Barcelona Gets Its Wish
BARCELONA likes to think of itself as The World’s Wokest City. And it has some claim to it. After all a former Mayor had herself filmed urinating in public. You can’t get woker than that. The city has experienced a staggering increase in tourism levels over the last decade or so. To the extent that it began losing its character. Citizens became increasingly restive, demanding tourists to go home and leave Barcelona to the Catalans. Signs blaring “Barcelona is not for sale” began to appear along with the universal “Tourists go home”.
But this exposed a hitherto secluded problem. Because in line with its woke status Barcelona has been a beacon for ‘refugees’. Some time ago around 150,000 people marched to demand that the Spanish government allow more refugees into the country. Remember when that landing craft ‘rescue ship’ with over 600 Africans on-board wandered the Med looking for a berth? Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau was the one to offer them ‘safe haven’. Today the city is swamped by Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis and Romany gypsies. How could they demand the expulsion of Northern Europeans in the name of maintaining their identity while retaining the ‘migrants’?
Well revised signs began to appear proclaiming “Tourists go home, refugees welcome.” Marches and demonstrations followed. And you know what? They’ve been successful. The tourists are gone. And the migrants have stayed. The Covid scamdemic restrictions have been the final straw but the tourism decline had been evident well before Gates and Soros initiated the lockdown. And it wasn’t just the lack of welcome. Stray off the main tourist areas (like the side streets around the grossly overrated Las Ramblas) and you risked at best, relentless harassment from beggars and grifters, at worst violent robbery or even murder. Travel advisory company World Nomads recently asked “Is Barcelona the Pickpocket Capital of the World?”
So enjoy your woke status Barca. And don’t worry about the missing tourists. Just unleash the talents of those wonderful engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs you’ve invited in from the Third World and everything will be fine.
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Source: Irish Savant
There is something wrong with Europeans. Not only the mayor of Barcelona, but many Europeans urinate in public making streets foul and disgusting. It is complete selfishness with no regard for anyone else. More and more women are doing it. This is one reason Muslims have such disgust for Europeans and I can see their point.
Arvin, urinating (and defecating) in public isn’t something Europeans have historically been known to do. Those are characteristics of non-Whites (excluding certain Asian groups). And no, public urination has nothing to do with Muslim “disgust” or hostility towards Europeans. Many Islamic countries are third-world cesspools themselves. Yes, maybe it’s happening more and more in European countries… but I’d say it’s for the most part directly proportional to the influx of “new Europeans” rather than something legacy-Europeans are doing.
Well, I don’t know, JimB. The last time that my wife and I were in Paris walking by the Seine, the odor was completely disgusting. We did not see any foreigners, only small groups of French students, quietly talking while drinking wine.
From what I have read, Germany has the same problem. I don’t think it is foreigners.
And I must add this, JimB. When my daughter and I were walking in Paris at night, this well-dressed man came out of a building, went right up to a tree, and started wee-weeing on it. Although he was discreet, I thought that he was like some kind of dog. He was not foreign. I have heard similar stories about the Germans and the Dutch. Maybe these are left-wing weirdos like we have in Seattle? From what I hear, it is part of the tradition of these countries to accept this, like they accept nudity in public parks, even though they may not like it. I find it repellent and abhorrent, and solipsistic.
Peeing in public is correlated with alcohol, it is fined big time where i live and you can call the police on anyone doing it. Not the norm.
Do you live in Paris or Berlin?
To be honest, I thought that Barcelona was a Californian city, until I looked it up, but it turned out to be a Spanish city. I’m Asian, but man I thought America is getting bad, but to see Europe in a state like this, man this is pitiful. People would come and say man Japan is so cleaner than Western countries, but even Vietnam, a country that is supposed to be known to be dirty, has better hygiene than most of the West nowadays. I’m sorry to say this but the West is going down the toilet.
I used to go to Europe once, or twice, a year, since 1987 (hardly anyone spoke English back then) on to a couple years ago. After this migrant invasion, I cannot go back; I’ve seen the effects up close and personal. It is just so sad. Barcelona was one of my favorite cities. Paris was the first place I ever went in Europe. I said goodbye to Paris two years ago and will never go back.
BTW, the invaders don’t even know how to use toilets. They actually had to make instructions — with pictures — to show them what to do. Look it up, you’ll find it.
I never saw migrants engaging in this behavior. It is necessary that I speak the truth about this. To ignore this fault in my own race would not be beneficial.
