kind of perversions under the name of “tolerance” — the birth of the “LGBT movement”;
E) arousing resentment and hatred against men among women, by telling women that they have been “oppressed” by their men for centuries and not-so-subtly suggesting that they “fight back” — the birth of “feminism.”

These were the cancerous Jewish seeds of what we now know as Political Correctness. They have borne the fruits of the death and destruction we see all around us.

As the Jewish cancer grew and spread, new legislation was created in its image. It began with the “desegregation” of the schools followed by “affirmative action” and the many laws against “discrimination” and “hate speech.”

We have been betrayed by the people who were supposed to represent us and defend our interests. So many of our brothers and sisters have been either brainwashed by the enemy, or are cowards unable to protect their own families. But victory does not always favour the big battalions. Our history presents many cases of almost impossible victories achieved by sheer courage.

I have been aware of the evil nature of the Jews since I was 16. Now I am 60 years old, and, in spite of the enemy’s lies and crimes, I remain true. I believe in the justice of our cause more strongly than ever. I don’t think I will personally see the final victory, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is to remain faithful to our ideals and to our people. We owe it to all the heroes who came before us who fought and died for our race and never surrendered — like the glorious defenders of Berlin in 1945. There is no escape from our responsibility. Sooner or later, the enemy will come for us. All of us.

Let’s remember Oswald Spengler’s soldier of Pompeii who never fled his post, never failed to do his duty, even though it meant certain death. The war is not over. Our people can still win. Our people can still live.

* * *

Source: Author

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11 August, 2020 1:11 am

Thank you again Angelicus!!!!

Reply to  Truthweed
11 August, 2020 9:58 pm

Hello Truthweed! Nice to “hear” from you! All the best!

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
11 August, 2020 7:19 am

A wonderful article. It says it all. Thank you Angelicus and thank you National Vanguard.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
11 August, 2020 9:57 pm

Thank you very much Patrick!

Have a good day

11 August, 2020 7:49 am

It seems marxists have completed their long march through the institutions across the world :D

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
11 August, 2020 2:40 pm

Well written article with some minor flaws. Where does the author live? I live near Portland Oregon USA & protest against i$rahell in Portland. Europe’s freedom of speech may be less than the USA BUT Europe has the will/moral power that has been broken in the USA. You have the brave like Ursula Haverbach, Alfred Schaefer, Sylvia Stotz (have I spelled correctly?). The will of the peoples in the USA has been broken. Our anti-fa, politicians, and police now march to the N(j)ew World Order. My protesting in Portland was always supported by Blacks. It is the jew that is paying anti-fa, it is the jew that is mis-guiding the Blacks, it is the jew that teaches the Whites the jew is god’s chosen. THE jew IS THE ENEMY, no… Read more »

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
11 August, 2020 9:55 pm

Hello David: I live in Argentina, it is mentioned clearly at the beginning of the article. We cannot say or do anything because there is no First Amendment here. We have formidable hate-speech laws similar to the ones in France or Germany. I know very well who is the enemy and I made it quite clear when I said who created “political correctness”; the Jews from the “School of Frankfurt” who left Germany in 1933.

As Julius Streicher said: “Here today I denounce the enemy of Mankind, the Jew!”

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  Angelicus
12 August, 2020 10:32 am

Yes, your country is clearly mentioned. Forgive me.

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2020 10:55 am

There is nothing to forgive. Have a good day and good luck

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2020 8:06 am


David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  Stefan
12 August, 2020 10:35 am

Stefan: Your comment is too brief to understand.

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2020 4:13 pm

Stolz, Deutsch for Pride, David.

11 August, 2020 8:44 pm

The banker Jews were among the colonists. They began their practice of money lending and usury – which got them kicked out of 109 European countries over the centuries. The father of them all was Mayer Amschel Bauer, now known as Rothschild, who told his sons, “Give me control of a nation’s currency and I care not who writes its laws.” It was President Andrew Jackson who called these banker Jews a den of thieves, and he promised them that he’d “rout them out.” He fulfilled his goal and paid off the national debt but, unfortunately, subsequent presidents allowed them to come back. It was President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Kruschev was right when he pounded his shoe on the table and said Russia… Read more »

Reply to  Virginia
12 August, 2020 4:15 pm

I think Russia is being conquered through the kosher EU as well as being betrayed by shabbos goy Civic patriotard Putin

Reply to  Stefan
13 August, 2020 8:38 pm

What makes you think that?

