David SimsEssays

The Slow-Boiling War

Here we see some participants at an NFAC picnic. Because you didn’t want Jews to call you “racist,” this is what America has come to. And they’re going to call you “racist” anyway.

by David Sims

ON SATURDAY, 25 July 2020, a large group of Blacks, armed with assault rifles and long guns, marched with weapons at the ready down the streets of Louisville, Kentucky. The armed Blacks were members of the “Not F___ing Around Coalition” (NFAC) [We at NV don’t use such language, but they do. — Ed.]. As is common when Blacks handle guns, there was, indeed, a bit of F.A. when one of the Blacks accidentally squeezed the trigger on his gun and, with a bang, injured three of his brothas, who had to go to the hospital.

Misleading pictures of White militiamen are appearing on Twitter and in the mainstream media, adjacent to stories about the NFAC shooting in Louisville. The intent of this juxtaposition, of course, is to suggest that the shooting was done by someone White, when, in fact, it was done by someone Black.

Later on that same day, in Austin, Texas, an as-yet unidentified motorist found his way blocked by a Black Lives Matter protest group. He drove toward the group while sounding the horn of his car. Most of the BLM group scattered out of the way because the driver showed no sign of slowing down. But one of the BLM marchers, a White race traitor named Garrett Foster, walked straight toward the car and reportedly aimed his gun at the driver, and several of the other marchers did fire shots at the car. The driver returned fire and killed Foster, then sped away.

The driver, once away from the BLM protesters, called 911 and reported the incident. The police came out and questioned the driver, who said that he shot Foster because Foster was bringing his rifle to bear upon him and because other people had fired shots at his car. The police are investigating, but the driver was not jailed.

* * *

Source: Author

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29 July, 2020 1:25 am

What remains hidden from the false multicultural unit, and diversity is our strength, is coming to light as an absolute falsehood. Systems need an acceptable amount of symmetry (Race, Culture, Lifestyle), otherwise they collapse. The racial-socio-cultural-ancestral asymmetry created by the Semitic parasite is in absolute chaos. It is time to take advantage of this situation.

Reply to  Panadechi
29 July, 2020 11:41 am

Hi Panadechi, how would you like to contribute towards taking advantage of this situation? Im always interested in what others are doing to set the example for others to emulate.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
29 July, 2020 3:14 pm

I recommend you read the “Art of War”, written by the Chinese general, Sun Tzu, 2500 years ago, on bamboo papyri.

Reply to  Panadechi
30 July, 2020 1:43 am

Panadechi, I take it you have read “Art of War” and are applying its principles. But I asked “how would you like to contribute” and I’m at something of a loss to divine how recommending a book written on bamboo papyri is how you’re “taking advantage of this situation.”

But perhaps you’re an experienced practitioner of war as well as instructor in that art. I really don’t know…could you elaborate? Thanks!

Reply to  JM/Iowa
29 July, 2020 4:08 pm

Right now, I think most of the resistance is of a passive-aggressive nature. The numerous logical contradictions in the “rainbow coalition” are starting to fray its cohesiveness as they start turning on each other. One example is the National Museum of African American History and Culture ( a Smithsonian institution!) published a list of “signs of whiteness”. One of these signs was “logical, linear thinking emphasizing cause and effect behind the scientific method”. So the next time some white liberal lectures you on the “science” behind climate change or coronavirus, ask them why they are perpetuating whiteness and throw this in their face. The NMAAHC had to remove the list because of the widespread ridicule but they did not renounce it. Ironically and not surprisingly, the list was compiled by… Read more »

Reply to  guest
30 July, 2020 9:32 pm

Climate change is occurring because we are experiencing the peak temperatures of a solar cycle that has occurred about every 200 years for the previous 10,000 years. It is not due to the one human-produced CO2 molecule per 85,000 molecules in the atmosphere. A financial scam is in operation, just like the hole in the ozone layer Freon scam. DuPont had its own product banned to prevent competitors making the stuff after the patent expired. The greatest level of Freon in the upper atmosphere was 5 parts per billion, 5 cubic millimetres in a thousand kilometre cube.

Reply to  JM/Iowa
29 July, 2020 4:11 pm

Somebody has been putting up flyers in Brooklyn saying “Jewish Lives Matter Most” While jews can be pretty tone deaf in pushing their superiority, I suspect the person putting these up is not a believer in jewish superiority.


Art Thief
Art Thief
29 July, 2020 8:24 am

The police are investigating, but the driver was not jailed.


Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
29 July, 2020 3:35 pm

If I was the driver, I would have said bollocks to the cops. That’s the difference between us and the kaffirs and the left. We have a sense of honour.

29 July, 2020 3:49 pm

I did some research and found out that negroes have never won a battle or a war without overwhelming numbers (at Isandlwana they had at least a 5:1 superiority) and outside help.