The followers of Islam are taught to be very modest about their mammalian functions. Men are not even to speak to each other while relieving themselves.
When my father was stationed in Paris in WW2, he said that the French would just come out and do their functions on the street. Each morning, it would be flushed away with water. This was not in any way migrants doing this on the streets.
I spent the first 23 years of my life in Europe, have visited most western and some eastern European countries and barring drunks, homeless or ‘migrants’, public urination, defecation or similar behaviors are most definitely NOT a White European habit.
Some friends of my parents traveled to Paris in the 1960s, long before the non-White invasion was in full force. They reported that some sections of the city had “pissoirs,” circular areas just barely walled off, maybe up to waist height, which were used for urination.
That is true – urinating in the open air is certainly more hygienic than doing so in an enclosed space – but the other poster makes it sound like all Europeans pee just anywhere, which is certainly not true.
Yes, I have seen pictures of those stinking cesspools.
This has been going on since the Romans! The Romans would wee-wee in the streets and behind famous statues! But these are modern times! Why can’t the authorities put out the porta-potties like we have here in the USA? That way, both sexes could use them.
Believe it or not, this is a serious problem and the authorities are perplexed as to what to do about it. How about teaching people self-control???!!
I think that the native French and Germans are famous for public wee-weeing. The Germans even have a word for it: “wildpinkler.”
It is a fact that the urinating and defecating in the streets and parks is the doing of the invaders. There is plenty of news about this all over the internet. The urinating, in particular, is getting so bad that it is corroding the sides of buildings, doors, grates, ironwork, etc. all over the city.
You are also assuming that all these invaders practice Islam. That is a huge mistake right there. These military aged males, from Africa and the Middle East, behave the same as chimpanzees in the wild.
My point about Islam is that it prescribes strict standards of hygiene and modesty, even for men.
But to say that it is the immigrants only who are doing this is way off the mark. Europe is mostly liberal. Psychological studies have found that liberals are much less upset than conservatives by people relieving themselves in public, public nudity, abortion, lewd behavior, etc. These studies have also shown that so much of this is genetic in origin, so I guess that thinking only of oneself is a corollary of that.
I think the chimps just might be the self-centered, childish leftist elements in Europe (who are White) who want to do what they want, when they want, and everybody else be damned.
Now France is going to rename streets after Africans who “fought” for France in WW2. . . .
Ah, France! No more will I walk your urine-soaked boulevards!
No more to mingle with your winos, your whores, your retards!
Do what you want, O France, and elevate these low, black men,
While your White daughters get abortions and leave you barren!
The content of this article, as well as the comments below, are all news to me. I was under the impression that Catalans are among the most regionally-nationalistic in Europe. Also, I thought it was pretty much established that most Muslim migrants were well known for a type of particularly disturbing bifold behavior; promoting modesty and scoffing at even nude art, while at the same time being hygienically challenged and committing a very high rate of sexual assault against non-Muslims whom they deem “impure”… as well as defecating in swimming pools and all the rest of it.
Cataluña, just like Ireland is not “regionally-nationalistic” anymore, it’s globalist spearhead. Most people there don’t understand the dissonance of their ways. Besides, other regional immigrants and “refugees” end up being the most vocal independentists after a generation or so.
Cataluña is full of jews and marranos just have a look at the face of Quim Torra, their local police force has been training in pissrael for decades already.
I agree with PRINZ EDELHART. That disgusting behaviour (urinating in public places) is not a European trait. Having said that we must keep in mind that the last 40 years have witnessed the birth of a new breed of White men. Mostly uneducated low-lives, a product of the nihilistic education of the Marxist 60s. These people do not have and neither respect the old standards of White/Aryan behaviour. To this, we must add the influx of the dirty savages that the Jewish media calls “refugees”. The result cannot be but awful. I have been to Paris twice, in 1999 and 2005. I have to say that my wife and I confined ourselves to the historical centre of the city. Therefore we were not exposed to the filth of the suburbs… Read more »
You deserve what you tolerate.
Remember the “Weekly Reader” in elementary school? I just might start an e-mag, the “Weekly Wee-weer—-All the News of the Dog-men of Europe.” Well, I thought it was pretty funny . . . .
You forgot to mention how the black Africans established ancient Egypt, and that they are back to takeover Spain. In reality, those floating invasion forces were funded by Gates, Soros, and Koch. And speaking of Gates, she is a woman.