Reply to  Virginia
15 August, 2020 4:52 am

Because Russia is surrounded by Amerikanische truppen and because of the penetration of Russia proper by NGO subversive organisations, but above all, by the historical fact of of Czarism being overthrown by the Masonic West…the Orthodox church are also mostly Ecumenicists. The USSR was an inorganic acronym state like the original, the UK, built on Europhobe triumphalism and so NATO is the Kalergi golem against Russland…Yeltsin was the drunken buffoon who started the theft of Russian assets through the privatisation swindles that enriched Juden after the ersatz untergang of Kommunismus. Gay wigger Feminist NATO also relies on Baltic, Slav and Balkan Russophobia as well as on dreary Germanophobia-billionaire chat-show hosts like Trump know nothing of Europa but then nor do his electors. Every Euro state is in dissolution, now, through… Read more »

Reply to  Stefan
16 August, 2020 9:00 pm

Russia was overthrown by Bolshevik Jews. History has been polluted with their lies. Anyone exposing their lies risks death. They have even gone so far as to alter the Bible. That’s why the Bible seems to contradict itself.

Except for fake photos, there is no evidence to prove the holocaust of the Jews in Germany. There is, however, overwhelming proof of the Holocaust in other European countries done by allies.

Now they want to do to Americans what they did to Europeans – namely, annihilate whites. In violation of the Nuremberg Code

they believe they can force us to take deadly vaccines.

Reply to  Virginia
17 August, 2020 1:17 pm

True, it was, but then Europa was overthrown long before by Christendom so it all follows until we get to Cromwell and the UK and US gulags from which followed the USSR gulag and now the UN.

Reply to  Virginia
15 August, 2020 10:16 pm

He seems entirely controlled by the Flinkelstein/Abromovich string pullers. As is Trump.
That’s actually the connection that was avoided so studiously in every Russia/ US “investigation.
The Kushners are deeply controlled by this organized crime faction. It connects back to Meyer Lansky and the formation of Israel.

But don’t worry, if you think it’s a Party thing only difference is the Fink/Abram faction thinks the whites are good little earners to be milked. And the Left feels we should all be dead ASAP.

THATS what we are dealing with.

Reply to  Pereskiva
16 August, 2020 8:37 pm

I agree that Kushner is a member of the Bilderberg Group but I’m uncertain of his motives for being there. I further agree that one of Trump’s first act as president was to give Israel $35 BILLION taxpayer dollars. Howevr, the Trump I’ve come to know is a humanitarian, not a globalist. He’s been instrumental in finding jobs for black people, which they are grateful for. He’s also outed Democrats in the slum-ridden cities, and exposed their lies. He’s been a stalwart for the people of this country whereas the Communist in the Democrat Party have undermined the constitution and completely disregarded the people who pay their salaries! The Jews who, when they overthrew the Russian government, started Communism and brought it to America. As confessed by Shulamit Aloni, a… Read more »

Reply to  Virginia
17 August, 2020 1:21 pm

Trump is a crypto-Trotskiist or Libertarian, who has fulfilled not a single promise to EuroAmericans and has enabled the Left…it’s the naivety of unJewwise Conservatives who are taken in by patriotard liars…he has never supported Nativism and MAGA was a euphemism for MIGA.Billions to Israel.

Reply to  Stefan
17 August, 2020 7:01 pm

I disagree. I think DJT is the businessman he’s always been – even as president. And he IS a Euro-American himself. The one promise he made to Euro-Americans to build a wall he has, with some backlash from leftists, done. He knows that he is the wedge that prevents socialists/communists from screwing the American people out of everything. Even now, the Soros-funded BLM is telling people in Seattle to give up their homes to black people. That’s why liberals in Seattle are now saying they will NOT vote for another Democrat. Most are changing their votes to Trump.

Reply to  Virginia
19 August, 2020 12:02 pm

Lincoln and Kennedy were better presidents and neither to my knowledge were chat show host billionaires who marched in gay or kosher parades as leaders of ‘The Free world.’ or enjoyed teen parties with kosher perverts…even the Daily Stormer dunces are sad about their treacherous hero.

The people who could save America are on this site and a handful of others, not in the Whitehouse-Try Historyreviewed, as scholarly as NV and not Christian/Conservative.

