The Media Are Lying About the Armed White Woman at Chipotle
by David Sims
IF THE Jewish-dominated “mainstream” media (MSM) have persuaded you to find fault with the White woman in the confrontation at a Chipotle restaurant in Michigan, then let me say that you should know better than to take anything the MSM says about any racial confrontation at face value.
In order to give the impression that the White woman was the aggressor, the mainstream media clipped off more than two minutes of video and only showed their viewers the final 40 seconds, when the White woman finally had had enough of Black intimidation and threats, pulled a gun, and warned the Blacks to back off.
When you watch the entire video, it becomes clear that the Blacks were the aggressors. Learn from this. Have some faith in your fellow White people. Understand that the mainstream media are owned by the enemies of White people and that the favorite weapon of our enemies is deception.
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Source: Author
Their first mistake was eating at Chipotle. Chipotle has donated to BLM and should be boycotted.
I know it is a conservative site but here is a list of corporations that sympathize with the negroes. All must be boycotted! Plus you are going to need to save every dollar you can for the coming depression.
Buy used.
Buy off brand.
Buy local.
Or don’t buy at all.
Starting to look like latter day South Africa in Michigan with BLM getting to the Mayor. And its not the mayor or the cops that are the real problem, they are just clay. It’s the white folks who will look at this and send in a donation to BLM for their great struggle.
I never had any doubt but what you said needs to be said as many whites still trust the (((media)))…
This is brought home even further in “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin.”
Low IQ Whites don’t read. They watch TV (MSM) on their TV couches.
Looks like we each need a plan on what to do when you have an interaction with a negro. 1. AVOID whenever possible. 2. If asked a question or for help just say shrug your shoulders and move on. 3. If more confrontational, just get out if possible and move to an area where there are White witnesses such as a store or office building. Often these places have security cameras that can record events if you are followed. 4. Use your own camera to record in a calm voice that you are not confrontational and are leaving. 5. If the interaction is a result of your job requirements such as sales assistant at a store, get an associate to witness the interaction. You might suggest this to the management… Read more »
Very Good Advice.
They’ve been doing this for many years, even in high profile incidents where one would think that it would be difficult for them to maintain credibility. For example, the Rodney King footage, where he gets up and attacks the police prior to the beating. I still remember when CNN played footage of Palestinians celebrating right after 911, when in fact the footage was actually from years earlier.
Greetings Joseph Tone. Was anyone prosecuted for deceiving the public and slandering the Palestinians? Ha, only joking.
Three or more blacks harassing and threatening a lone white pregnant women and filming it, believing how “racist” this white woman was just for minding her own business and trying to get home. Those black women behaved like a pack of jackals. All fomented by Jews telling blacks they can Lynch whites and post it on jew media. I never acknowledge blacks unless they get in my face, then they get a cold hard stare. Just as well that white mother had her Hammer of Thor with her.
Definitely out of context but this woman asked for it. By making an issue and not just getting the hell outta dodge. You avoid at nearly all costs! Never instigate and never confront over stupid things. Property damage is nothing compared to what this woman will go through now.
That’s 100% Correct. Avoid these people like the plague.
I’d say in the last week or so, the MSM has treated us to a daily dose of ‘racist Karens’ verbally or even physically assaulting poor, defenseless blacks. It seems rather suspect to me, so I’ve been taking them with a grain of salt. The one that concerned me was the actual Karen, a black woman, working for WaPo that said us white women are lucky they aren’t going for revenge against us. To me, that was basically a call to action/violence — like it’s now open season on white women. I’ve never been rude to a black person, my interactions with them are very limited because of where I live. My family had no part in their oppression, as they only came to this country in the last 50… Read more »
I’m a 66 yr old white Woman who Totes a .38
I saw an article of the incident when i visited the BBC news site this morning. Why should it be considered news worthy for European visitors to read about a trivial conflict on a parking lot on the other side of the planet?
It is almost as if the news outlets have an agenda. But it must be anti-semitic to believe anything so preposterous.
And a few pixels away on the very same site there was a link to a propaganda piece about black entrepreneurs, where one black woman says “I must start off by making very clear how immensely proud I am of the colour of my skin”.
Could you imagine an article being published where a white person would be allowed to say that about themselves?
Greetings another Swede. Can you imagine the result if White electronic technicians decide to withdraw their services from the mendacious electronic media? Within months the media would collapse.
Please, sign the petition to have the charges dropped against the Wuestenbergs.
Her only mistake was that she didn’t already have a round in the chamber.
You can’t talk to these people. You cannot reason with these people. Don’t look at them, don’t talk to them and definitely never touch them. Avoid them like the plague. If they touch you or confront you, ignore and continue on your way. If they get violent, draw. If they get physically violent, defend yourself with force if necessary. If they touch you or confront you, ignore and continue on your way. If they prevent your movement in any way, they are holding you hostage and it is kidnapping. Try to continue on your way. If they continue to prevent your movement, defend yourself with force if necessary. You can’t talk to these people. You cannot reason with these people. Don’t look at them, don’t talk to them and definitely… Read more »
I saw the whole, unedited video on BitChute shortly after it happened. It was all over the site :) Maybe the boogaloos got E. coli……