California Cannibal: Police Say Black Used Ice Pick to Murder his Grandmother, Then Eat Her
A CALIFORNIA man arrested Monday used an ice pick to murder his grandmother before being found eating her by his aunt, authorities say.
Police say they found Dwayne Wallick, 37, ‘straddled’ over 90-year-old Ruby Wallick ‘actively pulling out her flesh with his hands’ after they were called to the Richmond home by the victim’s daughter.
Wallick has been charged with murder, with an enhancement to include the use of the ice pick and a knife. He also faces mutilation charges.
Ruby’s daughter is said to have found her mom ‘bleeding on the family room floor and her nephew in the room covered in blood’ before calling police.

In a statement police said: ‘Officers entered the residence and found 37 year old Dwayne Wallick straddling his 90 year old grandmother, Ruby Wallick. Dwayne was actively using his hands to assault the victim’s neck and head.’
Law enforcement say they were forced to taser Wallick, who had been his grandmother’s primary caregiver for a number of years, after giving him ‘numerous commands and orders for him to stop his assault’.
The spokesman added: ‘Four officers physically had to restrain him to get him into handcuffs. While doing so, Dwayne attempted to continue his assault on his grandmother.’
Ruby is said to have been ‘missing pieces of flesh’ and paramedics were called.
Richmond Police spokesman Sgt. Aaron Pomeroy told The LA Times: ‘I’ve seen it all in 26 years of law enforcement, I have never seen a crime scene of a victim that badly injured.’
Pomeroy said it is believed Dwayne Wallick — who has no criminal history and no known mental health issues — may have taken a synthetic drug.
Ruby was pronounced dead at the scene. An autopsy is pending into the cause of death.
Bail has been set at $1.1 million dollars.

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Source: Daily Mail
The USA needs a penitentiary somewhere in Africa to house its Africans, somewhere where they share a similar culture. It would certainly cost far less to house dangerous African criminals there, guarded by Africans depended on their wages, and the local communities would benefit. Consider the deterrent effect this would have on the African criminals in the USA.
Wasn’t that the intention behind the creation of Liberia? As a home for freed African slaves. I do not see why that did not come to fruition in 1820, nor why it would not work, even now.
But, I must admit that the best deterrent for the “African-Americans” inherent savagery is simply ____________.
I am almost sorry to say it, but I believe it is the only thing that will actually work. Far more cost-effective, too.
I do not know if this comment will pass moderation (as it could be argued that I am “inciting”) – but it may very well be the only way to ensure the survival of the human race.
Greetings Matthew. Yes,you’re probably correct about the deterrent being ____________. Just my wishful thinking.
You might like to know that in Noonday Exigencies in America (1871), a book written “in behalf of a freer, Whiter, and higher civilization in the New World,” Hinton Rowan Helper presented a political program in which he advocated “the immediate purchase, by the United States, of San Domingo, of Hayti, or of Cuba, to be used, at the earliest possible day, as a sort of waste-basket receptacle for our American Negroes and mulattoes, and for all of our other Black and Brown rubbish of the genus Homo” (p. 75).
Thanks Anthony. Hinton Rowan Helper’s idea could have saved everyone a lot of trouble, and Haiti would by now be a paradise resembling much of Africa today. And cannibalism might be legal there for their discerning gourmands.
Unfortunately, the jewish curse of Abrahamic religion over the past few thousand years has “brainwashed” most white folks into believing that blacks (and other non-white races) are our equals and as such, should be forgiven for what they do. What a thoroughly destructive concept. Now, more than ever, White people desperately need their own living space, far removed from the mongrels of the world. It’s going to take a lot of ingenuity and capital, but I actually believe we can colonize space after we set apart a portion of this planet to occupy and plan without fear of a governmental reprisal. I sincerely hope that others believe this to be attainable.
I thought this story sounded a bit odd and did some quick research on this ghoul, Dewayne . What’s odd is that apparently his “grandma” is Caucasian. So is her husband, his apparent “grandpa”. He also either has a dad or brother with the exact name as him, but is said to have died on 7/25/2018 at the age of 61. I guess that could be his dad. Strange with this bizarre black worship ritual crap going on I. The media and here is this guy, obsessed with getting a few final bites and punches at his grandmas dead (red) white ( & black and blue) body after being tazed. There are other oddities to be found within his family situation. Maybe he’s a spook. Not a black spook, but… Read more »
Greetings Rose. He wasn’t a racist. He was quite happy to eat the corpus dilecti of another race.
Thanks for adding to the rest of the story. I find it odd that such stories are even allowed to surface in the kosher controlled media. I guess the seething mass of insanity is too unwieldy even for the god’s self-chosen ones.
Where’s the indication that the grandmother was White? I can say with confidence that the negroid pictured definitely is not a quadroon.