Aimée Terese — A Witty Marxist and Fetching Thorn in the Side of “Woke” Liberals

— Relevant/Suggested Read: “The White Race as Global Proletariat”
AIMÉE TERESE is an Australian Marxist who was banned from Twitter for her highly entertaining posts savaging “woke” liberalism as nothing more than a fake protest movement led by useful idiots unwittingly serving the interests of big capital. I find her infinitely more fascinating than any supposedly “right-wing” Christian, libertarian or conservative.
Below is a collection of my favorite Aimee Terese tweets sourced mainly from an American Renaissance article by Chris Roberts titled “Aimee Terese — Contrarian, Marxist — White Advocate?”
It will never not disturb me that “white supremacy” discourse has increased almost in tandem with deaths of despair and a declining life expectancy among non-college graduate white people.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) September 30, 2019
Among *social liberals*, learning about white privilege reduces sympathy, increases blame . . . for white people struggling with *poverty*.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) May 2, 2019
If you talk a big game about “democratising the economy” at the same time as advocating open borders, you understand neither, and you’re a propagandist for capital.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) November 28, 2019
Imagine presenting yourself as a Marxist podcast and joking about white genocide whilst deaths of despair continue to rise, and the life expectancy of white people decreases.
This type of elitist drivel helps generate the white supremacist enemy it purports to condemn.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) August 22, 2019
Tucker was on msnbc just a few years ago but now he’s kkk!? Lmao everything he’s saying here is absolutely correct.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) October 30, 2019
“Tulsi never denied being a Russian asset.”- msnbc
But yeah boycott Fox because racism… (only anti war voice on cable = Tucker)
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) October 20, 2019
Liberalism is just an endless fucking loop of cliches and condescension.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) January 27, 2019
The professional left rewards treachery and encourages hyper-individualistic capital accumulation. They’re the ideological handmaidens of neoliberal acceleration and alienation.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) October 5, 2019
[1979] playboy exploiting naked women, “radically progressive”.
[2019] playboy exploiting shitty woke tropes to advance progressive neoliberalism, “radically progressive”.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) May 4, 2019
The hysterical discourses of our era –#metoo prime among them – adopt a patina of sexual moralism, but the sex is a mere cloak by which bourgeoise ideology propagates & reproduces itself. Discursive gasoline poured on a fire of neoliberal acceleration, atomisation and alienation.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) May 6, 2019
“How could I defend a man accused of rape without appearing insensitive to the #MeToo movement?”
This sentiment from an experienced criminal defence attorney scares the life out of me.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) December 11, 2018
I’ve said it a thousand times, #metoo was a political weapon by which wealthy women leveraged career opportunities, it had nothing to do with justice, equity, or harassment.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) March 23, 2019
#metoo is long awaited catharsis for aging starfuckers everywhere.
That time your naked 19 year old self gave a handy to a celebrity photographer is now your trauma ticket to the 15 minutes of fame you were denied back then. He and the skin pics are finally going to pay off!— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) June 17, 2019
There’s a curious irony in the way identitarian discourse is deployed and policed. In the absence of any identitarian bona fides themselves, elite white liberal men are incentivised to act as hypervigilant boundary police, vitriolic guardians of the virtue galaxy.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) April 10, 2019
Am I the only one getting bored with this neo-Victorian age of woke men tone policing other men’s language for the ‘benefit’ of women? Enough with the white knight bullshit, our delicate lady ears have enough agency to handle a little smut . . . .
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) November 22, 2017
The new face of empire is going to be woke as fuck. It will be laundered through photo shoots with “grass roots” activists, incorporating authentic voices™, adopting an anti-imperialist, intersectional vernacular & will use climate & “anti-fascism” etc as pretexts for invasion.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) November 17, 2019
The actually existing left is not recognisably left at all. They’re rich liberals acting in their material interests. It’s in their material interests to denigrate poor white people and fetishise poor brown people so they can provide nothing to the working class of any colour.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) November 1, 2019
Cancel culture is the culture of an elite media mafia. Any dissent = mutually assured destruction. Kiss the ring of the Capo, take out a few hits, look the other way when the bodies are buried — you’re a made man.
“Nice career you got here. Boy it’d be a real shame if….”
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) October 30, 2019
“Cancel culture”
– doesn’t exist
– has never existed
– has always existed
– is good actually
– more cancellations are more good
– anti cancellation = Hitler— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) October 1, 2019
Much like #metoo, cancel culture is a political weapon. And like all political weapons, it’s wielded selectively. It’s successes inevitably reflect existing power relations and the existing normative consensus.
This is why leftists should wield that weapon with extreme caution.
— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) February 9, 2019
I can’t help but like this chick a lot. She represents the distilled feminine essence of the edgy, fun, and legitimately transgressive aspects of the old Left… But of course because of that, she’s been #cancelled.
* * *
Source: Author
She is so seriously Marxist and anti-capitalist that she sips from a can of Red Bull, a private enterprise founded by a capitalist Austrian businessman and a right-wing Thai investor family who is also the sole authorized importer of Ferrari luxury cars into Thailand.
That’s why these brainwashed girls never stop amusing me. Shouldn’t she sip from some proletarian energy drink that was mixed in a shack in Cuba?
