Big Government

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 June, 2020 2020-0627 – Big Government.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IF THERE EVER WAS a national emergency in America, this is it. As the “BLM” and Jewish-leftist revolution of scum burns and seizes our center cities and desecrates our people’s monuments, as White men and women are attacked — now in the street but soon, I predict, in their homes — the media owned and run by the billionaire Jews cheer the scum on and agitate them to further and greater outrages. The Jews’ paid whores in public office sit on their hands and cluck about how the killers and scum are “fighting for social justice” and “deserve our support.”
The scum pull a defenseless young White woman from her car, beat her senseless and leave her for dead, and the police and the courts do nothing. A half dozen of the scum, who like to find defenseless White victims and swarm them, grab a White youth and try to set him on fire, and the police and the courts do nothing. And what do you think happens when the scum control half a square mile of an American city for weeks on end? What do you think happens there to young White women who won’t “give the knee”? What do you think happens to young White women who do “give the knee”? And what do you think happens to White men who dare to defend their women? How do you think the “sensitized” courts and police are going to treat them? Repeat a thousand times — no, ten thousand times — and you’ll start to get a faint impression of what has come and what is coming.
If ever there was a Reichstag fire moment in America, this is it. If ever there was a time for a patriotic government to assume extraordinary powers and put an end to the Jewish media that agitate the scum and mislead our people, to put an end to those scum who burn our cities and desecrate all that is holy including our women and children, to put an end to the Middle Eastern tricksters who promise a “workers’ paradise if only you’ll give us total power,” but who deliver 100 million dead White people — and who then demonize and mass murder the White men who tried to stop the slaughter — if ever there was a time to crush that criminal, inhuman conspiracy, that time is now. The public support for such a termination with extreme prejudice would be overwhelming. The billionaire Jews’ media lie: We, the decent White people of America, may be demoralized and timid and confused, but we are many. The scum are still few. If we do right, the day of the crushing would be celebrated as a holiday by our people for ten thousand years.
Trump is not going to do this. Trump is a captive of the Jewish power structure, and it’s probably pointless to debate whether he is a willing or unwilling captive. He said “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” to great applause among the decent. But the looting started. And continued. And escalated to endless outrages on our heritage and on our innocents, which is where we are now, with the addition of neo-Communist takeovers of parts of our cities. And yet the shooting never started.
And let me tell you: If we still had a government of our own, we could crush these pampered, tax-money and bank-money fueled, media-favored scum in one day. CNN and CBS and ABC and NBC would fall and be nationalized the same day. Facebook? Twitter? They would be ours. And the filthy vermin would be overflowing on every outbound ship and plane they could commandeer, probably even Jeffrey Epstein’s plane, as they scurried like roaches frightened by the light for temporary shelter in Israel.
All that could be ours — if we had a government of our own, which we do not now have. Giving us a government of our own again — giving us a state of our own again — and giving us our manhood again: These are the tasks the National Alliance has set for itself. A government of our own — big government, too, because it’s got some very big jobs to do in the very near future, and some very big jobs it will have to continue to do for as long as we survive. That’s a lesson we’ve learned from the American experiment. Thinking that we can have a minimal government and let private interests and racially alien interests own our mass media, our banks and financial institutions, and our means of social communication, has proven a disaster for us in the face of an intelligent, parasitic, infiltrating enemy — and the traitors among our own people. We won’t make that mistake again.
A government that allows lots of economic liberty — for our own people only: sure. A government that fosters a wide distribution of wealth along with freedom to innovate and prosper from one’s innovation: absolutely. But allowing special privileges to those who do nothing but shuffle papers, make fictitious loans, sell out our people, buy legislators, and then try to genocide our race? — never. Allowing racial aliens to have any of our wealth, any of our power? Never. Instead of special favors, such predators that might still be reckless enough to sneak into our country and attempt such a thing will get capital punishment when we have a government of our own again.
For our people to get to that point, the National Alliance needs a highly ramified infrastructure. We must have the competent people to take over — and rule with an iron will — all the management roles in all the media corporations of this country. The same is true of every government department, every military force and division of that force, and every major point of control of the economy and banking system. We must build a parallel society in which natural leaders among our people assume those roles in our racial community first, after proving their loyalty and competence and responsibility. We must have leaders in every field who regard their positions not as sinecures for private profit or personal power games, but as offices in a holy order whose acts and decisions will affect the destiny of our kind and of all Life in the Universe for all time to come.
Only the National Alliance is doing this.
We are just barely beginning, it is true. But even the greatest sages and leaders begin with a single cell. The Universe began as a single point. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which began a hundred years ago with only six men, just twenty years later changed the course of history and Life forever, and almost won the first great battle in the war in which we are still engaged.
