When the Twain Do Meet
by Revilo P. Oliver
ON THE first of July, 1937, Amelia Earhart (Mrs. George P. Putnam), a celebrated aviatrix, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic and also the first woman to traverse that ocean in a solo flight like Lindbergh’s, seemed likely to become the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by air. Flying a specially designed twin-engine craft, and accompanied by Frederick J. Noonan, she took off from an airfield in New Guinea, intending to land on Howland Island, a tiny islet with a surface of less than three-quarters of a square mile in the middle of the Pacific, a little north of the equator, 176.4 degrees west of Greenwich, and about 1620 miles southwest of Honolulu. She never reached her destination.
An intensive and prolonged search by the U.S. Navy, continued privately by her husband, failed to disclose any trace of her, her companion, or her plane. It was assumed that the plane had fallen and sunk in the lonely waters of the Pacific, and reference works now give the date of her death as 1937, wrongly, it seems. Vincent Loomis’s investigations have evidently solved the mystery of her fate. With the journalistic assistance of Jeffrey Ethell, he reports his findings in a small book published by Random House, Amelia Earhart: The Final Story. If the evidence he presents is authentic,(1) it is conclusive.
By a gross but inexplicable error in navigation (presumably Noonan’s), Amelia Earhart had to make an emergency landing on 2 July at Mili, 6.08 degrees north, 171.48 degrees east, the southeastern-most of the Ratak Chain of the Marshall Islands, which Japan took from Germany in the First World War. The Japanese, who were building airfields and making other military installations on the Marshall Islands, arrested Mrs. Putnam and Mr. Noonan and took them to their base on Saipan. They assured the United States that they had made an exhaustive search of their islands and adjacent waters and had found no trace of the missing plane or its occupants.
On Saipan, the Japanese soon executed Noonan, who seems to have placed some reliance on the fact that he was a White man and did not realize how far the Americans had already gone in making themselves contemptible in the eyes of other races. The aviatrix was held in a mild captivity, permitted her liberty on the island, but, of course, prevented from leaving it. She succumbed to a tropical disease about a year later.
It will be remembered that July 1937 also marked the beginning of the second Sino-Japanese War, which occasioned floods of hogwash in the American press, and that in the preceding year Japan had signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, allying herself with Germany against the Holy Land of American “Liberals,” the Soviet Union, to the great displeasure of Stalin’s secret ally and stooge, the foul War Criminal who, from his filthy lair in the White House, was putting forth all his efforts to get a catastrophic war started in Europe to please the Jews and procure the triumph of the Bolsheviks over Western Civilization.
Now the Japanese obviously could have obtained credit, even in the American press, by rescuing the famous aviatrix and her companion, and with a little of the suave courtesy they know how to use with White Devils, they could have won the sympathies of a very prominent woman, who was regarded as the female counterpart of Colonel Lindbergh and who would have been an easy mark, since she, like so many American women, was addicted to the fantasies of pacifism and even some of the hallucinations of “brotherhood” and world peace-posh. What Loomis and his writer fail to realize is that the Japanese did not take that opportunity because there is a virtually impassable mental barrier between races.
It is most unlikely that Amelia Earhart and her companion, intent on saving their own lives from the sea, observed anything of importance on the Marshall Islands, or would have understood it if they did. They probably would have regarded airfields and the like as merely normal progress and evidence of Japanese concern for the natives on their islands. And even if they had recognized the military purpose of the work, they might not have known why it was technically improper for the Japanese to fortify their own colonial possessions.(2) But let us assume that they observed accurately everything that was to be seen and reported it on their return to the United States. What harm could that conceivably have done? There might have been a little moralistic squawking from American blabber mouths, but it would scarcely have been perceived in the din those geese made when excited by Japan’s military operations in northern China. The fetid thing in the White House could have done nothing about it except vary a little his jabber about “quarantining aggressors” to cover his preparations for the most insane war of aggression in human history. The Americans, drugged with pacifism and similar hokum, would never have permitted a declaration of war on Japan for the sake of reestablishing the supremacy of our befuddled race, the only intelligible purpose of such a war. In 1937, Roosevelt could not even have used the American navy for secret aggression against Japan as he was later do use it against Germany. And he undoubtedly wanted to save the lives and the resources of the American people for use against Germany when he finally succeeded in contriving, with aid of British traitors, the war against our race which ended in the Suicide of the West. We all know that it was only as a last resort, when other devices had failed, that he used Japan as a pretext for driving Americans to the slaughter.