The indigenous religion of Europe is Paganism not Levantine Mosaicism, it’s that simple

Reply to  Virginia
15 August, 2020 11:10 am

There are no countries in which Juden live…wherever they are, the populaces become shabbos goy stooges of the Left or Right and so the country becomes a shell of fake Juden, Freemasonic…Juden destroy any Amalekite homeland just by being in it. That is why National-Sozialismus was born and equally why the Judaisedest lands were ordered to destroy it and forever slander it…note the Red and white stars of those unlikely WW2 allies or even the Satanists or Islam’s pentagram star and how the swastika, the Euro races oldest symbol, is forbidden everywhere, unlike the cross fictional vampires dread who were muck likelier Khazar predators on Euro girls as now. Russia does not exist in the the true sense because Juden would not allow it and he himself mocks Russia for… Read more »

12 August, 2020 1:28 am

Toda autoridad reside en tener el poder de hacerlo, y esto consiste en tener dominio sobre un territorio específico, y ser capaz de imponer y hacer cumplir las leyes, ya sea por fuerza bruta, económica, mediadora y represiva en general. Para los blancos, siempre y cuando haya un gobierno judío-anti-blanco con autoridad en todo el territorio estadounidense, estarán sujetos a políticas y leyes anti-blancas, tales como discriminación positiva, acción afirmativa, integración forzada, disidencia prohibida a través de leyes. anti-odio, pérdida de empleo y ruina financiera, censura y acoso. La forma de escapar de esto debe ser la estrategia principal a elaborar, si tomamos el caso de los nativos americanos, tienen territorios autónomos por lo tanto se gobiernan a favor y no contra los miembros de su tribu. Un gobierno sin… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
12 August, 2020 7:55 am

Gentlemen, there is no doubt that the Jew ideology is the enemy but keep in mind, the Jew himself can do nothing. Remember the Jews were kicked out of 109 countries. They have succeeded now not by anything they have done, they are just being Jews. The magic was getting the white man to take their side and do their bidding against their own people. You take care of that problem and the Jew disappears down the drain. It is the Congressman and Senator that stands up to applaud Bibi and the uniformed services who are trained to hate their own people. That is the core problem and not the Jews. How do you get a white man to create a world that is toxic for his own children? Think… Read more »

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
12 August, 2020 9:04 am

Patrick: Money controls the people in the USA Congress. The White/Black/yellow/etc. people in our Congress that oppose the jew money is less than 2%. Reread Virginia’s comment again.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2020 10:50 am

It didn’t stop Hitler.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
12 August, 2020 12:14 pm

You are correct, the jews were not as powerful then. It DID STOP John Kennedy. About 2 weeks before his death, he came out with a $20.oo bill backed by the USA, not by the Federal Reserve.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2020 2:12 pm

The Kennedys were particularly obtuse on the subject of security. Joe Sr. did detect that Churchill was trying to kill him but I think he missed the probability that Churchill had Joe Jr. and Kathleen killed. And JFK Jr. was definitely not thinking. Hitler was much shrewder, in my view. And as Mao observed, while money does have a role, politics comes out of a barrel of a gun ultimately.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
12 August, 2020 4:19 pm

I think it comes out of the barrel of right idea and target firstly, even before the outing of the rifled barrel…we know what both the right idea and targets are….owning guns is no good, otherwise. Basically, Pound, Rockwell, Pierce.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
12 August, 2020 4:21 pm

Adolf lived in a far cohesiver continental society despite the kosher chaos.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Stefan
12 August, 2020 5:03 pm

A key point, in my view. American society is so totally fractured that I don’t believe you can get much consensus on anything. Plus you are dealing with people of such vacant character that you can’t reach them. They know so little and want to hang on to what little they know for sure. It is very challenging when you have little to work with.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
13 August, 2020 3:54 am

Well, another wee problem is that the Juden incite or pay killers to kill leaders whether Kennedys or Rockwells. The intersectional tribes are like fractious children and the USA is an acronym of states founded organically and randomly like a Frankenstein imago of Europa… The American civil war was a disastrous victory because Lincolns murder freed the slaves like an unassimilable golem who should’ve been shipped back to Liberia where they could enjoy their warlord Wakanda cannibalism…it left America with a stasis worse than letting the CSA secede but the spiritual golem of Christianity is what allows both Marxism and Zionism to thrive not least given the kosher slavers. Yet the Uk is the origin of this acronym deEuropeanisation of the West, even in America, being a virtual colony of… Read more »

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Stefan
13 August, 2020 9:45 am

I just revisited the Reece Committee investigation of tax-free foundations and learned that Wayne Hayes, “the meanest man in Congress,” stopped the airing of the investigation with tears streaming down his face. He was later exposed in a sex scandal and the woman reporter who exposed him was later killed by walking into a spinning airplane propeller. So you are right, the willing get killed. The poor woman, had no idea what she was stepping into.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
13 August, 2020 2:28 pm

Pat, Judaism is literally not figuratively, a Satanic cult and they ARE insane psychopaths…they murder whole nations, fast or slow, because they are a golem of the Rabbinate.