I’ll tell you some of the things we need to get from here to there, to where we need to be.
We need a thousand dollars a month donation to fund the setting up and maintenance of a set of alternative servers in other countries, so when the Jewish pressure makes even the staunchest free speech hosting providers cave in, and when First Amendment is finally scrapped in America, our Internet presence won’t go dark.
We need a half million dollars a year donation so that we can really have the media operations we need; so we can take the pressure off of me and my family alone so that I can direct a sizable and competent staff, and so I can publish and write the important books I need to create before I die; so we can have a daily video presence instead of just a weekly radio presence; so that our media can expand to include channels tailored to women, tailored to Second Amendment supporters, tailored to young people, et cetera; so we can issue press releases and demands and statements to public officials on a daily basis; and much much more.
We need a dozen people a year, or more, to give us an annual $2,000 donation to get more books written, typeset, and in print. Nothing — not even new digital media — has the long-term, life-changing, and uncensorable impact of books.
We need hundreds of members who take recruiting for the Alliance so seriously that it becomes an obsession — next to their families, the most important part of their daily lives. With men and women like that, those hundreds can become a thousand in a year, 2,000 in two years, 16,000 in five years, perhaps more. With a mere ten thousand members, paying just the minimum Alliance dues of $20 a month, the National Alliance would have a dues income of $2,400,000 a year. That could easily be doubled if some of those members set their voluntary dues a little higher, bought books from our book store, and donated more to special projects. It could be multiplied by ten if a significant number agreed to tithe. Much good in this world could be done with that! And we can do that. We can do it even if we are denied use of the bankers’ usury cards.
We need another half million dollars a year donation — or several folks giving five thousand or fifty thousand — so that we can expand our growing community in Tennessee, where our Chairman William White Williams is putting in all his life-energy and so much of his personal wealth into buying land, breaking ground and taking all the needed regulatory steps, et cetera, for the William Pierce Memorial Library, fighting legal battles, setting up housing for our small but growing staff, running our Cosmotheist Books operations, and so much more. With that money, we could build decent housing for our staff, build a library building with space for resident scholars and media production, lay in the infrastructure needed to survive and thrive in the dark and dangerous times ahead, provide the necessary security precautions for all these facilities, and so much more.
A racially-conscious, self-sustaining community in the White redoubt of the high Alleghenies, providing employment for its adult members, education for its children, and spiritual guidance for all of these — that is a goal worth working for, worth sacrificing for. It can become the nucleus of something much greater, a planet-wide racial community, not only a racial state, but a super-state, a state in fact that can transcend the bonds of Earth — if we do right, right now.
And with state power, projected over space — our living space — and projected over time, we can rout the enemies of our people and set ourselves and our children and our children’s children once again on the Upward Path ordained for us by the Creator.
* * *
You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. You can also help us by visiting Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.
This radio program and 24/7 radio network are entirely listener supported, and have been for almost 30 years. We received more than 200,000 visits to our site last month, more than some medium-size “mainstream” news outlets. Our outreach is constantly growing. But we totally depend on that responsible, caring, adult fraction of our listeners to stay on the air. Won’t you join their growing ranks?
All we ask for is a donation of $50 each year — less than $1 a week. Are we giving you personally at least that much value? Simply visit — and choose the $50 option to give online.
For a donation of $250 a year, under $5 a week, we’ll send you our printed National Alliance BULLETIN each month. It’s America’s longest-running pro-White publication. Just choose the $250 option at and let us know you want to receive the BULLETIN. If you prefer to donate via postal mail, just write us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. That’s Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. And thank you for your help! 2020-0627 – Big Government.mp3
These Judeo-indoctrinated fools don’t understand a thing. In reality the real problem was not slavery, the problem itself was bringing blacks and Jews to America. The culprits for the black slave trade were, the Jews, Jesuits and Whites looking for cheap labor. I said it before, you have to let the feces come to light, then identified the enemy, you can find a possible solution.
There are two pressing questions in my life: who is the enemy and how do we beat him? The enemy part is coming clear. Most suspect “The Jews,” but this has two dimensions: which Jews and just how bad are they? It has begun to occur to me recently that the leading members of “The Jews” aren’t just evil but to cover their evil they have made soup of the concept of “The Jews.” The point to focus on is that the only difference between “The Jews” and the mafia is that “The Jews” control all of government. Our country is in the hands of criminals and their unknowing agents. You see those people in the picture, that is what your politicians and judges and police and teachers really are… Read more »
I agree with you 100%, we’ve BEEN under a one world government for a very long time. Most don’t recognize that fact and continue to cackle on about “never” allowing themselves or America to be taken in.
