Heroism: 6-Year-Old Wyoming Boy Sets the 2020 Standard for White Manhood
by James Harting
JULY 9th of this year saw six-year-old Bridger Walker and his four-year-old sister playing in a friend’s backyard in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Also in the yard were two dogs, one, said Bridger, was “nice” but the other one was “mean.” Suddenly and without warning, the mean dog (a one-year-old German Shepherd mix) charged at Bridger’s sister, snarling and snapping viciously. Without hesitation, Bridger threw himself between his sister and the attacking canine.
The dog lunged at him, clamping on to the young boy’s face. Bridger struggled with the out-of-control animal and eventually wrested himself free. The dog remained in front of him, barking aggressively. Bridger then took his sister by the hand and led her to safety. He subsequently received 90 stitches to close the wounds made by the dog, including some made perilously close to his left eye. When his father asked him why he did what he did, his son answered, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”
There has been an outpouring of publicity and support for Bridger’s heroic courage. He has received messages of congratulations from celebrities and has been interviewed by the media. He told the reporters that his interests are “geology” (that is, rocks) and superheroes. At age six, the irony has escaped him: Captain America is an imaginary superhero — but Bridger is one in real life.
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We live in an era when many White people prefer to bow down and grovel before their racial enemies rather to stand up to them. Other Whites adopt a neutral stance and are neither defiant nor compliant. Both postures offer some degree of safety to besieged Whites, in the same manner that a man being beaten will curl up in a fetal position so as not to anger his attacker further by resisting him.
In Richmond, Virginia, former capital of the Confederacy, White men stand on the sidelines and curse quietly to themselves while rampaging mobs of anti-Whites tear down the statues commemorating their heritage. The police also watch silently and do nothing. Whatever their private sentiments may be, they have been ordered by their superiors not to intervene and enforce the law. For a White officer to go against orders would jeopardize his career. So, it’s safer for them to let the anti-Whites have their way, even though they know that it is not right.
You can easily find videos on YouTube that show a White man or woman being brutally beaten by a pack of inner city “youfs.” In the background, other Whites stand by with their hands in their pockets, watching idly with blank expressions on their faces. You can read their minds: “Man, I’m glad that’s not me!”
But it was not always like this. I can well remember growing up in an America in which I, and every other boy in my class, wanted to be Davy Crockett, the pioneer who willingly gave his life fighting against overwhelming odds at the Alamo. Heroism was the ruling ideal of the day; every boy wanted to be a hero, and every girl wanted to marry one.
And such has it been for countless thousands of years of White history.
In his editorial in issue number three of National Socialist World (Spring 1967), Dr. William L. Pierce called attention to a striking sentence from Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:
Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans devoted their lives at Thermopylae; but the education of the infant, the boy, and the man had prepared, and almost ensured, this memorable sacrifice; and each Spartan would approve, rather than admire, an act of duty of which himself and eight thousand of his fellow-citizens were equally capable.
So it is when heroism is the ideal. But in today’s collapsing, degenerate society, it is victimhood that is lionized, not self-sacrifice for one’s community. It is the victim who is the culture hero, not someone who places the good of others before his own welfare.
Sadly, I have met young middle class Whites, who live lives of comfort and, yes, privilege, that are the envy of 98 percent of the world’s population – and who nonetheless seek to define themselves as “victims” in some way or another of “cis-gendered capitalist patriarchy.” For in a world in which victimhood is the most exalted state of being, how could they possibly bear not to be victims themselves?
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But in his own quiet, unselfconscious way, Bridger Walker has held up a different standard of behavior for White people today. The heroic courage that he displayed cannot be taught: it is innate. Either you have it or you don’t. It can be encouraged or it can be suppressed, but it cannot be created out of thin air.
Heroism is one of the defining traits of the Aryan peoples. It is based on the idea that the common good comes before the good of the individual. The capacity for heroic behavior sleeps inside each of us, ready to spring to life when the need arises.
Heed the call when you hear it!
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Source: New Order
It’s nice to every once and a while read about something that celebrates life and those forces that keep it alive. I’m glad Mrs. Bridger chose life. I’m glad National Vanguard found and printed this story for a glimpse of inspiration in an otherwise totally seduced world.