Reply to  Stefan
14 August, 2020 2:45 am

The Jews admit that their god is Lucifer, and their Talmud teaches the opposite of the Bible. So, yes, they are literally a satanic cult.

Reply to  Virginia
15 August, 2020 4:19 am

You are a Christian, I think. Pagans are not despised for the same reason Christians are, by Juden

Reply to  Stefan
17 August, 2020 6:39 pm

The Catholic Church adopted pagan traditions from the Celts in order to draw more parishioners.
The Catholic Church is not Christian because it follows St. Peter instead of Christ.
Christians have always been more generous whereas Judaism and the Catholic Church have always been about money!

Reply to  Virginia
18 August, 2020 9:07 am

Cathocuckism is 95% Paganism with a Romano-Jewish paintjob.
They falsified the names, backgrounds and locations, but left the basic framework intact to make it easier to ram a Middle Eastern death cult down White throats.

Reply to  Virginia
19 August, 2020 11:49 am

Christianity is Judaism for Europeans, Virginia…Christians a)Worship Jews. B) Hate Whites on their behalf. bending over backwards to vilify ‘Racists.’ while the Jews Orcs do the assaults on the demoralised.

This is NOT a Christian site, actually – it is Cosmotheist and Creativitist site for fans of Rockwell, Oliver and Pierce et al.

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
13 August, 2020 8:58 pm

It has always been about racism against whites!  
Here’s why:

Talmudic Anti-Christianity

The ultimate object of hatred in Talmudic Judaism is Christ, and the targets of Talmudic hatred are not just Gentile non-Jews, “the people who are like an ass — slaves who are considered the property of the master” (Talmud, Kethuboth 111a). Of these non-Jews, the Christians are most insanely hated and loathed because their doctrines are the opposite of every Talmudic doctrine. They rank not just as animals, like the rest of non-Talmudic humanity, but almost as vermin, to be eradicated. Language in the Talmud is virtually exhausted to find foul and hated names for Christians.

13 August, 2020 3:40 am

Great work.

13 August, 2020 9:40 am

I will disagree with what you said about Napoleon. When Napoleon came to power in 1799, he abolished the debt based banking system and instituted Banque De France which was debt free.Napoleon understood the debt based banking system well and had this to say on the topic: “The hand that gives is above the hand that takes. When the government is depended on the bank, they and not government are in control of the situation”. This resulted in the series of on and off wars known as the Napoleon Wars. Later in 1800 there was an assassination attempt by the former Jacobins, who were subsidized by the Rothschild, on Napoleon in hope of installing a debt based bank system in France. In 1803 British and France signed a peace treaty,… Read more »

Reply to  Bradley
13 August, 2020 12:31 pm

Well said. A respectful bow to you, Sir.

Sean Regan
Sean Regan
Reply to  Bradley
13 August, 2020 12:55 pm

Seems likely to me that both sides are right. Filled with “freedom” and “reason” propaganda, Napoleon did indeed loose the Jews on Europe — even if he had reservations. Later, with practical experience with the vermin, he regretted this and tried, rather ineffectually, to make up for his terrible mistake.

Reply to  Sean Regan
14 August, 2020 12:55 pm

Yep. Exactly! And I should’ve mentioned that liberalism in those times is not like today’s liberalism.It could be argued that today’s liberalism is just marxism disguised as liberalism.

Napoleon granted property right, abolished Serfdom and introduced meritocracy. These are the good aspects.

In fact, Hitler visited Napoleon’s Coffin. Did Hitler know about Napoleon’s struggle?

Reply to  Bradley
13 August, 2020 2:25 pm

All very well argued indeed.

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
Reply to  Bradley
14 August, 2020 7:17 am

Thank you Bradley. All grist for the mill.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
20 August, 2020 1:36 pm

comment image

“Les espérances planétariennes” is an important work by Hervé Ryssen and his dependence on exclusively French sources makes an interesting counterpoint to the English-language works on the subject.

The struggle to preserve white life cannot, it would seem, but culminate in a clash with its anti-white expectations — whether these stem from Jewish messianism, as Ryssen holds, or from those larger historical developments which have empowered them.


comment image

“Karl Kraus, the Austrian Jewish journalist who did not agree with Freud, wrote sarcastically: 

“Psychoanalysis is the mental illness of which it claims to be the cure”. 

But the right and the best formula can be stated in ten words:  

“Judaism is the disease that psychoanalysis is meant to cure.” 