(Incidentally, the disappearance of Amelia Earhart naturally excited the usual flood of wild stories from persons who thought or pretended they had some relevant information. One of these closely approximated Loomis’s findings and could have had a basis in some leakage of information from Japan, but it was more probably no more than a reasonable inference about what could have happened. For years after the disappearance there were from time to time rumors that the two aviators had survived the crash of their plane on some atoll in the Pacific, uninhabited or inhabited only by savages; that they had landed in Japanese territory was a more likely guess.)
All this, however, was something the Japanese, although highly intelligent and provided with a vast accumulation of data by their diligent spies, could not really understand. An intelligent Japanese, landing on a strategically located island in American possession, would have observed everything he could and would faithfully have reported it to his government. And the Mikado, if his advisers thought American activity on that island inimical to Japanese interests, could have ordered his armed forces and his whole nation to take any action he deemed expedient. And the Japanese never really realized as a practical matter that the diseased monster in the White House could not do likewise.
In 1937, moreover, the Japanese were still puzzled by the Americans, strange beings whom they simply could not understand. Their spies had reported the vast resources of the United States, but Japanese, being rationally aware of their own race, could only wonder at the conduct of a people who wallowed happily in the filth and stench of their Melting Pot and were forever trying to do good to other races from some masochistic desire to harm themselves. Could that be some subtle pretense to lull their enemies into negligence? And could the Americans be as stupid as they seemed to be? For example, they were perpetually jabbering pacifistic nonsense, and they elected to their presidency a crackpot named Woodrow Wilson, but when that jabberwocky began to rave about a “war to end wars,” the nitwits, instead of putting him in a strait-jacket, became delirious with enthusiasm for a war from which they proudly proclaimed they would derive no benefit and would only squander the lives of their young men and the resources of their nation. To the rational Japanese, the Americans seemed a horde of lunatics, babbling about nonsense until some influence, perhaps a phase of the moon at a perigee, excited them to homicidal and suicidal frenzy. But yet, could that be the explanation of a people who had somehow acquired a potential of enormous power, far greater than that of Japan? In 1937, the answer was by no means obvious to the Japanese. So to the officers in command on the islands it seemed safest to adopt a policy which meant that the two American aviators could never be permitted to return from captivity alive. Perhaps the remarkable thing is that they spared the life of Mrs. Putnam, probably from some admiration for the courage of a female who had dared to fly over great oceans.
The fate of Mrs. Putnam and Mr. Noonan was indeed deplorable and will excite compassion in every Aryan heart. But if you read Mr. Loomis’s book, do not permit yourself to be distracted by moralistic palaver, but try instead to understand what happened rationally. The Japanese are a great race, and I have tried to do them justice in The Yellow Peril. But they have not contracted the terminal disease of nations, and today, when they buy up your land and plant their factories in the country that once was yours, do not imagine, even for an instant, that they have forgotten 1945.
(1) I see no reason for questioning Loomis’s report, but my proviso is necessary in an age in which deluding the American boobs has become an industry in itself, and almost every week supposedly reputable publishers bring out some bucket of slop about the Jews’ great Holohoax. Most Americans today were, as children, sent by their thoughtless parents to the public boob-hatcheries, where expert “educators” injected “One-World” pus to coagulate the racial segment of their brains, and induced ignorance so total that today there is an outbreak of “creation scientists,” who are not hallucinated yokels, but persons who have actually been given academic degrees in some genuine science, although obviously ignorant of scientific method. In our time, it would be easy to produce a profitable book, such as Loomis’s, as mere fiction that would impose on the general public, unless some persons had an interest in financing a very expensive investigation to test the report. As I have said, I do not myself doubt Loomis’s word, but one should always keep in mind the possibility of a hoax when reading such books.
