
Maryland: Black “Teens” Kill a White Man, Punished Only With “Anger Management,” “Behavior Modification,” Probation

TWO TEENAGE BROTHERS fatally attacked 59-year-old John Marvin Weed at a fair in Frederick, Maryland and spit on him while he was on the ground because “he declined to give them $1.”

From NBC Washington, “Teenage Brothers Fatally Attacked Man Who Refused to Give Them Money, Maryland Authorities Say”:

Two teenage brothers fatally attacked a man at an agricultural fair in Maryland after he refused to give them money, authorities said.

John Weed, 59, of Mount Airy was at the Great Frederick Fair Friday evening when the 15-year-old and 16-year-old approached him, authorities said. Several minutes after he declined to give them $1, the 15-year-old knocked him unconscious, prosecutors said.

“I think it’s despicable, and it tells me a lot about how these young people view this person by the very fact after they had him on the ground they taunted and they spit on him,” Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins said. “That to me shows hatred and disgust and despise.”

Medics flew him to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. He died there Saturday, the sheriff’s office said.

The 15-year-old boy was charged with first-degree assault, second-degree assault and reckless endangerment, the sheriff’s office said. His 16-year-old brother was charged with second-degree assault. They are charged as juveniles but the prosecutor may ask that they be tried as adults.

Here is a video showing one crucial moment of the attack:

If the races were reversed in this killing it would be the most popular story in the entire country with wall-to-wall media coverage and politicians demanding “action.” 

Instead, most Americans will never even hear John Marvin Weed’s name.

Frederick is a city in western Maryland where Marylanders fled to to escape the “cultural enrichment” in and around Washington, DC and Baltimore.

Like most of Maryland, it used to be a very nice place to live but just so happens to be going downhill in accordance with a massive population shift.

UPDATE: John Weed’s niece Jessica set up a GoFundMe to help defer “legal cost, medical bills, and funeral costs.”

On Friday September 20th, Jay (John Weed) went to the Great Frederick County Fair to spend an evening of fun and laughter with his sister, his nieces, their loves [sic] ones and his great niece and nephew. At 5:30pm he fell victim to an unprovoked, physical assault. He was air lifted to Shock Trauma in Baltimore, where they did everything they could to save his life. The damage to his brain was too severe. He was not coming back. Late Saturday afternoon with his Mother, Father and sister by his side he passed away. Please help my family during this extremely difficult time. We never imagined such a great man would have to die like this. We are seeking justice for him but will have to fight. Anything you can do is appreciated and will be used towards legal cost, medical bills, and funeral costs.

RIP, Jay.


16-year-old in Frederick Fair Assault Case Sentenced to Probation, Anger Management for Spitting on Mount Airy Man

A 16-year-old charged with assault after a Mount Airy man died as a result of an incident at the Great Frederick Fair was sentenced to probation and anger management in court Wednesday.

John Marvin Weed, 59, died after police say he was assaulted by 15- and 16-year-old brothers at the fair in September. The 16-year-old pleaded guilty July 8 in Frederick County Circuit Court to one count of second-degree assault, which his attorney said was specifically for spitting on Weed. His disposition hearing, akin to sentencing, was held Wednesday, according to a news release from the State’s Attorney for Frederick County.

Judge Julie Solt closed the courtroom to the public, at the request of the defense, the release reads. The judge has the discretion to close the courtroom in juvenile hearings.

Judge Julie Solt closed the courtroom to the public, at the request of the defense, the release reads. The judge has the discretion to close the courtroom in juvenile hearings.

The state and the victim’s family wanted the teen to be committed and placed in a juvenile treatment program, the release reads. Solt ordered he be placed on probation with conditions. In Frederick County juvenile court, probation is ordered for indefinite periods, the length depending on the juvenile’s needs and response to treatment, according to a spokesperson for the state’s attorney’s office.

Defense Attorney Speaks Out

The 16-year-old’s attorney, Stacey Steinmetz, said that although her client and the state’s attorney’s office do not agree on the facts of the case, she believes the justice system worked. She was glad the case remained in juvenile court, despite the state’s attempts to move it to the adult system.

“I think the court’s done a good job in a very difficult situation,” she said.

Steinmetz suggested there was more to the incident than what has been publicized. One of the results of taking a plea is that there was no trial to test the witnesses on both sides. If there were a trial, she said there would have been witnesses who said this was “not a completely unprovoked situation.”