Too late. Also agree we’re now fighting to get out. Not going to be easy but certainly not impossible either.
Interessant post,very.
How Estonia did it.
Let them bring it to my neck of the woods. I am waiting for them.
I don’t agree that the problem was a small government, the problem was/is immoral men in that government. The problem was not caring enough about our own history, culture, and people to not be led astray by pretty baubles and trinkets. It’s disgusting really, we’ve lost ourselves and have no idea who we even are anymore. I’m not sure we can ever find ourselves again, too much of our culture has been co opted by the Semites. Art, beauty, nature, WORK, morality, honor – these are the things the White man cherishes, not gold, not silver, not worthless paper. Cities are NOT our natural domain, the environment in cities is unnatural to the White man, our enemies know this. We’ve got to get back to WHO we are. The only… Read more »
Many think the Jews took over in 1913 with the Federal Reserve. It is much older than that. In default white society money was minor. The Jews changed society to worship money, then they created the Federal Reserve. Read The International Jew by Henry Ford: “In older England the merchant class had many easy-going traditions. One tradition was that a respectable tradesman would never seek business but wait for it to come to him. Another tradition was that to decorate one’s store window with lights or colors, or to display one’s stock of goods attractively in the view of the public, was a contemptible and underhanded method of tempting a brother tradesman’s customers away from him. Still another tradition was that it was strictly unethical and unbusinesslike to handle more… Read more »
Why do you need donations? We should be creating independence from the jew-created fiat from a printing machine. We can have our own currency and government.
I even have my own server and it cost 100$ a year. Writing a book does not cost money. You are asking for big money for things that require very little resources needed to create.
Why do we need donations? Because we need to hire more talented people to give all their time and energy to the cause so we can one day have — or should I say become — our own government. You are vastly underestimating the cost of maintaining mirrored servers in several countries not likely to cave to censorship demands. Writing a book demands that I stop doing perhaps six of the twelve jobs I’m doing now, and that means someone (or a dozen someones) needs to step up to do some of the things I’m doing, and additional things that we should be doing, and each someone and his family need a house and food, and, one hopes, baby clothes and homeschooling resources. Building a structure with space for resident… Read more »
I use bluehost and wordpress and it doesn’t need much technical knowledge. If you are depending on paying someone technical to fix small things then yes your costs will go up. Another idea is a bartering and equipment borrowing system. Bartering items through the web and people would have a rating system like ebay. Borrowing system similar to how a library works but you can check out equipment for a finite time. The only reason we trade is because we have decided not create such item by ourselves or the raw materials and knowledge to create it is unavailable. Maybe you would need better tactics to get a bigger following in combination of creating a currency. You need banks outside of zionist control. If you get lots of donations, how… Read more »
I’m sorry, but James doesn’t understand what it takes. I do this for a living. I understand what your needs are. To get these kinds of donations, you should be convincing the people wasting their time and money on Red Ice, thinking that listening to the multitude of evil things the enemy is doing to our people makes them somehow participants, and even race warriors. The truth is, it makes them nothing but front row spectators to the end of the white race, and quite possibly the extinction of all complex life on earth. People do not understand how serious this is. If they did, they would dedicate every spare moment of free time as you and Will have to the cause. No, I am not personally a contributor at… Read more »
Thanks, Reid S. It’s good that you are considering sending a monthly pledge. That is making a commitment. Needs, needs, needs. You have no idea the needs required to build an effective, long term White resistance movement. Kevin touches on our need to expand media to reach our people and he touches on some of what I do building infrastructure and membership. We do what we can with what we have, not what we wish we have. You say Kevin and I are getting old and are needing young people to take our places. You are absolutely correct. We all get old, if we’re lucky. We both started in “this thing of ours” at a relatively young age; after a total of 73 combined years of experience, we still get… Read more »
Kevin, thank you for another stirring article. There are 10,000 Americans and surely more around the world who are willing to pay $50 a year to help NV achieve our goals. I think regular video content is the way to reach them. Bitchute is growing. Locals is growing. 4chan and other image boards are growing. I hope to see NV content spread to these channels as a means to increase contributors. David Duke did well on Periscope and he will move on to the next platform. We gotta start sometime!
Good job here kas.
Inspiring…but sad in its unintended naivety…
I think our people have been irrepairiably poisoned.
Im sorry man….56 years in the filthy Kosherized
Zeigiest has jaded me bad…..i am seriously unimpressed with a large percentage of my fellow
Least you try Sir.