(2) Technically, the Japanese had retained possession of the islands they had taken from Germany by agreeing to a “mandate” from a pack of idlers who performed charades in a comedy in Geneva called the “League of Nations,” a precursor of the more obscene farce called the “United Nations,” which was planted on our territory as a precaution against the residue of intelligence that had prevented Americans from participating in the “League’s” perennial clowning in Switzerland. Sanely realistic men pay no attention to such hypocritical nonsense, which, as one American delegate to a conference on “limitation of armaments” candidly admitted, was just as paregoric to tranquilize female voters in “democracies.”
* * *
Source: Liberty Bell magazine, December 1985
Mike Campbell’s work on the Earhart mystery is second to none. He endorses Loomis (and others). https://earharttruth.wordpress.com/2018/07/16/noted-earhart-book-review-removed-from-internet/
But his entire blog is very good.
Writings and speeches of Dr. Pierce are easy to understand.
But those of Revilo P. Oliver are always confusing to me.
Maybe just because I am not a native speaker or I was not educated in USA.
I wonder if there is any specific word describing the pattern of
writing of Revilo P. Oliver.
Greetings Walter. It’s irony and gentle sarcasm, as appropriate.
Thank you. Yes, the culture might be playing some roles in his writings
which prevent me from understanding.
It must be like those American talk show moments in which
I know what they’ve said but never understand why they laugh.
If this is true then I am doomed. I need to be born again in America.
No, is plain irony and sarcasm.
Basically, Oliver is mocking the idiocy of Americans in their tendency for believing nonsense that inferior, but still sane in mind, races don’t understand.
Have the Japanese understood that Americans would have wiped them out from the Marshall Islands if they dared to lay a finger on Amelia Earhart, she and Mr Noonan would’ve returned to America safely. But they didn’t.
RPO. an ultraintellectually gifted academic, a “Professor of Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years, was a scholar of international distinction who wrote articles in four languages for the most prestigious academic publications in the United States and Europe.” Find his great body of work over a 30-year period, here: https://www.stormfront.org/rpo/ Perhaps the adjective you’re searching for is pedantic, Walter. Merriam Webster defines pedantic as “marked by or given to showing knowledge in a showy way. An example given: — The speech was thoroughly researched and well structured, but too pedantic to appeal to a general audience. — Plain talk does not get published in prestigious academic publications. Academia is full of intellectually dishonest PhD’s who can’t admit to truths staring them in their faces. I remember corresponding… Read more »
Greetings Will. As Goethe said, “The worst thing in the world is active ignorance.”
Thank you, Mr. Williams.
Mystery solved.
I used to blame my lack of intelligence or eagerness.
But I knew there’s something about his writings also.
Has anyone ever thought that East Asians could be our allies against the Jew?. After all, they have never wanted to exterminate the white race, they have only fought for their interests, which is very normal and acceptable.
Greetings Panadechi. Yes, a good thought. East Asian children perform better at school because their children are not contaminated by false holyhoax guilt. They are regarded as intelligent and we can respect their support for their own people.
Yes, Panadechi, that idea is certainly worth pursuing. The East Asians (Japanese especially) will respect us for wanting to preserve our own race, and see us as insane fools if we do not.
Seems you guys need to re read this:
“But they have not contracted the terminal disease of nations, and today, when they buy up your land and plant their factories in the country that once was yours, do not imagine, even for an instant, that they have forgotten 1945.”
By that same token, we’d be fools to expect them to be foolish enough to be our allies. We should count on no external savior; only we can do this.
An abusive Morgenthau left a voice recording complaining that Amelia did not follow orders.
What orders was Morgenthau talking about?
Amelia Earhart made it to “Wikipedia’s Greatest Misses:” dc.dave greatest missses.
It can not be helped that she (Amelia) be executed — Mrs Michiko Sugita, Tokyo, circ 1971. — Since she came here to carry on her duties as spy. Sugita was the eleven-year-old
daughter of the civilian chief of police on Saipan in 1937.