Greetings Mencken’s Ghost. Not even Karl Marx was a Marxist. His personal life reflected the opposite of that which he espoused..
Pretty much true to be honest. Have you ever heard of Roland Baader? He was a great German (right wing) libertarian and Austrian School economist. Unfortunately, most of his writings weren’t translated into English so I can’t post his analysis on the parasite Marx here. Marx proved what Tucker regularly mentions. Marxists are all about projection. They project their own negative character traits – envy, greed, laziness etc. – onto their enemies. Marx was a parasitic moocher who never saw a factory from inside and never had a conversation with a worker, except when he spoke down to them. He even wore tailored suits that he financed by selling the belongings of his own wife. There’s but one of Baader’s works in English in case you’re interested in monetary theory.… Read more »
What did Marx “espouse”? He wasn’t a reformer or religious leader, it was about observations and philosophy. Historic analysis and mass political programs that transcend the lives of any one in particular. The 10 planks of the Manifesto are now widespread reality, and will soon converge into real Socialism.
That and a few other things make me seriously wonder if she’s /ourgirl/ and just wearing the marxist label (and dropping a few marxy tropes) to throw off the scent.
It could be. Clever works..
Socialism will benefit all classes incl. race relations and the population question
Did you even read the full article? Really? It’s not looking like it. What isn’t there to like about the selection of Tweets provided?
But still, in the end, she is the enemy and she will take a stand against all white nationalists when and if the pressure will rise.
That time and that day she is one of those who will attack us without mercy.
Besides, she does not “talk straight.” She sounds like she has read a lot. She perhaps could balance that by doing some manual labor? In my experience, nothing grounds a person more than toil in the hot sun.
Might be so.
But people like her, i have my serious doubts about them.
Can’t ever trust them no matter what.
I find a snake much more reliable, at least a snake is not into hypocrisy.
poor victim you are the martyr oppressed by cute girls
“Liberalism is just an endless fucking loop of cliches and condescension.” “Am I the only one getting bored with this neo-Victorian age of woke men tone policing other men’s language for the ‘benefit’ of women? Enough with the white knight bullshit…” And, yet, when I go to make this comment, what do I get from the prudes at National Vanguard but, “Do not use crude or obscene language — absolutely none.” Don’t get me wrong. I like NV. In fact, I tell everyone I know that it’s the “real news – with ZERO kike bias!” but the puritanical “no foul language” dictum is a turn-off.* It seems to be a recurring theme among informed news sites too. “The Realist Report” comes to mind. I like their articles as well, but… Read more »
I don’t think that I, or Dr. Pierce, or Revilo Oliver, are non-intellects. What might appear to be hypocrisy in this one post is really just some very busy and very hard-working people who can’t always confer on every single detail. We have a team, and I can’t always review everything personally every time, though I do give the team general instructions. I would have partially redacted a bit of the subject’s filthy language here, had I reviewed the piece. You can blame it all on me. Though I am hardly a Puritan, and though I have failed to follow my own rules on a few occasions, I do have a strong belief that words relating to sex should not be used as curse words, nor should such words be… Read more »
Greetings Ann T. Zemitik. What a creative name you have! Swearing is a cultural thing. If I swear at you and insult you as often as you swear at me and insult me then we can both be friends.
It appears that she memorized a ton of Marxist anti-language and queer, leftist tropisms……big deal….
She “so smart and edgy”…she has no idea what side she’s on.
This helps nothing. More Jew claptrap.
Her new account, , has some likeable tweets from this year, though most I read are beyond my understanding. Here’s a few that made sense to me: @aimeeterese1 aimeeterese Retweeted szyfr @_basant2 Jan 14 WHAT THE F**K! @aimeeterese has been one of the best most thought-provoking posters on Twitter. She’s also been a great teacher of politics and very kind to her followers. She has been outspoken despite thousands of attempts at cancellation. This is unacceptable. Reinstate her [red angry face emoji deleted] Jan 16 It is difficult for me to believe that the opiate crisis that afflicts White, rural communities was merely an act of capitalism run amok. It strikes me as naive to think that it coincidentally happened at the exact time as the reign of identity… Read more »
I’m not sure who decided this person was something to be admired, but I disagree wholly.. I can’t help but like this chick a lot. She represents the distilled feminine essence of the edgy, fun, and legitimately transgressive aspects of the old Left I on the other hand, do NOT like her. I think she has a disgusting use of language that comes from a corrupt and disgusting mind. I suppose the purpose of this article is to point out that the left “cancels” other leftists who step out of line. I don’t need a reminder, in fact a much more interesting case is when BLM was trying to call out the Jew, and that resulted in Jews screeching about how they can’t genocide, because they were genocided. There can… Read more »
Has she committed herself to a White man and having children? That seems more important than her criticisms of the “woke.”
Ask her out already. But please spare the rest of us your delusion that “this chick” is admirable in any way whatsoever. She isn’t.
If she resides in the Democratic People’s Republic of Victoria, she’s not only cancelled, but may be under virtual house arrest for the next 2-3 years because VY-RUSSS.
Daily visits from the thought police to make sure she wears her face diaper even to bed and wipes down her touchscreen with hand-sanitizer after every tweet.