“There were two sides to the story,” Steinmetz said.

The 16-year-old reacted to something that he was told happened to his brother, she said, declining to elaborate further.

That being said, Steinmetz said her client is remorseful for what occurred and wants to put this behind him.

“We wish peace to Mr. Weed’s family,” Steinmetz said, also describing that family as acting with compassion and grace throughout the proceedings.

Conditions of Probation

Conditions of the 16-year-old’s probation include, according to the state’s attorney spokesperson, participating in a victim awareness program to help juveniles understand the victims’ perspective. In the juvenile’s home, services will be put in place to serve counseling needs for the family, plus therapy for behavior modification and anger management, and anger management classes. The 16-year-old will also have to abide by standard conditions of probation such as obeying laws and going to school.

Steinmetz is confident he will meet the terms of probation. She said her client has shown over the past 300-some days that he is compliant and not dangerous.

Another disposition hearing is scheduled for this fall, during which the teen could be taken from the community and put in a juvenile facility if the court finds he is not compliant.

Weed’s family was present for Wednesday morning’s hearing and have appeared regularly for all of the hearings since the arrest of the teens in September of 2019, the release states.

The younger teen pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter April 29 and was sentenced to a long-term behavior modification program.

The Assault

Prosecutors say that just after 5:30 p.m. on Sept. 20, Weed was approached by the two teens and a couple of their friends while out with his family at the fair. The 15-year-old and another youth asked Weed for a dollar, and Weed told them no. That’s when a verbal altercation ensued.

Weed started to walk away, the teens followed him, and the 16-year-old punched him in the back of the head, according to a release from the state’s attorney’s office. As Weed “squared up” with the older brother, the 15-year-old came running and punched Weed with such force that he appeared to lose consciousness almost immediately, according to the release. While Weed was on the ground, the 16-year-old spat on him, the release reads.

Witnesses and the 15-year-old said in court April 29 there were no racial slurs used, according to a May 15 state’s attorney’s office release.

Weed was found on the ground near the midway area of the Frederick fairgrounds and was flown to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. He never regained consciousness and died a day later.

* * *

Source: Information Liberation and Baltimore Sun

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26 August, 2020 10:01 pm

La máquina de molienda de carne blanca nunca se detendrá, siempre y cuando los blancos estén dominados por el parásito semítico, que se alimenta de él.

27 August, 2020 7:15 pm

Anther valuable human life taken away by worthless orcs. Not a peep from America’s (((corporate))) media. That same media has the simple-minded, crime-prone orcs believing they are the ones being attacked. Are whites ever going to be fed up with it all?

27 August, 2020 8:51 pm

If only we could pin how and why blacks have developed this “you owe me” entitled attitude and the lax laws that do not punish blacks as Whites are punished. You all know if the races were reversed the killers would be charged as adults and have hate charges added too. If only we could find a group responsible we could, oh, I don’t know, convict them of murder and genocide and hang t.h.e.m. for killing us by proxies?

Reply to  Joe
31 August, 2020 7:21 pm

Taken from henrymakow Maybe when this starts happening again ? (Leo Frank hangs. “Lynch law better than no law,” said Tom Watson)  In March 2015, the state of Georgia passed a “Religious Liberty Bill” which  allowed Christians to abstain from doing business with LGBT people in accordance with their religious principles. Governor Nathan Deal was forced to veto the bill after coming under intense pressure from the CEO’s of Coca Cola, TimeWarner, Disney, and 400 other large companies  controlled by the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel which is foisting gender dysphoria on the US population to destabilize it.  Governor Deal’s capitulation to Wall Street reminded E. Michael Jones  of another Georgia Governor John Slaton who was almost lynched  when he capitulated to Wall Street Jews in 1915. When Slaton commuted  the death sentence… Read more »

Reply to  cas
1 September, 2020 7:22 am

When one is aware of “the jew” one realizes we have but two options. 1 Continued warfare, brutal policing, noahide as law, allopathy as medicine and short lives. 2 We remove “the jew” in toto and all previously mentioned fades from reality as we know judaic terror cannot exist without “the jew”. “We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force.” Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965. “You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We… Read more »

4 September, 2020 5:39 am

No great outcry by Our Controlled media!!