Wear that scar proudly through life, young man!
Excellent article.
Is heroism innate to our people? Sometimes I wonder as I observe so many who will read the words here on NV yet refrain from any pro-Aryan activity to recruit, organize, educate and other activities in the service of our kind. Even sending $20 per month seems to be too much to ask.
I know exactly what you mean JM. So many commentators on thus platform are not members. They cheer for us quietly behind computer screens. Using made up names they tell us how to change the world. GET OUT HERE AND FIGHT WHITE MAN!
Your own example is exemplary, Donald. I won’t go into details here, but thanks for all you do.
Greetings Donald. Every day I cheer for us. When you know my name you will make me useless!
I currently live here in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I applaud this young man. This BLM bollocks isn’t going on here. I left Old Blighty awhile ago, because of all of cocking up back in my native England. The people out here are mostly salt of the Earth. The only ones I see sympathetic to the kaffirs are slags who are shagging them and your self hating Whites.
He’s an awesome little guy!! He has no idea what he symbolizes, but it’s good to know that it’s NOT dead and gone!! THIS is how a MAN is created. Good job mom and dad.
What a great little hero. He loves and protects his little sister and doesn’t give a hoot if his vest is buttoned wrong for the photo. It’s too bad about the German shepherd. That’s a wonderful breed, but that one needs to be put down.
His vest is buttoned up sideways, ain’t it?! Bless the little tyke’s heart! What an adorable couple of kids. I hope they grow up to be strong, well-adjusted adults. Their folks ought to be very proud.
What is America’s highest bravery award?
It depends on who’s giving it. In the Alliance it might have been something as simple as the rare gold Life Rune lapel pin awarded a member by Dr. Pierce for repeated acts of selfless moral courage in the face of our deadly enemy.
As Napoleon said, give me enough medals and I can win any war. Does anyone have a laser metal cutter for stainless steel sheet.
Dobermans were bred in Germany to protect tax collectors.
I am very proud on his behalf but the picture of these two lovely white kids also makes me very sad.
They will grow up in this society, and remember that the most repulsive and decadent white filth we see today once were children like these two.
This society, which raises our children to throw their pearls before swine.
So what will we do, and what can we do?
At first I actually thought this boy was attacked by blacks after the other horrible stories I’ve read. I was relieved to find out it was an actual dog, but it is still a horrific attack for him to have faced nonetheless.
It was very brave of him to protect his sister, it’s too bad he was unable to shield his face or keep the dog at bay with a stick or some defense object. I really hope his attack wounds are healing well, and that the visibility of his scars will dissipate in time.
Bridger Walker likes geology. What can people do for him? How can people help this heroic champion help his career and interests?
The thing is that if the boy had defended his sister from a non-White human, he might be under arrest right now, for ‘assault’. At 6 years of age……
Also, the boys who wanted to be Davy Crockett when the Disney show ‘King of the Wild Frontier’ was the hottest ticket going are precisely the ones who are now not only standing around with their hands in their pockets when a White person gets robbed, beaten, raped or killed, they helped bring the current situation about and are currently lockstepping off a cliff -6 feet apart and muzzled, of course – and are doing their very damndest to drag everyone else down with them.
What’s the male version of ‘Karen’ ?
National Vanguard – Send the boy a Medal, so that there will be something concrete for him, his sister, and his kin to remember the valor he bestowed upon the world that day.
Whatever you use as your symbolism (I myself like the howling wolf at the moon with some kind of runic cross, but believe you use something akin to the Tyr Rune, please correct me of my ignorance), but do your part as well in making sure that boys future remains bright.
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I salute the boy’s heroism. I condemn whoever thought leaving an unstable dog with two young children was a good idea. Also parents with very young children (age 0 – 4) should keep dogs separated from them regardless of history. Dog attacks on people are increasing per https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/20/07/r16654905/nonprofit-releases-2019-dog-bite-fatality-statistics-attacks-and-adult-victims-rise-and-trends-fro . As of now there is a horrific news report of a young girl attacked by a pit bull. The presence of vicious dogs running wildly, feral or escaping from backyards, is a sign of 3rd Worldism.